tv Right This Minute FOX June 13, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. get ready for some great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." firefighters respond to a woman stuck on the interstate, because she delivered a child on the side of the road in the car. >> i think that is my exit right there. >> and why mama proved to be one tough lady. an officer pulls over the truck, and the driver gets out and then -- >> get ready to tape. >> why? >> well, you may be wondering, that escalated quickly.
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>> what led up to the stop that turned ugly. and plus a fan freakout for the new "the hobbit" trailer. >> what could be bet ter? >> how about when the film's stars returned the favor. >> we never thought that this would happen. >> and this is the latest innovation in breast enhancement. >> what are those blinking lights doing? >> find out how these wonder lips can plump you up. talk about intense moments on the interstate in southern california. these are firefighters who responded to a call from the woman in this car, because she delivered a child on the side of the road in the car. that is why the firefighters and chp came to help. >> they must have been on the way to the hospital, and that is it, the baby said, i think i'll come out here. >> this 25-year-old woman was being driven by this other
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woman, but at one point they have to pull over, because the baby is like, i'm ready, mama. >> i think that is my exit right the there. >> so did the baby come out in the car or were emergency services able to get there in time to help her? >> no, she got there by herself. by the time emergency services got there, the baby was breathing. >> straight to the car wash after this. >> and the woman is a trooper to do it on her own in the front seat no less in the car. >> you can see how tired she is, because she is covered in sweat. >> they eventually took the mama and baby to the hospital. they are both doing okay, but talk about intense. you can see the sign exactly where the baby was born. it was a very healthy baby boy. >> they named the baby boy mile marker 25. >> they named the baby miles.
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oh, there is another child in the car? >> yes, another child in the car to watch all of this. >> well, there is a birds in the bees right there in the front seat. >> and there is a police awer? cle burn, texas, who just pulled over a pickup truck with the sirens blaring when he pulls over the driver and the driver gets out. >> you are under arrest. >> for what? >> put your hands on the truck and -- >> for what? >> you are about to be tased. >> for what? >> he is immediately tased. >> get on the ground. >> i can't. i'm locked up. >> you may think that is escalated quickly. the officer pulled him over for a immediate and the police were looking for
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henshaw, and the police had been following him for a little while and he did not immediately pull over, and at least a few turns through the neighborhood, and that is why the corporal henshaw approached him with this force. according to the reports, he reached for the arm to effect the arrest and that is why the officer said that he pulled his arm away and resisting arrest and that is when he pulled thetaser, and he told him, hand s on the truck, and when he didn't do that either. the higler is the one who posted the individuvideo. >> when you did not stop and i put on my lights and sirens, you did not stop. >> he is charged with leaving the scene of an accident and evading arrest.
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our friends in denver, listen up, because the police are looking for your help with this one. surveillance video from a gun shop in wheatridge, colorado. watch this, this is someone slamming a stolen honda accord not once, not twice, but three times into the front of the gun shop, obviously, trying to get in. you would assume this is a robbery attempt, and after the third, they make an opening in the door, but that is when the person decides to leave and give up. they left the car behind and they left in another vehicle the there, but right now a reward for $2,000 for anybody who can provide info that leads to the ar res of the person who tryied to rob the gun shop. >> it is amazing that a person tried to ram the honda accord. if it is a gun shop, you need something stronger, like a
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f-150. >> nothing was stolen, but the store had to be closed for a few days. >> well, thank goodness they didn't get anything like this, because you don't want crazies like this running around with stolen weapons. this beautiful girl that you are seeing on your screen is 18-year-old may si welch. in the video that you are now seeing maizey is being surprised right before her 18th birthday with a brand new car. >> are you being serious right now? >> we got you one. >> to get into the car and describe exactly how excited she is. >> i was just talking to guy about me not having a car, and now i just got a car. i'm really excited. >> now, three weeks later this is her brand new car. >> what happened? >> according to reports, she was driving down a road, speeding and admittedly speeding and lost control of the car and ended up
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wrecking the car. she was the only one in the accident, and in the process, she severed her spinal cord. >> oh, no. >> she is now paralyzed from the breastbone down. >> oh, boy. >> this all happened just about four short months ago. again, this is right before her 18th birthday, and she is a senior in high school, but through solid determination, and through the love of her family, macy still graduated from high school with honors. >> looking cute and is wearing very cute shoes. i noticed. >> and now friends and family have set up a page to help macy raise funds for some of the things that she needs and it is a gofundme page. insurance will only pay for so much, and one thing that she needs is a motorized wheelchair and to tell me more we have macy welch. >> hello. >> where do you find your strength? >> i'm really thankful that i had a second chance.
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i know who my friends are. my cousin is with me every single day, and she helps me and helps my mom. >> what are your goals? >> i'm thinking of being a lawyer, and i want to do everything that everything else can do, and that will make a lot more changes. i am going to have to have more money for that. >> and what kind of advice would you give to other young people? >> i thought that i was invincible. do not look at the radio, and what happened was in a second. i wish i could go back, you know. you don't want to live like that. pay attention to the road. a cannon celebration gone wrong. >> eventually he took a cannon blast to abdomen.
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to prepare for the prince's birthday in canada, they prepared a cannon, but it did not go off as they wanted it to. these cannons were originally fabricated in 1767 and so if they have some men working on these things, you know, stuffing things down into the pipes and setting them off, but unfortunately, there was a mishap, a very traumatic mishap. one guy has a bag, and he is sticking it into the cannon to set the thing off. >> whoa. >> when they d this, they stick something wet inside to turn out the sparks so nothing is
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sparking, but when the soldier was putting the consider go bag back into the barrel of the cannon to set off the explosion, they are to ignite at the same time, but this one ignites prematurely and he is thrown ten feet down the embankment. >> [ bleep ]. >> and that is when you see everybody up top working with him come running down bottom to help him. he suffered traumatic injuries, burn togs the legs and thighs and he lost several of his fingers. >> and he essentially took a cannon blast to the abdomen. >> this is disturbing for the families, because you have all of these kids up there. the royal family was informed of the accident and they expressed the concern and they said they would be monitoring it. our friend stewart edge is back with another fantastic video. we have seen him before with magic tricks and doing the
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electrified cars and the shocking train kiss, and now he is combining image wick a great deed. >> for this magic trick i have taken $1,000 out of my personal funds, and looking for people who can use a pik-me-up. >> he said these are people that he has made a relationship with before these tricks. so he puts a $1 and a $100 and says all right, i will take one of these bills from your hand and he will say, i have $100 and i will wad it up in my fist. >> if you believe that you can make the cards switch, and you believe and you want it bad enough, then they will switch, and here is the deal, i will let you keep what is in your hand. okay. >> oh, my god. >> open it up. turn your hand. one, two, there we go. open your hand. >> magic. >> magic man. >> i want to know how he does this. >> it doesn't matter, because they had some sort of relationship with stuart that he felt good enough to go to help these people out, and that is
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magic. >> that is his point with the video, and he wants people to pay it forward as much as he k because he wants to inspire people out the do random acts of kindness and not a magic trick or $100, but show the generosity of the spirit. >> i like stuart. he is my favorite trickster ever. >> thank you. eating an onion like apple. her eyes are crying and the brain is saying stop this, because it hurts, but her mouth says this is too good. >> no, that is not a nipple. >> somebody get this kid a sippy cup. >> the baby blunders still to come. and how about a game of flip table. >> it is about launching this table as far as you can. i think that you have to get your head into the game. >> the story behind the flipping competition next. plus, ki
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time once again for the best of rtm as we let you know about the bonus individuvideo the we. the best hook up. >> and this younters of the house. the yout>> ultimately it is 99 for having grown-up relations. >> having intimate times. >> having the intimate times. >> see if your favorite made the cut. watch the whole thing on our website or watch it on the mobile app.
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>> maybe you played the game flip the cup in college or maybe if you like to party on the weekend, a drinking game. >> sure, a drinking game. >> and flip cup played on a table, but how about flip table? >> is that still a drinking game? >> no, but it is a game they play in singapore thanks to mission singapore and they call themselves on the website a group of like-minded individuals whose sole mission to en lighten the everyday singaporean scenes. now this is a competition and not trying to get it to land right side up, but this is a distance competition. it is all about launching the table as far as you can, but i don't know what your technique is here. >> i think that you have to get your head into the game. and think about a poor experience at a restaurant where you are frustrated with the service and you want to go, aug. >> and they can start by starting a sturdier table, too, and it does not break.
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>> it has to be light enough to launch it, and you can't use something that is made out of heavy oak. >> it is just distance and it does not have to land on the legs or matter how many times it rotates in the air? >> it has to flip, but other than that, no real rules. this year in the 2013 flip table competition the leaderboard here, a person named tae finished first with a distance of 127 inches. all right. guys, this is the latest innovation in breast enhancements. >> it has a three-step modality which works with vibration massage and vacuum suction. >> what are the blinking lights doing? >> well, that is actually low level light therapy that is intended to assist with skin elasticity and collagen producti
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production. >> it looks like a giant penis pump for the b, obs. >> this is wonder lift and it is making an appearance on itv and this makes a come benatikocombi suction and stimulation for breast growth. >> is this temporary and does it last? >> the doctor who created this claims that it does work. >> she? >> she. >> i would swear that it was created by a guy. >> and she claims that it will increase the bust size up to two cups. >> they also claim it can be used on the butt. >> this is ridiculous, and can you imagine sitting around your house with suctions on the boobs. >> well, if you listen to the model who is utilizing the suction device, she says it is virtually pain free. >> it feels like suction really and it does not hurt really. >> does it lift? >> the doctor claims it does lift and they claim that the results last for about two years, so it is something that you have to go back in and do more treatment, but there is one
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positive benefit. they say it will prevent abnormal cell development, because it is cleansing your system of impurities. >> women are going to do this. this is a safe alternative to actually going under the knife. something to seriously consider if you want to do this. >> oh, my god! >> this is how true "hobbit" fans react to the trailer. what could be better? what if the cast of "the hobbit" was watching your reaction to the trailer. now the girls freaking out to themselves being watched. w
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>> if you have ever owned one of the ink jet printers you know how much of a piece of junk they are, and they freezed up and the ink dries up and you are buying $100 worth of and the guys over felt the same way. and so they decided to fix this pri printer using the extrema buck shot. you get the feeling? that is about as big of an explosion as i was hoping for. >> right through the center to
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destroy it. get it right through the ink cartridge that dries up every week. >> and he backs up so that the buck shot will spread out and make more damage on the second one and each individual pellet is going through, and this is the glass scanner machine shattering and not the smash i was hoping for, but definitely some destruction. kitty kiss time. ♪ the new trailer for the "hobbit" the "desolation of smaug." >> and slay a dragon. >> okay. so you see some familiar characters in there and you see
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the action. it gets intense. >> i like this better than the trailer. it is the reaction that these two girls, kelly and alex, have to todhe debut on the trailer. >> this is a website for all of the things "lord of the rings" and the "hobbit." so they are quiet and intense and then things are kicked up a notch. >> this is how you get excited over a movie. >> what could be even bet ter? how about if the cast of the "hobbit" was watching your fan reaction to the trailer. peter jackson, yes, peter jackson found the video and posted it on his facebook page. >> what? >> that is huge. >> that is cool. >> and so watch how these stars react to the girls reacting. >> ah! >> awesome. >> they are enjoying watching
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these girls watch the trailer. >> no. >> that is funny. >> they are freaking out. >> i can't wrap my brain around this. we are watching people of people watching a video of people watching a video. guess what? via skype, we will talk to the people in the circular statement that you just made "right this minute" via skype. kelly and alex, first of all, how does it feel knowing that peter jackson saw this? >> it is mind warping knowing that peter jackson saw a film that we videoed spur of the moment that a handful of our friends would see. we never thought this would happen. >> any chance of video that you got of the actors watching the video that you were watching? >> we do actually. >> shut up! >> what was it that was so crazy about watching this trailer?
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what was going through your brains? >> middle earth is something that we have grown up with the "lord of the rings" films that came out ten years ago and it feels like a second home to us, and the opportunity to go back to the place and go on another adventure is so exciting. >> and what do your parents think of all of this? >> in the middle of us find iin the video of actors watching our video, we were screaming so much that our moms opened the door and they were like, what are you watching? and we were like, it is orlando bloom, he is watching us. and they were like, okay, tell me in the morning. they were excited though. >> thwe need some fans with tha passion. >> yes. that is it for this edition of "right this mi ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ] ♪ [ roars ]
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[ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. looking for "right this minute." a run away car comes plowing down a sidewalk, but miraculously nobody was hurt in this video. why the dog is being credited for dodging a bullet. a confrontation ignites between a fire chief and a resident. >> you want to put that down? you want to take it to another level, let's go. >> and now the guy behind the camera tells us the story. >> what is your goal with this video? >> at the very least, i want
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