tv South Asia Newsline FOX June 24, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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[applause] dr. oz: we've been showing you how to shred the weight and now dr. ian is back to show us his five-minute ultimate shredder workout. how do these shredding exercises work? and why five minutes? is that possible? >> absolutely. the idea, mehmet, we want to do cardio and some resistance, build lean muscle mass. key is to get your heart rate up into the fat-burning zone. that's key. it's not necessarily how long do you something but getting heart rate up. in these five minutes, you can
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do your heart rate up done toning for our legs, for sculpting part of it. dr. oz: we talked about fact when have you muscle mass, you burn through calories. make it easier shred anything you put in your mouth that's not exactly on the program. first one, four moves, chair sit sblfment get any old chair and sit down and idea is lower yourself like you're sitting -- >> come closer. and you want to stay an inch above the chair and hold it five seconds. here we go. one, two, three, four, five, up. do it again. dr. oz: am i doing it right? >> yep. ten, one, two, three -- dr. oz: when you sit to go to the bathroom and you don't sit. [laughter] >> here's the key, even in that period of time you can feal your quads. people want to sculpt quads. you can feel quads burning. i got it from hockey players. they do it against the wall sometimes but great for leg training in the front of your legs. dr. oz: why those muscles? >> big muscles. if you can build up and tone
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those muscles, increase your metabolism. as you say more lean muscle mass, more your body burns calories. dr. oz: next up, chair steps. >> turn it around. i like this one too. people say i can't afford a gym membership. listen, you can get a workout in your basement or living room. take a chair, step up with one foot, up with another, both down, back down on your right. back down to the left. now do this quickly so you go -- dr. oz: this height is important. >> that's right. over about ten of these, why you heart rate will start going up and this is all you're doing. ok? now, some people, by the way, cannot get up, if you're just starting, you have a step stool shorter, do it on a step stool. dr. oz: or your stairs? >> or stairs. dr. oz: if you think about it, five-minute workout. how many minutes do you do this for? >> maybe four sets. so 15 of them, four sets within a minute and a half. so you're moving.
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dr. oz: ok. why is it so important to get your heart rate up? >> your heart rate puts into the fat-burning zone. maximize fat burn. when you increase your heart rate, increasing the demand your body is making for energy. where does it get energy from? fat or food. that's how you burn or shred fat cells. dr. oz: next exercise called side straddl >> i like this. i learned it when i was a kid playing football. get down into the cross position like this. feel your legs and you will put your legs together, one way all the way back in here in one trip. you try to do ten trips in 15 seconds. dr. oz: ten trips? >> in 15 seconds. that's your goal. start off maybe 20, 25 seconds. ready? go down. stop. stop. side straddle. keep your crouch. there you go. legs start burning. [laughter] not quite. >> "dancing with the stars." so this is the side straddle. it's great. get your heart rate going and
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you get muscle burn. dr. oz: which is more important, endurance, how long or intensity we do it at? >> i believe it's the intensity because if do you what i call high-intensity intergal training, which called h.i.t., that will burn calories faster. listen, who wants to work out for an hour, hour and a half? people waste time in the gym. when do you these short burst workouts, you're in there getting the burn and doing it quickly. dr. oz: finally jump rope. everyone has a jump rope or get one less than $10. what do you do with them? >> people complain about, i don't have money for memberships or working out or trainer. you don't need all of that stuff. you get old-fashioned jump rope, get it out. goal here, mehmet, is to try to do 50 revolutions consecutively. you may have to build your way up but 50 revolutions is great. old-fashioned -- one jump. there you go. dr. oz: really pushing. can jump rope. no mucking around here. >> getting fancy! [laughter] dr. oz: what if you can't jump rope?
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>> if you can't jump rope, simply get a rope, lay it out like this and you start off hopping. hop as high as you can though and back. so it's this. that's one. dr. oz: harder then jumping rope. >> that's right. try doing those 25 times. heart rate goes up. dr. oz: do these five minutes, four exercises, do it with intensity, do it to build muscles, and you will shred weight in the six-week plan. >> and cycle through it. the more you do it, better you get, do it five minutes, one minute and go to seven or ten minutes. great workout. dr. oz: dr. ian, thank you very much. everyone in the audience, everyone in the audience taking home a copy of the new book "the shred." [applause] up next -- the surprising things keep you you in your fat pants and nothing to do with your diet. stay right here. crystal geyser is always
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[applause] dr. oz: this entire hour is devoted to help you shred your fat pants for good. not just your diet keeping new them. today i'm revealing surprising things you would never think to blame. michelle is here to help out. how long have you been trying to shred your fat pants? >> dr. oz, i have three daughters and since i had my third daughter, who's now 2 1/2, and i turned 40, the getting that extra weight off has been a challenge. and so i have had the pants since my 8-year-old was born and i still wear them. dr. oz: what keeps you in them? what have you tried that failed? >> i think i know the right things to do. i thought i eat well and i think since i have turned 40, it's been harder so lose the weight. i try to stay active and busy and it just doesn't come off as easy as it used to. dr. oz: want to toss them for good? >> i sure do. dr. oz: with gusto. join the crowd.
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what we do today is reveal surprising mistakes keeping all of new your fat pants. first off, many of you are wearing wrong kind of pants. look at the two images. guess what, the problem is your skinny jeans. >> no! not the skinny jeans. they're i will tell you why. they're elastic. we call them skinny but when they have that stretch like so many do, they're hidden fat pants. we think i haven't been -- i have been able to keep these on, i'm not doing poorly and stretching on us more and more. you can gain a few pounds and not know it with stretchy, skinny jeans. >> i would have never known that. dr. oz: most folks don't. bonus mistake, how of on do you wash your jeans after you wear them? >> pretty often? dr. oz: three, four, five wears. >> i would say two or three. dr. oz: good. the other mistake folks make, they don't realize their pants grow ponderously larger after each wearing. the rule from now on, kick off the fat jeans for good, every two wears, wash your jeans.
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we can all do that. easy to lose weight. next one, quiz for you, michelle, what's the last time you really sat down and relaxed during din are? >> i would say maybe thanksgiving. dr. oz: long time ago. >> long time ago. i having a big family and running around and making dinner for the kids and i kind of meander through the kitchen and graze and -- dr. oz: grazing. you said the perfect word twofment images. put them up. next mistake you're making is how you eat. because if you're eating standing up, that's a big, fat pants mistake. big one. it's not so much what you're eating a lot of times, how you eat it. as you're grazing, as you said marks shell, you're generally -- and the study has been done, generally eat 30% more calories, more food then if you're sitting down and eating it with some focus. that's about ten pounds a year. which would take you two sizes up we're trying to get off today. >> yes. dr. oz: all right. third other issue, making wrong choices in the freezer.
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all buying wrong frozen dinners. look at these two images. two images there. >> yep. dr. oz: you which of those two do you think is the mistake? >> probably the frozen dinner. dr. oz: they're both sort of frozeny. >> the one on the left. dr. oz: one on the left. that's what most people might guess that. turns out they're equally poor choices. i'm not just talking about high calorie frozen dinners. i'm talking about mistakes we make with all diet dinners and regular dinners, which is they're loaded with sodium. when they're loaded with sodium, absorb it, brings water, get bloated and that bloating keeps us trapped in our fat pants. have you been doing everything right and have a bad day and lose confidence. both of these have to be out. i will give you my froze an dinner guidelines for everybody at home. 600 milligrams of sodium is the maximum you have ever have. no more salt then that. under 300 calories per sizing size and less then four grams of saturated fat per sizing size. can you do those. >> i can do those. dr. oz: you will never need those pants again.
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>> i don't want those pants again. dr. oz: none of us do. up next three fat-shredding spices you should be using every single day. [applause] well, ready to go look? so ready. lots of options, huh? i can help you narrow it down. ok thanks. this one's smudge free. smudge-free. really? and this one beeps when you leave the door open. get those brand name bells and whistles, even on a budget, with red white and blue savings. thank you! more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. buy now and save $300 on this stainless steel samsung refrigerator. [ male announcer ] when you wear dentures you may not know it, but your mouth is under attack. food particles infiltrate and bacteria proliferate. ♪ protect your mouth, with fixodent. the adhesive helps create a food seal defense
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for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. if you have high cholesterol, here's some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. and that's why when diet and exercise alone aren't enough to lower cholesterol i prescribe crestor. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. like people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. tell your doctor about other medicines you're taking. call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes.
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dr. oz: we already have some of the fastest fat busters in your kitchen. talking about spices. today i'm revealing the three that can shred your fat in game called the spice is right. [applause] here to play are wanda and geraldine. the rules, i will reveal two spices. tell me which one is better at shredding fat. are you ready? >> yeah. dr. oz: who will win? >> me! dr. oz: i like the confidence. first category, cutting sugar cravings to shred fast. first spice is -- >> it's cinnamon, imported to egypt as early as 2000 b.c. it comes from the binner bark of the cinnamon tree used in sweet and savory foods like sticky buns and chili, this warming spice could be all yours if the spice is right. dr. oz: and next one -- >> it's nutmeg. from the seed, a tropical
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evergreen tree native to independent indonesia. it has a pudge gent and slightly sweet taste. used to flavor baked good and sauces and beverages such as eggnog. this spice could be all yours if the spice is right. [applause] dr. oz: which spies is right for cutting sugar cravings to shred fat, cinnamon or nutmeg? wanda, what's your instance >> cinnamon. dr. oz: are you confident in that answer? >> yes. dr. oz: you like cinnamon, i guess? >> i love it. dr. oz: geraldine, what's your answer? >> nutmeg. dr. oz: nut mug. had a lot over the holidays? >> yeah. dr. oz: did it help shred the fat? >> a little bit. dr. oz: little bit. the correct answer is cinnamon. [applause] wanda gets the point. snapt-like effect that helps enhance the brain and deliver and regulate the blood sugar and lower cholesterol if you have one teaspoon a day. congratulations. are you panicked yet?
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geraldine's confident. >> i got the next one. dr. oz: next category is digestion accelerators to shred fat. first spice is -- >> it's garlic. it's close relatives include onion, shalit and leek. native to central asia, used by 4,500 years for culinary man disnall purposes. often used in mediterranean dishes like pesto, it tastes delicious but you may need a few breath mints for dessert. the pun gent spice can be yours if the spice is right. dr. oz: next one to accelerate digestion -- >> it's fennell. indigenous of the shores of the mediterranean, fennel is highly air matek and licorice flavored, often found in italian sausages, rye bread and chinese powder. this flavorable spice can be yours only if the spice is right. [applause] dr. oz: the question, which spice is right for speeding up digestion to shred fat, garlic
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or fennel? audience, what do you guys think? write down your answers. write down your answers. geraldine, we go with you first. what is your answer? >> i put fennel. [applause] dr. oz: fennel. pitter-patter of applause. not a lot of confidence out there. >> it's fennel. it's fennel. i know it's fennel. dr. oz: geraldine as confidence. >> wanda says fennel. dr. oz: shagrees. are they right? they are both right. fennel. powerful natural die ret thake includes digestion, helps body get rid of waste products, essential for weight loss for that reason. it helps you get rid of the water in your body, shed sodium, potassium, things you don't want too much of. right dose is one teaspoon after each meal to aid digestion. our score is 2-1, wantia slim lead over geraldine but geraldine is confident. crawling back from behind. next cat gore is an important one, metabolism boosters to shed fat. here's the first spice.
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>> it's cumin. native to the mediterranean region, it's been packing a pepry punch for thousands of years. with its slightly bitter yet warm flavor, used in many mexican dishes like traditional sauce. the herb can be yours if the spice is right. dr. oz: and the competing spice is -- >> it's coriander. one of the world's oldest spices, coriander's mediterranean and middle eastern roots can be traced back to 5000 b.c. it's fragrant flavor of citrus, and sage works wonders from soups to spinach. this can be yours if the spice is right. dr. oz: which spice is right for boosting metabolism to shred fat, cumin or coriander. i will wonder over here but you picked -- >> coriander. dr. oz: you like coriander? >> no. dr. oz: no. but you pick td anyway? >> picked it anyway. >> sounds good. dr. oz: sounds medicinal. >> yeah.
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dr. oz: wanda, what do you pick? >> coriander. dr. oz: both have the same answers except for one. you know much about coriander? >> no. dr. oz: not much. you guys know much about cumin? >> i have heard of it but i never used it. dr. oz: the right answer is cumin. it stimulates metabolism by starting up internal organs to boost liver to detoxify crazy things you put in your body. one teaspoon two to three times a week. wanda pulled out a slim 2-1 victory and you get to go home with a beautiful spice rack. congratulations. fat-shredding spice rack. >> all right! dr. oz: enjoy it. up next -- ever wish you could shred things from your past? today we get to decide to shred it or save it. stay with us. [applause] >> if you receive an e-mail or any kind of direct marketing from me selling a product with
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my name, image or the show's name, you need to know it is not me. i consider anyone that using my name or picture to try to sell you a product or supplement reckless and dangerous. they are undermine my credibility with you you and the trust you place in me. it could be dangerous to your health. go to if you see anything. to see a ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme. rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color ♪stir it, stir it,ir it, stir it up, stir it up. ♪♪ stir up a smile, with hershey's syrup.
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dr. oz: sometimes it's good to hang on to the past and sometimes it's not. today we will find out if you should shred it or save it. let's get started with cheryl who brought in a t-shirt had you eight years, is that right? >> yes, i had this t-shirt for eight years. it's my ex-husband's and i love it. i just love sleeping with it. it's so comfy. dr. oz: it's your ex-husband's? >> yes. my ex-husband's. dr. oz: but you don't love him as much as you love the t-shirt? >> not at all. [laughter] dr. oz: why would you hold on to something from someone you separated from/ >> it has nothing to do with him. i like the cologne he used to wear and i just like the way it smells and it's comfy. something to slip on. i go to bed and that's it. dr. oz: how often do you wash it? [laughter] >> not often. dr. oz: because i can still smell cat loan so -- >> yeah. not often. dr. oz: cafmente audience, i need your advice, shred it or save it? >> shred it! >> shred it?
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dr. oz: guys are not saying anything. women are unanimous about this. i agree. you need to shred this. [applause] may i? >> sure! i'm ready. my boyfriend will be so happy. dr. oz: he will be happy it's gone. the reason i want to shred this, two-fold. not only move on. ten years is a bit of a long time, perfume and all but the other issue is if you're not washing your pajamas, you're accumulating germs because sweat harbors back tieria. rule of thumb for everybody, you ought to be washing pajamas twice as often as you wash your sheets. since you wash sheets once a week, pajamas go to the laundry every three days or so. doable? >> yes, very. thank you very much. dr. oz: next up, tea and mitch and they brought me some cake. very kind of you. >> oh, you're very welcome, dr. oz. dr. oz: why would you bring me cake? >> the story behind this cake is this is our wedding cake. dr. oz: congratulations! how long have you been married? >> going on 11 years. dr. oz: 11 years. >> 11 years, yes.
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can i tell you it's been through two hurricanes, a tornado, four moves and basically the only thing he was concerned with the whole time, we need ice for the cake when the power went out. dr. oz: audience, i need your compassion here. what would you guys do? >> shred it! >> save it! dr. oz: one save it. >> i do have a last appeal. ten years and she doesn't cook. and never has cooked. so i save it hoping that it will be edible every year that i can have a nice -- >> meal. >> a nice meal, nice dessert after dinner so -- dr. oz: celebration for the anniversary. you know what, sentimental reasons alone, save it. no pressure. over ten years. and power not only has gone out but i'm sure it has gone out when you weren't aware of it. every time the cake defrost, bacteria grows in there. please do not eat it. don't care what's being made at home. this will not go in your
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stomach. instead, i think you should celebrate your anniversary with real cake! enjoy. >> thank you. dr. oz: you foe what, this is the kind of stuff worth sharing and saving but not worth eating. >> could we have a bite? dr. oz: please, do. i hone you like them. -- hope you like them. good? >> very! [applause] dr. oz: please go to to check it out and help me celebrate pin terant 30 days of pin-inspiration. pretty cool. see you next time. ♪
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4:00 pm
hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we've have the best videos from the web and stories behind them "right this minute." into two girls go inside a convenience store right before a masked man comes charging in. >> why cops say these two aren't as innocent as they look. some climbing buddies reach for the stars on a skyscraper. >> it's not a big deal. no problem. >> try telling that to your sweaty pal. s. >> what if there's a big gust of wind. a supercool treat. >> a
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