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tv   Charlie Rose  FOX  June 27, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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hidden camera investigation. >> we are going undercover and exposing the top three tricks stores use to trap shoppers in spending more. they are tracking you. >> and the number one way to protect yourself. and from "girls", allison williams is here opening up about watching her show with her famous father. and stacy london is back as my co-host. today on "anderson live." [applause] [cheering] [♪]
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>> anderson: hey, everyone. stacy london back as my co-host. >> thank you, anderson. hi! >> gosh. enthusiastic crowd. >> anderson: we have a big show today. a hidden camera investigation. we have been doing a lost these. we are revealing the secret ways that stores trap you in the store. have you noticed -- i hate shopping and now i know why. there are tricks like the escalators you have to go around and you can never find your way out. >> that is why you hate shopping? >> anderson: that is one of the reasons. we will tell you how to avoid getting scammed. and i'm obsessed with the show,
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"girls". >> me, too. >> anderson: allison williams is here and i'm excited. her father is brian williams. and we will talk to her. i want to know what it's like she has the love scenes in "girls" i want to know what it's like watching love scenes with her dad. and the family watches the show together, apparently. i would be motherfied. >> awkward. walk ward. >> anderson: yes. the big news is here yesterday on the program, i mentioned that i had a pig visit my house. like an actual pig leo the pig. because i was thinking -- i wonder what it would be like to have a pig. >> i would love a pig. it's so george clooney of you. >> and our makeup artist she had a pig and had to get it out of her apartment because the building would not allow pigs. she is trying to find a good home. i met leo and i didn't think
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since i travel a lot i didn't think i could handle it and not sure how my dog would feel. our cameraman, eddie adopted the pig. [applause] >> all right, eddie! >> anderson: and so h eddie what made you decide to adopt leo? >> my wife always wanted one. and i texted her after the segment and are you sure? she is like yes, please, please, please. >> that is so lovely. >> anderson: so that is leo. >> you took leo home. >> anderson: how was the first night? >> it was interesting. >> he looks like an ardvark. little bunny. with your daughter? >> that is my son. >> anderson: what does your son think of the pig? >> he likes him a lot. he figured he could drop his cookies and he eats them right away. >> anderson: your son is so cute.
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>> very cute. [laughter] >> you are going to be sorry that you don't have leo. >> anderson: thank you so much. [applause] >> you know, speaking of pigs, we need to talk about the fact that a couple of times when i was here in the past, we talked about my cat, baby al. >> anderson: big boned. >> large boned. it's genetic. ok. i got a lot of tweets from people after the show saying hey, anderson, way to go fat shaming baby al. >> anderson: did i fat shame your cat? >> fat shamed him. i thought you wanted the update. >> anderson: i'm concerned. >> he is fluffy not fat. >> anderson: ok. all right. >> and there is a great cat on twitter named mr. randy cat who is friends with al and it is a fluffy not fat. >> anderson: a cat on twitter? >> yes.
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>> anderson: and your cat is aware of this? >> i tell him these things and he is home he had six teeth removed so he can only eat soft baby food which has to be hand fed to him. >> anderson: what? >> what do you mean what? >> anderson: cats have survived for thousands of years without being hand fed baby food. >> not baby al. >> anderson: why did he have six teeth removed? >> he has a genetic predisposition to weak gums and teeth like his mother. >> anderson: my dog is just a dog. she doesn't wear clothes. >> al does not wear clothes. >> anderson: terrence's dog wears clothes and has outfits. >> and leo the pig is already on twitter. >> al needs a twitter account because niko is on twitter. >> anderson: pets do not need to be on twitter. they have existed for thousands
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of years without being on twitter. >> i'm sorry that feels old-fashioned, anderson. >> anderson: i'm very old-fashioned. >> technology. >> anderson: everyone in the news today, is going insane that there is a nor'easter coming and there's two feet of snow coming. i don't understand. this is winter. this is what happens in winter. i don't understand why people are going bananas about this. >> i'm with you. it's february! we are in the northeast. >> anderson: this used to happen in december. i remember as a kid having christmas and there was snow and this is what happens. and now people are going crazy like they are surprised that it's going to snow in february. >> yeah, i know. everybody watch out. >> anderson: it drives me nuts. and have you noticed also like the news only reports big snowstorms when it hits the northeast because that is when it hits new york where all the news companies are based but the midwest has been blanketed in
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snow for a while no one mentioned it and all of a sudden it's going to snow in new york like every reporter is inconvenienced like they are going crazy. i think that is it. i think that is one of the problems. and the other thing which you must be upset about is the grammy's are coming out and the only reason to watch besides the performances is what are people going to wear and the ridiculous things people show up in. >> holler. >> anderson: what? >> holler. >> anderson: i don't know if you said holler or halla. >> it's like more my style. more waspy. >> anderson: holler, yes. word. [laughter] so apparently cbs has advised people about what they can and cannot wear to the grammy's. and apparently they sent a memo saying that thong-type costumes
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are problematic. which i agree with. >> fair enough. >> anderson: be sure that buttocks and female breasts are covered. avoid exposing bare fleshy undercurves of the buttocks. >> this is like an official me memo. >> anderson: bare sides or undercurvature of the breasts is a problem. >> the buttocks crack, holler. >> anderson: and apparently -- male nipples are fine but female nipples are not ok. >> gender discrimination right there. [applause] i don't like that. you weren't looking out for my hair. >> anderson: right before i came out make sure to watch for my hair getting caught if my necklace. we have a show to do. >> i was like beauty patrol, i got your back if your collar went up i would take care of it. >> my hair is getting caught.
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whatever, ok. [laughter] >> anderson: and the other thing are i saw in the news is a russian flight attendant got fired because she put on her like the equivalent of her facebook page a picture this is the flight attendant, she got -- >> very pretty. >> anderson: interesting costumes they wear. >> very russian. >> anderson: yeah, world war twoesque. she put a picture on facebook of somebody on an airline another flight attendant giving the finger to the entire -- all the passengers. so the russian airline felt this was an inappropriate message, which frankly surprises me. because i have flown on that airline and it is not a friendly airline. it is literally, i flew on a flight in the mid-90s, there was dry vomit on my seat. no, i'm not kidding. because people drink in russia and on planes anywhere they will
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drink and there was dry vomit and i said to the flight attendant like there's dried vomit on my seat and she is like -- >> it's not my problem. >> anderson: she is like nnnnn. >> that is your russian? >> anderson: nnnnn. >> i know a russian word. yet. >> anderson: i would think they would have rewarded her for that sort of an attitude. but maybe they are trying to put on a new face. >> a friendlier face. >> anderson: and another flight attendant tweeted me this. she tweeted me this photo of somebody she saw putting their feet up on a seat. i am obsessed with naked feet on planes. >> another quirk i didn't know about. >> anderson: another sign that we are going to hell in a hand basket. >> what is the world coming to? >> anderson: it's not appropriate. >> i agree but you get the
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heebie-jeebies big time. >> anderson: who would want those hobbit feet in-your-face while you are trying to eat? [applause] >> i mean that poor guy and his hobbit feet. yeah, well, i don't eat on planes at that time makes me uncomfortable. >> anderson: he has flat hobbit feet, too. >> he needs orthotic. >> anderson: he needs shoes to cover them up is what he needs. we have to take a quick break and we will have more of the "first 15" when we come back. [applause] [cheering] [♪] an all new "anderson live" i had hen camera investigation. undercover exposing the tricks stores use to trap you into spending more. >> this is what makes me angry. the customer tries to get help. >> anderson: and the number one way to avoid being scammed. from "girls" allison williams
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stops by. >> thank you. gosh. that is so nice. >> anderson: and i will ask her what it's like watching her show's steamy love scenes with her dad. on the next "anderson live" a true crime exclusive. a woman hires a hit man to kill her husband and mother-in-law and now revealing the surprising motive behind the murders. then frugal friday money-saving secrets. kick the new year off right and save thousands a year. and robin robinson is my co-host. on the next e".
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[applause] >> anderson: back with stacy london. so yesterday on the show i showed you a viral video of this dog trying to walk in booties
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for the first time. let's show you again. >> how sweet. ahhhhhh. [laughter] he didn't know what to do with the booties. [laughter] >> anderson: it's funny. so it turns out that a lot of dogs have trouble with this and there's a mash up that we found of the different dogs walking in booties for the first time. >> dog shaming. [♪] [laughter] >> oh, high kick! [laughter] >> that is like a fancy dance move. >> anderson: so sweet. [applause] another thing my dog does not do, does not wear booties.
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>> does not wear booties but yet you love to shame the poor dogs trying them out. >> anderson: it's cute. i understand you are reading new york magazine recently and you discovered something. >> i was not reading new york magazine my assistant sent me annie, i want you to know about her. lovely girl. and she sent me an e-mail saying hey, have you seen this week's new york magazine right here? which i had not. and rip ed and she said i saw something in the back that you should look at. and it was an ad that said men seeking women. successful kind md from the jersey shore, jewish, 56, nonreligious, athletic, handsome, romantic likes music, karaoke, reading, sports, dining, dancing, salmon, eggs and blueberries.
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seeks intelligent, very attractive, athletic woman for charming happily ever after. kind and charming a plus. stacy london-type woman. [applause] >> anderson: ok. nice. >> right? i mean i was -- i have to say i was so excited i tweeted it. and one of my friends wrote me back and said you are a type of woman! congratulations. and i was like pretty psyched and then i read the ad again and i thought if this guy met me he would be so disappointed. >> anderson: really? >> i love salmon i'm not crazy about eggs and i like blueberries but aim not athletic. >> anderson: are you a smoker? >> no. i don't, no. >> anderson: well, what we thought we have an amazing staff here. and this is an anonymus thing but we decided to track down the person who posted this ad.
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[laughter] [applause] yeah. and he is here in the audience. >> can we find out first if this poor man is disappointed? >> anderson: we will ask him. he is a doctor he is fred lehman. and fred is right here. [applause] welcome. >> no i'm not disappointed. >> you're not disappointed? >> absolutely not. >> goodness. thank you so much. i'm so flattered honestly that you think of me as a type. no, i mean that from the bottom of my heart. >> anderson: when you said stacy london what about her did you mean? >> i love her energy, her intelligence, obviously her looks, i think she is gorgeous. i love the work that she did with cancer patients.
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i loved the confidence and happiness that she gives to patients. she styles like my late jewish mother would say, what's not to like? >> oh, my gosh! [applause] >> anderson: that is so nice. it was so nice. that is like a really great reason to like me. [laughter] i will sign that for you. >> anderson: did you think you would meet the real stacy london? >> no. obviously not. >> and you can thank anderson cooper for that. [applause] i am. >> anderson: i'm so glad you are here and you met and who knows what will happen. >> call me. >> anderson: i don't pry.
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>> anderson and i will be bridesmaids. >> you will both look fabulous in pale blue. >> anderson: thank you for being here. >> thank you. [applause] >> anderson: we will take a break and reveal the biggest retail secrets that stores don't want you to know about. all the tricks they use to keep you in the store longer. we will be right back. [applause] [♪] before you head to the malice enup, undercover blowing the lid off the secret tricks stores use to trap you for shopping longer and spending more money. and the number one way to what do you think of this one?
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♪ ♪ really? ♪ ♪ what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. ♪ ♪
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perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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[applause] >> anderson: my co-host stacy london. and americans spend a lot of time in stores we spend 360 hours a year shopping. for retailors it is an opportunity to take advantage of everybody. one study suggests that retailors use tricks to try and keep you in a store longer and get you to spend more money. we wanted to look how this works. back today to reveal the tricks
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the stores use to trap you in is reporter, heather and joining us amy a mom of three who worries she is a target. when you shop what is your biggest concern? >> you go into a store on plan on a budget or a goal of going to buy one thing, two things and once you get into the store it's all over. everything you set out to do is gone. >> anderson: i can never get out of the store. like i feel like i can't find the exit. once you are trapped on the upper-levels of the store they keep you there like a casino. >> it's my happy place. i'm not looking for the exit. >> anderson: amy agreed to go undercover during her trip to the mall. in our hidden camera investigation we sent amy, a mom of three undercover in a department store and gave her three tasks. what amy didn't know is that our
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retail expert watched her every move exposing traps that kept her shopping longer and spending more money. >> these are cute. >> here is one of the biggest tricks they overload your senses. lots of shiney things coming at you. and scents. she is buying a pair of boots when her mission was to just go and get that circular. >> looking for the circular. >> this is what makes me angry. clearly, stores have circulars. >> there has to be a circular. i think i found customer service. [♪] is that a weekly circular? after that running around i finally got my circular. >> it took amy 47 minutes that store wants to keep amy shopping.
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>> i don't know if i'm in the right department. i think i might have found a shirt all the way on the back wall. >> the store wanted amy to get lost. hard to find. >> all the good ones are in the back. that is right. [applause] >> anderson: so far you seem to have fallen for every trick that the store had. >> shiney things you are like a turkey. >> anderson: and finding the circular and customer service is difficult. >> virtually impossible. 47 minutes? and nobody knew where it was in the store. nobody could tell me where it was. >> and people who worked there? >> the people that worked there they had no idea. >> what surprised you most about amy's shopping behavior? >> i think the fact that she just was getting -- just this maze that she was entrapped in. i am an efficiency freak i want
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to get in and out. and she was just getting lost. it was like a casino. >> it's confusing there is no signs. there's no direction that the store itself -- >> anderson: and that is not an accident. it cannot be an accident that the customer service thing is tucked away and hard to find. >> no. exactly. >> and associates working at the store, i think in bigger stores there is a fast turnover rate and there was not a circular there for 30 years but because he didn't know. >> it's misinformation that they have. and again they just want to get you to stay there and go shopping. they just -- like she said 47 minutes to find one task. she is supposed to get done three different tasks and got done two. who knows if she is going to get to the third one. it remains to be seen. >> anderson: what is the biggest mistake that people make in stores that stores want you to make? >> really? the stores do not want you to
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make a budget. so here you are, you are going in. everyone can make lists of things to buyment you make grocery lists and lists you are going out and make a list of accessories. what people do not do is make a budget and that brings the control back into your hands. once you make a budget you know how much you will spend and you will not go over that budget and you can shop more efficiently. >> once are you in there, the signs and the sale signs, it's in the back of my mind, the budget or the plan goes out the window. and i -- it's hard to stick to t like a casino. >> flashing lights lots of sale signs at you. it's so frustrating if you have add and a little bit attention deficit that is it. there goes your budget and your money. >> anderson: up next the biggest trick stores use to keep you shopping longer. [applause] still ahead one of my favorite
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shows, "girls" allison williams is here. opening up about her show's golden globe win and the [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call now for a new low price. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a $150 promotion card. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now.
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choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years, with a total home dvr included for life. [ female announcer ] plus switch today and get a $150 promotion card. [ male announcer ] it's a triple play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ [applause]
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>> anderson: welcome back. stacy london is my co-host today. we are revealing the tricks that retailors use to get you in the stores and keep you there longer and spend more money. amy is our shopper. you spent over an hour in the store so far in our videotape that we have seen that we have undercover cameras. let's look at what else our cameras exposed while amy tried to complete her final task. >> find the exit. something caught my eye. and how much is that? >> the last task was to find the exit and guess what? she got distracted. >> the escalator up but not down. >> the store puts the escalator on the other side. go ahead and look more and browse more. >> there is no exit signs it's very confusing. oh, my god. she got down. >> amy made the exit. and it looks like the store won
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on this one. [applause] >> wow. >> anderson: you had three tasks to complete and it took an hour and 45 minutes. getting out and the escalator trick drives me nuts in stores. because the escalators could be next to each other. but instead they put it on the opposite side. >> you would think it would make more sense. >> anderson: i never realized why. >> because they want you to see the merchandise and they want you to purchase more what is happened in the case of amy. >> i didn't know they did that. i thought it was building structure wise. >> anderson: i thought it was a mistake. and now it's design you were told to find one item of clothing for under $10 and look -- >> and you did. you found this shirt for $10. >> yes. >> but then, you found this shirt, right? it's cute. right. and then you got this perfume.
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and these boots. >> that was my favorite part. >> but amy weren't you supposed to get a shirt for under $10? >> anderson: you ended up picking up these things. how much did you spend? >> i spent $185. all i was supposed to do is get a $10 shirt. >> and you fell into all the traps. >> the store wins here. >> anderson: and this happens all the time? >> absolutely. listen, stores want to make sure that that shopper is in there shopping and they have had some decreasing sales and they want people to shop. but this is the way they are going to have to get these people to go in and shop. >> anderson: you have three tips for people. what are they? >> the first one is to go shopping before 10:00 a.m.. i know it sounds why would you want to get up at 10 to go shopping? >> i would. >> i would, too. because the people there working they are newer, they are
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stationed at their posts at the beginning and more seasoned and older and more helpful. and the merchandise -- >> anderson: the associates who have been there longer they work earlier. >> the morning shift and the merchandise is organized. >> there is a lot of turnover in retail. but you are saying the folks that make a career they are there earlier. >> exactly. you will see them in the morning shift. and the second is to go ahead and you want to go ahead and -- excuse me -- you want to -- >> anderson: buy what you can carry? >> yes. sorry. buy what you can carry. you go out there and you want to go ahead and just if you don't have a car for example, you want to carry -- buy. >> i bring a big backpack. >> no -- >> anderson: you will fill up the backpack. >> you betcha. >> anderson: and leave the credit cards at home. >> that is the third tip.
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bring this back into control. be in control of this situation. so if you only shop with cash, you again we are talking about that budget, you know exactly how much are you spending. the credit cards are home you are not overspending and you are also just basically, again in control of what you are spending. >> anderson: that doesn't sound like fun, does it? >> no. >> anderson: thank you for being such a good sport and it's great advice. and the top places to avoid when shopping check out and "girls", allison williams is here. i love the show. [applause] [♪] b
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closed captioning and other considerations for "anderson live" provided by...w
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[applause] >> anderson: welcome back. my next guest stars in one of the hottest shows on tv i love the show i am obsessed with it, it's on hbo it's "girls" and they got a big win at the golden globes. i don't know, i cannot say enough about the show. take a look. "girls". >> it sucks. this is my plan i have to go back to the drawing board here. what am i going to do to make money? what assets do i have? >> you have a bachelor's degree. >> like really pretty. >> you are pretty. i'm personally not attracted to
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you at all because i know you but i can respect and recognize. >> totally make money off how pretty you are. >> thank you. my gosh this is so nice. i mean, i don't think i'm like a model. >> no, not a model. [applause] >> anderson: please welcome allison williams. [applause] [cheering] [♪] >> anderson: i'm so glad are you here. >> i'm so glad to be here. thank you for having me. >> anderson: we met -- i had a book party for andy cohen and you came to my house and i accosted you because i was obsessed with "girls". >> are you like the first fan. >> anderson: i was one of those people that would not stop talking to you and followed you around the party. and remember in episode two when you said that. and are you like ok thanks i got to go. >> that is not how i remember it. i remember stalking your house because it's so cool. >> anderson: i live in an old
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firehouse. >> you live in a converted firehouse which is not -- two other people in the world can say. it's not common. >> anderson: and your dad used to be a firefighter? >> he used to be a volunteer firefighter in high school. >> anderson: her dad is brian williams, news anchor. >> thank you. yeah when i got home from your house he was trying to be cool about it. but clearly he was jealous that you live in a converted firehouse. >> anderson: he is welcome anytime. >> and they have like the pole in the house? like yeah, cool. cool. what about how many floors, two, three? i'm like a bunch of floors and he is like all right. barely containing it. >> anderson: what is it like, you were so good in "girls" and the show is funny and smart and really interesting. and leah is a genius. what is it like watching with your dad your sex scenes?
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>> it is unique. [laughter] probably there are a few people that can say that they do this. but i have every season so far we have watched all the episodes for the first time together. >> anderson: do you really? >> yes. >> anderson: that would freak me out? >> i know what is coming and i prepare them. and usually they live through the filming of it with me because we are close and season one i was living on their couch in new york so i would come home from work and this is like i did today. how is the news, dad? [laughter] >> anderson: a couple episodes you slept with the actor andrew reynolds. >> yes, i did. he is so charming and funny. and all of the boys who have been partners of marnie's on the show get uncomfortable around my dad. but he slaps on the back and goes that was so funny. totally throws people off.
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especially one scene in particular that both my parents were cracking up when they watched it. so i thought ok, they clearly -- >> anderson: you don't get embarrassed at all? >> i don't. i wanted to be an actor since i was little so they have been preparing themselves and they get i'm acting. but yeah, i mean i thought it was going to be much more uncomfortable. there are times i was watching with my younger brother and i pulled the brim of his hat down. >> anderson: and you hear you are going to the grammy's. >> i am. >> anderson: who is your date? >> katy perry is my date. i know. she is the hottest date. yeah. she is a friend of mine and she is nominated as she should be. yeah, obviously she is awesome. the best. >> anderson: and the other thing i want to clear up, i saw kevin bacon on a tv show and he said that he had tried to knock on your dressing room door, and that he wasn't allowed in because he was such a fan and
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wanted to say what a fan and he wasn't allowed in. is that true? >> does it sound right? i don't know what happened. we were backstage at a show and he must have knocked on my door when i was not in there. i'm not in the habit of not answering a door. and let alone if i knew it was kevin bacon i would have gotten the door because i look up to him. >> anderson: and because we are all 6° away if kevin bacon. this would have made it 1°. >> i met keira sed wick last night and i love here and i'm 1° in another way and we are circling each other. maybe now we should never meet. we can never meet. >> anderson: you don't need to if you met his wife you are connected. and you have a skin caroline? >> yes. i am the ambassador of simple skin care. i'm thrilled. it is a brand that i've loved
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for a longtime. i discovered it it is a u.k. brand and they launched in the u.s. and i was thrilled because the products were available here and i did not have to traffic them. >> anderson: what products are they? >> they are sort of a blend of products from wipes to under eye rollers, to sunscreen, moisturizerment and their approach is holistic. they look at your skin as a product of what you eat, sleeping well, not being stressed and they have a skin advisory board. >> anderson: i don't do any of those things. >> yeah, right. >> anderson: help me. >> are you a physical specimen what are you talking about. >> anderson: hardly. hardly. listen -- [applause] no. it's the dim lighting and the heavy makeup. we decided to get you a gift for the next time you watch the show with your dad in case it gets. this is eyeglasses for your dad and mom and ear muffs that you
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can put on him. [laughter] [applause] >> i can't hear a thing. >> anderson: and put these on as well. and you can tell him -- >> wait a minute. [laughter] just in case you can see something you would be seeing your own self. >> anderson: i'm so happy for your success and i love the show. tune into hbo sunday nights 9:00 p.m. to catch "girls". and stacy london is back for the time 5. stacy london is back for the "final 5." [applause]
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[ male announcer ] universal studios summer of survival. you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. [applause] >> welcome back.
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so, anderson, i recently found out -- >> anderson: dirty to me. i feel like -- >> i wish we had a riding crop. well, i recently heard that you are not really privy to what the rest of news the 21st century are which is learning how to download an app to your phone. >> anderson: it is pathetic i am on twitter and socially inactive. but i don't know how to download an app. >> bad boy. >> anderson: wow. >> listen, i went on a search with your team to find wizards, true tech experts. that we actually got to fly here from california. they run the men low app institute, academy, excuse me. and they have been featured in forbes magazine and they are going to teach you a thing or two. i would like to introduce to
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you, matt and max or m and m. [applause] >> gentlemen, you are going to need to school -- you are need to school anderson. >> how old are you? >> 14. >> and you? 13. wizards. >> anderson: i'm depressed. how does this work? >> are you going to show anderson how to download an app. >> we will teach you how to done load a flashlight app. >> anderson: i know somebody who has that and it looks really cool. >> first, what we will do is click on the app store. >> anderson: click on the thing that says app store. >> and now go to the search bar. >> anderson: i have done this and it gets confusing. because there are so many. flashlight. >> and we have the flashlight app and click install. >> oh, install!
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[laughter] >> anderson: do i have to pay for this? don't apps you have to pay and some are free. >> this is free and but there are a couple you have to pay for. >> anderson: how do you pay for them? >> you make an account. >> anderson: that is where it loses me. >> making an account. that is so. >> anderson: is that installed? >> and now click open right there. >> and it takes a couple seconds. max, tell us about the menlo app academy. >> we started after learning how to make apps and we teach kids how to make apps. >> anderson: you make apps? >> they make apps? >> and they teach other kids how to make apps. >> anderson: how crazy. >> how fing cool is that? [applause] it is a flashlight. it works. i did it. aren't you proud of me? i downloaded an app.
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[applause] first of all it's not that easy. there's more complicated ones. >> guys i know you have a little surprise for anderson. go ahead and tell him. >> we made an app for you. we heard about how you don't like bare feet so we decided to make an app in which you shoot socks at bare feet here it is. >> anderson: i click on -- >> click on bonus. >> click on the bonus level there. and then -- >> anderson: that is cool! i love that. thank you so much! that is perfect. >> you guys are awesome. [applause] >> anderson: that was fun. we will be right back with more of the "final 5"! this is great! [applause] crystal geyser is always
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bottled at the mountain source. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. then we deliver it directly to you. welcome back. we are having cheesecake her company is cheesecake delight. find it on facebook. and catch stacy london on "what not to wear" on tlc. and tomorrow tony braxton will be my co-host. see you tomorrow. have a great day.
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the current bart contract coming to an end as negotiations continue, the big development today. the boston bombing suspect learns the charges against him. plus it is heating up, triple digits expected in the forecast at noon.
12:00 pm
complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel two news at noon. >> we are trying to negotiate a deal at the table, we are committed to being at the table as many hours as it takes. >> contract talks continue after they vote to authorize a strike. good afternoon, i am tori campbell, labor negotiations are underway now between bart and its workers in an effort to avoid a strike as early as monday morning. sal castanedin


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