tv Charlie Rose FOX June 27, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
8:00 pm
(male announcer) previously on hell's kitchen... after zach was eliminated... yay! (announcer) jon was the last man standing. i'm the rooster among the hens. estrogen everywhere. (announcer) and with only five chefs remaining, everyone was focused on one thing. i... want... a... black... jacket. (announcer) but first, chef ramsay surprised the chefs with a visit from their families. oh, my god, it's my family! (announcer) and after an emotional reunion, he shocked them once again. all five of you are gonna get black jackets. [all cheer] well done. (announcer) their first challenge in black jackets was a real pressure cooker. you've all got 45 minutes. so grab your pressure cooker, and create a stunning five-star dish.
8:01 pm
(announcer) susan struggled. this doesn't feel tender enough. (announcer) and jon imploded. (mary) somebody's burning. i can smell it. oh, [bleep]. (announcer) but while he was able to recover... the color's fantastic. good effort. (announcer) susan and her pork belly did not. it's a little clunky. (announcer) cyndi's dish was disappointing. it looks like it's been carved, you know, five hours ago. (announcer) ja'nel's, however, amazed the judges. it's better than great. the texture is really pleasant. (announcer) and after she took a commanding lead... 14 out of 15. amazing. (announcer) all that was left was mary and her short ribs. really delicious. pasta's perfect. does it beat ja'nel? (announcer) mary, an underdog on the rise, scored a perfect 15 stars... oh, my god! (announcer) and won the challenge... thank you so much. wow. thank you very much. (announcer) giving her quality time with her family... i'm soaring so high right now. (announcer) leaving the losers to spend quality time with... ah, there's maggots. oh, god, there's maggots all in this meat. ugh. (announcer) they barely had time to wash the smell off... [phone rings] i need everybody downstairs immediately. (announcer) before chef ramsay revealed...
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tomorrow night, you'll be up against some of the finest chefs i've ever known. please, welcome... (announcer) find out who the chefs will battle as their quest to become head chef of gordon ramsay pub & grill at caesars palace continues right now on hell's kitchen. [ohio players' fire] ♪ fire whoa! ♪ the way you swerve and curve ♪ really wrecks my nerves ♪ and i'm so excited, child ohh! go, jon! ♪ when you take what you've got ♪ ♪ and, girl, you've got a lot ♪ you're really smokin', child [roars] ♪ when you're hot, you're hot ♪ you really shoot your shot ♪ you're dynamite, child yeah. ♪ yeah ♪ well, i can tell by your game ♪ ♪ you're gonna start a flame ♪ of love, baby, baby ♪ the way you push, push
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♪ lets me know that hey, hey! ♪ you're good ♪ you're gonna get your wish ♪ oh, no ♪ fire ♪ what i said, child ♪ oww, fire ♪ uh-huh ♪ got me burnin', got me burnin' ♪ (announcer) and now the continuation of hell's kitchen. would you like to meet your competition? (all) yes, chef! please welcome our first chef. the winner of hell's kitchen three. rock. this is it. i've always waited for this moment. i can see why you're called rock. come on, fellas, let's go! pick it up! 'cause you're rock solid. (gordon) hell's kitchen winner,rock. [applause] an absolute pleasure to have you back. oh, my gosh. oh, wow. ready to do it. thank you. wow. rock, i have no doubt that man is a absolute beast in the kitchen. this is gonna be tough. our next chef is the winner of hell's kitchen four. christina.
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oh, i love christina. perfectly cooked. yes, chef. i'm a complete package. i look great in a pair of heels, i can read a book, and i can cook. move your ass! okay, she better watch it. (gordon) the winner of hell's kitchen, christina. the hard part's over. welcome back, my darling. i have a ton of respect for her. this is a very difficult competition, and to have fellow females winning it, i just think it's wonderful. hey. you ready to show 'em how it's done? (rock) let's do it. what a team you're building already. next up, the winner of hell's kitchen six. dave. [groans] dave. dave? [groans] i've got a broken wrist, but i'm not a quitter. i'm here to win. keep it up, dave. you're doing great. behind. behind. he's got one [bleep] hand in action, and he's working quicker than anyone. w.i.n. whoo! are you good? yeah. very good. thank you. (gordon) a man on a mission. dave was an animal. i mean, i gotta go up against dave with two working arms.
8:05 pm
this [bleep] gonna be hard. the winner of hell's kitchen eight. nona. madam, you've got the most important jewel in the crown, and that's the palate. endive? [bell dings] three out of four. the best performance. very good, that risotto. good girl, bingo. gold star. (gordon) hell's kitchen winner, nona! whoo! wow. to see her here is so exciting. she was somebody i looked up to. (gordon) look at you. i identify with her a lot. she looks great. our final chef, the winner of hell's kitchen nine,paul. [laughs] what's going on? hustle! i'm tired of getting my ass kicked! my fire isn't out. i'm gonna show you why i'm a big deal. holy [bleep]! [laughs] now, a little word of advice for the team? big deal is back. that's all i gotta to say. don't come in here talking [bleep] to us right off the bat. calling yourself big deal-- you have no idea what we're capable of. when i told you the competition is gonna be strong,
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i really meant it. we are the best chefs up here. we can beat them. the woman with the towel on her head wasn't too intimidating. i think we're good. it's gonna be a little tough from here on out. i have never looked more forward to a dinner service as our next in hell's kitchen. here's where we're gonna go up another level. i want you all to come up with one stunning appetizer, one stunning entree to add to the classic hell's kitchen menu. something out of the box. something that shows you on a plate. also, i'm gonna leave it up to both teams to decide your stations. you've got one hour to come up with your plan. good luck. you'll probably need it. bring it on. let's do this. all right, guys. (cyndi) i can't believe we're going up against, like, rock. (jon) dude, that [bleep] awesome. chef ramsay has never brought in past winners to compete against existing chefs. but these chefs have been out of hell's kitchen for a while, and we're gonna win. (ja'nel) let's do it! (jon) to the drawing board. the best way to set us up for success
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is getting an appetizer that's gonna be easy enough to execute. what about sliders? why don't we think about steakhouse-style appetizers? seriously? no. we're going up against five champions. seriously, like they're on another [bleep] level. (mary) we should do, like, a beef tartare. i love that. (rock) let's have a seat, ladies and gents. yeah, right. there isn't one nervous bone in my body right now. this is the dream team. what if we do, like, a "bacon and eggs" appetizer with braised pork belly? and then you could do, like, a quail egg on top. oh, i love working with that. i am putting my vote in against the quail eggs. those are a bitch. a garnish. a bitch to open up. (christina) working with nona is interesting. i thought her personality was totally different. she's kind of being a diva. that's l.a. for you. should we use, like, a pancetta? ew. what about doing, like, chicken and waffles? i think that's [bleep] boring.
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i don't wanna come out with, like, here's a chicken. okay. we got it. i'm like... [imitates beeping] i need a ham hock on there. ugh, no. i could care less what we do as long as we all agree, but i wanna start seeing some ideas here. freaking out about everything doesn't get the job done. my thinking with the menu is to keep it simple. so does anybody have any proteins they like to work with? i like duck personally 'cause it's beautiful, tasty. i like duck. i love it. i like that. okay, entree. (cyndi) i say a duck entree. (ja'nel) duck sounds great. (jon) yeah, sounds good. (cyndi) duck breast entree? all right, what do we wanna do with the duck? what if we did the duck in more ways than one? like, what if we had the duck breast slices and duck confit? i like that. how is that gonna tie into the rest of the dish though? you know, the duck confit, definitely not my idea. i'm not confident doing that. when i do duck confit, it takes a long time.
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thinking about execution. well, we could get up early. we can cure the legs for an hour or two. mm-hmm. and we could confit as soon as it's done. i hate--no, i don't-- that's too much. i think that sounds really freakin' delicious. yeah. yeah. if they feel like they can do it, they better do it, because i didn't put that [bleep] on the menu. (announcer) while the rest of susan's team has decided to ignore her plea to keep the menu simple, on the champions' team... (nona) what about some collards? can we throw some collards in there? (announcer) nona refuses to be ignored. veal? for an entree. i like the idea of doing veal. with some collards. don't think i'm not trying to bring it back in here. well, there is also kale too. come on, come on, come on. (christina) oh, goodness. we've all got our own little personalities. you wanna do collards? (nona) hell yeah, [bleep]. put it with collards? the entree is, like, straight from the hood. i got some collard greens on hell's kitchen. i gotta represent. let's bust out some collards, come on! yeah, we can-- yeah, we can work with it.
8:10 pm
(announcer) with their menu specials decided, the teams' next task is to determine kitchen assignments. stations. i'd like to be on meat. oh, i was just about to say that. i wanna be on meat. susan suggests to be on meat, and, you know, i immediately think i'm better than her on the meat station. well, we have five people. let her--let her float. i agree. she's the weakest out of the five, and i'm not gonna let us go down because of her. all right, so you wanna be on hot apps. you're on garnish. you're on fish. yeah. fish. i think i'm the strongest on meat. (susan) whatever. wow. you wanna float? no way. absolutely not. that's [bleep] [bleep].
8:11 pm
8:12 pm
we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. a trillion billion zillion! that's pretty big. how bout you? 10. bout you? infinity! can you top that? infinity and one! actually, we are looking for infinity plus infinity. sorry. what about infinity times infinity?! oh! [ imitates explosion ] [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪ it's like going from this... this [ ding sound ] see what i did there? [ ding sound ] [ deep inhale ] [ male announcer ] head & shoulders with old spice.
8:13 pm
8:14 pm
(announcer) for the first time ever, five hell's kitchen champions have returned to challenge the final five. i think that's a [bleep] amazing menu. (announcer) and chef ramsay has asked the teams to come up with one appetizer and one entree special to add to tonight's menu. (rock) i'm ready. (christina) this is gonna be good. this is fun like this 'cause there's no competition. (announcer) with the dishes decided... i really think that sounds really freakin' delicious. yeah. yeah. (announcer) it's time for the important decision of which chefs will be working which stations. i'd like to be on meat. oh, i was just about to say that. i wanna be on meat. you wanna float? no way. absolutely not. that's [bleep] [bleep].
8:15 pm
obviously cyndi is having an ego trip. it's not worth it to me to sit here and argue with her. i was on meat the other night, and i killed it. but you know what, whatever. (cyndi) i'll be on meat. you'll be floating, and you'll be helping everybody. yep. everybody. tomorrow night's dinner service, cyndi better be ready, or it's game over for her. this is gonna be so fun. (announcer) with their planning complete... let's go. let's roll, let's roll. that's how we roll! (announcer) the champions head back to their hotel, and the final five head to bed early... [alarm beeping] as today they will face their biggest dinner service test yet. we have to put up our a-game tonight to go up against these champions. there is zero room for error. this is going to be the battle of a lifetime. (mary) good morning, chef. (jon) good morning, chef. first things first, break down the ducks. get two of you on it, just so we can get it going. black jackets have no chance against us because we are that good.
8:16 pm
good morning, chef. it's a little surreal being back, but it's like riding a bicycle, so i'm ready to get back into it. it's time to get my hands dirty. all right, guys. just think of ease of service. right. that's my vision. (announcer) while both teams are anxious to do battle... they're in our house. they may have gone through this [bleep] before... my house! but we're here now. (mary) we're like pit bulls in a ring. rawr! [all laugh] (announcer) first they must prepare a sample of their appetizer and entree specials for chef ramsay's approval. i just did olive oil, salt, pepper, and some chives. what we need to get done real quick are these pickled carrots right away. oh, they still have their heads and everything. that's awesome. mary the butcher's here. jon and i are prepping up the ducks, and i'm ready to smear duck blood across my eyes and be like... [screams] i might have to get my cleaver out and chop this head off. [quacks] when she's around meat, mary is completely a different person.
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she makes me nervous. (mary) [bleep]. look out, h.k. winners. [laughs] me and mary gotta get these duck legs off, man, and get 'em in and start confiting, like, right away. it's gonna take four hours in the oven. (jon) yep, they're going in now. (susan) jon just put the duck confit into the oven. there's no way that it will be done on time. this is really bad. are you grumpy, susan? (announcer) while the final five prep their kitchen and work on their dishes for chef ramsay's tasting, over on the other side... i love that heat. (announcer) the stoves aren't the only source of heat in the kitchen. it's a lot hotter on this side, chef. oh, is it? don't threaten me with a good time, sweetheart. only thing between me and you is air and opportunity. i'm feeling really good with the returning champs. we're not sending each other home. we've done this before. we know what to do. dave, you wanna try this? yeah. flavor is nice. lifted up pretty nice. mmm. it's great. prep's been going really well, and our entree is gonna be great. i'm stoked about it.
8:18 pm
(nona) all right. i'm gonna pull this duck. let it rest. we're feeling good about our app and our entree. i mean, you got five champions that came up with these things. everyone put their input in. we're gonna dominate. (gordon) five minutes to go. i think you're golden. (announcer) while the champions are confident in their creations... garnish up. (announcer) the current chefs are having a little problem... (cyndi) yeah, i'm just trying to finish this duck off. (announcer) with the duck confit. let's get that back in and close it up. (mary) [squeals] let's get everything-- that is not going nearly fast enough. i can smell it. no, it's not. the duck? now we're gonna be screwed. i knew this was gonna be the case. last two minutes. (gordon) start plating. garnish is ready except for the duck. (jon) the duck's still got some time. the confit. how long you ready on garnish for this veal? ready. how about the pickled carrots? they ready? yes, chef. jon, what is going on? (jon) i could use another hour. all we can really do is wait. we want a consensus on plating now. 30 seconds. what do you guys think? yeah. no, that's great. that's great. (cyndi) it's nowhere near ready, guys.
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he's not gonna be able to eat it. this cannot be happening right now. chef ramsay's gonna have to taste it without the confit. (gordon) five, four, three, two, one. all right, lets go. uh, describe the dishes, please. this is steak tartare. it's a mix of 28-day aged rib eye and filet. mm-hmm. with a sunny side up quail egg. mm-hmm. it's seasoned with a sherry-truffle vinaigrette and shallots. it needs a bit more heat. touch of tabasco in there. so it just wakes everything up. plating's nice. it's got that wow factor. and the entree? it's a pan-seared duck breast and a celery root puree. the hash is actually missing the duck confit. (gordon) what? i mean, [bleep] ridiculous. this is not good. (gordon) is that the best you can do? i am super embarrassed, and chef ramsay is [bleep] pissed. i mean, come on.
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8:23 pm
(announcer) in less than an hour, the five finalists will face off in a dinner service against five hell's kitchen champions. (gordon) all right, let's go. (announcer) and chef ramsay is ready to approve each team's specials for tonight's menu, but the current chefs have a bit of a problem. the hash is actually missing the duck confit. (gordon) is that the best you can do?
8:24 pm
i mean, come on. duck's not even cooked properly. it's all bland. cook it a little bit better than that. if we can't even get one dish put together correctly, man, there's no way we can beat the champions. okay, christina, rock, dave, are we ready? chef, yes. we have a unique advantage. we've all been trained by chef ramsay, so we know what he likes. the appetizer dish, chef, is a rendered duck breast... mm-hmm. and toasted pistachio. it's nice. fresh, vibrant. entree? it's a veal loin, chef. mm-hmm. and then on the bottom, we have some collard greens with some ham hock. (gordon) nice. and the veal tastes really delicious. remember, they don't like it too pink here. so just be careful. you know how finicky they are in l.a. and what i don't wanna see is any of that being returned. (all) yes, chef. delicious. really good indeed. (all) thank you, chef. good job. he liked 'em, and, you know, that's what we should expect. (announcer) while the champions are busy patting themselves on the back... (ja'nel) susan, i need you to come and do an egg. (announcer) the final five are busy hurrying to complete their second attempt of their entree special. (susan) let's go, guys.
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how's your duck over there? confit's ready. we need the dishes up, okay? (ja'nel) we're geg close. (announcer) hopefully this time, they will get chef ramsay's approval. (cyndi) mary, you ready? (ja'nel) go ahead and plate it. (mary) garnish is at the pass for the duck. are we ready? this time, i'm just hoping beyond all hope that he's gonna love evereverything we have. really good. a nice flavor. (ja'nel and mary) thank you, chef. well done. all right, he likes the dishes. thank god. jean-philippe, open hell's kitchen, please. let's go. hey, what's up? good to see you. good to see you too. yes, sir. (gordon) rock is always solid as a rock. christina, welcome back. thanks, chef. it's off to a good start. good, strong start, guys. you got it. here we go, ladies and gent. technically, the five of us have never worked together before, but we wanna beat the returning champions. that would be something to really go down in history for. (gordon) first ticket. here we go. two covers, table 40. two covers, table 32.
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four scallops. (all) yes, chef! i'm gonna get you a bigger scallop pan. (jon) tonight, i wanna be the best. there's no room for error. i just wanna work by myself. careful. your pan's hot. mary, just please, right now, leave me alone. four scallops down in a pan, two minutes. (gordon) jon. she should be doing two. you should be doing two. yes, chef. pass it over. absolutely. (gordon) there you go. thank you. mary, she's strong, but i wanna separate myself and excel over everybody else. (jon) chef, right behind you. scallops here. tonight is all about who rises to the top and who doesn't. (mary) there you go. (gordon) mary. those scallops are cooked beautifully. thank you, chef. [groans] (gordon) service, please. (announcer) jon feels a little shortchanged that mary got a compliment for the work she did on his station, but the final five are off to a strong start on appetizers. this looks so good. these are great. (announcer) and now it's up to the champions... two duck, one risotto, one scallops. (all) yes, chef!
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(announcer) to prove they still have what it takes to dominate in hell's kitchen. how long on that first pick with that riso? it's about eight minutes. and, nona, i don't want that liquid. i want it rich, yes? (nona) yes, chef. i'm on hot apps tonight. i feel pretty good. i was always pretty good at hot apps. risotto, nona? (nona) yes, right now, chef. oh, boy. nona, touch more salt, little bit of butter, and richer, please. on the stove, let's go. risotto can always be pretty tricky, and it's been a few years since i've made chef ramsay's risotto. good. service, please. let's go, four risotto. yes, that's six, seven minutes. dave, give her a hand, please. anything wrong? you need anything started? no. when i do risotto, i know there's gonna be a lot of orders, so i'm really confused as to why nona doesn't have a lot going. risotto, please! all right, here, i'm gonna move over in a second and jump in with you. (gordon) i'm getting backed up, nona. i need something, yes? no, don't-- put it back. (nona) dave's like, "what do you need? what do you need?" i don't need anything. i've got four pans of risotto.
8:28 pm
can i bring this up for you? let's go. (nona) you can walk. i'll be all right. behind you, nona. behind you, behind you. dave coming out there, like, "my [bleep] is bigger than yours" sort of thing, and it's like, ain't happening, baby. mine's always gonna be bigger. delicious, that risotto. (gordon) dave, very nice, that risotto. oh, thanks, chef. (announcer) with dave playing appetizer assistant and messenger... he said nice risotto. uh, nona made it. (announcer) nona's risotto gets the seal of approval from chef ramsay and the diners. wow. delicious. (announcer) meanwhile, back in the red kitchen... (gordon) red team, let's go. (announcer) chef ramsay looks to raise the intensity... (gordon) six covers, four tartare, two risotto. how long? four minutes out, chef. (announcer) and looks to mary for some leadership. (gordon) let's go, mary. i'm gonna start that kale right now. are you ready for me to do that? (gordon) let's go. see if you can get that high-pitched squeak into a proper voice, yes? [deeper voice] yes, chef. [normal, high-pitched voice] let us know when you're two minutes out on those scallops. the decibels in her voice, seriously, start to make your ears bleed. susan, did you hear that we need the garnish
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for that next scallop? i don't care if it's stupid. awesome. i don't care if it's pointless. for shizzle. chef ramsay wants to hear that we can communicate, so i'm gonna talk until i'm blue in the face. jon, do you need anything over there? nope. do you need anything over there? you girls good? mary, calm down! i just talk a lot. yeah, i--no [bleep]. count it down, ja'nel. that's four tartare. on the next one, two risotto. i'll get the tartare. okay. once you get the risotto on, will you just jump over and help me? 'cause there's four. no way. i've got too much risotto. (susan) ja'nel's not leading. i am so frustrated. okay, susan, what do you need over here, mama? you can start getting the tartare out, please. okay. (susan) honestly, at this point in the competition, baby-sitting two pans of risotto while i'm busting out 15 tartare, it's pathetic. can you just give this a taste with me, just to make sure? susan was supporting the [bleep] out of ja'nel on apps, man. like, whatever it takes. (gordon) let's go, guys. (susan) right behind you with the tartare. walking risotto. service, please.
8:30 pm
(announcer) despite ja'nel and susan being on slightly different pages, they still manage to push appetizers out at a very steady pace. (woman) very good. (woman) it's perfect. (announcer) while over in the blue kitchen... on order, six covers, table 20, yeah? two duck, one risotto, one scallops, yes? (all) yes, chef! (announcer) there is a slight backlog on appetizers. three minutes on two more duck. i can do it. (rock) we need a lift. somebody's gotta get the ship going and get everybody focused. 90 seconds out on scallops. two duck can walk when you're ready. (rock) let's just get it calm. we're doing real frantic stuff. is that on fire? minute and a half, walking. (rock) chill. where we going with it? rock seemed a little bit lost. why you fire--okay. this the first two, going with scallops? oh, that's going with the duck. rock, when the scallops are ready, we bring up the scallops, two duck, and two risotto. i just saw lamb-- okay, i just saw-- i kn--i promise. what you need? what-- tell me what to do. scallops, walking now. walking two duck. [bleep] is my puree? (nona) all right, i'm walking.
8:31 pm
(rock) where's the risotto? (nona) he already has it. service, please. let's go. thank you, jean. good, good. we in a rhythm. what? looks like apps are knocked. whoo! yes! (announcer) the champions have delivered their final appetizers. oh, wow, that really does melt in your mouth. entree, two halibut, two lamb. (all) yes, chef! (announcer) now it's up to season nine winner, paul, on meat... six minutes to the window, chef. (announcer) and season four winner, christina, on fish... (christina) two halis, i gotcha. (announcer) to get their team off to a strong start on entrees. meanwhile, in the red kitchen, only one thing is standing between ja'nel and susan and completing their final appetizer order. two scallops, two capellini. (all) yes, chef! i'm putting two in one, okay? two in one, perfect. and if you want to start the sauce, if you're not doing anything? got the sauce. (susan) oh, no. not doing anything at all. who's doing the capellini? i'm doing two capellini. you should be telling-- shout, "one minute from now, drop the scallops." yes, chef. tell him, then, not me. yeah, we're four minutes out, chef. that capellini takes two minutes.
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i'm getting irritated with susan because you should know this by now. open up and talk to him. yes, chef. (mary) how long do you need on that capellini? two minutes, please. two minutes heard. dropping scallops. scallops in the pan. give me three minutes, jon. three minutes, please. i got my scallops in the pan, and now i'm supposed to, like, back 'em up? i'm sorry, dude. i'm not gonna die because of you. one minute, chef. the capellini should be ready by now, yes? the capellini is not [bleep] ready. tell us how long you need. tell us. two minutes, please. don't tell him one minute and then tell us two. come on, guys, that [bleep] capellini. hey, get a grip, woman. let's go. i don't know what to do. i should've just said, "i need more time." at this point, there is no way to get this pasta cooked any faster. walking with scallops. (gordon) capellini, please. susan. susan! (ja'nel) susan should go home. i don't understand how she's made it this far. susan! yes, chef? capellini in 30 seconds. oh, my god! you're so stupid. drives me [bleep] insane!
8:33 pm
8:34 pm
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8:35 pm
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8:36 pm
(announcer) tonight chef ramsay has brought back hell's kitchen champions to see how the final five measure up. and right now, 45 minutes into service... walking with scallops. capellini, please. susan! (announcer) susan is having a bit of an issue with timing. susan! yes, chef? capellini in 30 seconds. oh, my god! (gordon) you're so stupid. drives me [bleep] insane. there we go. don't forget to butter it out. yep. (ja'nel) susan is a joke. she shouldn't be making these mistakes at this point in the game. let's go, capellini, please. yes, chef! (susan) i know that everyone is gonna be riding me
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about this whole capellini business. capellini behind you, chef. (susan) but at the end of the day, i got it on the plate and up to the pass. and let me tell you, it's perfectly cooked. very nice, that capellini. thank you, chef. (announcer) despite susan's minor setback with timing the capellini... service, please. (announcer) the red kitchen completes appetizers... i could eat this every day. entree, two bass, two duck. (announcer) and begins working on entrees. two bass in the pan. let's go. duck's working, chef. (announcer) meanwhile, in the blue kitchen... two bass, two lamb, pull. yes, chef, walking down two lamb. (announcer) hell's kitchen champions paul and christina push out entrees. thank you, paul. (christina) walking with two bass now. behind you, chef. good. go, go, go. service, please. okay, pull two lamb, two halibut. yes, chef! two lamb, two halibut! we're gonna go two minutes! i'm feeling good, man. i'm pumped. watch your back. i'm not worried about meat. meat's on lock. two halibut first, chef. where's the lamb? where's the sauce? (paul) walking the lamb right now. (christina) yes. [bleep]. now, raw lamb.
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[bleep] me. paul! yes, chef? like with the veal, there you're fine, but that-- i need it back in there, two minutes, quick. yeah, we're not gonna get away with that. yes, chef. new york, maybe. l.a., no chance. quick. all right, chef. let me tell you something. i'm gonna pack the truck and drive on back, 'cause new york's better, and that's a fact. how long on the two lamb refire? one minute, chef. (christina) he's a new yorker. they like it raw up in new york. we all make mistakes. fix it. walking down, guys. (paul) behind you! (gordon) it's fine. chef. good. service, please. (announcer) paul seems to have recovered quickly with his lamb as it makes its way out to the dining room... it's very rare. pretty rare. (announcer) but it won't be staying long. (jean-philippe) hello. (female customer) mine's a bit rare. i do apologize. let me rectify this. what's wrong? it's too red for the lady. yeah, [bleep], man. (gordon) paul! refire lamb, medium. i said watch the pinkness. yes, chef! are you [bleep] kidding me? we're assuming that paul's the meat master.
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i hope he's not in too deep, but we'll see. i would expect to get [bleep] by the red kitchen, not the [bleep] blue. two bass, two duck! how long? duck is ready! walking on bass. two duck, chef. the bass is lovely. very nice. that duck's cooked nicely. thank you. go, please. on order, two covers, table 52, two covers, table 33. don't stare at me, mary. two--don't stare at me, mary. you're spooking me. yes, chef. i'm sorry, chef. i'm sorry, chef. (mary) oh, god, oh, god, oh, god. don't make eye contact. turn your head. you gotta be just like... like you're [bleep] madame tussauds. (jon) there's mary. [spooky music] two covers, table 52, two covers, table 33. two duck, two halibut. let's go. every time, she stares at me. like something out of the [bleep] shining. let's go, let's go, let's go. less than a minute. (both) less than a minute! heard! i'm gonna walk that duck garnish. if we can keep this momentum going, we're totally gonna win tonight. walking on halibut. (cyndi) duck is walking. two duck, chef.
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duck's nice. service, please. keep it up, keep it up. (announcer) while the chefs in the red kitchen continue to show how they became the final five... oh, my god, this is so good. (announcer) over in the blue kitchen, paul... lamb refire walking up. (announcer) has caught up... service, please. (announcer) delivering his refired lamb. here we are. thank you so much. no, you're very welcome. (announcer) and the champions are kicking it into high gear. we got it. we back on track. we good. let's go! order in! last ticket. four covers, table 34. two lamb, two wellington. (all) yes, chef! (mary) how long out are we? (cyndi) four minutes out! (mary) four minutes heard. (cyndi) i got lamb firing. i've got wellingtons going. i'm juggling a lot of stuff right now. [bleep], these are [bleep] under. [bleep] my life. (mary) how long do you need, cynd? give me four minutes, please! four minutes heard. (susan) cyndi, who wanted so much to be on that station, is having some issues with her timing. she better get it right. cyndi? yes, chef? i want that lamb seared, not scorched. absolutely, chef. big difference, right?
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huge difference, chef. (announcer) while cyndi tries to get the temperatures perfect on the red kitchen's final ticket, over in the blue kitchen... watch your back, guys! walking down two lamb. (announcer) the champions are hot on their heels. lamb. all right, guys. two minutes, two veal, two bass, right? go. that's why i'm here. that's why i'm a big deal. two bass, two veal, followed by last ticket, two veal, two halibut. yes, chef. yes, chef. (dave) christina, what do you need, hon? get some crust on here. see that guy there? pop 'em in the oven. i've met christina once before, and she's hot. can you get me some more pans? i don't have any pans. (dave) i'll do it. but i could do a lot more than that. [jazzy music] you want me to check it for you, and if it's not done, put it in the-- it's fine, chef. it'll be over. i'm happy to have dave's support on fish station. i just hope he doesn't get too close. (christina) bass coming down. two veal. (gordon) let's go, good. service, please. last ticket. yes, sir. come on, guys, let's go, let's go! let's go! (gordon) two lamb, two wellington!
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ready? (cyndi) not yet. what can i do, guys? just take care of the sauces for me. that would be the best help. sauces, yep, heard. (susan) come on, cyndi. this is our last ticket. like, we can beat returning champions. focus, hunker down, and get it done. (cyndi) chef. two lamb, two wellington, chef. [dramatic music] (gordon) service, please. good job, guys. that was awesome. we finished before the other kitchen, and that gives me a very good indication that we won dinner service. i know it's never a race, but we finished strong. everything well? well, it's a little bit raw for my taste. is it raw? yeah. it's too much blood for my taste. what is it? could i have a refire? medium instead of medium rare, chef? red team, one lamb refire, medium. yes, chef. damn, i mean, come on. can i catch a break? (susan) you need me to get a lamb on, or you good? i got it right here. hurry up the lamb, medium. i've got to get this lamb sliced and in the window as soon as i can.
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how long? three minutes, please. three minutes, guys, refired lamb. three minutes heard. yes, chef. my clock is ticking right now. okay. this is last ticket, correct? yeah, it's the last one. come on, cyndi. you're almost done. i want to win tonight. your lamb refire garnish is right here. chef, lamb refire. ugh, [bleep] me. cyndi, it came back 'cause it's bloody, and you sent to me a pool of blood. that is disgusting! get it in the oven! cyndi, please just get it together. we can't sink because of you. (gordon) come on, cyndi, you're screwing the team! un-[bleep]-believable. ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil™ sleep-aid. [ both snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪
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zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. ♪ blue shirt: we do. amy: at&t? blue shirt: yes. amy: t mobile? blue shirt: sure. amy: sprint? blue shirt: mhmm. amy: verizon? blue shirt: got it. amy: do you make commission on this? blue shirt: no. amy: do you have all the plans? blue shirt: we do. amy: does this make my head look big? blue shirt: no. amy: can you activate all of these? blue shirt: yes we can. amy: can you transfer my contacts? blue shirt: yes. amy: are you sure? blue shirt: yes. amy: i'm pretty popular. blue shirt: no problem. amy: you're good. what number am i thinking of? blue shirt: nine.
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(announcer) it's the battle of the final five versus former hell's kitchen champions. and so far, the final five have put up an impressive service. this is the last table, guys. (announcer) and both teams are on their final ticket. cyndi, it came back 'cause it's bloody, and you sent to me a pool of blood. (announcer) but just when it looked like the red kitchen was finishing, cyndi is having issues with her lamb. come on, get it in the oven! yes, chef. (gordon) come on, cyndi! (gordon) you're screwing the team! un-[bleep]-believable. (cyndi) i'm seriously hustling. i can't believe i made such an amateur mistake
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in a black jacket. my fault, guys. (announcer) meanwhile, in the blue kitchen... two halibut. two veal walking up right now. (announcer) the proud champs are pushing out their last entrees. service, please. that was fun. we got things done flawlessly, in my book. that's why we're all champions. this was worth waiting for. (announcer) with dinner service almost complete... wow. (announcer) the patrons begin to fill out their comment cards, all of them but one diner on the red side. cyndi, how long? cyndi? (cyndi) this lamb is ready. let's go. yes, chef! (jon) come on, cyndi. it shouldn't be too hard to get it medium. just get it out there. (gordon) service, please. finally! and the lamb. oh. incredible. well, good job, guys. everybody rocked out today. good job, ladies and jon. (mary) we had our ups tonight. we had our downs. we gave it everything we had. it was rocky, but it was great.
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wow, what a night. let me tell you something really important. for as long as i've been a chef, and that's been a long time, right? i've never, ever, ever, to this day, seen a absolute perfect service. and tonight was no different. there were a few bumps, clearly, in both kitchens. but under the conditions, both teams performed very well. thank you, chef. thank you, chef. so i reviewed the comment cards, and i'm going to let the comment cards make my decision tonight. we asked the diners how many of them would return to this restaurant, based on tonight's experience. the champions' kitchen, you had a very impressive score. 95% of your guests tonight said they would be happy to return. the current chefs also had an amazing score.
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ninety... three percent. [bleep]. ugh. [bleep]. that is... phenomenal. 95 to 93. champions, well done. seriously, well done. thank you, chef. nice to see you. good to see you, darling. good to see you. have a good night. was there any [bleep] doubt we were gonna win, dude? i mean, come on. always a pleasure, chef. good to see you, bud, likewise. (rock) it wasn't perfect. i was honored to be here with the other chefs. but a win is a win is a win, and i'll take it. good luck. bye! thank you. bye, guys. (gordon) two points. well done. unfortunately, the process must continue. come up with two nominees... that you think are the weakest individuals in your team. this is where it gets ugly, let me tell you. right, chef. yes, chef. head up to the dorms. great job, guys. ah, we lost! two points, man. i still thought we won. i gotta go put two people up for elimination.
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it's gonna be hard, but at the same time, man, there are people who shouldn't be here. (susan) well, guys? susan, i would have to voteu as. with the capellini is when he was riding your ass, like, "it should be a minute." because you're going, "yeah, a minute, a minute." as soon as he left, you're like, "wait, three minutes." i'm like, "[bleep], i just put the scallops in the pan." jon feelsels that i should go up. i made a mistake, you know. it was a small mistake. it didn't hold service back. do i think i deserve to go home? absolutely not. ugh. well, i'm not giving up. cyndi, you are also in the bottom two. i don't agree with that. i'm not trying to be an [bleep], but you were freaking putting up raw lamb tonight, and that's a big deal. yeah. really? that's gonna be, like, what we're gonna-- i'm just bringing up a point. all right, well-- it's not like i wanna send you home. cyndi, we're gonna have to nitpick all the [bleep]. i'm allowed to get defensive a little bit about it. so let's not get defensive because i'm getting defensive. they're insane. they're looking for an easy way to push somebody good out. ja'nel, it almost seemed like susan was running the app station, and not you.
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what? there's no [bleep] way she was running that station over me. while i was making the two risotto to go with the four tartare, i was on those tartare with her too. that station got-- you don't have to get so defensive. i'm not. that station got hit. you're getting really loud, though. this is how i talk. that's absolutely ridiculous. i am not the weakest chef here in hell's kitchen, and i do not think that i should be going home tonight. (cyndi) okay. no way. (cyndi) okay. to be honest, man, i wouldn't mind seeing ja'nel and cyndi go home. they're my biggest competition right now. [dramatic music] ♪ have you reached a decision? (all) yes, chef. ja'nel, first nominee, please. [suspenseful music] our first nominee is susan. susan. yes. we picked her because of the timing issue we had on the capellini. when you came over, she needed a little more time.
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by the final five, which resulted in a narrow loss to the former champions, they have nominated... susan. (announcer) now they must give chef ramsay nominee number two. the second nominee was definitely harder. [suspenseful music] we chose cyndi. so the two weakest chefs are cyndi... and susan. does everybody agree with that? cyndi. the weakest two individuals in your team right now-- who are they? the weakest two, chef, would be susan and mary. we're not looking for the most improved. we're looking for who's been a leader. susan, the weakest two individuals in your team. this is really hard, but i'm gonna have to say cyndi and mary. why mary? i think that she backs down when the pressure comes on, and i think that she can be too nice sometimes. chef, i am a very nice person, but i do say what needs to be said, and i do what needs to be done. [exhales] susan, cyndi, step forward.
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susan, tell me why you think you should stay in hell's kitchen. i have so much passion. it, like, runs through my blood. i would love the opportunity to have the platform to work for you at caesars palace. i have everything that it takes to be your head chef. cyndi, tell me why you think you should stay in hell's kitchen. 'cause i'm not ready to give up this black jacket yet, chef. i just got it. you've seen me at my weakest point here, but you haven't seen me at my greatest yet. i haven't had the chance. what separates you from susan? i'm a better, well-rounded chef. i have the instinct. i have the drive. i have the knowledge. this is really hard. [suspenseful music] ♪ the capellini should be ready by now, yes? the capellini is not [bleep] ready. susan! yes, chef? you're so stupid. drives me [bleep] insane. very nice, that capellini. thank you, chef. ♪ cyndi, it came back 'cause it's bloody, and you sent to me a pool of blood.
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that is disgusting! get it in the oven! two duck, chef. that duck's cooked nicely. thank you. you leave me no choice. my decision is... susan... and cyndi... keep your black jackets. really? thank you. back in line, both of you. (cyndi) oh, man. oh, my god. (gordon) all of you, listen carefully. when you put in a service like that and almost match five returning champions, tonight i saw you as champions. so no one is leaving this competition tonight, but i'll have no choice in the future to continue to cut until there's only one of you. the challenges will be harder, dinner services more complicated, and tomorrow's elimination, who knows?
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could be one, two, or even three of you. oh, man. get out of here. good night. (all) good night, chef. good night, chef. moving forward from tonight, i'm taking control of my destiny. i want to win, and i believe i'm capable of winning. i will not let anyone else in this competition stop me. it's gonna get real dirty from here on out. chef's gonna have to take this jacket off my cold, dead body. there's no way i'm giving it up without a fight. (mary) people think that i'm weak in hell's kitchen, but i'm not. clearly, every day, i bring it. so look out. i am a force to be reckoned with. (announcer) next time on hell's kitchen... now he's looking for the m.v.p. (announcer) tensions are higher than ever. my palate is better than yours. i'm faster than you. i'm more creative than you. you're really [bleep] humble too. (announcer) and the pressure to survive... get a grip, now! (announcer) leads to an unforgivable mistake. oh, my god! that is disgusting! what are you doing to them? (announcer) find out what drives... [bleep].
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(announcer) chef ramsay to do this. you're the chef, right? no, chef. you [bleep] run it, then. there you go. run it. she's screwed. this is a [bleep] joke. (announcer) it's every chef for themselves. you could jump on and help me! what do you need me to do? you are a rookie! [screams] get your [bleep] together and make it right. (announcer) in one of the most chaotic dinner services ever. damn. (announcer) you don't want to miss what's coming next time... we're [bleep]. [chuckles] (announcer) on hell's kitchen. (male narrator) previously on does someone have to go, we traveled to st. louis, missouri, where true home value, a home improvement company, found itself suffering from dysfunction in the workplace. you have got to get this thing turned around. (christy) they can find another you that shows up. i could just smell alcohol. (narrator) unable to solve the problems himself, owner larry smith decided to hand over the power to make personnel changes to his employees. all of you are gonna become the boss, and you may have to make the toughest decision of all. "does someone have to go?"
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