tv Charlie Rose FOX June 28, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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today on "anderson live." a woman hires a hit man to kill her husband and mother-in-law. >> it made me sick even now. >> and vinny from jersey shore is here opening up why his show is creating controversy. it is my crazy family. >> and chicago anchor robin robinson is my co-host. and in the "first 15", foul play. who poisoned this million dollar lottery winner? bieber versus his bodyguard why
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he is going to battle in court and the video that is caution a commotion get ready for the sushi shake. today on "anderson live." [applause] [cheering] [♪] >> anderson: hey, everybody hope are you having a good friday. my co-host robin robinson from chicago station. >> p they know me like they know me. >> anderson: welcome to the show. we have a great show today. a lot of interesting stuff.
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we are speak together first transgendered woman allowed to compete in a miss u.s.a. pageant. and a true crime exclusive, a woman who hired a hit man to kill her husband and mother-in-law and we will hear why she did this and we will hear from her daughter. and jersey shore star vinny is here. a lot to get to in the "first 15". i just woke up and i started reading the story about justin bieber's former bodyguard is suing him for beating him. >> and you must be dreaming? >> anderson: if i am a bodyguard and want to continue in the bodyguard profession i'm not sure that i would admit that justin bieber hit me. >> it makes sense. bodyguards have to have self control. so he stood there and took it like a man three times bigger than the guy that was hitting
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him. >> anderson: the guy claims that in a tirade bieber punched him in the chest and upper body area and the bodyguard did not retaliate out of concern for justin bieber's physical well-being. >> that is his job is to protect justin bieber. >> tmz is saying he was fired because he lied as working as a bodyguard for justin timberlake. >> another big guy who probably beat him up. >> anderson: and there is also i guess in england the royal family ricky gear vase had a funny tweet about this. the man is being bullied by the olson twins. they gave me a wedgey and everything. >> i don't know. as a bodyguard as a person who doesn't need a bodyguard i'm thinking that he has something else in mind. a reality tv show? >> anderson: suing for $421,000.
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and the royal family put out the first official portrait of kate middleton. i guess as a member of the royal family everybody gets their official portrait. and she wanted one that was more realistic. this is the official portrait. i don't like it. >> i like it. i like it. i do not want looking like a supermodel and it's more what she looks like in person. one of your staff members is a fan and she is prettier than that. she is all made up and has a stylist and we all want to aspire to that. >> anderson: it looks like it's painted on velvet. >> she has lines and has things that makes her look like a real person. the age you forward? >> anderson: it looks like a cheap portrait. i don't know. i wanted something -- >> a photograph? >> anderson: no, more regal and a sash and tiara or something. i don't know.
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>> i'm thinking a mohawk and a nose ring. >> anderson: i don't know. i think it should be more grandment you are from chicago and i am a -- great city. [applause] >> i'm wearing a flag about chicago. chicago has like a complex of being second city not as good as new york or la. everything i have on is made in chicago. i got presents from chicago. >> anderson: i like presents. >> want to see a present? >> anderson: yes. >> here is your present. and look at the top. >> anderson: that is nice. >> "anderson live." [applause] >> open it up. >> anderson: wow. it smells good. >> popcorn 1949 people have been hooked on the garret popcorn. the customers started mixing the cheese corn and the carpa carpal
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corn and the lines are long around the block. and this is modern-day back in the 50s there is -- it's just -- >> anderson: and you brought some for everybody in the audience. >> i wanted this all my life. [applause] >> anderson: it's good. i like the smell. >> so in chicago i am obsessed with this lottery story. i don't know if you have been following the storiment a guy won $1 million in the lottery. and he gets the check for $425,000. >> taxes and -- >> anderson: and the night after he gets the check, he wakes up screaming and rushed to the emergency room after his wife fed him a nice meal. wakes up screaming and dies he is dead. wakes up. and they bury him. >> think everything is ok. natural causes and his family
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members they step up and think something is fishy about it and they do -- >> anderson: his family members called the police and something is not right here. >> and they had remains to do -- >> anderson: they do toxicology reports and he was poisoned with cyanide. >> and there's not that many ways that you can accidentally get cyanide. >> anderson: and now, the question is who poisoned him? and a lot of i guess a lot of people are suspecting the wife. and she talked tower station. >> she spoke to our reporter and the man [inaudible] before he get this check he was worth a good amount of money. he had businesses and real estate. and she went to the dry cleaning business running it since he is gone. and reporters came and she talked to them. she said you know she really wants the truth to come out. >> anderson: and she said i really want the truth to come
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ut. i want god to reveal the truthment i loved my husband, i loved him to death. >> poor choice of words. poor choice of words. english is probably her second language. she however revealed her lawyer told us she had been interviewed by police without an attorney. >> anderson: why do people talk to police without an attorney? and they are like i don't know why people talk to us without an attorney present. get an attorney. >> if you are innocent you would like i will look guilty. >> i am addicted to law and order suv get an attorney is that what i learned. >> the criminals get caught don't watch that. but we have interviewed now the brother-in-law married to the sister of the dead guy and the dead man's daughter who is his
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wife's stepdaughter is living with them because she doesn't get along with her stepmother. >> anderson: you interviewed the brother? >> the brother-in-law. >> anderson: and we have a clip. >> the wife and him was alone. they have a two story house. she was upstairs with him. nobody else was there. no other family member was there. jasmine was downstairs. her room is downstairs and she was sleeping. >> jasmine is the daughter. >> anderson: that is throwing the step wife under the bus is what that is. he is like they lived in upstairs and he she cooked him dinner. no one else was there. >> and he buried her under a pile of circumstantial evidence and today there is a hearing to decide about exhuming the body. >> anderson: and if you are -- not that i would consider poisoning somebody --fy was going to poison someone i would not do it the day they get the
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check. and then i would not go out and cash that check. >> well, they did go to court and said she was attempting to cash the check. she denied trying to spend his estate. it's all going to come out in the wash. but it doesn't look good for somebody. >> anderson: it is a fascinating whodunit. >> my policy is die broke. no one will try to get rid of me. they will be what will we eat if she goes? >> anderson: there is a commercial running in norway made by the seafood council and part of a campaign to get people to eat more fish more sushi. i don't know why this commercial would make anybody want to eat more sushi. it is the weirdest looking people dressed up as sushi. look at this commercial. [♪]
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[laughter] [♪] [applause] >> anderson: is that crazy? >> eat more sushi or eat more people. something. >> anderson: it's like you are eating sushi but they turn into people. the whole thing is weird. >> they must have a strong ad council. >> anderson: and they found like people hanging around the office we dressed up as sushi. >> and they are all thin. >> anderson: like -- like the guy in the middle has a tummy sticking out. it is a weird, weird commercial. >> they don't want you to have any other appetites. >> anderson: we will take a quick break and more of the "first 15" when we come back: we will be right back. [applause] [cheering] [♪]
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ripped from the headlines... a wife and mother hired a hit man to kill her husband mother-in-law. now her daughter is breaking her silence in an "anderson live" exclusive. >> it made me sick. even now. i don't like talking about it. >> anderson: and vinny from jersey shore is here. >> i'm not jimmy kimmel. and this is not... >> why his new show is pushing the boundaries of reality tv. >> next "anderson live", the millionaire investors from shark tank are here. >> not so much the idea but the person behind it. >> we are choosing the next big idea and the number one way to turn your big idea into big bucks. and pat and gina teaching the secrets of southern cooking. >> anderson: i am a picky eater. >> and tyler perry's better or
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[applause] >> anderson: welcome back here with co-host robin robinson. anchor from fox 32 in chicago. and i have to be honest. terrence is obsessed with me asking. he learned that you used to date steadman. and he is obsessed with this. >> traded down? >> all morning long. >> how did oprah winfrey steal steadman from you. >> i gave him up. we dated and i love him. don't get me wrong. most of what you know is not true. nicest man in the world. >> anderson: i've never heard bad things about him. >> no? great guy.
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but i was very certain that i wanted to get married and have kids and he was not moving fast enough we moveed from denver to chicago together and he is a step-by-step guy and i was like got to go, next and we met oprah was just starting her show and i'm glad they got together. >> anderson: you are still friends? >> we don't see each other but, yes. my best friend is married to his best friend. we hooked them up. >> terrence are you happy now? >> i mean, i would have preferred more dirt but is there anything you can give us? >> he is as good looking in person as all the pictures you've seen. how about that? [applause] >> anderson: there is another viral video that is funny. a woman whose cat makes purrs loudly. and when she is on the phone
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people are like what the scheck that sound? and she is like it's my cat. listen to the cat. [cat purring] >> anderson: bizarre. [applause] >> the cat is going to hurt himself. >> anderson: so this weekend the miss california u.s.a. package sent taking place and for the first time ever there's going to be a transgender contestant. kylan wenzel. and she is actually joining us by satellite from california. thank you for being with us. appreciate you being here. [applause] how is it going. >> thank you. [applause] >> anderson: there was a rule change in april that allowed you
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to compete. why was this so important to you to compete? >> actually this has been a dream since i was 11. so i put it out to the universe and hope to go would happen and it happened. so i moved my surgery up six months and since then i have been just working on hoping to become miss california. >> anderson: is this something -- every person who i interviewed who is transgender felt this from a young age is this something that you always felt? felt? >> i've always felt i was a girl. it took me longer to process it, but, yes, i was a woman. >> and how long did you complete the surgery are you still in pain? >> i just had the surgery august 23. so my recovery period just ended. i still do get aches but other than that i'm doing really well. >> anderson: are you nervous about the competition? >> i'm just excited. i'm not nervous whatsoever.
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i have been waiting for this day for a longtime so i cannot just wait to see what happens in the finals. >> anderson: do you think you will be treated fairly? >> oh, absolutely. everyone has been supportive. the state directors have been accepting and the girls are nice. i don't have anything to worry about. >> and everybody is not in agreement with this. have you had push back saying this is a female pageant get in your own transgender pageant? >> there are people who are not open to it. but i feel like it's my purpose to educate you for that we are women we happen to be born in the wrong body and hopefully being myself will help change people's minds a little bit. >> anderson: what are you most nervous about? what is your strong suit and is there something you have been practicing a lot? >> i think my strongest is going to be swimsuit because i have been running and working out a lot. and i'm not nervous at all.
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i'm hoping to experience the swimsuit and the evening gown and the final question. >> anderson: we wish you the best of luck and we will be following t thank you for talking to us. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> anderson: wish you luck. >> i wish her luck but that is what some people say is not fair. a man working out a lot gets a different result from a woman working out a lot. some people can say that is an unfair advantage. >> anderson: she is female now. and she is taking hormones and had the sexual reassignment surgery. >> she has great arms. >> anderson: i wish i had those arms. little pencil arms. up next a true crime exclusivement a mother's deadly murder plot. a mother -- we will talk to the daughter of a mom who contracted hitmen to try to kill her husband. and vinny is going to be here.
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we will be right back. [applause] [♪] coming up, an "anderson live" exclusive. behind the headlines of a brutal double murder and the woman who hired a hit man to kill her husband and mother-in-law now her daughter is here revealing what she says caused her mother to snap. >> even now, i don't like look at them kids...
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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[applause] >> anderson: welcome back. my co-host robin robinson. our chicago station fox 32. you will not believe the next story. it's been making headlines an unbelievable double murder mystery filled with lies and secrets. the murder of ben novak jr. sickened investigators. the wealthy heir of the hotel in miami, florida who was bluj ended and tortured his eyes
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gouged out. the scene of the crime, a hotel suite in new york where ben was staying with his wife and stepdaughter. ben met darcy she was a stripper from ecuador happy to share in his lifestyle. in 1991 they married and raised her daughter. and investigators discovered there was a dark side to the marriage including affairs. right before his murder, ben's latest romance was getting serious. nashsy feared he would divorce her leaving her with nothing. police looked deeper and picked up a trail that led to hired hit man. the hit man pled gill two to murdering ben and what they told police next stunned them. >> anderson: who hired the hitmen? aphrodite is host of true crime she is joining us now. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. [applause]
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>> anderson: who did you suspect? >> honestly, i suspected the daughter. >> and the victim's stepdaughter? >> yes. the reason i suspected her is initially, the discovery was coming out that this daughter stepdaughter, stood to inherit $10 million and had her mother somehow been framed for a murder, then she was going to get the mon. money. >> anderson: and the brother-in-law, the daughter's uncle started casting suspicion on may, the daughter. >> and this continued through the trial. so there was a real issue and i went to the trial it was a federal case because it crossed state lines and there were two murders. >> anderson: what made this so
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shocking? >> this is a story first of all that was such a personal murder. you are talking about somebody who was brutally beaten. the murder weapon were dumbbells. >> anderson: weights? >> they slashed his eyeballs. >> they gouged his eyes out. the killer. and the man was tied up, bound, gagged. i mean. >> anderson: tortured. >> tortured. >> is that why the hitmen got caught? it was so brutal. >> you wonder why would a hit man do that? >> anderson: unless they had been ordered to or asked to. and the man who got killed his mother had also been killed or died several months before. >> and that is the other thing that makes it sensational, the man that got killed his mother was found dead 12 weeks earlier in florida and it was ruled an
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accident. >> cleared the way for his inheritance because he gets everything and then he is dead. >> right. right. exactly. >> anderson: how was she killed? >> well, she was beaten to death as well. >> anderson: how could they think a woman was beaten to death how do they think that was not a murder? >> the police in florida, she was 87 years old she had taken a fall before. so she was found she had crawled from the car where she was beaten into the home. and so she was trying to clean up her own blood. just horrifying this poor woman and this woman was the first lady of the fountain blue hotel in miami that is what makes the story so -- >> that is where the money started the victim's father. >> the fountain blue hotel, hello, home of movies, endless frank sin that ra, you name it. bernice was in pictures with everybody in the world. >> anderson: this is like out of
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the movie. the may tree arc dies and it's ruled a natural death and after her son is beaten to death they realize she has been beaten with like a wrench. >> right. >> anderson: and which is just so bizarre so then suspicion is cast opportunitcast on the daug. >> because what happened is immediately, the wife, narcy and her brother, the other suspect there are a number of suspects here, were saying, may, the daughter, hated ben that they implied and said there were love letters between ben and may and a sexual affair going on between ben and may. >> and this is the man who married a stripper not to say there is anything wrong with strippers but he supposedly never grew up. he had interesting hobbies. >> he was whacky to begin with. he had one of the largest batman
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collections in the world. we are talking about the real bat mobile and everything else. >> anderson: and the wife of this guy who died is casting doubt on her own daughter. >> absolutely. >> anderson: we have to take a break. the victim's stepdaughter may she is here and breaking her silence about what she thinks really happened. we will be right back. [applause] [♪] [ humming ]
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that was quick. this was you. hm? you've been trying to get me to eat egg whites for years. you went and talked to mcdonald's? [ gasps ] oh, an egg white delight mcmuffin. i knew it. [ female announcer ] the new egg white delight mcmuffin. freshly grilled egg whites and creamy white cheddar. also available on any of your favorites. it's another new way to love mcdonald's. mmm. this is good. yeah. it's better than good. did you remember my latte? uh..yeah...'s in the car.
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>> the murder of ben novak jr. on july 12, 2009 sickened investigators. the scene of a the crime a hotel room in new york where he was staying with his wife, narcy and stepdaughter may. police picked up a trail that led to hired hitmen. they pled guilty to what they told police next stunned them. welcome back here with co-host robin robinson. we have been talking with
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aphrodite jones about a murder that is involving sex and greed and millions of dollars. may, ben novak's stepdaughter is joining us now. i appreciate you being here. i'm sorry for all that you have been through. [applause] i mean, first of all, your stepfather when you learned he had been murdered what went through your mind? this is a man who was your father? >> it was confusing. because when you first hear that he passed away i was not sure how. i thought it was a heart attack. and when you get to the room and you are told he is murdered, my mother throwing off things that he was robbed for money. and we were working on an event. >> anderson: you know, a lot of people became suspicious of you when did you become suspicious of your mother? >> by the end of the night. >> the night he was killed. >> correct. >> and a lie detector test.
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>> anderson: what made you suspicious. >> she was she was asked and she would answer them differently. >> anderson: and you were listening in? >> we were in a room like this. and they would ask when is the last time you saw him? >> may and her mom were staying at the hotel where ben was killed. >> anderson: she was answering questions. >> random questions. they weren't actual interrogations. >> you are becoming suspicious are police becoming suspicious of her or you? >> of her as well. >> anderson: at what point did you really start to believe my mother did this? >> i would say once she took the lie detector test it confirmed my suspicions but before we went to the morgue and the way she looked at him. just were not normal. >> she did not pass the test? >> no. >> anderson: your mother how did your mom and your stepfather
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meet? >> there is a few versions of that of how they met. obviously she just -- we don't know what is true on that. >> she was a stripper. >> anderson: she was a stripper from ecuador. >> yes. and then ben novak junior was tired of that high life the thing of being around the first family of miami and j.f.k. and the life. >> he wanted -- he liked fun. he liked to have fun. >> they had an open marriage where she might not have been the only stripper. >> at that time, right. i was 12 when they met and when they were married. she definitely downgraded how they met. >> they had a volatile relationship. prior to this, i think it was back in 2002, she had actually had him beaten up, right? >> tied up, anderson, beaten up. and the thugs then took a safe out of the basement out of the
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floor of the basement and came out with $350,000 in cash. and left him tied up for 24 hours before they decided to release him. when he gets released, it turns out he hires a pi who finds discovers who did this to him. his own wife. but did anybody go to jail? no. >> anderson: he dropped the charges against your mother. back in 2002. and after she had him bound up and beaten up and held captive for 24 hours? >> yes,. >> what would have pushed her she is married to him. apparently it was a prenup. >> she wouldn't have gotten much but a lot on my mother's end she was going to be replaced he was leaving her. >> he had a mistress, a stripper her name is rebecca. and she testified at trial. and this woman becky, they were
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in love. and so from all the years of affairs and this very love-hate relationship between the know vacs ben and narcy, she tolerated a lot he tolerated a lot. >> anderson: i have to ask for may, for you, for everybody else this is a news story. and this is your family and this is your mother and she actually was plotting to kill you? >> correct. >> anderson: i mean how do you feel? >> um, i felt when she went that far she stopped being my mother a longtime ago, according to me. >> anderson: so you had to do that emotionally, you had to say to yourself this is not my mother? >> such a personal gruesome way of killing someone. is there violence in your family background that we should know about. >> my mother's side always. they have always been twisted.
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>> it's not just the twisted this is what we have found out is that narcy novak through the police investigation and the trial let the killers into the room. and then stayed there. she was supposed to leave. and orchestrated the murder and that why the eyes were gouged out she wanted her husband's eyes gouged. she wanted to see that torture. this is where looking at may, and thinking about what she has to live with. why she has to distance herself. >> anderson: may, how are you doing now? >> i am ok. drank a lot during the trial and before that. to get through it. but i am ok. she is supposed to testify against her mother and this is why her mother wanted her killed. >> anderson: i'm so sorry for all that you have gone through and i'm glad you made it out. and you have a family of your own and you are doing well.
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mainstream after six seasons the jersey shore closed shop. vinny moved back to stat len island. take a look. >> i'm not jimmy kimmel. the shore -- this is not new york city not la this is staten island and my crazy house with my contract crazy family. this is the show where celebrities come to keep it real. how are you doing, man? thank you for coping to my house. my mom is giving lil wayne broccoli right now. >> anderson: welcome vinny. [applause] [cheering] [♪] >> anderson: how is it going? >> well, in light of my show with my mom being a great cook she made you something special she made her her baked ziti.
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>> anderson: your mom would come and bring food like on the weekend. >> yes. she became like a character of her own. >> they say she is going to steal the show. >> anderson: is your mom cooking all the time? >> yes. first, feel how heavy this is. >> anderson: good lord that is like a 10 pound ziti. >> low cal. >> anderson: was food the center of your house? >> it is everything. when celebrities come over my mom they don't care who is on the show or all they care about is feeding them. when little wayne came into the house she was like did you eat on your flight. >> and how do they react? >> they might have been doing something else on the flight that got them hungry. so they were like i'm hungry. >> anderson: does your mom still do your laundry? on jersey shore she did your
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laundry? >> of course, she does. i went away to college for a brief period of time and i learned to do it but it did not last long. not as white when -- [laughter] >> girlfriends do they feel intimidated how will they live up to the man's mom? >> exactly but i bought a new house and i put a side apartment in there to keep my mom in there to do the laundry. and train the new girl how to do all that stuff. >> that better than his mom buying the house. >> anderson: this is great. good ziti. pass along my compliments. so like people will you have celebrities stopping by your house and your uncle doesn't hold anything back. >> i have an uncle who you never know what it is going to come out of his mouth. i don't know how i'm related to the guy. but he is like the equivalent of snooki as an older 50
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something-year-old man. >> like that crazy uncle everybody has. >> exactly. >> anderson: what is the deal with you and snooki. there was a lot of unresolved issues there? >> it gets a little lonely when you film and all you have is each other so you look for that -- >> anderson: were you lonely? it didn't look like you were lonely. you had a lot of company. did you clean that hot tub ni felt that was a bacteria dish. >> you would think that. >> anderson: didn't you see what was going on in the hot tub. >> situation did something questionable the first season with a girl in it. and we never went in again. >> but you and snooki had a relationship before this started? >> no, we never knew each other and lonely nights and alcohol mixed in. i would get snook, snook coming to my bed at night. and as a man, i wasn't going to
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decline. >> anderson: snooki knows this was a lonely night thing? >> at times she thought it was going to go -- when i was drunk i wanted it and when we were sober we didn't want it. >> and both drunk look out. >> and both drunk we had a problem. >> so you built relationships on that show was it hard to say good-bye to jersey shore? >> i made real relationships pauly is a brother to me now and we are going to stay friends forever and the rest of them we are all cool still. >> anderson: and you have a best selling book control the crazy. you write about some of the things you have gone through in panic attacks and depression. which i think a lot of people deal with. and didn't know that you have dealt w how did you figure out how to control that ordeal with it? >> what happened was, jersey shore is not about that. it's about having fun but overall of the seasons you start to see our real personalities who we are.
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and i had panic attacks since i was a younger kid and when we filmed four months straight, 24/7 they started to manifest. and that is when i had to leave on season 5 and it led me to sharing it with everyone because that is part of the recovery of anxiety and depression or any vice you have is like sharing positive messages. >> anderson: do you still experience them? >> i have a lot of coping mechanisms. i never did medication. i don't have anything against it. i jam packed a million mechanisms, listening to music, working out all that stuff. >> you would think not being on a reality tv shows might be a way to not have anxiety. >> true. true. but money makes me happy. and it relieves anxiety. >> anderson: we wish you the best. thank you, vinny. you can see vinny's new show this spring on mtv and will you
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[applause] >> anderson: welcome back. vinny seems leak a nice guy. so i love products and gadgets was excited to go to the "good housekeeping" lab where they test all the products. i met up with the director in the engineering lab to check out the products for the 2013 vip awars, take a look. >> thank you for coming to "good housekeeping". we will show you products. the g profile fridge you can put a glass and the sensors fill it. >> how does that work? >> this is the vacuum room. >> a vacuum treadmill. >> you will love this vacuum. i don't know if you have had this trouble before the hair gets caught up in the brush roll.
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put your foot down on at that time part. there is a razor blade that is cutting the brush roll. >> anderson: that is amazing. >> and this is the good housin housing -- "good housekeeping" test kitchen. [applause] >> anderson: it's really they have this amazing lab in the first building in new york and they have a test kitchens and test lab and that treadmill for the vacuum. >> it has a razor blade. >> anderson: the razor blades cut the hair. >> i am accident prone. >> anderson: and they had this refrigerator where you put the glass down and it measures how much water you need. >> that way you don't have to watch it. >> anderson: i didn't know it was that great of a need that it is that big of an inconvenience. it was cool anyway. we appreciated being there and i'm featuring "good housekeeping" february's issue which hits stands on monday.
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complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 news at noon. >> -- monday, we will be on strike. [ cheers ] >> the bay area is already fasting a possible bart strike monday morning and now union workers with the city of oakland say they, too, will be on strike. good afternoon, i am tori campbell. first, though, we begin with breaking news, also
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