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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 6, 2013 10:00am-10:31am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we're doing fourth of july in a big way with the best videos. it's time to light it up "right this minute." ♪ it's fun with fireworks until someone gets a roman candle right to his face. meet the guy who took the hit and walked it off. >> it was like a paint ball but really hot. >> what's a holiday without water sports? and a little friendly trash talk. >> looking like a wus on camera. >> then watch the guy who says that.
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>> the amazing underwater escape after what seems like forever. >> it's not that far. >> it's the viral hit of the summer as one flying leap falls flat. now an update on the daredevil with two broken feet. >> i hesitated and, splat. >> and just the thing to put you in a fourth of july mood. >> awesome, patriotic music video. ♪ >> meet the red blooded boys behind an instant holiday classic. >> it's a common fireworks stunt. horsing around with a roman candle. aiming it at your buddies and shooting it. oh. you see that guy take the roman candle right to his face it looks like. watch it again.
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>> holy [ bleep ]. >> the guy who took this hit is philip truseau. maybe a little worried about damaging his face. luckily no serious injuries. tell us a little bit more about this near miss. we've got philip joining us "right this minute" via skype from toronto. where exactly did this candle hit you? >> i was looking through the phone when i was recording it. the first shot he did missed me completely. their aim was really bad. this hit me like the upper chest area but then it exploded in my face. >> what kind of injuries did you suffer from this? >> i just had a bruise and my shirt had a big hole in it. when i got hit it was super hot. i felt like my whole shirt exploded and disintegrated. was like a paint ball but really hot. >> do you have the shirt with you? >> the hole is crazy. >> it's a pretty solid hole. >> knowing what you know now, having experienced this, would you do it again?
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>> yep, i would do it again. i'd wear goggles this time. i see it now. i'm thankful i didn't get injured bad. we were lighting off these fireworks for canada day. >> what about the guy that shot this roman candle and nearly killed his buddy? well, we also skyped with mike. mike, did you feel bad? >> i definitely felt bad. right away, i didn't know where exactly it hit him. >> the plan was for him to take his camera and we would fire them as close as we could to them and he would dodge them. everyone was missing. i shot one up in the air. the next one went right at him. >> now that you know what happens, would you do this again? >> if he wanted us to fire them at him again, maybe. >> maybe we'll do it tonight. maybe we'll make another video. it's summer. it's hot. let's cool off by going to the river experience in georgia where you can win a kayak. you can go down the river. just cool off. >> you are looking like a wus on
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camera. >> notice he says you are looking like a wus on camera. then notice the guy who said that. you should be careful what you wish for while having fun in a kayak. we're up on some rapids and uh-oh. the kayak turned over. he fell out. and he has a little bit of a time kind rev gaof regaining hi equilibrium. >> he's talking smack and gets into an accident. >> swim toward the light. >> watch what happens when he finally gets up and gets some air. >> what do i do here? huh? >> it's starting to suck me under the rocks. >> he's holding on to this big boulder. and he's saying that the boulder is trying to suck him under. i called the river experience and they say with a boulder that size on the river what happens is 19% of the time you get sucked under it will spit you
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right back out. officially he's able to maneuver and everything is okay. >> that looks like it could be kind of fun. >> don't call your friend a wus. here at "right this minute" we love to honor our men and women in uniform. what better way than with an awesome welcome home video. this is in california. this one we found on the welcome home blog. you're seeing a soldier walking toward a fence. he hasn't seen his family in more than a year. they don't know that he's about to come home. what he's actually doing is walking into a girls water polo practice. you are probably thinking -- >> his daughter? >> his dad is the coach. >> oh, nice. >> no way! stop it! oh, my god! >> that's dad and i have never seen a dad that excited. he just starts screaming. no way! you can't really tell, but i am assuming that there are lots of
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man tears because they get into a big hug. all the girls on the water polo team are squealing and giggling and excite d. so much fun to watch. no big theatrics here. he just walks right in. right up to dad. >> the only difference between a mom and a dad here -- nothing. they all react the same. >> no way. stop it! >> love is love. >> practice is er. everybody, go home. asou are a summertime pool parties, keep this in mind. don't do this. you might remember this story. nicole easton jumping from the roof of her house into a pool. when we first saw this video, man, really cringe worthy. hard to watch. >> no, no, no, no. >> not what they planned. >> we talked to nicole way back when. >> i felt my body just compact.
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my left foot is heeling in a horseshoe shape rather than the way your foot should be healing. my left foot has an extremely huge crack in it. they'll have to major push the crack together. >> an update. it turns out she didn't end up getting surgery after all. the doctor said it's going to be really, really complicated surgery so she does currently have one boot on one of her feet. she is still healing. she's still having trouble walking. she has been able to go back to her office job but the whole time she's there, she told us she's just sitting. >> it was a stupid decision to jump. i was scared. i shouldn't have done it when you're scared. >> she's learned from her mistake and we hope eventually she can be back. >> we wish her a speedy recovery as possible. it's unfortunate she's having to endure it. because it was caught on video, she may be saving a lot of other people from trying the same kind of stunt. a moose comes along to crash
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a family get-together. so the dog decides to play protector. >> but it's very playful, the whole thing. >> see how they finally tell the moose it's time to vamoose. >> oh, no. >> and it's a devin super tramp wakeboard party. who cares if you can't wake board. show up. we've got a deejay. you're going to dance and have a good 97
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uninvited guests to your holiday barbecue can be annoying, awkward. this uninvited guest provided some unexpected entertainment. >> is that a moose? >> that is a moose. that is obviously not afraid of humans. these guys were having their barbecue and a moose was like, hey, what's going on over there? slowly walks across the water. and eventually makes it on to the land. scoping out the scene. but he doesn't want trouble. he just wants to see what's up. see what kind of burgers they've got on the grill. >> they've only made food for 12
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and the moose can eat for ten. >> watch the dog when he sees the moose and decides to protect his family. >> oh, no. >> moose starts chasing the dog, but it's very playful the whole thing. the dog sort of chases back. the moose starts walking back to where he was. >> this is actually kind of awesome because it's a playful moose. >> he wants some friends on this holiday. >> eventually they do set off a few fireworks just to scare him away. doesn't exactly work. he's like, hey, those were cool. and eventually thinks he figured out, you know, i think i'm not welcome so i am just going to go. >> only dogs go where they're not invited. this is a moose. nothing is better than barbecuing on independence day. and i give you the bacon taco. >> this is from the folks that barbecue food for you. >> 15 pieces of bacon and weave them together on a sheet of
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parchment paper. >> the bacon is the taco shell. >> they make a circle, cut it out and then you put it in the fridge to cool it off and you reserve those bits of bacon on the side. they'll go to good use. >> brush on a little bit of oil. >> you get a little steak and then chicken and start rubbing it weapon. >> just before we get the bacon on. >> you are grilling it on the grill. watch with the pot roast wrap. he takes his waxed paper off the bake an and drapes it over the edge giving it the full taco shell shape. after 20 minutes he checks on it. the bacon taco shell is not done but all that tastiness is. >> that looks so delicious. >> at some point he says, look. we've got to cook the chicken and the steak. he puts those on the grill. >> people still into the atkins diet, this would be the perfect item. >> so he's loading up that bacon taco shell with the steak and
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the chicken. and some cheese and onions and salsa and some tomatoes. >> give it a try. >> that looks delicious. if it's a beautiful day and lots of people are having fun doing something awesome, we know devin supertramp is involved. >> this time with some spectacular wakeboarding. >> ts entire vde sky" but can't stop, won't stop featuring fresh big mouth. ♪ >> of course it looks like more fun than anything you've ever seen in your life because that's just what devin supertramp's videos look like. >> he can make eating a bowl of oatmeal look fun. now notice there are some cool aerial shots. cool movement up in the air. that was actually shot by one of devin's friends. his name is chris newman.
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deaf sin g devin is getting other directors involved to get in on the fun. >> did you see the little dance party going on on the docks. who cares if you can't wakeboard. show up. we've got a deejay. you'll dance and have fun and get a good show in the process. well done, as always. ♪ a step by step video for one super cool treat. >> this is the perfect party trick for your summer fun. >> see the secret to an instant coke slushy. and this lifeguard tries to save the day. but you are like, wait a second. why were you even swimming? maybe you should yell out to the
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i don't know if there was an online school for lifeguarding. sound like a bad idea but this video makes me think maybe there is. the guy going in for the rescue gets into the water. then pops the flippers on. goes for a swim. he gets out there. saves the guy, whoever it is out there. keep it going. you are like, wait a second. why was he even swimming. then he tries doing that very, you just can't look cool doing that run, tripping over your flippers. you are going out and you can stand the whole time. >> maybe he should yell out to the person who is having trouble, stand up. so that's one folly from the water. this one, even better, scuba
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bros out there having some fun on the water. watch this guy here. >> oh, no. >> they push him in. you are thinking, okay. people push him in. that's funny, right? it gets funnier. as they are trying to get this guy up, it's quite a bit of a struggle because the dude who got pushed in is not doing anything. he's like a lifeless body. they are grabbing him by the back of the pants like he's a little kid trying to pull him up. >> you have to work. you aren't doing anything. >> eventually everybody chips in. here comes the point you are thinking -- better than that. >> oh! >> after all that -- >> let's play that again. >> they did catch a swell right there. he was kind of knocked off balance. >> play it one more time.
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>> come on. here at "right this minute" we've seen lots of videos of super cold water. how about the super cold soda. >> we got the super cool video from grant thompson at the king of random youtube channel. this is a perfect party trick for your summer fun. >> this project, you'll discover the insanely easy secret to making an instant soda slushy. >> you can super cool a soda. you can do it to any soda. >> grab a bottle of room temperature soda and start shaking it violently. >> shake it up as much as possible to build up that pressure which lowers the freezing point allowing you to cool the soda below freezing. >> stick them in the freezer for 3 hours and 15 minutes. >> then when you release the pressure, some of that carbon dioxide escapes and the water molecules begin to automatically freeze. they begin to crystallize. >> the key to this is really how gently you open up that bottle
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to allow some of the pressure to escape. >> i love this. you don't even have to add ice because ice dilutes it and it's not that sweet. it's super sweet if you don't have to put ice in it. >> it's the prfect garment f your>> introducing rib stain ca. >> if you are a messy eater, you can just indulge and no one will know that you are messy. seerchlt >> see what happens when we test it out while chowing down. >> oh, man!
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what the heck is going on here? >> talk about using the wrong tool for the job. apparently the guys down at the end of the block are trying to tear down this entire tree. instead of using a chainsaw, they decided to tie up an old clunker and just start yanking. >> that is never going to work. >> it doesn't work. but it's quite entertaining for the neighbors to watch these guys try over and over again. >> they do this more than once? >> absolutely. even here the guys down the block go -- >> if they do get it down, it's going to fall on top of the car. >> or maybe that car or -- we don't actually see the limb coming down. but the uploader describes them eventually using a chainsaw and a truck to bring down the tree.
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this is a bad idea from so many different angles. not so long ago i introduced you all to a revolutionary product. >> introducing rib stain camo. a revolution in foot eating apparel. hides all those embarrassing rib droppings and splatters. >> rib stained camo. of course, a lot of people had questions and a lot of people want to know, is this a real product? can you really toward? so we order tleed rib stained camo shirts for the three of you and also had some ribs. >> yes! >> i will totally very gladly test those shirts for you. okay. can we dig in? >> go for it? >> don't worry about getting it on your shirt. i see you being very dainty. >> eat like the lady in the video did. like animal-style. >> there you go. you got it. don't even bother with the
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napkin. >> it's one of the best clothes ever. we should wear this daily. every time we eat. >> oh, man. >> this rib is good. >> there it is. >> this is the greatest shirt ever invented. >> uh-huh. >> so much sauce on her shirt right now. getting that off is going to be difficult. it's getting in your hair. >> how does it look now? >> you can't even tell. did you girls just eat ribs? >> i need a napkin. no, i don't because i'm wearing it. >> it seems like you aren't supposed to do what you're doing. what better way to celebrate independence day than with an awesome patriotic music video. >> i just found out the last
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american made eagcell still out there and you can bet your balls i'm going to ride that bird and bring freedom back to this song! >> these are the awesome guys. funny guys. this is their song "born free america." looking for the last man eagle. very patriotic. everything is red, white and blue in this video. >> this sucker is going to get stuck in your head. >> you're right. really catchy. >> my favorite part, though, of this entire video is when they capture the man eagle. >> to tell us more about this video, we have the boys from con bro chill. tell me about the man eagle. why does he have this unicycle
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thing? >> i see it visually and since i don't necessarilylay an instrument in the band i have to think of what can i add to this? i thought why not put melf in an eagle costume. >> it's pronounced maneagle. a common mistake. since the maneagle gave birth to freedom, what does it do on the fourth of july to celebrate? >> jumps off stuff. >> yeah, big stuff jump offer. rope swinging into the water kind of thing. >> jumps off roofs into pools. >> the eagcell pretty beach ready. >> i do love your american flag leggings with the cowboy boots, though. >> appreciate it. >> i got very girlish legs. >> the patriotic tourist, did they survive the filming of this and drive around portland? >> it's sitting out. i am cruising around this week. it's a big week. we're looking forward to it. >> you are awesome.
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to honor you we have our cool shades since you also have yours. >> rock 'n' roll. thanks. >> look at that guy. >> happy fourth of july. >> happy fourth. love you, america. ♪ that's it for us here at "right this minute." enjoy the rest of your holiday, and we'll see you next time. ♪ ♪ we don't have a ten step filtering process for our water. we don't need it. because crystal geyser is made by nature, not by man.
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crystal geyser is always bottled at the mountain source.
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i'm beth troutman with your best videos on this fourth of july. it's time to get your cherry bomb on "right this minute." why just light a fuse when you can use hammers with -- >> explosives taped on to them. >> the story behind the fireworks rave that's a winner hands down. >> do enjoy the lake this fourth of july but -- >> don't do this. >> [ bleep ]. >> why this jet ski head-on could have been way worse. >>


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