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tv   KTVU News at 7pm  FOX  July 13, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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breaking news, just into the newsroom, the jury has reached a verdict in the george zimmerman trial. a muni collides with a train
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in san francisco. what in a more specific way. if the verdict is announced during this news cast, as we just said that there is a verdict it is not guilty. we want to take you live now to sanford florida where again the zaerd just announced that -- where it was just announced that george zimmerman is not guilty. we're looking at a reporter standing by on the scene. the jury deliberated for more than 15 hours over two days. the jurors notified the judge again saturday night that they had reached a decision and it
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was just announced not guilty to. it was a six member all woman jury. they began deliberating yesterday afternoon after spending part of the day listening to the defense's closing arguments and the rebuttal from the prosecution. this is live from the courtroom. listen in. >> and you have no further business with the court. >> thank you, your honor. >> thank you. is there anything else this court needs to take up before we recess for this? >> no, ma'am, thank you. >> thank you all, very much, court -- oh, the evidence will be released. the evidence will be rel. >> all right. live pictures from sanford florida where george zimmerman has been found not guilty of manslaughter or murder in the death of trayvon martin. you may recall, of course, george zimmerman was a night watchman at a condo complex in florida and he stopped or tried to stop trayvon martin, an
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unarmed african-american teenager who he thought may be a suspicious person. there was some kind of confrontation between the two of them and trayvon martin was shot by george zimmerman. zimmerman and his defense team maintained he shot martin in self defense. the prosecution argued he was guilty of manslaughter at the least and perhaps murder. with a not guilty verdict on any charges, zimmerman will be released. he will be able to leave the courthouse. he had been in jail, in custody for quite some time, but he will now be able to leave the courthouse and go home and the trial is essentially over. the prosecution made an attempt to get him convicted and it did not happen. you can see people standing by. i believe the woman in the middle is zimmerman's mother who is looking on. she spent some time testifying in this case as did trayvon martin's parents. they also testified. zimmerman smiling now, clearly relieved at the outcome of this trial that he has been found not
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guilty in the shooting death of trayvon martin. we don't have any reaction yet from martin's family on their thoughts on this verdict. and we will continue to monitor this and bring you any more news as it develops throughout the night. here at home a san francisco muni t line is open tonight after an accident caused the closure in the bayview neighborhood. more than a dozen passengers ended up in a hospital. >>reporter: minutes after a crash between a muni light rail vehicle and a van shortly before one this afternoon. more than a dozen passengers lined third street in evan's avenue while medical responders evaluated them. >> it is like a rug burn or a rope purn. >>reporter: they loaded up 19 patients to be checked out at various hospitals. miss howard said she was on board with her young door when the -- young daughter when the crash happened. she scrambled to protect her daughter. >> i had to cover my baby so i
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had to hurry up and get up and cover her up so the glass wouldn't hit her. >>reporter: the muni light rail vehicle and the van were both coming in tpr this direction heading toward the downtown. that is what caused the vehicle. >> there's been talk about a pedestrian that may have been in the crosswalk causing one of the drivers to pause and that may have been an associated factor to this particular accident. >>reporter: nat driver of the white van has been -- the driver of the white van has been cooperative and was taken to the hospital herself. emergency officials say none of the injuries appear life threatening and most appear minor or moderate. muni got the line cleared and service restored by 4:15 this afternoon. in san. the jury has just acquitted george zimmerman of manslaughter and murder charges against trayvon martin. the teenager who was shot to
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death at a condo complex in sanford florida. you can see families are hugging, tears being shed as they react to the news that george zimmerman has been found not guilty in the shooting death of trayvon martin. again, the jury deliberated for more than 15 hours over two days. and they did reach that verdict just a short time ago. there is george zimmerman right there in the center of your screen walking away from the camera with his attorneys and some security as he leaves the courtroom after this big verdict. this has been nationally broadcast on all of the cable channels for the last week or two and gained a lot of attention. there are racial elements to this that have gotten a lot of attention. zimmerman who is white and trayvon martin who is frame. trayvon martin the teenager unarmed, wearing a hoodie was skittles in his pocket. a lot has been made about the confrontation and why it developed and if race was a factor in all of. that those elements were brought up in the
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trial. there is a large crowd gathered outside the courthouse. the police chief in sanford florida is urging peace since this verdict has been read and obviously people are hoping that there is not a violent reaction to this verdict. we're just going to watch and see how this develops throughout the night. but so far, there don't appear to be any problems outside the courthouse in sanford, florida. we've had these situations before where you have elements of race in a hotly contested trial and often times in the past there has been some conflict afterward and we'll just keep an eye on things. we're not saying that's going to happen in this case but the police chief is urging peace after this verdict and we're going to watch and see what happens. so again, george zimmerman after 15 hours of deliberation by a jury in sanford, florida has been found not guilty of manslaughter, not guilty of second degree murder and he is free to leave the courthouse.
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the charges against him are don with. there is nothing more the prosecution can do in this case. they made their attempt to get him convicted and they were not successful in that case. the defense was able to convince the jury that zimmerman did not intentionally kill trayvon martin. that he acted in self defense after a physical confrontation in sanfo,loda we'll continue to monitor the situation and wait for some reaction from either side. we have yet to hear from zimmerman and his attorneys or trayvon martin's family or their attorneys and we'll keep an eye on the crowd reaction in sanford, florida as the night goes on. we'll have the complete coverage on this story tonight on the 10:00 news. also, here at home. earlier today, san francisco city van slammed into several parked cars in the pacific heights neighborhood. you can see the damage here. one car actually was wedged underneath another kafrment you can see that vehicle has -- car. you can see that vehicle has two
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wheels on the another. this happened on california street near bakers street. the van was empty except for the driver who was taken to the hospital with injuries to his arm, hip and back. a witness thought a tree had fallen at first. >> the sound we heard, we knew there had to be a lot of damage and the fact that two cars pushed into -- i mean, it was a domino e. >> police say it appeared the van driver fell asleep at wheel while going 45 miles an hour when the crash happened. that shut sale is part of a homeless out reach program. there were some somber moments today as people gathered for a vig yell of asiana airlines flight 214 a week ago john tells us the parents of two of the girls that died were also there. >>reporter: more than 100 people gathered jausz cross from san francisco airport to honor the
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victims of asiana fligh. >> on the shoreline of san francisco bay. a very, very special place. >> it was organized by the buddist foundation with other religious members on hand. >> we are reminded of the connection we have to one another and the call that may come to any one of us at any moment. to reach out to our neighbor, our brother, our sister. >> the people they tried to help today were the parents of the first two girls that died in the crash. they surprised everyone by joining the ceremony. the man and woman were members of the ye meng yuan and the father in the jacke -- was the father to wang linjia. through a friend and a translator, they trafkd everyone. >> due to the loss o
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thanked everyone. >> the parents fought back tears and left without talking to the media but organizers were pleased they were here. >> that's what we want the family to see, so many people in the bay area care about them. they are not alone. >> some of the victims are still in the hospital, some are still here and many have gone home, but that wherever they are, they are supported. >> san fran. we now know the name of the third person who died in the crash of flight 214. the corn enter says liu yipeng died yesterday -- the coroner said liu yipeng died yesterday. she attended the same school of the other two that died in the crash. they asked no further information be released. san jose police are searching for the gunman that shot and killed a 32-year-old man. they got a report at a 9:45 last night of a shooting on
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state and archer street in the alviso neighborhood. the victim was talking to someone on the sidewalk when the gunman walked up and shot him. he was rushed to the hospital where he later died. this is san jose's 27th homicide of the year. no arrests have been made and the motive is not known. san francisco police don't have a motive for why a man allegedly killed two women yesterday at a jewelry store. they shot one female employee, stabbed the other to death and shot and stabbed the owner who entered the hospital in critical condition. he tried to escape police but ran into ammunition while firing with them and they were able to arrest him without opening fire at the scene which was crowded with shoppers. they have not released the name of the suspect or the victims. oakland police say there is no sign of a missing toddler three days after she was reported missing.
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49-year-old john webb says he ls mother daphne with his mother who suffers from dementia. the little girl was gone when he returned. webb says he and his wife had nothing to do with his disappearance. >> my daughter is missing. and i have to live with that. even though i'm out of jail, i'm still not from how i feel. >> police tell us they will not provide any further updates until tomorrow morning unless there is some kind of major development. police arrested a sonoma county supervisor suspected of burglaryizing the home of a female neighbor. efren carrillo was arrested earlier today in santa josa. they responded to a call that someone was trying to enter the bedroom window. he was outside wearing only under wear and socks and they found a torn window scream. he is out of jail -- screen.
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he is out of jail on bail tonight. he was arrested last year after a bar fight. the prosecutor never filed charges. coming up, more on the zimmerman trial, a verdict is in. not guilty. we're learning new details about what sparked another fire on the boeing 787 dream liner. ♪
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we don't have a ten step filtering process for our water. we don't need it. because crystal geyser is made by nature, not by man. crystal geyser is always bottled at the mountain source.
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. again, breaking news to tell you about. just a few minutes ago, the jury in the george zimmerman case found him not guilty on charges of second degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old teenager trayvon martin. the # member, all woman jury began deliberating yesterday afternoon.
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they asked for a clafshgs about manslaughter charges -- clarification. about manslaughter charges but the judge asked for a more specific request. >> state of florida versus george zimmerman. we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. say we all, foreperson. >> zimmerman stoeic as the not guilty -- stoic, as the not guilty verdict was red and then a smile after. this is outside the courthouse. crowds have been gathering there and florida police have been concerned there could be some kind of violent reaction. the family of trayvon martin is also asked for the public to remain calm as has the sanford florida police chief. again, you can see crowds outside the courthouse in sanford, florida. we're going to listen now to the florida state attorney who is speaking righ. >> of the historical as inspect
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of this case to show that the american justice system -- aspect of this case to show that the american justice system can and only should be done in a court of law. i don't believe it helps anyone for us to be out speaking opinions about our cases and i think as you see, we put this case in front of a jury and that leads me to thanking the jury for the 16 hours of deliberation that they took to go overall of the facts and circumstances. what we always believed was that this was a case of details that had to be analyzed very, very carefully. i never could quite understand people, even people with law degrees who had not read all of the police reports, who had not read all of the witness statements yet who came up with opinions one way or the other. and this team of people standing with me, who stand with me every day in the fourth circuit and
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try tough cases like this all the time knew that we had to do the best to get the entire facts and details of this case out and before a jury. i think this jury worked very hard. we honor them for their service. judge nelson worked very hard. we want her to know that we appreciate all that she did to keep this case on course. and of course, our hearts, as always, go out to our victim's family, and all victims of crime. but as long as they know that there will always be prosecutors fighting for the truth, i think that victims will continue to rely on this justice system. i'll turn it over, bernie, would you like to say a few words. >> all right. live interviews. let's listen in if we can. i want to listen in here. this attorney was critical to this. >> we live in a great country that has a great criminal justice system. it is not perfect, but it's the
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best in the world. and we respect the jury's ve. >>? >> i also would like to thank you for your time and attention that you've given this case. both sides are deserving of your attention. we have, from the beginning, just prayed for the truth to come out and for peace to be the result and that continues to be our prayers and we believe they have been answered. >>? >> i'd just like to say to the family of the dead teenager trayvon martin that i appreciate the way they have handled this matter. they have been dig any find. they have shown -- dignified, they have shown class. they have kept their emotions in check when they've needed to and hanlted it like laidies and gentleman. -- ladies and gentleman.
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i know you have a job to do. but when you approach all of that, keep them in mind, too. than. >> listening to attorneys describe their reaction to the verdict. a live picture outside the courthouse in sanford, florida, where again, if you're just joining you must, a six woman, six member, all woman jury has just found george zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old teenager trayvon martin. and you can see the signs there. end racial oppression. there is certainly a reaction to this. a crowd outside the courthouse in florida. the police chief has asked for calm as has trayvon martin's family. they have asked for peace in reaction to this verdict which certainly was not what trayvon martin's wanted. they were hoping to get a manslaughter conviction at the least. possibly second degree murder conviction and they got neither.
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the jury has found him not guilty. zimmerman is now free to go home, free to leave the courthouse and he has no charges pending against him. we will continue to monitor the situation in florida. again, jarjz found not guilty of -- george zimmerman found not guilty of second degree murder. it appearance a florida on bored an empty 787 boeing dream liner was not linked to the batteries. it broke out far from the batteries. there were concerns that the firement that the battery problem that -- fire meant that the battery problem was not fully resolved. it did shut down run ways for almost an hour. let's join mark tamayo and find out what is going on with the weather. it seems nice out there. >> a lot of fog. we did warm things up a little bit. a few 90's out there. there is the fog making a come back and we'll have more over cast. first thing sunday morning.
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temperatures for this afternoon. ranged from the lower 60's frocifica. forecast headlines. will be increasing. coast side and right around the bay. a bit of a breeze out there. warm inland and than monday through wednesday a sun cloud mix. we'll cool things off for those three days. overnight lows will be in the 50's. vanity rosea will be at 50 -- santa rosea will be at 50 degrees. a few patches heading into the bay. partly cloudy skies inland. this area of high pressure pushed it's way closer to the bay area and we've warmed things up. about the same or a little cooler in some spotsz for the second half of the weekend -- spots for the second half of the weekend. it will increase the on shore breeze. cooling will continue into monday and tuesday. these are minor temperature changes over the next few days. here is our forecast model showing the over cast tomorrow morning at 7:00. clouds back in over the
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coastline. bring a sweater or a jacket if you're heading to the beach with patchy fog nearby. forecast high. not a lot of 90's but a few on the map. oakland at 70, san jose a forecast of 80. and san francisco temperatures with the mid-60's was partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. here is a look at forecast. pretty quiet one. cool things off by monday and tuesday and begin to warm things up by wednesday and thursday. it looks like a nice forecast. as you can see, over the next five days. warmer temperatures by wednesday. >> sounds good. >> thank you, mark. >> we'll we'll take a quick -- we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back. i'm totally in love with the avocado on this sub. i love avocado so much i started a facebook page... oh you should post a picture of my new earrings... those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ chain saw revs ] i'm sorry, did you say something? i was just tending to my avocado tree.
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ooops, i forgot to lock my [ beeping ] have you met my first-born son? avocado? [ coos ] [ male announcer ] show your avocado love. add this superfood boost to the turkey & spinach or try it on the subway club. it's avocado season at subway. subway. eat fresh®.
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. joe fonzi here to bring us up to speed with what the a's are doing. >> the two teams with the best records in the american league meeting tonight in oakland. they're trying to bounce back from their lost at the red sox. mike has been one of the good stories in baseball this year. he will not go 14-0. mitch more land goes opposite field with a runner on in the 4th. part of a three run inning for texas. they go on to win 7-1 which puts them back in. they hope to take advantage of the padres. the giants trying to make it three in a row in san diego. they have taken a 1-0 lead in the 1st. the dodgers continue to be the
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hottest team in the division. zack greinke striking out michael cadi refk e. he got a run in the first and grnke was trying to make him stand up. he gets a very generous third strike that ended it. two hit, one nothing shut out. the dodgers have won 14 of their last 17 games. soccer's world cup is next summer. the u.s. team is putting on an impressive show. he's coming off of a hat trick. they flachld utah. they dugout of a hole. that's landon donovon. they tied the game at one and early in the 2nd half. the cuban player sloppy with the ball. joe corona takes advantage. that made it 2-1 and juan's turn. he is there to finish the deal. j he would go on to score a
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later goal giving him five games. they clinch their spot with a 2-0 record. the u.s. still has one more first round game against costa rica on tuesday in connecticut. costa rica improved to 2-0 as well with one win. we'll see you tonight at ten with all of the night sportses on sports busy day. thank you. joe. we'll have more on the verdict on aur 10:00 news -- on our 10:00 news. more pictures from sanford, florida. zimmerman was just found not guilty in the death of teenager trayvon martin. we'll have the very latest for us at night. thank you for watching ktvu. hope to see you at 10:00. good night. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email:
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