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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 15, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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local, everybody. i'm beth troutman, if it's great videos you're looking for, this is the show for you "right this minute." >> security cameras catch a 9-year-old setting a store on fire. and -- >> it's not a little fire. >> -- what cops say about the bad deed of one bad seed. >> am i being detained? >> pull over to the side right there. >> a driver and a deputy go at it. >> during a dui checkpoint. >> now, see how the department's firing back in the great viral video debate. >> i have the right. >> you have a right to learn a lot. >> jacked up robbers invade a
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store where -- there they start shooting. >> why you should never shoot at a clerk packing heat. plus -- a dog-craving watermelon and a deer rescue by one impressive dad. >> dad, so sick! >> a discount store in australia no longer selling lighters anymore. you're about to find out why. you won't believe this. the store's called knickknacks. look at this girl, 9 years old from 10 news, trying to set items from the store on fire. trying to set merchandise on fire. >> a 9-year-old arsonist? >> yep. watch this. unsuccessfully tries to light something the first time, and again. blows on it. >> she's not playing around. >> look at that. skips away after setting the fire. it's in the a little fire. these are other customers who come over who try to put it out. the sprinkler system went off. center.s at the engel farm
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this ended up damaging 15 other stores in the shopping center, minor damage, because of the water. you can see the damage that the store knickknacks suffered. about $100,000 australian comes out to $90,000 u.s. >> please tell me they caught this little knot. >> they did. she's not going to be charged. police referred her to anti-arson program. the craziest thing, the owner says, he's not necessarily so upset with the girl. >> she's a very, very young girl. we're not necessarily really blaming it on her. really we hope that she and us can all move away from this. >> what happens cool is, despite the hefty bill the store has now, they're donating clothes to what would be 2,000 u.s. to the firefighters association. >> i'd like to thank the firefighter. you've helped us and supported us through this really difficult time. just thank you.
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>> how are you doing? >> pretty good. >> roll your window down for me. >> that's fine. >> that's fine? why is that fine? >> i can hear you. >> this is a youtube video shot during a dui checkpoint. this has gone viral. you see it exchange between 21-yr-old chris and county sheriff deputy a.j. roth. >> am i being detained? >> pull over to the side right there. >> am i being detained? >> right over to the side. stop the vehicle. >> yes, sir. >> we have the dash cam video of the exchange released by the tennessee highway patrol. >> you know what the law is? listen to what i'm saying. no, you're not, you're trying to run your mouth over me and it's ain't working out because i'm going to win. >> news channel 5 in tennessee spoke to both chris and the share riff. >> the point was to see if i would be able to exercise constitutional rights. >> they had reasonable suspicion to pull the car off on the side of the road to talk to the
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gentleman. >> officers brought out a drug dog who did end up hitting the car, meaning the dog sensed there were drugs in his car, that prompted a search. they did find two beer bottle caps and a substance they thought might have been marijuana. >> if i had drugs in the car, they would have arrested me. i was let go with no charges. i'm sure they knew that is not drugs. >> now that the sheriff's office has spoken out, they're saying deputy a.j. roth did nothing wrong. >> why did he not want to roll his window down? >> he knew about the checkpoint and wanted to test the limit. >> did he prove a point he was setting out to? >> i believe he's proven a point. so many viewed the video, people are making threats against the sheriff's office. >> i personally have had phone calls at my house, threatening to decapitate my children. >> even if they're empty threats i discourage that strongly. >> the problem people have with this, they're going on his word
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he hasn't been drink, doing anything. but because he wouldn't roll his window down, all of a sudden they're suspicious. what are they suspicious of? nothing, they found nothing. >> what is making you suspicion? >> the way you're acting. >> i have a right to do it. >> you have a right to learn a lot. >> i have two very brazen robberies. the first one, two suspects going in a shoe store. they think they're covered with the towel and the hoodie. but we get very clear shot of their faces. they go up to the employees and they do have guns in their hands. one with the yellow points at one of the employees, the one with the gray sweatshirt gets into a physical scuffle. end up dragging employees to the back. they did steal cell phones. when they triggered the alarm thieves ended up running away with nothing more than the cell phones. but police are still looking for these two. >> i hope they catch these guys.
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no matter what they were after, they terrorized this poor employee. >> this next video from our friends at wplg in miami. two men rush through the doors, guns in hand, they start shooting. >> what? >> and this other angle, we see one of the clerks was on his cell phone, that clerk had a gun on him. >> because in this area of robberies like this are very common. pulled it out, started firing back. they realized there was fire coming at they'll they bailed but not before one of them was shot in the leg. >> they think they're all tough with their guns drawn and as soon as somebody fights back, they're tripping over themselves to get away. >> the incident took 12 seconds, and police are still looking for these guys. late last week in belfast, ireland, some people celebrate the battle of the boin in 1690.
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unone of the bonfires they set up to celebrate. >> holy cow. >> popping up all over the place. lots of celebrations. they've got a system of them passing it up to each other while trying to stack it up top. >> looks like a mountain. >> a mountain of pallets. >> they know what to do, they do it every year. that's a pile of wood. >> how they lit this once it got dark. >> is the fire department on hand? >> the fires had to be -- the authorities were pelted with rocks by youths there. you can see here at this bonfire, lots of people around and you can hear them cheering. it looks like they're throwing fireballs into the pallet. you can see how it's getting started. >> these were all in areas, because in 1690 it was fought over the throne. >> looks like a moment from 1690. a fireball launched into the giant pile of wood. >> look at the crowd of the bonfire. there are a lot of people. this is what it looks like fully
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engulfed. >> the sad thing is the fires threat. ed nearby structures. >> i bet. >> they're huge. the wrong gust of wind will really put that entire community out of shape. >> well, we don't want to sound like old foggies here, this looks luke a lot of fun for the community. it looks look a blast to be at. i hope they had a wonderful celebration and brought some marshmallows, too. >> they're the women who walked into a beauty shop -- >> stole $1500 worth of hair weave. >> an update on how the quick split came to an end. >> we are about to break a cardinal rule in magic. >> the simple tricks to make a card vanish. [ female announcer ] for the freshest produce,
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you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] that's why safeway works closely with local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. fresh from our farmers. this week, locally grown red lion nectarines are just 99 cents a pound. at safeway, ingredients for life. ♪
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at safeway, ingredients for life. welcome back to the show, everybody. check out great videos all darn day long. enjoy. i showed you this video from star beauty plus in south carolina. if you recall, four women walk into star beauty plus, distracted the store clerk. one of the store co-owners, and then snuck behind the counter and stole $1500 worth of hair weave. >> yeah. >> really expensive. it was a lot of hair. >> update for you guys. three of the women involved in
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the hair heist have turned themselves in. >> were they wearing the weaves and police noticed? >> no word why they chose to turn themselves in. my guess the surveillance video was so darn clear. the three women, 33-year-old danielle, 31-year-old jessica, and 18-year-old taja. investigators did charge all three women with shoplifting. >> i like the fact they turned themselves in, but i'm still mad at them, okay a lot mad, they stole hair. >> with the star owner, they said they got cameras to deter people from stealing the hair. >> lock up your weave. lock them up. >> about to break a cardinal rule in magic and card tricks. we're revealing one. aside from 52 has a card in his hand and it disappears. suddenly, there it is again.
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>> the whole routine is based off of a move. >> the trick is to balance the card between your palm and your thumb. >> if you don't have a playing card, we'll use a business card. try to here. you try it. >> come over with your right hand, grip the card like this. >> you're not paying attention. >> i'm paying attention. i'm paying attention. >> you're a terrible student. >> people in front of you, the card is not seen. >> how you naturally hold your hand. >> that's pretty good. she can't see it. >> i can't see it. but it does look really natural. >> you pitch it with these three fingers that corner of the card. ive and it'll inwards. then transfer it into the palm position. >> the pivot. >> i'm feeling like this takes a bit of practice. >> definitely doesn't look smooth right now. >> you try it, thumbs. >> no way i can do it. >> if you were doing it right, think is what it would look like. if you guys want to learn how to do this vanishing and producing
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a card car trick, head over to, click on best of rtm, or check it out on our mobile app. >> so just wondering if you would like a card. >> you videotaping this in. >> yeah. >> why wouldn't i? >> something we haven't seen in a while because it's summertime. this is a deer, stuck on a frozen body of water. ice all over the place. deer can't get any traction. trying to stand up. bambi syndrome. dad getting the video. dad reaches out his hand, approaching the deer gently, trying not to scare it. >> showing it i'm a friend. >> is it growling at you? >> the deer struggles a bit at first but after a while, once dad gets it by the scruff of the neck -- >> slide him. >> you videotaping this? >> yeah. why wouldn't i? it's nuts.
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>> oh. >> oh, there he goes. dad, that was sick! >> huh? >> that was sick! >> matt's back to look at real or fake videos. this time around, a plane coming in for a close landing. >> wow. >> and a dude who gets spooked. >> we're breaking them down, real or fake, next. >> i say real. >> i'm going fake.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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last week he was on vacation. this week, we're happy to have our very favorite, matt dreidel back for real or fake videos. hey. >> hey. >> we've missed you. >> i missed you guy,s too. >> let's get to our first one. >> that's awesome. >> wow. >> all real. >> wait. was landing and these people knew the path it was going to take? they decided to see how close they could get? >> coming in for a landing. >> i think real. >> that's close. i say real. >> i ray real. >> real all around?
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>> real. >> matt? >> no. >> what? >> if i was there and that jet was flying over me, my head would have gone back, i would have looked at the thing. a lot of people not looking at the plane. >> you can't tell where they're looking. >> we decided to look this up. this is at uk air force show. a jet coming in for a landing. >> i'm impressed. they had me fool. i've seen too many makes now, every video i see is fake. >> next video. >> fireflies, by the way. >> wow. >> you can't tell. you can see him blinking. >> we're supposed to believe he ate all of the fireflies and we see them lighting him up from the inside? >> yeah. >> i think that's possible. >> i think so, too. >> i think it's possible. >> i think it's real. >> they've got the white belly and translucent skin.
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i'm going say real. >> i'm going with you guys. >> just one. >> yeah. >> i'm not buyinging it. fake. >> what do you say? >> i had to do research, check it out whether frogs chew or not. >> it's real. >> pushing the entire bug down its threat so impacted inside his stomach and it's lighting up. >> number three. >> the guy's doing a different job every single time. >> poor guy. >> that's real. >> i can't believe how scared this guy gets over and over and again. >> i believe this is real as much as i believe gags when we show her a gross video. >> real. >> we're all unanimous on this one? >> whoo! >> you can see him blinking.
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>> dogs eat people food, let me warn you, so cute. >> this is in japan. this dog is eating a watermelon. all this dog does, let me warn you, but cute to watch. >> the dog's so darn cute. look at that, it looks like a powder puff. >> hard not to like watermelon. >> i know. >> this time of year. >> that's how cute it is, all it's doing is eating watermelon. look at the smile on his face. >> this makes your day better. >> from dogs to goats. we got this from our friends. this is a goat, they've got the evening paper. the goat's eating the paper. they're like, don't eat the paper and then there's a collection of fruit and vegetable on his plate. and the goat eats it, out of his hand. >> this goat has man hands. >> this is funny because the shirt fits the goat pretty well. >> it's formal wear.
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wearing a bow tie. let the goat sit at the table. love how the glass of wine's involved. the goat's like i'll pass on the wine, i've got to drive home. >> wouldn't pair the red with the vegetables. >> need white. >> not only eats with his hands. this has bert manners than some humans i've seen in public places. >> activity perfect for some summer fun. >> it's basically a giant rubber band that you and your friends can jump into and run around in. >> out of here. look at that. >> take a ride on the human slingshot "right this minute."
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radio stations execute incredibly fun stunts but this more delicious than anything. >> a stunt for 96.5 in brisbane, australia. >> zack has come up with an idea i wish we would try. >> looking for a way to make eating chee-tos on the couch less labor intensive. >> that's an exhausting task. >> you get the cheese on your hands and then you are to go to the bathroom, wash them off.
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>> this invention will revolutionize snacking. ♪ >> they invented the cannon. they took the air compressor put a giant cone on it so it would shoot a cheeto into you're mouth. >> one at a time. >> that's what i thought until the experiment started. >> it's cheese balls. >> i thought the long, weirdly shaped cheeto. how is that going to fly through the air? >> not one is getting in his mouth. >> a bunch of damage to the forehead because the chee-tos did not make it into his mouth. too much trajectory. >> sometimes you have to go the good old fashioned way. >> baby mania, baby hysteria over the uk, prince william, she did not have triplets. this is outside the royal hospital and, yeah, these are three grown men in green jumpers with terribly ugly silicone baby
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faces. like a bad teletubby. >> ugly cabbage patch kids. >> i want to know where they got the sleepers in the size. >> you see red, brown, blond. patty power put this on. you see the p.p. logo. it's like a sports booking company in the uk. these are odd. on the hair color. and 11-4 on red, 2-1 on brown, and look like 11-4 on blond. right now if you're a betting man you take brown. >> at least it wasn't odds on the face. the actual face. >> oh. >> either way, they're not winning. >> who knew that tech could create an online mob of angry commenters. >> commenters. >> let me tell you why. because of the talking window. >> get for your mobile. best entertainment and live sport. when you want it, where you want
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it. >> steven, if this catches on your window's going to talk to you and tell you what you might need to buy. >> hate it. >> the window will talk to you when you rest your weary head on it and only you can hear the message. >> how? >> technology, baby. >> so explain how this is going to work, our tech master, zack. zack, how is it only you can hear? does it get into your brain? >> phone construction. we hear sound by receiving the propagation of waves through the air. instead, this is us perceiving the propagation of waves through the glass and then our own spools. >> i don't like the sound of that. >> i feel like it's going to brainwash me. >> created in germany, an ad agency. >> an ad agency's idea. brilliant for people trying to advertise. >> they've gotten a positive response when doing this in testing. but online the response has been
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negative. >> do you have anything that can cheer us up? we've joined the angry mob. >> brainwashing. >> the human slingshot. it basically a giant rubber band you and your friends jump into, run around in. >> get out of here. look at that. >> seems like a really good way to knock noggins. >> one pair of people jump into the other side. they create tension that shoots the other group of two people and it keeps going on the same process over and over, shooting both back and forth. >> trying to sling your buddy out of this? >> want to be my nigh cal about it. >> you fall out, you're the loser. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." now at 5:00 p.m. crowds gathering for a third
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day of protests following the george zimmerman verdict the city is still recovering from the last two days. what is being done oo pre-- to prepare. >> what police are hoping could lead to daphne webb. >> and a san francisco fraternity expelled after the death of a student. why more punishment could be ahead. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. >> good evening. hello. i am gasia mikalian. >> and i am frank somerville. >> we begin in oakland where police say they are ready for another downtown rally after peaceful protests turned violent over the weekend. ktvu's ken pritchett is live from frank ogawa plaza in front of city hall where a rally is set to begin in an hour. >> reporter: we are here, as you look behind me, there are police officers here, a card table, greeting people arriving
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for the rally that begins at 6:00 p.m. we have seen a few people showing up. yesterday there were 300 people here at frank ogawa plaza. the majority were peaceful, participating in the rally and march with a few aimed at destruction. >> the destruction to her store, broken windows was done saturday night. >> we take all that seriously. >> reporter: this is video of the demonstration saturday night that turned destruction late into the night. mayor jean quan said police can't watch them at all times. >> last night we think there was no vandalism. >> reporter: there was vandalism last night however not to the extent of saturday night with many businesses left with broken windows. police say the george zimmerman trial verdict caught them by surprise. >> the verdict came in
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convictly. we were not able to bring -- quickly. we are not able to bring in staff quickly. >> reporter: police are ready for tonight. she says she will be watching her windows and shop. >> i don't think they will be fixed tonight and i will be right here. >> reporter: police said they brought in extra staffing last night. they have that same level of staffing tonight. they are uncertain how many people will show up here at frank ogawa plaza at 6:00 p.m. we will be here live for you at 6:00 p.m. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. >> there cannot be two standards in america. >> in washington, d.c. today the national black church initiative rallied outside the department of justice. it is one of many protests since the george zimmerman verdict. a group in seattle protested


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