tv Right This Minute FOX July 20, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got all the great videos from the web that you've been looking for "right this minute." a jet boat suddenly looks like a hovercraft. >> that is a full 360 backflip. >> how the driver survived his turn in the spin cycle. amazing animal encounters. as a dude lets a giraffe walk all over him. while another guy gets in an elk's face. >> he is up close and personal with this elk. >> what's the matter? >> what happens when the elk
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says don't crowd me, bro. >> after a motorcyclist brake checks a driver, he -- >> jams the brakes again. why going for seconds leads to one nasty spill. plus, a dog all jacked up on watermelon. and a goat who says no to alcohol during dinner. >> maybe i'll pass on the wine. i've got to drive home. >> don't exactly pair that red with those vegetables anyway. >> needed a white. in extreme sports videos when they do the backflip, cool. not so cool whenalking about boat raing. a bunch of boats, l taking off from the start line. one boat catched up to the other. they bump a little. that bump sends them tumbling. many people in the crowd standing up having that same reaction. boats built incredibly strong with the safety cell inside. no injuries. let's head over to detroit for a similar incident.
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this sis an h-1 unlimited. the driver is a rookie. >> that is a full 360 backflip. the boat does land right side up but it is out of commission. >> this is powered by a turbine jet engine. >> it looks like he sat on a rocket and said let's go for a ride on the water. >> how fast do these boats get? >> these unlimited turbine boats can get up to 200 miles per hour. in this crash, ryan was traveling close to 200 miles per hour when he flipped. >> it is remarkable that he did land upright and his boat doesn't look that damages from what he just went through. >> and neither was ryan. he was taken to the hospital but no serious injuries to him.
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i got two close encounters with wild animals. and i just have to say, don't get close to the animals. you might get hurt. this is from a game park in the northwest of south africa. you aren't allowed to get out of your cars so chris barnard put a camera on the end of a pole. watch what happens when a giraffe comes by. the camera wasn't hurt. it was 100% after this incident. >> that's unbelievable. a giraffe from a completely different perspective. this gives you a sense of what it would be like to be a bug. >> made the giraffe look like 100 feet tall. >> i say that's an inventive selfie by a giraffe. >> look at that. we jump from south africa to arizona where this guy is riding his quad and he runs across this elk. and he realizes it was wounded and kind of drooling. >> oh, no. what's going on?
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something's wrong with him. somebody might have shot him or something. >> he wanted to get close up to it because he thought, this is the closest i've ever been to an elk. and it's amazing how close he actually gets. >> will you be all right? >> he is up close and personal with this elk. and you are thinking, is he that close? but then at one point he kind of zooms back but he's still pretty close to this elk. >> not smart. >> not at all. >> you've got some kind of a disease or something? huh? >> oh! ouch. >> yeah. just ouch is what he says. this guy is 67 years old and he's 6'6". when it was all said and done, he didn't have any bruises or scratches. i have a couple of videos of people doing things they shouldn't be doing on the road.
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this is in the uk. this video comes from the helmet cam of a cyclist. there is no bike lane on this road. he's sort of trying to share the road with the other traffic. but other people aren't as willing to share the road. the little van that drove right past him totally clipped him. and then this. >> [ bleep ]. >> knocks the cyclist off the bike. starts cussing at him. not sure exactly if it was the van hitting the cyclist or cyclist hitting the van, but there was contact. and neither party is happy at this point. >> [ bleep ]. >> i'm driving [ bleep ]. >> the cyclist is saying, you're too close. >> what do you mean i'm [ bleep ]. >> the guy in the van had plenty of room to make room for the cyclist. he could have moved over into
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the white center median area just to get around the cyclist. >> the cyclist posted this video online hoping that maybe police would charge that driver because he was supposed to follow protocol. as far as we know, the driver has not been charged. this next video is in china. and look at those two officers fighting. they are, by the way, traffic officers. they are supposed to be guiding traffic, keeping the peace. but not in this case. they are the ones creating the chaos. >> what are they fighting over in the middle of the road? >> i don't know. but they are mad. >> what happens to traffic here? you get to do whatever you want now that the traffic cops are fighting each other? >> what does a punch mean? >> eventually they did get it together. according to reports, both of these ladies no longer have a job. >> shocking. shocking.
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tdo parachutes have expiration dates? we're about to find out. this is a paracommander jump at sky dive space land in houston, texas. it looks like a group of experienced skydivers heading out together. looks like they are having fun. getting in a little formation here. one guy comes in kind of hot. bumps his buddy, but that's just fun. they are just having a good time. no problems there. but watch when he pulls his chute. >> oh, no, it's tangled together? >> oh, you got to be kidding me? >> this is what's called a line over. it's an error in packing the parachute. basically when you have one of your lines, one of your ropes, one of your cables, cords over top of the chute so when the chute deploys it comes out -- >> did he pack his own parachute? >> he did pack his own chute here it seems. he's going through these clouds. >> that makes it more haunting.
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he's inside a cloud as all this is happening. >> and he pulls his reserve. but take a look at his reserve. apparently it is from 1955. >> what? >> wait a minute. >> look at that parachute. he knew the guy who packed the reserve parachute so he was confident in it and did know how old it was. >> no [ bleep ] ay >> i they say that a round parachute like this you can't really steer. >> are you going to land with me? >> on the way down you can hear how he's unfazed by this and he said it was a lot of fun. >> you know you are an adrenaline junky when you describe this as fun. crowd surfing? pretty cool. >> that's just standard crowd surfing video. this one, much cooler. >> how this dude rolls with the crowd. and a few friends are going to attempt one nasty food dare. >> oh, my gosh, that was like
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everybody's favorite part of the show, russian dash cam time. this one you better watch out because on the other side of the street -- >> oh! >> that apparently was the end to a high-speed chase by russian police. if you watch closely again, right there you notice there's a police car in front and behind this vehicle that crosses the median. and right into the car that we're riding in. the guy inside just slumped over. but the police officer runs around and tries to wrangle the guy out of the car who is not responding. let's take a look at another one. brake checking is always a bad idea. you get in front of somebody and tap your brakes just to send a message to the guy behind. but never would i think somebody would attempt this on a motorcycle. check this out. you see this guy on a yellow bike speed up ahead of this
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camera and then jam on his brakes. if you know anything about motorcycles, that's going to stop a lot faster than a moving car. he gives him the brake check. looks back. waves his hand. speeds up and then jams the brakes again. this time, the car can't stop in time. hits the biker and sends him skidding down the road. you see the biker start to get up a little bit. but then the driver of the vehicle gets out. and the first thing he does is check the damage to his own car. >> walking over there. slaps the rider around a little bit. >> it was the driver who got a ticket in this situation. he posted his citation online. he says he's going to appeal that ticket. if you've always wanted to go crowd surfing but never really had the courage to be hoisted up by a bunch of strangers, this is what it kind of looks like. the guy has his camera as he's crowd surfing at the band warped tour. you have to trust these people won't drop you. >> and also that they won't be touching parts you don't want
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them to touch. >> that's pretty cool, right? he makes it to the front of the stage. that's just a standard crowd surfing video. this one also from the band's warped tour. much cooler. you'll see why. watch this. >> wow! >> yeah, that's cool. >> a guy in a wheelchair. you can see everyone is in on this. it almost looks like he's wheeling along right on much to the top of these people like he's on the road. >> they really controlled that wheelchair. >> this is awesome, too. it was during the "sleep with sirens" performance. the lead singer kellen quinn really loved this, too. >> that is the [ bleep ] i've ever seen in my life. >> you can tell the music has really brought all these people together for one purpose. and they made a really great day for this guy. >> for sure. because you know what if you are in a wheelchair at one of these festivals, there's no way you
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are getting a good view of things because you are in the back. everyone is standing up and jumping around. but not everyone gets to go on the stage. this video is a slap yourself production. and after you watch it, you are going to want to slap yo self. >> for having watched it? >> you'll see. >> these are maggots from teriyaki boys 215. he challenges us to take a sip of the juice. >> he's holding a can of silkworm larva. >> a can? someone cans silkworm larva? >> uh-huh. >> you see them? >> oh, my gosh. that looks like bugs floating in a mud puddle. >> that's what it is. >> oh, gosh. >> i can't even smell it. >> before they even start, they are already gagging.
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>> the guy with the jordan t-shirt is going to town, man. >> it sound like he went to a family reunion and the whole family is gagging oer your fami are like? >> drink it. >> that's the worst part. why do you have to drink the juice? >> they describe what it was like. did they describe, was it spicy? was it stinky? >> i think the gag is enough to make you know that it does not taste good. >> there you go. >> amazingly, they actually do it. >> they all grab their little bottle of water and then they drink and voila. crazy good video of a waterfall had us wondering how this guy got this shot. >> why it takes two to dangle.
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sometimes when we can't travel to exotic places we can depend on the folks on the internet to show us the places we can't get to. in this case, we are heading to iceland and glimmer waterfall. >> wow. >> and we are getting a spectacular view of glimmer waterfall courtesy some of brave fellas who decided to hike out to this waterfall. it takes about two hours to get to it. if you are an experienced hiker. this is, in fact, about 645 feet high. this is one of the highest waterfalls in iceland. one of the most remarkable parts of this video, not just the sight, not just the sound of the water, but i want you to see this shot of this video. we actually get to see how this guy got this shot. >> oh! >> no, he did not do that. >> yes, he did. his buddy is holding on to his
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leg while he's kind of just dangling, just hanging on the cliff edge. >> and they always have a camera on a stick. why don't you just hold a stick out. >> they don't have that equipment. they went hiking. they don't need the extra weight. this is how you do it when you have nothing else. >> you just really have to hope that that friend is really strong. >> there are so many other ways i've learned on this show how he could get that shot without putting his friend at risk. >> they also had some fun while at this waterfall. >> we thank them for putting both of their lives on the line to get this shot because it really is glorious. it's beautiful. you guys have been into those photo booths. aren't they fun? you go in there with your friends, sit down, make goofy faces. they are fun to look at. >> check these two girls out. they go into the photo booth and --
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>> really? [ screams ] >> what's wrong with you? >> oh, no! >> and they get more than just their picture taken. they get the poop scared out of them by the guys at flash box tv. this is a prank. they pretend to lock these girls in. they've got bloody masks and a pick ax or something. >> here's another couple. happy to go into the photo booth. little kissy face and get some cute pictures until -- [ screams ] >> you are on black box tv. >> this is awful. >> pretty cruel dirty joke. >> and you can't even fight back. >> watch this guy react. >> even a photo booth itself, anes alrey. to get it after they hear it.
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i hope this video doesn't produce horrific flashbacks for you. >> this is bernie. he's working in the office. he gives his customer paperwork. sit down and, he's not quite seated all the way because, boom! down, bernie goes. >> oh, poor bernie. sometimes the chair slides out from under you, okay? it's not his fault. >> are you sure? >> yes. >> how do you know so much about this? >> i've had my fails. >> oh, my gosh. >> it slid out from under me. >> that was the chair's fault. i feel bad. it looked like he dinged his shiny dome right off the counter. the chair goes. bing. he says everybody in the office has had a good laugh at this. just like we have. >> his recovery wasn't as graceful as mine. >> are you okay? >> i'm totally fine.
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i caught myself. >> what chair? what? i departmeidn't fall off. in competition it's often said, if you're not first, you're last. and the guys are a dance crew, they completed in the korean 2013 world b-boys masters championships. this was their routine. and it's going to blow your mind. >> instead of doing some traditional moves, look at this move right here. this is my favorite one. one guy to the other guy to the other guy. before you know it, there's three guys hooked on each other going in circles. >> and then they swung that into that. >> yes. >> which is a windmill. >> yeah, that is pretty cool. so this one. this got them the championship, i would imagine. >> how do you beat this? >> this crew was triumphant in every scoring standard, including foundation, originality, dynamics, execution and battle. they ended up winning the entire competition. took home $15,000. >> whoa. >> an additional prize, their
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sponsor puma. >> i've never seen anything like that. the originality thing, for sure. dogs eat people food. let me warn you. so cute. >> this is in japan. and this dog is eating a watermelon. that's all this dog does. let me warn you. >> but it's cute to watch. >> the dog is so darn cute. looks like a powder puff. >> it's hard not to like watermelon, this time of year. >> that's how cute this is. he's eating watermelon. look at the smile on this face. >> i want this on a constant loop today. >> we go from dogs in goats. >> we got this video from friends at juken. >> the goats like eating the paper and then they are like, well, don't eat the paper. and then a collection of fruit and vegetable on this plate and the goat eats it out of his hands. this goat has man hands. >> this is funny because the shirt fits the goat pretty well. >> and it's formal wear because
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he's wearing a bow tie. they dress for dinner at this house and let the goat sit at the table. there's a glass of wine involved but the goat is like, maybe i'll pass on the wine. i've got to drive home. >> wouldn't exactly pair that red with those vegetables. >> you need a white. >> i like not only does it eat with its hands. it eats out of a bowl. this thing has better manners than some humans i've seen in public places. >> that's our show. we'll see you next time, everybody.
11:00 am
the boys of summer are ready to get going... we're talking baseball this week on sports stars of tomorrow.... we'll introduce you to a pair of bright young stars who could make a major league impact sooner rather than later... we'll also look back at some stories we've done with the game's biggest stars... plus, some high school stars who could find themselves in the pros some time down the road... all that and more... coming up next...@0@ úú@ (show open) thanks for tuning in, everyone, i'm your host, charles davis... we'll be going across the country once again, introducing you to several up-and-coming stars, and we'll have a special
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