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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 23, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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i 'm beth troutman and if you are looking for great videos, this the show for you, "right this minute." some snorkelers are getting cool underwater footage when sudd suddenly. >> these guys almost turn into whale food. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> and now, hear what it is like at the center of shock and awe. >> i had no idea it was a whale. >> firefighters trying to reach a man pinned under a trolley, but can't figure out -- >> the best way to go about it. >> the ingenious solution that finally freed him. a pleasure glide in peru
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suddenly goes from relaxing to terrify i terrifying. >> wow! >> why you have to be macho to survive this landing. and the dude uses a dog to deliver a proposal. what happens when she doesn't answer right away. you are looking at video of a group of divers off of the central california coast san luis e bis poe area, and we have four divers out there off the boat "magic" from the slow divers crew. they are getting the cool footage and you will see the underwater footage and you see a bunch of fish. and that looks like bait to me. or food for something larger. >> watch this. >> oh, oh, oh.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> you have to watch it again. he is four feet from the mouth of the whale. they go up to go after the tiny school of fish. these guys almost turn into whale food. the one guy had the back turned, but you could hear him say in the video? >> you will have to do more to clean that wet suit. >> we have sean stanback and jeremy bonn with us. was that you? >> yes, we saw the fish swimming in front of us and swimming to the surface. and then my body was pelted like ping-pong balls. and then i heard people screaming and i thought it was a school of sea lions or something, and then i looked up and two giant mouths sticking out of the water. i was in awe, and then i knew to get my butt out of the water.
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>> we had seen a bunch of whales around us and we had been anchored for a couple of hours, but they didn't get that close. >> the question is did you have to clean out your wet suit? >> not literally. >> do you think that the thingc? >> well no, doubt. the mouth of the thing is 12 feet across. if we were to the right, things could have gone south quickly. one of us could have drowned. >> they couldn't have eaten us, but they could have crushed us. >> and it is if you could have endured the amount of time it takes for them to figure out that you are not food. >> and the laugh? >> it is more a reaction out of fear. >> well, don't take me wrong, you don't get in the water with whales like that. because they can make mistakes and when they do, it can cost you your life. you are looking at video of a paramotor pilot named matt
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minyard flying over the sacred valley of the incas in peru. we are seeing it from the angle of the buddy, glenn hubbard. he waits for his friend to come back in and then it is glenn's turn. these guys are taking off from the top of the mountain from 12,000 feet. >> that is looking really relaxing. >> you are about to change your mind on, that gayle, because it is going to go from relaxing to terrifying as glenn is coming in trying to do something called a top landing, he realizes that he is coming in hard and low. >> ah! ah! >> now, we have another terrifying angle of this. you will see the parachute just hit the ground. matt is terrified. running in to help his friend. >> oh, my god.
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dude, do you need something? >> call somebody. i think i broke my back. >> and that blood curdling scream. >> and now he is frantic to get help. >> and someone comes in and says we have called for emergency worker, but it is 40 or 50 minutes to get up this mountain. the incredible thing about the video is that we also get what happened after. you are probably thinking why in the world are the cameras still rolling? that is because glenn and matt are on the trip of a lifetime. they are doing something called paramotor the americas, and keeping a blog of the experiences as they travel all over north and south america, and they wanted to make sure they captured everything on camera. >> i don't know what happened today. i was flying and everything was good. i was coming in to top land and i just dropped out of the sky. >> his back was in fact broken.
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he is still recuperating, but we spoke to glenn, and he said it is a minor setback and i'm feeling bet ter. at the end of the video, he is on a plane headed out with his buddy matt, and they are going to continue paramotor iing the americas. >> you can't stop there, right? such a cool adventure, you have to keep it roll iing. >> no way! emergency crews were very diligently working to try to save a man that became stuck in the undercarriage of this trolley in san diego. these images are very difficult to watch, but you will see how severely pinned under this man was. there are many of these personnel trying the figure tout best way to go about it. according to reports the con k dick or the of the trolley said there was a man laying on the street across from the tracks of the trolley, and by the time the
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con d conductor saw him and applied the brakes, it was too late. you will see blood right beneath him. >> why was the man on the track? >> at this point, we don't know for sure why he ended up on the track. it took them 30 to 45 minutes to be able to lift the trolley off of the tracks, and they used air bags and hydraulics to do that. you see the emergency personnel pull him out from underneath the trolley, and they put him on the gurney and able to take him to the hospital with life threatening injuries and in some reports they have the trolley run him completely over. he would have been in three pieces. >> oh, my goodness. i can't imagine the pain. >> i cannot believe the guy survived it, even though it did not run him over completely, but the way that he was sandwiched in there and the way that the body was contorted, it is amazing they were able to get him out and to the hospital. >> for that long, too.
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bus drivers have a dangerous job. >> this video is from a wyoming, michigan, bus driver and you see her pulling up to the stop and then engaging with a customer already on the bus. he is leaning in to intimidate the woman. according to police, he had gone the full cycle of the bus and she told him, look, you need to get off of the stop or you need to buy another ticket to go the full route. this man did not like it. he approaches the bus driver. >> holy moly. >> he is right in her face. >> and she has a seat buckle in her face, and then continues the try to intimidate her. and he has a hold of her wrist and she is swinging the seat buckle at him, and then he backs off and gets off of the bus. this happened earlier in july, but this past sunday, he was arrested. >> good. he needs to be off of the streets for a while. >> this we got from woio in
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dayton, ohio, and police were called off of the i-675, and the police tased this one guy because he was about to walk out in the road wway. >> in front off a semi truck. here we have the officer talking to the news. >> the officer tased him to keep him from being hit by the truck. >> he was tased, but he saved his life. he was taken to jail, but later released. a drive turns disaster when the peoplen into the eye of the storm. >> there didn't seem to be a place to take cover. >> how they got it together to brave the weather. and a transformer ablaze gets blasted with water. >> but look at what it causes. >> oh,
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♪ ♪ ♪ water and electricity do not mix. this home was actually hit by high voltage wires that were hit by lightning and fell on the house. there you can see the firefighters trying to put out that fire. >> oh, man, that stinks. you are dealing with a lot of elements here. nighttime, and you have electricity to deal with, and the fire to deal with.
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>> and a storm to deal with. >> sure. >> in the end, it is scary, because you can see the flames shooting out of the window, but at the bottom, you can see the sparks on the sidewalk from the live power line. >> and apparently 145,000 customers were without power according to the dt energy, and this house ended up to be a total loss and there were no reported injuries. here is another video, and in this case, that is a transformer that is obviously live. at the very bottom, you will see the fire trucks and the firefighters trying to figure out how to do this. right about here, you will see the water from a hose aimed at the transformer, but look at what it causes. >> oh! wow, that is at first looking like it works, and like it is calming everything down. >> and instead, it created a big massive explosion.
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>> you are looking at video of some folks in a car, and according to the folks in the video, they are in the middle of a tornado. and the guy behind the wheel of the car is a man named donte, and they are in leftbridge in alberta, canada. according to the weather specialists in the area, there were no funnel clouds that touched down in the storm, but there were wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour, and straight lines of wind which can be incredibly destructive and we think that is what donte and the people were experiencing. this video all started with a hankering for some chicken. >> makes perfect sense. >> and donte wanted some chicken and so he hopped in the car with family friend and their two children, and as they started to drive to the local supermarket to grab that chicken, this is
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what the sky looked like. >> it has a weird contrast and the clouds are extra dark and you can tell that something is up. >> as they continue the drive, donte hears the wind and the hail starts to come down. according to donte, he was seeing the roof of the greenhouse ripped off and debris flying everywhere and there did not seem to be a place to take cover so they stayed inside of the car as these high winds blew through. >> and to get the chicken? >> yes, he did get the chicken and here is the video proof, and god bless him. this happened on july 17th, and luckily no injuries were reported. flash flooding and property damage, but no people were injured. two buildings down. but zoom in closer. >> to a scene that looked like this. >> why these two stayed standing through dust and debris.
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a candle with -- >> no wax in this candle. >> the simple trick to make a floating flame.
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>> demolition videos are always p popular on youtube and fun to watch. this is sandy hills flats, the
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apartments in glasgow, scotland and people filming this like any other demolition video. and then within an instant both of these things just disappear, right. a lot of dust and the people filming this are like -- >> it was quick. >> it was an alarm going off. >> we should probably go inside with so much dust. but go back to the begin of the video and zoom into the sandy field flats, and this is a band known as the colonel five and the demolition band. >> i have no clue where they got that band name from. >> and they are performing out there on the street "ginger girl and the gorbel." right in the middle of the sound, the building goes down and the dust clouds are coming right at them, and it is like a hyster hysteria, and then watch the two
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from the colonel mustard and the d dijon band. >> you can't see these two. >> the dust is starting to clear. >> they don't know -- >> look at that. they don't apparently care. >> this is juan way -- this is one way to get your band's name out there. >> they never stopped. >> the show must go on. >> true professionals right there. >> steven, it is bend your mind tech time. >> bend your mind tech time. >> this is the master square one. at first glance, it looks like a rubiks cube, but if you turn it, you realize it is not all squares, but triangles. >> but it is a game though? >> it is supposed to be a game, but i want the know what the object of the game is, so we have to bring in our techspert,
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the guy who knows everything, zach. >> my mind is bent. >> and hey, zach, this is is weird. how do you solve this? >> like a rubiks cube, you are trying to get it back to the original orientation so you have all of the same colors on the same side. >> one place where the guy looked like a wheel and on the other side it is a flower. >> this is vin puzzle and this is a take of another rubik cube puzzle called the square one. it is like a rubik cube, but it is more intricate, because there is more cut to turn into the shape shapes. >> this is for the people who are bored with the rubik cube and they are like, i got that, so make something harder for me? >> definitely. >> okay. now bend our minds with the kand thal is looking like it is burning out of water? >> you got it. >> what is this? >> it comes from the crazy russian hacker. it is simple. glass container and see-through plastic birthday candles to get a wick out of, and he has this
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filled with oil instead of water. >> so it is just a mind bender until you see how sit is done. >> you say, i can do that. >> and then your mind is un-bent. >> un-bent. >> it is a new shark deterrent wet suit. >> researchers believe that this could be what helps protect people in the water. >> the secret behind the stealth suit next.
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we are no strangers to trick videos here, but what about extreme pogo tricks. you see russ jumping down the stairs and flipping feet over head and bouncing down the wall and doing back flips here off of park benches and then there he leaves the pogo stick and jumping around and we are seeing it from different angles.
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>> it is like pogo park. >> whatever he wants to do on the pogo, he can do it. it is like an extension of the body. >> it is like a surfboarder, but you don't have the buy new wheels. >> and where it says no skateboarding or surfboarder, but how many parks have no pogo stunting or tricks? >> probably nowhere. this is always an unsettling sight, a big shark taking big bites out of the most dangerous coast right now in the world which is the western coast of australia and the university of western australia is teaming up with new inventors to help make divers and surfers less of a target when wearing a wet suit. >> and i know i have been in the wet suit for over 20 years and we get commonly asked what color do the sharks like. you don't want to look like a seal. >> and this is called the shark
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mitigation systems, and the group in australia realized that the last few seconds of the attack, the shark relies on sight, so they have come up with patterns that they believe will help protect divers and surfers against shark attacks. >> it is about the water and being out and constantly going back into the ocean knowing that they have an extra level of protection. >> this striped suit that you see here is called the shark attack mitigation system or s.a.m.s. and the shark will see the stripes as something unpalatable and not appropriate prey for the shark, and maybe something dangerous to the shark. this other suit that you see here, makes you a lot more invisible to the shark. it is very difficult for the shark to see the blue and shaded contrasted blue suit. almost like a stealth suit. >> why didn't we think of this sooner? >> researchers believe that this could be what helps protect people in the water.
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sometimes a pass requires the help of man's best friend. in this case, it is the gorgeous black dog named spud. >> whatever you do, don't eat the box. >> if you look really closely, little spud has something attached to his collar. spud's owner, the man behind the camera is john. you will hear john yell upsta s upstairs. >> sarah, can you call spud up? >> there is a female upstairs. >> buddy. come get a treat. >> i wonder what is going to happen. >> she has a present for you. >> and bud has a present for her. she unclips the box and begins to open it, and what could it be? i'm guessing a ring. >> judging by the size and the shap
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shape. >> oh! >> and you know that by her face immediately that, yes, it is in fact a ring. >> what do you reckon? >> he keeps saying. >> what do you reck conn? >> i reck conn that a dog just brought me an engagement ring. >> anything that you want to say, john? >> do you want to get married? >> she gives him a kiss. >> a yes or what? >> and she says, put the ring on my finger. >> spud passed the audition to b be the ring bearer. >> exactly. that's our show, everybody. we will see you for the next edition of "right this minute." now at 5:00, a warning from
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east bay health officials after a teenage girl is bitten by a bath at the oakland zoo. the precautions now being taken. plus the south bay man accused of sexually assaulting a 6-year-old faces charges. a delicate operation off the bay area coast as crews work to salvage a sunken sailboat. why it took crews weeks to pull it from the mud. good evening i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and i'm ken wayne. frank somerville is off tonight. officials are warning people after a teenage volunteer at the oakland zoo was bitten bay bath. health officials determined that the bath was infected with rabies. john fowler is live in the newsroom with new information on exactly what happened, john. >> reporter: i learned the teenage girl from berkeley was working as a zoo volunteer on
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saturday. the oakland zoo is flanked by highway 9. it is thought that it was a common mexican free tail bat. the teenager saw it at a zoo display. >> she went up to it and actually it got on her hand and she thinks that it bit her. >> she started the treatment, initial injection at the wound site. then three follow up injections over a period of time. she'll be okay. >> daniel wilson of alameda county says there's nothing especially risky about the zoo. this is the third rabid bat found in the east bay. one in pleasanton and the other in san lorenzo. never approach or touch a bat or any other wild animal that appears to be acting strangely. rabies is fatal if not treated
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properly. reporting live, john fowler, ktvu channel 2 news. a south bay church leader is facing charges after they found more girls that were victimized at the child care center. more information on this ongoing criminal case. our robert handa is following the story. investigators say the number of girls involved here has now grown to four. >> reporter: that's right it was another emotionally wrenching day. a few days ago they found the list of charges is now longer and more will be added soon. former ymca child care worker leminey was escorted into court today. last week he was crying after he was being arrested. today he was calm after a third charge was added. thise


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