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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 26, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, pi'm beth troutmi the video spthe videth looking for "right this minute." > r a driv>> highwayp >> comes strai r >> a>> and the damagn r >> ap this g to buff. >>p>> but this transformat happenr happened happen happenr happened happe >> and nowp >> and now>> an
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r>> you can'p >> you ca ontrol. r >> th>> this ip >> >> like when they finally got upright again. r p it looit looks lik pier piece piece o pi19 19-year-op 19-year-o19-ye tp the b passengpassengep r >> not a good p>> 7 barbeque, and he is about to do this. >> oh, no. >> yes, the number of flip s s the way down and here it is again in slow motion. boom! lands it, but just a few feet away from the boat. you hear the cheers from the
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crowd. and everybody of course loves it. the police did arrive later, but the guy had run off. he has been identified as 25-year-old deedrae, and he told one publication in norway that he did perform the stunt with some alcohol in his blood. >> liquid courage. >> liquid courage or not, i have to say that the guy really has nice form and entry into the water. it didn't look like he got hurt. he did say that his butt was sore the next day. check out these two photos. looks like a before and after photo. we have seen plenty of these and the latest new diet fad and in is what can happen to your body in 90 days. >> i want to tell you something about the two photos, because this transformation happened in 60 minutes. i am not lying to you nick calderon, andrew dixon, the man featured in the photos is a
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personal trainer and he wanted to show case how easy it is to exaggerate the claims when it comes to quick and easy weight loss. the fphoto on the left, he has beard and baggy shorts and sticking out the stomach. and maybe unflattering look on the body, and then 60 seconds later put on a pair of tight fitting shorts and shaved the beard and the head and the better lighting and sucked in the gut. >> so the abs are not cgi like in that "300." >> he is probably ripped from push-ups because that will make you look more ripped. >> at the time he did this, he weighed 185 pounds and he had 16% body fat. just to prove the point, he took more photos recently. in these photos he was about 200 pounds and about 19% body fat. >> where are the abs coming from? in those pictures you can push
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the stomach out. >> yes, and in the recent photos where he weighs 200, he has more abs. >> that is so sad the beginning pictures. >> and the quick weight loss is a scheme, and that is why he is showing us easy ways to get in shape and stay in shape and you don't need an expensive gym membership. he is holding a melon out of the refrigerator and showing you how to do squads -- squats and l lunges. >> i like his message of real expectations. this is going to make you crazy if you have ever shipped a package. fedex lady loading the packages on to the truck just like that. throwing them in. like it is no big deal. >> wait a minute, in her defense, those are sort of letter boxes, and those are the small, i don't know, i'm hoping and trying to make it better here.
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well, they look like boxes where there would not necessarily be fragile things. if it is fragile wouldn't you put the sticker on it, and then throw in ten at a time. >> yes, a fragile stick e, you wou wouldn't do that. >> who are these packages? >> they are packages to be deliver delivered to clients who are expecting the packages and fedex said when they found out about this video, they did release a statement and said that we are very disappointed to see this, and fedex has high pers oralls f what is expected. >> well, high performance and she was hucking them in there. and either way you look at it, it is not good. >> yeah. dude tees up, swings and -- >> oh! >> no way that it was a hole in one. no way that it was a hole in one. no way. >> the hole in one or a bogus shot? and youtube star jenna
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mashls is tmashl
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oh, the life of a golf ball. you get smacked around all day and sometimes you land in the sand trap. this is what it looks like if you are a golf ball. this video is coming to us from title i titlist performance on ocean side, california, except for the guy having a gopro camera set nup in the sand trap. >> oh. >> no way that it was a hole in one, no way. this is -- no way. >> we don't know how many times he tried this, but he could have absolutely done this, but i start started to watch it frame by frame and as you see the camera flipping around, and you can see that he gets it close to the pin, but you know, maybe an edit
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where they stopped the camera and started it when they drop it down into the hole. when it is flipped into the air, the video is distorted. >> i'm suspicious, but it is possible. >> i think that it is possible, but i believe it is possible that it is faked here. why don't we let the viewers decide. head to our facebook page "right this minute."com, and tell us if this performance is real or fake. some bros had a little pr problem with a cat, and it was not the house cat. yu s you see that behind the stairs? it is going to the garage. [ bleep ]. >> what is that? >> that is a mountain lion. this happened in soleda, colorado. so if you live there, beware of
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mountain lions. >> i would let it do its thing. >> but the guy is getting closer to said mountain lion. >> oh, boy. it is huge. >> when it comes out of the garage, i don't think that the guy expected it to cross in front of him. >> does it realize that it is really far away from the mountain? jenna marbles will make us laugh any way she can and this time she is going to do it by putting on her makeup without a mirror. >> the rules are as follows, you are not allowed to use any tools, and fingers only. if it is a mascara, you are allowed for that or a pencil or lipstick, but otherwise, fingers on only. every time you pick up a new product, you must drink. >> i really like the spider-man challenge. >> i put 5:00 on the iphone.
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>> i have to do it. crush it. >> she puts on the foundation and applies it like it were lotion. >> i feel like the color of the foundation is off. >> very oompah-loompah-ish. >> add some bronzer. >> i congratulate her for trying to add contour lines without a mirror. >> and then she gets it on and moves on the the blush. >> i feel like i'm doing really good. i feel like i'm doing so good. >> she adds mascara and adds lashes. >> that is all of the drying time i got. all i got. all i got. that's all i got. >> and she drew on the eyebrows? >> yes. >> oh, boy. >> she is doing the water line which is dangerous, because you don't want to poke yourself in the eye. >> done.
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ta-da. now i'm looking at my accomplishment, and this is better than the lunch lady does it for sure. in my opinion, one of the funniest office pranks ever. >> this is the old air horn prank. >> oh, the air horn in the desk chair. >> he has it rigged up in the legs. the guy's classic. he jumps and wiggles around. >> when you did this, it did not work. >> no, it never works for me. that will cure the monday funk. classic crowd pleaser. i love the guy's reaction though. it is like he can't get a waiwa from it, and everybody in the office loved it, too. a bear gets busted when taking care of an itch. >> but before long, all of the
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family joins in, too. >> things are wild in the woods next. . >> and it is a showdown on the road when lambeau takes on a corvette. >> this is kind of like a wink and a nod, and the race is on and --
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>> it started off as like people
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would see me here or there and be like, have you seen this guy? yeah, i have seen that guy. who is that guy? >> who is that guy? >> he looks familiar. >> that is jesse heiman and he is the focus of a brand new document being shot, and let me tell you why you recognize jesse heiman. >> i remember this. this is awesome. i loved him. >> jesse heiman was the star of the most popular super bowl ad this past super bowl, the godaddy ad where he made out with super model bar rafaeli. and the reason that he is the star is because of the overnight success of the commercial. he had been an actor in los angeles for years and in fact, he is known as the world's greatest extra, and he has appeared as an extra in some pretty popular films and tv shows and this documentary is part of the kick starter program, because the producers and the drirector of the docum t documentary nick wise and
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heather need help with funding. >> we will have to help out. >> so the next best thing via skype, we have jesse heiman from california. welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> real quick, can i just -- >> yeah! >> jesse, tell us about it. >> i have been going through a great transition from the success of the godaddy success, and so they want to know what it takes from going from the extra to a leading man. >> very important question, are you a good question? >> i have been told. >> i am sure that people want to know how many times you had to ak cha actually makeout with her while shooting the commercial? >> about 70 takes. >> wait, wait? 70. >> close to 70, yeah. >> you just get recognized all of the time and they are like, dude, i'm so jealous of you. >> last week i went to comic-con
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and i was stopped for autographs and i signed over 1,000 autographs. >> we needed to make sure that you get the funding that you need for the documentary, because people want to know what your life is like, and tell the viewers why they need to contribute. >> well, the documentary is going to be so cool. it is about me going through an auditions, and going to class and going to meet fans around the country, and i want the fan s to help me to come to meet them. >> we hope that you get all of the funding, and we can't wait to see everything that happens from here on out. you are awesome. >> thank you very much. the mother of five hears a early morning thud and you would think it is a big thump. well, monica went to the window and saw this big guy rifling through the trash. >> that is a big bear. >> he doesn't seem to find what
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his tooth is aching for. >> hey, hey, hey, get. get going. >> so he peck he picks up the b butt and walks over ttohe next bi a turns i instead of rl, he takes the whole bag. >> look, he is taking the whole bag. >> he takes the whole sack with him and then gets comfortable. the officials believe he was somewhere between 450 and 500 pounds and could be because of the trash he is eating. and do bears scratch in the woo woods? you bet they do. when a nailer in the alberta area sets up a camera, and then this looks like a disney film, because all of the family jois s in. >> is this real? >> it is totally real. it looks like they are auditioning to be exotic dancers. then at the end of the video, the deer comes back and says,
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nice. bear funk all over it. watch who shows up afterwards. >> the mountain lion. >> and look at that. >> sniffing the bear butt. and they are not even a little freaked out. this is not the audubon, but somewhere in the middle east, and this is a lamborghini against a corvette. we have dashcam in the lamborghini and you will see who is dusted there. is the corvette and when they get up alongside each other, it is a winning and a nod and the race is on. the corvette is clearly dusting the lamborghini. >> on a busy freeway though. this is scary. >> i assure you that nobody got hurt except maybe some feelings. >> maybe because the lamborghini had a passenger, that weighed him down, because maybe the corvette only had the driver. >> you think that 150-pound guy weighed down the lamborghini. >> it is possible.
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>> i don't think so. they race again and the corvette is behind, but then -- see ya! if i'm the guy in the lamborghini, i'm mad, because i spent more money nan the corvette. >> it is the other guy that slowed down the lamborghini. >> you are just making excuses for getting busted by my dream car. the dude gets up close with the warrior wasp. >> why their name is well deserved. >> it sounds sofa... desk...
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you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf,
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and to your home. nfl training camps are starting up all over the country, nick, but maybe we have found the hit of the year already. we got this video from "usa today" the kid in the orange is hand handed the ball, but watch the kid in the maroon lay the leather on this kid. tackle goes right down. this is not looking like the kid gets hurt at all, but watch the coach's reaction, too, and rushing in, helmet to helmet. and the coach goes down, too, like he was snipered. this can begin a conversation, where these are tiny kids laying the lumber here in practice, and is it safe? they do have helmets on, and the helmets have gone through the advances over the years, and hey, he got back up. yes, he did right away. and does the kid who lays the kid out in orange have just a target on him the rest of the
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season and the mack daddy the rest of the season? >> well, is a shg, it is a good waltz on to the starting lineup in pee-wee football. and if you see a wasp net, don't get too close. this man is wear iing protectiv gear, and he is going to get close, and the nest that he is trying to get close to is a warrior wasp nest, particularly dangerous. apparently, if you are allergic, one sting will do you, but the venom is toxic enough that if you are not allergic and you get stung a ton of times, you could still -- >> well, what is he trying to prove here? the wasp makes sweet, sweet honey and what's the point? >> he is trying to record a video the record the behavior, and this is the behavior when he gets too close. >> look at that. he is marcng. >> it is like warningg
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yeah, back off, dude. we are not playing around. >> they all charge at him. they start to attack him. he starts running away. he is wearing a beekeeper's s t suit. >> i don't care what suit he is wearing, it is not enough. where do these things live by the way? do i have to worry about stumbling into them? >> well, this is in colombia, so you are all right. [ speaking foreign language ] >> he said that even one of them stung him on the thumb when he was recording. >> i hope he got what he wanted to go for recording the behavior. >> well, he did. definitely did. oh, people who shot this video say they have seen a pack of lions get scared away by elephants, but they were surprised by what they saw scare an elephant away. what the thing is a pack of wild
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dogs. >> looks like hyenas. >> that is in zambia national park, and the wild dogs are having fun and taking their time to scare the elephant. and the elephant is like, you stop that. >> and no strength in numbers and even though they are smaller, they are quicker. it is not like the dogs can take the elephant down, it is species rivalry and turf wars, no matter who you are. >> and they are puppies and probably playing and the elephant knows they are bigger than them, but i'm surprised that the elephant is like, i am getting out of here. >> this must be africa. >> that is our show and we will see you for the next edition of >> that is our show and we will see you for the next edition of rtm. -- captions by vitac --
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it's time for the wendy williams show. today -- andy wiener for mayor? wendy breaks down the headlines. plus -- charlotte ross has a steamy new role. does she kiss and tell? plus, all the latest juicy "hot topics." now -- here's wendy! ♪


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