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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 29, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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h hello, everybody, i'm brrj. let's take a look at the best video of the day "right this minute." a driver tries to get around a moose and her babies, but -- >> a mama, she ain't moving. >> what happens when she gets fed up with being followed? a cop tells a photographer to keep his distance. >> you're interfering with my investigation. if you continue, you will be arrested. >> wait until you hear the response. >> you're interfeerniinterferin investigation. why don't you shut the [ bleep ] up? >> the surprise ending.
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>> why am i upset they didn't tase him. >> breaking amish is back. >> amish, young adults and mennonites. >> one of the casts shares his culture shock at l.a. lifestyle. >> all of the fashion out here that was like the highlight. >> and the internet's full of people who love to pop them. but this guy's got a bubble wrap bike. >> jealous much? >> when you're walking down the street and someone's in your way, you say, excuse me, can i get through? the guys at bow hunting road were hunt, i'm guessing, and encountered this mama moose. these guys in the truck are on the road and mama, she ain't moving. >> moose, not known for manners. >> not this one. she's keeping a very close eye on her little fellows, making sure they're okay. >> she says, get off of me. stop tailgating me, bro. >> she's charging at the truck.
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she does end up hitting the truck with her face. rams it with her head. >> what? >> she's like, dude, i said no. >> they're being very polite and very patient. but eventuallying when they tried to drive around them, she gives them the shoulder, quite literally, look. >> goodness. >> she is so mad at them. >> don't mess with a mama moose. >> that was cool. did you see how she almost like threw the two calves out of the way? pushed them out of wait and charged the truck. >> must think the truck is about to tack her calves. >> the guys decide to gun it, go for it. they start stepping on the gas but she starts charging next to them. >> chasing them? >> look. >> gosh. >> at this point, what the hex? >> look at that. >> apparently mama moose ended up ramming them four time but was they caught these two in the video. waters of the river too strong for the small inflatable
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raft. two people stranded in the raft. looks look the raft got hung up on something under the water. a guy standing to the side of the raft. waiting to be rescued. by t swift wate county fire dep boat out there as well. look at how gently they maneuvrd this boat and with precision, they're able to bring the boat right up to the back of the raft. reach over, pick this girl up, bring here inside the boat. the guy stands fast there for a while until able to come back around and pick him up. his rescue isn't as smooth as the girl's. there was one other man standing out in the water when the hhelir pulls out, that guy trying to make his way out to help the people. the fire department did not want him to make his way back to shore, they sent another boat to pick him up. i bet this caused an argument between the man and the woman i told you we couldn't use the
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raft. >> not the right boat for the river. >> circumstance i don't see any reason -- >> you're interfering. >> one of the videos you think you know where it's going and it takes a weird twist. >> guy on a bicycle coming up 0 to an lapd police officer who pulled over a driver. he's filming. waves to the officer, he's filming, keeping plenty of distance. >> plenty of distance, thank you. >> one of the people that likes to record police officer's actions. >> yes. the officer says dur. >> you're interfering with my investigation. if you continue, you will be arrested. >> you're interfearing with my investigation. why don't you shut the [ bleep ] up. shut the [ bleep ] up you're interfering with my investigation. >> call those strong words for a police officer. >> is this person not from l.a.? you don't talk to lapd like that. >> you don't talk to any police officer that way. >> it's not illegal, though,
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right? >> we've seen a lot of videos, you're think, now this guy's going to get arrested, pepper sprayed, tasered, whatever. >> you focus on what you're doing, i'll focus on what i'm doing. >> stop talking. >> stop talking to me. >> this officer and the other officer pull up to the guy pulled over, give him something, head back over to the cruiser. >> sorry for adult language. >> appreciate it. >> they're kissing and making up now. sorry i swore. >> thank you, sir. have a good evening. >> have a nice time. >> why am i upset they didn't tase him? >> this is unexpected. >> i am disturbed at this man felt like he had to swear at a police officer. >> he did apologize. apology goes a really long way. even with lapd. >> firefighters were called in to rescue a horse stuck in the mud. when we're talking a horse, talking lot of animal.
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>> one, two, three, go. pull. >> it does look like he's in a canal. he was stuck in three feet of mud, this poor guy. and stuck overnight. and waters were cold, the horse wouldn't doing incredibly well when firefighters came in to help rescue him. it took five firefighters altogether to try to do this. they eventually ended up having to tranquilize the horse to get the horse to calm down. put a life jacket over his face so he couldn't see exactly what was going on because he was getting spooked by the equipment. >> feel bad for him. got that thing on his face. >> they do get a harness around the horse and they heave-ho this horse on the land. >> ready? quickly she's going to come. get back, sir. >> jump. >> you can see them pulling and tugging. listen to how difficult this rescue was. >> go. >> everybody get back. get back. >> very unusual maneuver. like a western rawl.
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brought it out sideways on the pipe and did a barrel roll on to its leg. >> they had a vet on scene to make sure the horse was okay the owner was there. it's doing fine. >> took man power for horsepower. >> a couple of nicks. she's in good health. >> all on the coast of australia. a pair of passengers take on the bus driver. finally you see him point, indicating you guys have to go. watch what the woman does. >> what led up to the spllimy showdown? >> a pink slip on the line. going head to head. >> race from the golden gate brick to alcatraz. >> see who
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being a bus driver may have its rewards in meeting a lot of neat people but it's things like this that just make you question humanity. >> this happened in victoria,
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r anyou've got two people gettin the bus, and the bus driver says they didn't pay. so after driving a little ways he said you guys have to leave. you see them there pushing him. police say they abused the bus driver. >> they're doing it while he's driving the bus. >> yeah. he's trying to drive the bus, keep them safe, keep himself safe. you see him point, indicating you guys have to go. the guy's verbally get into it with the bus driver. the but driver pointing to tell them to get off. finally, the pair believed to be in their 40s, get off the bus. but not without some parting shots at bus driver. watch what the woman does. >> oh. >> what a -- >> she spit on him. >> shows a great lack of class, indecency. the guy gets back on the bus, pushes him, throws punches at the driver. >> these two are losers. no such thing as a free ride. >> 7 news in australia caught up with the bus drive somewhere he talked about the incident. >> it's quite disgusting.
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more than anything else, most traut mattic. >> in the city, bus drivers are the only public transportation drivers that are not protected. >> they are now considering getting protection for them. >> it would be absolute a shame if australia had to be cut off completely to avoid this behavior. >> a popular tv show on sundays 10:00 p.m., on tlc. >> wanted to explore and live life. >> you probably wreck flies some of the themes in the show. you saw them on the tlc show breaking amish. a new group of amish, young adults and nmen none nights leaving their communities and famili families heading to los angeles. >> i can't head off to my dream. >> it's a major disappointment to my parents. >> matt, 24, and his family decided to join the mennonite religion when he was 7.
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he remembered life before he became a mennonite and now he has moved to los angeles because he has a dream. he has a passion for fashion. tell us more about this show, what we can expect, we have matt via skype "right this minute." welcome to the show, matt. this is a huge transition. how much convincing did it take to leave your home and head to los angeles and start a television show all at once? >> up and down. i wanted to do it but i didn't want to do it. it was excite bug scary at different times. >> what does your family say now that you've been exposed to the new world, the new life? >> they are concerned. i show them i have changed a bit. you know, like i've explored a bit but i still believe the same things i believed before i left for l.a. >> what was the coolest thing that you saw or did once you finally got to l.a.? >> all of the fashion out here.
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that was like the highlight of being in l.a. >> what can we expect from your experience? >> there's going to be a lot of drama on the show. but we get through all of it. >> whoo! ♪ >> when you're racing for pink slips, the pressure's really on. especially when one's a surfer and one's the boat from oracle team usa, defenders of america's cut, the big catamaran. kite surfer is lenny, a well-known kite surfer. this video from red bull. challenge, they're going to race from the golden gate bridge to alcatraz in san francisco out there on the water. now, you're thinking, pink slip's on one, the board costs 1500. the boat $15 million. >> that's not quite fair.
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>> three, two, one. mark. >> looks close. kite border hanging in with the old oracle team usa. kai skipping along. the guys from the team usa we're in a big strong boat, there's one of you and a ton of us. watch this. >> better luck next time, buddy. >> they taunt him, getting close to the finish line, he's behind. maybe you should hurry up. hurry up, we've got the lead. they didn't say at the end if kai had to hand over his board to these guys. maybe they let him slide a mismatch there. >> how many guys say i beat kai lenny? it's real or fake time. we're hitting the road, the woods, and, well --
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a dude. >> yeah, totally possible. >> i say fake. >> dead giveaway. dead giveaway. it's fake for sure. >> will you catch the dead giveaways? next. [ male announcer ] you know that sizzler grills the world's best steaks.
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but did you know we've also mastered three incredibly craveable pastas? sizzler's new incredibly craveable combos for just $10.99, right now.
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sizzler's new incredibly craveable combos it's time for real or fake videos with matt from ebaum's world. >> all right. let's get social with it, y'all. >> let's get into our first
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video. >> what? >> what? >> looks like a person falls out of that car. and then gets up and walks away? >> yeah. totally possible. >> i say real. >> i'm saying real because it's not like that crazy, nothing really that crazy happens. if you're going to fake it it's not that great of afake job. >> i say fake. look at shadows from the cars on the highway. there is no shadow from the person walking down the highway. >> aha. >> good investigative count. >> dead giveaway. dead giveaway. fake for sure. >> video number two. >> for goodness sake. >> a big foot video. sasquatch. >> the funny part, it's the most epileptic man with a camera shooting potential big foot videos.
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>> the shaking of the camera, the more it's fake. >> when people use a camera, you don't always have it up to your head and everything you're moving around with a camera, that's where they get wrong when they video. find the subject you want to record, you pick the camera up and record. fake. >> video number three. >> i think what they're trying to do is testing out the one inch punch. whether it's real or fake, is this guy thrown back that far or is he kind of acting as he bounces back? >> i say real. that fall looks pretty darn convincing. >> i guess it's possible. i'm going with real too. >> he shot down like he's shot out of a cannon. >> look at this part right here. he's got this back leg, you know, ready to brace himself. if you focus on the leg, watch what happened when the punch connects. the regular goes out. i think fake. >> fake.
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kind of agree now. darn it. >> you changed my perspective. i'm going fake now. >> i'm going fake. >> you convinced me, too. >> got a nice clip of bikers on good behavior. this guy apparently, goes through it twice, doesn't speed, doesn't pop a wheelie. lends a helping hand. notices the lifted chevy up ahead. the guy pushing his big, heavy lifted truck. he needs a bit of help. the guy on the motorcycle lends a foot? the guy puts his left foot up on the bumper. gives it some juice on the motorcycle. and helps push the thing along. listen. >> it's a heavy [ bleep ]. >> it's a heavy truck sure. >> funny if the guy who owns the truck didn't know he was back there. i have been working out a lot lately. i'm pushing the truck easy.
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>> it's like a featherweight compared. >> this is awesome of the guy. he could have ridden past, enjoyed the rest of his day. he puts the power into helping now human being. good for him. >> pushes the thing for a while. eventually the truck gets into the left hand turn lane. still got his hazard lights on. the guy on the motorcycle gives him another boost. gets him through the intersection. looks like the guy's able to pull into a gas station. get out of traffic. the guy parks his motorcycle and goes over and says to the guy, there's a reason why your truck is so easy to push. it was me. he's like -- >> some hocus-pocus involving cards and mouths. >> this is where magic happens. they touch thumbs. something magical happens. >> see the
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[ dad ] ah! lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress... and she's not exactly tidy. even if she gets a stain... she'll wear it for a week straight. so i use tide to get out those week-old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. and since i'm the one who has to do the laundry... i do what any expert dad would do. i let her play sheriff. i got twenty minutes to life.
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you are free to go! [ male announcer ] week old stains and odors just met their match. tide and downy, better together.
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chasing a squirrel and comes out with what? >> a squirrel. >> a tree struck on him. >> a curly tail grabs the limb. >> boo, can you get it off. >> it's not the squirrel. >> whats the matter? a tree stuck on you. >> the last laugh, the squirrel. >> one who is laughing would be butch. butch lives in san francisco, a big fan of "right this minute." he watches it on ktvu.
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watch what happens hadn't he hears my voice been. >> the dog on the screen. >> no, no, no. this dog likes the sound of the voice. barks a bit. when it goes to commercial, dog's not interested. >> i like this. we're his bitches. >> generally i would not observe kay with that. in this case, i am. >> does it include dogs in the rating. >> if it did, we would be the number one show in america. >> this is david, and one of the clerks is going to be his participants. >> i'll do a card trick. >> okay. >> it's simple. >> gets her to put her name on a card. shows it to us. this time, he's doing something ding. >> most keep it face down. i'm doing it face-up so the whole time you can see your signature. i'm going to pick a card.
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>> okay. >> 8 of clubs. >> they put the cards in their mouths. >> all the way in. >> they touch thumbs. something magical has happened. suddenly there's smoke coming from his mouth. he unfolds it and -- >> your card. >> his card is the backside of the card on both sides. >> wait, wait, wait. open your mouth. that's your signature, right? >> yes. >> open it up. >> no way. this is creepy. >> he had his name in his mouth, she had her name in her mouth and suddenly she's got both flames in her mouth and she's got some weird funky card. >> how did he do it? >> i have a hunch. his card was written into hers and put it on the stack. >> he grabbed the or card. >> must have done a switch. >> and gives it to her. >> where did it come from?
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>> you're going to hurt yourself trying to figure this out. this is one of those where you go -- >> well done. >> magic. >> i loved it. >> my name is eric buff. this is my bubble wrap bike. jealous much? >> eric figured out a way to attach a giant roll of bubble wrap front of his bicycle and as he pedals the bubble wrap unwraps and he drives over it with his bike. >> he can roll it back up and do it over again. go over it in a different area because the wheel's narrow. >> right. >> guys in sweden figured out a different way to have fun. >> this ikea parking lot is flooded. >> fellows hooked a little boogie board, wakeboard to the back of the suv.
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wakeboarding through the parking lot. >> wonder if they call this wonderflugen or some ikea name. >> not speeding along. >> it's fun. >> use their ikea allen wrench to attach the cord to the back of the suv. >> totally sure they did that. >> with pictures of stick guys. >> uh-huh. ikea sells boogie board? wakeboard, boogie board. >> they sell those now. >> that's it for rtm. see you next time, everybody. you're on timeout leo! ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
9:59 am
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10:00 am
some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. >>. >> it's time for the wendy with williams show. today, anthony anderson. one of our favorite reality shows? we will find out. and plus, the inside scoop of hollywood starlets heading down the wrong path. and plus, all the hot, juicy topics. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: yeah. yeah! whoo!


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