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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 31, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you are looking for the best individu videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." rescuers track the sounds of someone lost in the woods for five days. the remarkable story of getting grandma out alive. a train commuter is stretched out -- >> and also listening to some mus music. >> and why lying down did not sit well with another passenger. some raccoon babies are stranded. >> just below the stairs. >> how mama pulls the old grab
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and go to save the day. >> i have it on video, and it is going to "right this minute." and the griswolds of national lampoons vacation have nothing on the griswolds after the dad details the car. >> the detail is unfortunately accurate. >> how his wife really feels about his man's project. >> it is -- it's him. listen closely to this video. can you hear that scream? >> is he calling for help? >> yeah, these are woods in russia, and the video is being recorded by a rescue team. someone has been lost in these woods for five days. >> this is intense brush and all fallen leaves and thick things that would slice you open.
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>> that is what made this rescue so difficult, because the fact that this terrain is so treachero treacherous. this is the moment where they are finally finding this person, but wait until you see who this person that has been lost for five days is. that's the person they have been look g f looking for. that is a 77-year-old woman. look at her face. >> how did she get there? >> well, apparently, it is common for people in russia to go into the woods to fetch berries and not an uncommon thing to do, but what is also not uncommon is for people to get lost. >> she is close to death. >> she is catatonic. >> think of how exhausted she is at this point, but fortunately, they got to her just in time, and they started creating a makeshift stretcher using twigs and sticks and some rope that they had. they laid her down on it, and wrapped her in emergency blankets to keep her warm, because the walk back down is
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going to be as treacherous as the walk up. and before you know it, it is also night time and all they have to keep going are the flashlights in their hands. fortunately, they were able to get her back down, and they got her care, and sounds like she is okay. let me know if this is going to get on your nerves, public transit train in australia, and this is 7 sydney news, and a guy lounging across three seats and also listening to music. this is not illegal and not necessarily the quiet car or anything, but this guy over here took a little offense to it. he definitely got on his nerves, because watch what he does. he stands up in a hurry and has a large metal file. he goes at the guy lounging on the seat here listening to music and pokes him in the groin with the file, but this dude is not having it. he ends up getting up and grabs the dude and grabs the file from him and a fight ensues and this
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is all of course caught on surveillance video, and at the next stop, it fill spills out to the platform, but the guy who initiate initiated the confrontation, the metal file was eventually arrested. it is annoying when people have their music blaring, i get this, but this is no way to react. maybe you start with a, hey, can you turn that down a little bit? we have another one back of the bus. watch this, two younger guys in a fistfight here and some people on the bus try to come in and break it up. some people trying to run away from the scene, because you don't know if you are going to catch a flying elbow to the face. the bus stops and this one also spills out into the street. and when police got there, the guy flees and he is later arrested. in australia, the cameras are rolling and if you want to do something stupid like attacking a guy with a metal file, it might be difficult to get a wwa some storms in germany did
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couple of million of dollars of damage because of the hail. this is shot by a professional photographer and you won't believe the size of the hail coming down. you can see the super cell coming down, and he is in his car as he is shooting the video, but watch the hail starting to fall. this is a doozy of a storm. >> he doesn't take cover, huh? >> and the hail is going sideways. >> watch what happens to the car. >> it is smashed, and he can't believe it, but he is going back to looking at the storm. >> they are big. >> and they are big. he picks up a couple of them. >> once the windshield is smashed and your car is dented, you may as well get the video, right? >> then he went around town to get the damage of the hail damage. and hail damage because of broken windows in the street, and flooded streets. >> you would expect the broken windows, but the actual trees falling down, that is amazing. >> look at this. a streetlight and this happened in northern germany and watch
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what happens to the roof. >> the tiles are falling off. >> that is a slate roof where the stone is cracking down. >> look at the size of the tail and the softball are even bigger than the ones in southern germany. >> it is like a shotgun from heaven. this is singer amanda palmer who is the lead singer for amanda palmer and the grand theft orchestra. >> one of our awesome viewers told us about this. >> this is in london and at the beginning of the show, she is asking people to get out the video cameras. okay. get out your camera videos, because this is a gift. >> as in the tabloid daily mail? >> there is a great story behind this, because she is referring to the daily mail article about her recent performance in glaston bury and all they talk about in this article is this moment where her breast happens to pop out of her bra. listen to her response.
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♪ i was doing a number of things on the stage ♪ ♪ including singing a song ♪ and they chose to ignore that ♪ ♪ and wrote a review of my boob ♪ and to make it better she gave the fans and the daily mail even more of a sh. ♪ and it is inside of her body and current ly enshrined in her body ♪ ♪ but she came out of her scl t clothes ♪ >> and she strips down completely naked and you can imagine that there are all angles of the performance, because she told everybody to get the cameras out. >> she is awesome and has a sense of more. >> this is the best ever.
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>> this is great. >> if you want to see the video with all of the glory go to best of rtm or check it out and the mobile app. it is a food challenge that is a big hit. >> they put the food in a slingshot and start out with eggs and then go on. >> find out what happens when the games get bat tybatty. >> and russian hacker is back with a quick tip. >> showing how the cool off a beer quick. >> and the compressed air. let's get to it. >> easy steps t look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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it was 30 years ago this week that this movie came out and stole america's heart. >> this this summer when you think vacation think national lampoon's "vacation." >> and you remember the truckster and national lampoon's "vacation" a classic film for people. and to celebrate the 30-year anniversary, the real griswolds of georgia are going to disney world and not wally world. >> i'm steve griswold and this is the wagon queen truckster. >> look at the exact car. >> and steve griswold and that is his real name and wife lee stand two kids win this car that steve wanted to put together to go the disney world to celebrate
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national lampoon's "vacation." look at the pleather detail. >> the detail is unfortunately quite accurate. >> he had to convince his wife to do it. but even the luggage on the top they got from ebay and to tell us about it, we have steve and lisa griswold via skype. how did disney find out about you. i know you are former cast members, but did you say about the car you want the bring down. >> we drove down on the actual vacation and within 24 hours someone found us at the hotel and contacted us. >> is your name really griswold? >> yes. >> by marriage. >> steve, how much work did you have to do to the work and what's it based on? >> we found a 1984 ford ltd country squire. a friend at a local body shop in canton, georgia, put together the car. it took six months to strip it and do everything. then we found somebody on facebook to do the hood ornament
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and the side crown. it looks pretty much exactly like the car in the movie. >> lisa, how hard of a convincing job was it to sell you on letting him recreate this car? >> it was not that bad. it is a fun idea. i loved the movies. it's -- it's him. >> so now what do you do with the family truckster? do you hang on to it and take it to the grocery store or sell it on ebay? >> well, we might end up going cross country over the california and seeing the world's largest ball of twine and the nichey tourist places. >> and the grand canyon. >> and maybe end up at disneyland if we can. we are about to watch a food challenge, but this is different. we have tomatoes and eggs and some yogurt and bottles of water, and this one is the legendary shot versus brodie smith. >> this is not and eating challenge, but i'm going hit the
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food with my bat challenge. >> yes. >> first up is eggs. >> they put the food in a slingshot, and this is a cool shot, because brodie is about to miss the flying egg. so he throws the bat. >> wow. >> he actually busts the egg. >> it is a rabbit. >> oh, no. >> they do the chocolate, too. >> that is a perfect way to hit a corn ish game hen, because when you hit it -- >> well, he does hit it, and then they eventually drop the bats and use their bodies to catch the objects thrown at them. they are using eggs on this one, they wanted to runhe field wit shirts off in that video. this video is from one of our awesome viewers, tony desilva from morganhill, california, and it is cute. >> you watch the raccoon.
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>> yes, it is a mama raccoon and if you pay close attention, mama has a family just below the stairs. >> you know how i feel about raccoons, so this better be extra sweet. >> this is going to "right this minute." >> i love it. i love it that he thinks of us first. >> able to get up the stairs. >> oh, they are. watch, with mom's help, this goes up the stairs as if she is teaching them and showing them what they need to be doing, but the little kids steam to be confused, because they are trying to climb the wall instead. so mama takes it into her own hands. >> she says, i have to come down here and pick them up by the scruff of their necks and bring them here. >> and tony did not send one awesome individuvideo, but the raccoon the next day. she is crying. >> did you see the hear in the eye? >> yes, she is a beautiful lady and puts the paw on the window, and hi, thanks, "right this minute." >> my heart soften eded a littl
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bit for this raccoon, because she didn't get into somebody's roof. he is known for pulling pranks. >> and he is a d-bag. >> and this time, he is cleaning up his act by helping out a homeless man. >> i never felt so good in my life helping someone. and it is a wicked fast car ride, but this is not the normal racecar. >> when you are racing, you want to fe
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hey, don't forget that there is an app for rtm to get on the iphone or android or other devices so you can watch rtm anywhere you are. most of the time we have seen vitale acting like he says himself a d-bag. >> you might need to wash it off. >> it is always very funny, but today, i love this guy, because of this video. >> hungry? >> yes. >> you hungry? >> yes. >> you need work? >> yes, i need work. >> he meets martin, a homeless man. >> we are going to get you a shower and a haircut and you are going to the steakhouse with us. >> and it is not a joke. >> and martin was wondering -- >> is this a scam? >> no.
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>> you can hear martin's joy. i can't believe this, man. >> and then they go to the store and start to buy him some clothes and shoes. >> i want to get you one in every color. >> vitale takes a minute to find out what he can do. >> i lay marble. i lay carpet. i'm a mechanic. i'm a light electrician. >> this is where the fun stuff happens. >> how does it feel to have a haircut? >> i'm besides myself. i can't believe this. >> are you ready to see the made-over martin. >> oh, i feel like a million bucks. yeah! >> they are finally at the steakhouse. >> are you going to eat it all, man? >> i am going to try to eat it a all. >> he does eat it all actually. >> i had steak plus lamb chops and plus more steak. >> to tell us more about why vitale to do this, we have him
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via skype "right this minute." >> well done, vitale. >> why did you decide to do this, this time around. >> well, my friends call me d-bags and people don't know in life, i'm a real nice guy. >> you made my day, my year, and my life. >> and this guy martin, i saw him. >> did you get emotional? >> yeah, i actually teared up. he talked about his life more and he told me how he just wants to get pulled out. so i started a campaign to raise $2,500 and we have raised $4800. >> so you will go the deliver the news? >> yes gs, i will take himo the and whatever is left over, i will give it to him. >> i am so happy, man. i can't believe this is happening. >> i never felt so good in my life. >> wait, this does not mean that you are going to be stopping doing the prank douche bag prank
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s. >> right. i am d-bag. and then when people call me a d-bag, i have to show them that i'm nice. >> this is the best i ever felt. thank you, bro. this one features one of pike peek's annual challengers who is known on the mountain as the monster. in this run, the monster's car sounds a little bit different. >> is it electric? is it quiet? it's electric. >> it is electric, and the thing is super fast. back in 2011, the monster set a time of 9:51.278. at that time it was his personal record so he set out the to try break his record, and he did it. in this electric car with a time of 9:46.953 and he took five seconds off of the time, but the best thing about it is the sound they make. >> it sounds like a violent wind
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storm blowing past your windows. it is pretty intimidating. >> this is the wave of the future, and everybody is going to end up with electric cars and this is going to be awesome, because people didn't think they would be fast or economical and look at that, we have blown everybody out of the water. >> well, when you are racing, you want the hear the en gyp and the roar. >> and it is just not as out in this type offer roar. it is a robot that can take your blood. phlebotomist everywhere should be aware.
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schoolyard game red light, green light was fun as kids and did you ever play that game? >> yes. >> it was fun. and why not play it as adults. these guys are playing it with the ford fiestas, and they are calling it the movement. if you forget the rules, derek from 120 reality will reinform you. >> all tof the cars line up in
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the back, and you have one person at the front of the line who says red light, green light. and when they say green light, you run as fast as you k and when he says red light, you stop. if you are still moving you go to the back of the line. >> and if he catches you, you have to go to the back of the line when he yells red light. >> that is part of the fun to see how much more you can get before he turns around. who won in the end? >> well, a little bit of a dispute about that. they did three different rounds, and jerrick claims he won every time. >> he is wrong. and i don't want to creep you out if you are slightly fearful of robots. >> meet phlebo the blood robot. >> phlebotomists everywhere should be fearful if this thing is drawing blood.
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>> and what if that day the blood in any vein is not flowing. >> to explain how accurate it is, we are going to bring in our tech expert. >> seriously? how accurate is this? >> 83% accurate for me. >> i mean, 17% of the time it is doing the stab you in the eyeball. >> according to the creator, most of the flphlebotomists are 80% accurate. so it takes a ultrasound to see if blood is flowing through it and then put in the needle. they will test it extensively to make sure it is accurate. >> are you going to give us something more accurate? >> yes, this is from russian hacker, haand he is going to sh you how to cool a beer quickly. what you do is to te a can of er and put it upside down and spray the bottle you want to cool.
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what is inside of the compressed cans is a fluorocarbon and when compressed it is a liquid. normally, you spread out the vapor, but if you turn the can upside down, you are spraying the liquid. so when it is into regular pressure air, it quickly boils, but it has to take the energy away from the surroundings so it will cool off what ever it is in contact with, and in this case, a beer. >> oh, wow, this is super cold. >> you don't want to get any fluorocarbon or anything inside of the drink so make sure it is a bottle that is sealed. >> i guarantee you, you will see ice in your future. thank you for joining us, everybody. that is it for this edition of everybody. that is it for this edition of "right this minute." -- captions by vitac -- now at 5:00 p.m. a truck explosion on the
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streets of san francisco. what we are learning caused it and why police say it may not have been abaccident -- been an accident. >> a possible bart strike four days away. >> i had to transfer to 10 def buses last -- different busts last time. >> how police caught this man on surveillance video delivering a vicious kick to a woman's head. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. >> good evening. hello. i am gasia mikalian. >> and i am frank somerville. >> a real scare for people in the south of mark area in san francisco this afternoon after reports of an explosion involving a fedex truck. ktvu's eric r explains why -- eric rasmussen explains why some stay wasn't an isolated incident. >> reporter: two people say
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they heard a similar explosion monday. this time police responded. they had to shut down 6th street for a while, causing traffic back ups. after all that they think this was caused by somebody throwing fireworks under neath a fedex truck. >> neighbor snapped these pictures around 2:00 p.m. >> it was just a big boom. >> reporter: she was visiting her mother. >> there was fedex truck in the alley and he took off running. away from it. >> the driver? >> mm-mm. >> reporter: san francisco police say the driver was moving slowly when he heard the explosion and called 911. a neighbor recorded this cell phone video when they sent in a robot to inspect the truck. investigators have an idea what happened. >> i don't believe it was a fireworks thrown -- we believe
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it was a fire work thrown underneath the truck. >> we were all jarred. you know, we looked out and we saw this car, this smoke, you know, white smoke coming up. >> reporter: now it happened again today. >> yeah. >> reporter: in addition to disrupting traffic this afternoon police say they had to divert a number of officers and other first responders to come out to the situation. after that, nobody was hurt and investigators are reaching out to witnesses to nail down what happened here. live in san francisco, eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. leaders are taking community concerns about violence seriously and move figure forward with -- moving forward with new regulation. ktvu's john sasaki is live in oakland where police are working on outreach. john? >> reporter: oakland is closer to have a surveillance center


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