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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  August 1, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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awful. >> reporter: people are holding on for dear life. hoping the talks won't leave them without transportation. >> i leave on tuesday and yes,ish if bart is not running it will be very hard. >> the working people are depending on bart. >> reporter: people are hoping bart won't let them down. >> i might quit my job and apply for work at bart because i will make more money there. >> the home is bart stays on course. a.c. transit will have extra service if they strike. bart will offer free bus service to accommodate 4,000 passengers daily and the ferry will add additional boats. back out here live, they are preparing here. they will start any minute now and we will bring it to you and have another live report at
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5:30 p.m. at 6:00 p.m. the march going from here down to bart headquarters and back. we will be there every step of the way. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> where the sunday night -- with the sunday night deadline the management and the unions are going public with their story and why there is no deal. ktvu's consumer editor tom vacar is live outside the caltrans building where the negotiations are being held. tom? >> the most omnibus comments. they are bart board directors, they sat in on the negotiations. no prognosis. no major issues were discussed. bad feelings on both sides. least board involvement in 23 years. a strike is probable. it looks to be worse than the one 16 years ago. here is how the day began. >> reporter: relentless growths
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in benefits. >> contracts that continue to allow bart employees to pay nothing towards pensions and a flat rate for healthcare, those contracts are no longer sustainable. >> reporter: pensions are up 126% from 27 million a year to 59 million. projections show pension costs will grow 4% a year for the next 4 year. most employees of other government agencies contribute more than bart employee whose contribute nothing. >> we are just trying to play catch up what everyone else figured out how to do. >> reporter: healthcare sky rocketed 251%. from 26 million a year to 86 million. employees pay a flat $92 a month fee. making matters more problematic. medical benefits will grow by 6% a year over the next four.
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again, the charts indicate other employees pay more. we wanted to tell you what the bart unions had to say and usually after the negotiations are over they talk to us. this time they walked by, said they are going to their rally. a completely different attitude than we have seen since the began more than a month ago. i am sure you will hear from the folks at frank ogawa plaza. tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. >> stay with ktvu channel 2 news for updates on the bart strike. sign up for alert on so you will know if the union goes on strike as of midnight sunday. also follow us on twitter. "like" ktvu on facebook or the mobile app. gunfire on story road in san jose resulted in a massive police response. a man confronted an employee at
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a store and fired a gun before he ran off. officers swarmed the neighborhood, shut down that road and told people to stay inside. the suspect was found behind a home after 10:30 a.m. >> apeers he was in the rear of a -- appears he was in the rear of a building. he is being transported to a hospital for injuries he sustained while resisting arrest. >> no word on the man's identity. injuries are not life threatening. and they recovered a gun in the area as the suspect. police launched a search this morning after a woman reported being assaulted. investigators say it happened about 1:30 a.m. she was able to fight off the attacker and he ran off. the woman suffered minor injuries. officers were not able to
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locate the attacher. >> guilty on all charges against a former elementary school teacher accused of molesting students. ktvu's robert handa is live with reaction to the verdict. robert? >> reporter: this was a case that drew a lot of attention. a case the prosecutor called a parent's worse nightmare. the jury found former san jose elementary school teacher craig chandler guilty on all five clouts of five counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14. they were all second graders, all students of his between 2010 and 2012. the jury began deliberation yesterday afternoon. craig chandler had been accused last year with sexual assault on two students and then three victims came forward. the prosecutor commented on the verdicts. >> one of the parents of one of the victims was in court today and relieved to be on the other
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side of the case. the facts of the case are unimaginable, the tragedy that was inflicted is unspeakable and the district attorney is proud to have represented the victims to the best of our ability and hopes this brings closure to -- closure to them. >> reporter: at 6:00 p.m. we will hear more from the prosecutor on the case. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. the city of richmond is planning to file a lawsuit against chevron over the fire last year. the city will file tomorrow morning in contra costa county superior court. the fire did harm to the community, although the mayor doesn't say what the harm was. he plans to hold a news conference tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. goodwill is contained.
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they tented off an area inside the building. at the other warehouse a dog found no trace of the bugs yesterday. bedbugs haven't been detected at any stores but still shoppers are service. >> oh, sure. you have to think twice. you could take home an infestation. >> they say they threw away 15 dumpsters of donated goods. they are asking for monetary donations to help out. crews with vector control will fog for mosquitos in san jose tonight to try to stop the spread of west nile. the area boardered by 6 eighty -- bordered by 680. it begins at 11:00 p.m. tonight. this is the third time this year they fogged fogged fogged for mosquitos.
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35 birds and 15 mosquitos tested positive so far this summer. west nile is also causing concern in contra costa county. vector control officials say 8 more dead birds in six city tested positive for -- cities tested positive for west nile. mosquitos transmilt from infected birds to humans -- transmit from infected birds to humans. 11 years in -- "i spent 11 years in hell. your hell is just beginning." >> that is one of ariel castro's victims speaking out today as the man accused of holding three ohio women captive for a decade learned his fate. a judge told ariel castro he will never get out of prison. there was high emotion ask drama in court -- and drama in court today. ariel castro made shocking
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statements. >> nobody ever should have to go through what i went through. >> reporter: ariel castro hears from one of his former captives for the first time since she was freed. >> i will over come all this that happened. >> reporter: this time it was ariel castro who was shacked and bound. likely to be the last time she sees him in person. . >> i can forgive you but i will never forget. >> the other victims, gina dejesus and amanda berry not in the courtroom. family members spoke for them. then it was castro's turn. insisting his problems are due to sexual abuse as a child. and addiction to pornyingraphy. >> i pornography.
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then a bizarre claim. >> [ inaudible ] >> reporter: he said there was harmony in what many called a house of horrors and he apologized. >> i hope they can find it in their heart to forgive me. >> reporter: he pleaded guilty to 935 counts in a deal that allowed him to escape the death penalty. in the hearing the judge officially handed down the sentence of life in prison plus 1,000 years with no possibility ever of parole. out to sea, the ship that launched from san francisco today and its connection to google. >> plus continuing to cover the activity in downtown oakland where bart union and supporters are rallies. these are live pictures as the count down continues towards a possible bart strike. >> this is the scene of a crime of a cold case murder that is now warming up.
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what police are saying about the suspect. >> coming up next the morning after pill easier to get but we found one surprising place where the pill is not available. >> right after the break, the lack of fog out there right now. the fog gone away. what does that mean for the weekend forecast? hot around here? i will let you know. at ikea, we don't just design furniture. we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone.
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a live look at frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland where bart union rally is getting underway. there are 100, possibly more people right now. this is across from city hall. at some point they plan to match to the bart
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administrative building. so keep that in mind if you are driving. there could be traffic issues as a result of this rally. still no agreement in the negotiations as the sunday deadline continues to loom. we will continue to follow this rally. but first people who support reproductive rights are calling today a milestone now that anyone can buy plan b over-the- counter. ktvu's health and science editor john fowler reports this hasn't ended the controversy. >> reporter: after a decade long court battle some say it is about time. she hopes her daughter will never need to buy plan b. >> we would be discussing things before anything like that happened but other girls don't have that support system. >> the plan b is available for $50. we found it at cvs and
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walgreen's. although at this store it is behind the court for theft reasons. >> it is a wonderful day when women have options. >> reporter: planned parenthood don't offer plan b. but still require 17 or prescription, which it provides free or low cost. despite the new rule some women may have difficulty getting plan b. >> if the pharmacy chooses not to carry it and number two cost. >> reporter: opponents will continue to fight. >> it encourages people to be promiscuous and there is no cost for it. >> people will take advantage of it and will do whatever they want odo -- to do. >> you have to walk a mile in somebody else's shoes before you know. >> reporter: twbusinesses
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filed lawsuits challenging the requirement they cover costs of emergency contraceptive. this could end up in the u.s. speak court. health and science editor john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. local government officials in california say they want the state to do more about marijuana growers hurting the environment. officials say they often divert streams and dump poisons in to water ways but in some cases the water boards have been reluctant to act against the boards. yeah shoe expanding with -- yahoo is expanding on fifth street. there is word today they have finalized the deal for the space. they want to use the space to
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expand its engineering staff. the ceo lives a few blocks from there but plans to keep her office at headquarters in sunnyvale. large research ship set sale from san francisco today on a mission to explore the pacific ocean. [ horn ] >> the 272-foot long boat has been docked at peer 15 for the past few days. it is equipped with a lab, instruments to explore the ocean. on this trip they will start by cruising up the coast of canada. >> canada they will do work out there with researchers. and after that it is going out near hawaii and looking at a volcano that is forming. >> it is funded by a non-profit founded by google chairman and his wife. 24579 coast lot of the -- at the coast today a lot of
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the fog burned off. >> a lot of fog out there, nights and mornings. yesterday it burned off. we have clearing right now. you see the sunset at ocean beach. temperatures today were cooler than yesterday. and things will change around. fog will come back. we are looking for a warm up into your bay area friday. temperatures on friday look like they will get back into the upper 80s. i think we will see more sunshine than today. especially along the bay side, and the coast. 76 right now in livermore. 81 fairfield. not crazy hot but warmer than it has been. winds have been blowing. strong winds. fairfield, 26 miles per hour sustained wind. blowing up there. blowing around the delta area. this time a night it is typical
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but the winds seemed brisk -- more brisk than they have been last couple days. winds at the airport 22 miles per hour. breezy out there. smoke from a few days ago gone because of the winds. that is good. tomorrow, a warmer day. the extended forecast continued mild as we go into the bay area weekend. mild, not hot. warmer friday. first thing you notice. fog at the coast. as the low-pressure system dominates the landscape, it just allows the marine inversion, it is 2,000 feet, that is deep. usually 1200. thousand feet. less. that creates the heat inland. cool coast. when it is 2,000 feet it modifies the temperatures. and that is where it has been the last few days. last 4, 5 days. 83 tomorrow. clear lake 90 degrees. 87 vac vill. 86 fairfield. -- vacaville.
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86 fairfield. look, there is brentwood 90. antioch 90 as well. valley, good air quality, 70s. along the coast. temperatures in the low 60s. san francisco 66. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view calls for a warmer day for your friday. saturday look what happens. stays about the same. temperatures trickle down. it is just -- splitting hairs. not a big change between friday and saturday. monday and tuesday more clouds and temperatures cooling off. there is your five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view. didn't do fires. this type of weather pattern helps out with that. it is cool and moist. >> thank you. major news about american idol. the one judge set to return and a former judge who may be returning as well. >> get your lemonade. >> first, not your typical
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lemonade stand. the mess aggroup of mother -- message a group of mothers and their children brought to capitol hill. >> and now julie haener for 6:00 p.m. >> construction workers under attack? >> your life and you are trying to work and make money. >> we examine what could be motivating a string of violent crimes. also our live team coverage continues as we move closer to a possible bart strike. the businesses that will benefit if trains stop running. these stories and much more coming up new at 6:00 p.m.
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. happening now, another live look in front of frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland thanks to news chopper 2. a union rally is getting underway. they have been watching the crowd grow. we understand there are 200 people here now. the supporters are now as we see them, some people are speaking. there are many more gathered on the steps. this group is expected to get on the move and march at 6:00 p.m. from in front of city hall to bart headquarters. that could have traffic ramifications. we are staying on top of this and will bring you more throughout the newscast. more people are using guns to commit suicide in the bay area. and as the news was released some mothers and children were on capitol hill speaking out
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against gun violence. >> children and mothers from moms demand action set up a lemonade stand on capitol hill today. they met with members of congress to push for stricter gun laws. >> more guns equals more violence. not everyone has a gun should have a gun. there needs to be more regulation. >> the centers for disease control and prevention announced today 325 people 10 and older committed suicide using a gun in the bay area. that compares to 242 three years earlier. a 34% jump. the number of suicides increased as the unemployment rate rose. the cdc says while suicides are on the rise, homicides by gun is dropping nationwide. it was a record day on wall street. positive reports on
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unemployment and chinese manufacturing sent the dow and the s&p to all time highs. dow added 128 points, s&p gained 21 to close above 1700 for the first time ever and nasdaq was up 49 at the close. the lincoln meloriole still show -- memorial still shows signs of green paint. it was the first in a string of incidents. they are hoping a 4th cleaning will eliminate signs of the paint. a woman traveling from china on a expired visa was arrested at the national cathedral. the surprising sales numbers from the rolling stone magazine cover featuring the boston marathongs
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supporters rally ahead of a possible bart strike. we will have a live report in 3 minutes. >> nsa leaker edward snowden granted temporary asylum today. how long he will be able to stay in russia. the one important decision students make that may determine their success in college.
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complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. back now live to frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland at 14 14th and broadway where the bart rally continues to grow in support of union workers for bart. they could go on strike sunday night if they can't reach an agreement. the two sides did talk today but still no deal. news chopper 2 is live over the crowd right now. you can see it continues to grow. probably in the neighborhood of 200, maybe more people on hand right now. ktvu's paul chambers is also at the rally. paul? >> reporter: i would say 3-400 people right now. i have a better view from the ground. there are people talking.
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there are tons of different unions out here. you have longshoreman, nurses. they say they are standing united for a fair contract. bart people say it is not about wages and benefits, it is about safety and there is 400 people out here. the rally started late so we are not sure how long it will take. people say they are standing united. saying it is all one cause. they are bringing all of the unions together to support bart because for them it is about supporting each other. once again they are going on right now. you can hear they are really happy. speakers talking right now. standing united. they say it is not about wages and benefits. about safety. of course, at 6:00 p.m. all of these people are scheduled to march from frank ogawa plaza to headquarters. we will be there every step of
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the way. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. most commuters are still trafficking in their cars by -- traveling in their cars by themselves. researchers say the trend is one of decline. a quarter of californians have a more fuel efficient car and 50% are considering one. if bart goes on strike the ktvu morning team will have the latest at 4:00 a.m. former richmond city counselman has died. bell passed away this morning, 9 months after suffering a bacterial infection that led to multiple brain surgeries. he served from 2000 to 2005. he was hospitalized days before the election. he is survived by his wife and two children.
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he was only 54 years old. san francisco supervisor announced today he is running for state assembly. term limits prevent him from running for reelection. this would be the second time he followed him in office. he represents san francisco's district 9. the same one he represented. garbage rates went up. for 32-gallon bens the increase -- bins the increase is 22%. there is a decrease created by an incentive. the united states wants to end drone strikes in pakistan said secretary of state john kerry. he said president obama has a
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very real time line for ending the strikes but it depends on a number of factors. he says the united states and pakistani governments are working together to bring the strikes to an end. edward snowden the nsa leaker was granted temporary asylum in russia today. he left the airport where he had been hold up for a month. russia's service today granted him temporary asylum for one year. edward snowden is wanted in the united states for leaking information about a phone and data program. >> we are extremely disappointed the russian government would take this step despite our requests to have edward snowden expelled to the united states. >> president obama is scheduled to attend a summit in russia next month. so far there has been no change in the scheduling butt but this is not a -- but this is not a
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positive development. sales doubled on the rolling stone magazine that has boston marathon bombings susexpect on the cover. -- suspect on the cover. many say it glamorizes the killer. several retailers refuse to sell the magazine. they say they stand by their decision that it falls within their commitment to coverage. racial inequality in the higher education system. white students in the nation's most elite colleges, that is despite the fact over all access to colleges has grown for minority populations. minority students are more likely to enter less competitive schools. making it difficult to earn college degrees. two cold cases decades apart. why police think one suspect is tied to both of those cases.
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>> he died in a prison of war camp in korea. now 62 years later army sergeant first class joseph david steinberg is layed to rest with full military honors. >> a live look at a rally by bart union workers in front of city hall. they are expected to get on the move. we will have more throughout the newscast. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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. >> three days before a possible bart strike workers and supporters are gathered in frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland. someone is speaking at the podium. there is hundreds gathered around him. they are expected to get on the move within the hour. we will bring you that situation when it happens. >> a man with a history of turning around struggling institutions has been tapped to head the irs. president obama said today he will nominate the 73-year-old as irs commissioner. he over hauled freddy
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>> reporter: police had their eyes on a suspect and they are confirming that he is their suspect. >> hundreds of interviews that led us to believe that he is the responsible. we have had contact with the suspect. >> reporter: what changed? he was arrested for shooting a woman to death in 2001. this is the area where the body was found a few hundred feet from the family home. it looked different then. these are photos. you can see train tracks which are now gone. in. >> took 30 years for them to say he is the suspect.
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that tells you something. >> reporter: she was her best friend. she helped raise awareness about her case and about her case. >> i felt that i needed to remind him none of us forgot what he did and one day he will have to pay. >> reporter: police don't have enough evidence to arrest him. everyone involved is hoping since he is now in jail people will no longer be scared to come forward. john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. police are looking for three people in connection with a shooting that claimed the life of one man and comejured another. -- and injured injured another. police found the victims in their cars. investigators say the gunman was in a gold 4 door car. witnesses say there was one to 3 people in the car. >> everybody was staring.
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cars parked around. the police were trying to detour everybody around to delta fair and it was a crazy scene. >> the victim was 23 years old from richmond. the other victim was hospitalized with critical injuries. slim majority of californians oppose the oil and gas extraction method known as fracking. 51% of state residents oppose increased use of fracking. 35% favor it. 14% had no opinion. and 62% of those who favor the use of fracking also support stricter regulation of the practice. you would think in august it would feel like summer. but it doesn't. >> this summer felt odd. this pattern continues. cool temperatures. we had low-pressure system off shore. the very deep marine layers and
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that has given us an unusual week and summer. fog returning to the pacifica area. you can see it here down by -- towards the -- half moon bay area. it will fill in along the rest of the coast as well. fog went away last night and then it came back. these are the highs -- the current highs. not current highs. current temperatures. 81 fairfield. 76 livermore. that is right now. temperatures today were down a little. temperatures tomorrow come up a little. warmer day tomorrow. the marine inversion has been a constant. when you get to 2,000 feet, you get a thousand feet of moisture over the hills. trending temperatures down. when the marine layer is deep you get mild temperatures.
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we will see a return to some warmer inland numbers. temperatures come up a few degrees. fog forecast tomorrow morning, patches of it around. reds, 90s, coming this way. lots of 80s around the bay. right? santa rosa and 90s to the edges of the valley. warmer day tomorrow. tomorrow will be the warmest day in the next few days. typical summer pattern, high pressure, 90s, 100s. and lots of 70s and 80s around the bay. this hasn't been a typical week as far as weather. this low-pressure system has been sitting here, changes everything. trends temperatures down. lots of fog. equals lower day time highs. tomorrow less fog. higher day time highs. after that temperatures come down. you will see it in the five-day
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forecast. 88 antioch. 88 brentwood. 76 fremont. along the coast you be upper 50s, low 60s. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view, you get ready for your bay area weekend, good looking numbers into the weekend, just not hot. this is inland numbers. warmer tomorrow. warmer tomorrow. cooler, cooler, cooler. five-day forecast. not talking about fires right now. the correlation between this weather and fires in the bay area is one to one. this is very helpful -- [ talking at the same time ] >> nice out there. >> realreally -- really nice. saying a final good-bye. >> the emotional bond that brought strangers together in the bay area to remember a korean veteran. >> back to julie haener in the
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news room for 6:00 p.m. >> construction workers turned crime victim. >> you are trying to work and earn money. >> why some say they are being targeted in violent robberies. also, not everyone is worried about a bart strike. one of the biggest winners if the trains stop running. these stories and more coming up in 10 minutes at 6:00 p.m.
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happening now, news chopper 2 over frank ogawa plaza in front of city hall. a crowd in the hundreds gathered here. bart union workers and supporters. this coming 3 days before a possible bart strike set to crimmal the commute on -- cripple the commute on monday morning. many are holding signs, listening to speakers. we showed you danny glover addressing the crowd live. we will watch this group as they begin to move. we expect them to cut across on 21 to get to bart's headquarters. if that happens we will bring to you live on ktvu. judge ordered the health department to come up with a safe levellal for a chemical that -- level for a chemical that is found in water. the ruling comes in a lawsuit by environmental groups. they claim the government is 8
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years late in setting a standard. tests between 2000 and 2011 shows a third of the water tested had levels above a standard set by the environmental protection agency. he is being praised by thousands. because he ran the race with a 9-year-old after the boy got separated from his group. the boy asked him, sir, will you run with me. he ran with him and encouraged him to finish saying you can do it. he later tweeted i just did what any other person would do. a final good-bye to a korean war veteran. ktvu's rob roth on how strangers who share a common bond came to his service today. >> reporter: it took 62 years
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but army sergeant first class joseph david steinberg is finally home. >> one of the greatest generations. >> reporter: his relatives and ex-service men and women golden gate national cemetery to honor this man who died in a prison of war camp. >> we don't know why he was marched a 100 miles. >> reporter: she was just a young girl when her uncle went off to korea. >> he was a fantastic man. he used to dance with me. how i loved that. >> reporter: he was captured in south korea in 1951 and foredeckies listed as unaccounted for. -- for decades listed as
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unaccounted for. the army presented army sergeant first class joseph david steinberg's family with medals for bravery and the purple heart and the bronze star. among those who came, he says he was deeply moved by the story. >> if it wasn't for american soldiers i wouldn't be here. >> good day. he came home. he came home. back on american soil. >> reporter: joseph steinberg's ashes were buried along side his brothers, all veterans. >> when i saw them putting his earn into the ground,ing i felt now it -- ground, i felt now i could arrest. it is over. he is home. golden gate national cemetery rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. now at 6:00 p.m. bart workers and their supporters rallying as the threat of another strike grows.
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we are on the ground and over head as they make their message known. >> took me two hours to get here. >> and preparing for the worse. how commuters and businesses are bracing once again for a crippled commute. >> a new target for robbers in the east bay. why construction workers are being told to be on alert. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. the count down continues. the bay area is three days away from another possible bart strike and no deal has been made. i am julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> hundreds of bart workers and supporters gathered for a rally at frank ogawa plaza. they are getting ready to march at any moment to bart headquarters. they say to protest their contract dispute. ktvu's paul chambers is in the middle of the crowd that
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continues to grow. paul? there is 4, 500 people out here right now. there are speakers right now going on. they say they support bart workers. they say this is not about wages. not about benefits. it is about safety. 20 minutes ago danny glover was out here. he says he does not want bart workers to concede. if they concede they will always have to concede. once again they have been out here for an hour. they started 15 minutes late. 6:00 p.m. was when they were supposed to take off. we will stay right here and make sure we know everything that is going on. as they start marching on


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