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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  August 1, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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continues to grow. paul? there is 4, 500 people out here right now. there are speakers right now going on. they say they support bart workers. they say this is not about wages. not about benefits. it is about safety. 20 minutes ago danny glover was out here. he says he does not want bart workers to concede. if they concede they will always have to concede. once again they have been out here for an hour. they started 15 minutes late. 6:00 p.m. was when they were supposed to take off. we will stay right here and make sure we know everything that is going on. as they start marching on we
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will bring step live. live, paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> as for the negotiations the union left the talks an hour ago to attend the rally. each side is still standing firm despite the looming possibility of a strike as of midnight sunday night. bart says it can't afford the contracts it had in the past. >> contracts that continue to allow employees to pay nothing towards pensions pensions pensions and a flat rate for healthcare are no longer sustainable. >> if it happens the impact of the strike could be worse than the last one that was during a holiday week. fewer people were out on the road. ktvu's david stevenson talked with business owners today who are planning ahead. david? >> reporter: business owners are dreading another strike because they know what to
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expect. >> reporter: news of another strike is giving these people a reason to drink. last month's strike was bad for business. >> sales, there was a huge drop. you know, if it happens again, this will be creating a huge impact on the restaurant. >> the bay area economic counsel estimates a strike will cost $73 million a day in loss productivity. his 30 minute bart ride was longer by car. >> took me 2 hours to get here. >> reporter: half of the hotel's workers live in the east bay. management is preparing to shift schedules and warning againsts. >> we are sending out an mail
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blast to all the travel agents who booked people to let them know. >> a strike could be a stroke of luck for them. >> they are concerned of what happened and their people getting to and from work. they asked us for 2, 3 buses per route. >> reporter: in anticipation the city of san francisco is encouraging flexible schedule for employees. -- scheduling for employees. david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. >> with another bart strike looking more likely people who rely on bart are wondering how they will get around. >> i leave on tuesday and yes, if bart is not running it will be very hard. >> the working people depend on bart. >> bart says if there is a strike they will offer limited charter bus service from selected station as it did during the strike last month. a.c. transit and the bay ferry will
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provide extra service. another live look at frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland at 4 4th and broadway nexts to city hall. again, all of the protesters are set to begin marching at any moment to bart headquarters. so that could cause traffic issues in downtown oakland. we will continue to follow the story and follow the protesters as they march. and our coverage on the strike continues on there you can sign up for alerts and be among the first to know if the strike happens. "like" ktvu on facebook, follow us on twitter or download the ktvu app. tomorrow morning we will get a look at the few phase of testing of the bolts on the eastern span of the bay bridge. engineers are bathing them in salt water to age them.
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they will give them a better idea how they will stand up over time. corrosion caused the previous bolts to fail. the city of richmond plans to file a lawsuit against chevron over last year's fire. a statement from the mayor says the fire did great damage to the city but doesn't say what the damage was. the mayor will hold a news conference tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. guilty on all counts was the verdict for a former elementary school teacher charged with molesting students. ktvu's robert handa has been following the case and joins us from the superior court house in san jose with more. robert? >> the waiting time for the verdictbs at the hall of justice didn't take long. the jury made up its mind very quickly. the case has been hanging for
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months. craig chandler was arrested for molesting two girls and then three others game forward. the jury began deliberating yesterday, and 2 hours later he was found guilty on five counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14. prosecutor hopes the verdicts give the victims families closure. >> one of the parents of one of the victims was in court today and relieved to be on the other side of the case. the facts are unimaginable. the tragedy inflicted by craig chandler is unspeakable. >> reporter: the prosecutor praised the children forced to testify about his acts that she said were disguised as school lessons. >> the descriptions the children gave, when you look at their testimony on the whole there is no other explanation for this conduct.
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>> reporter: he was taken from the courthouse back into custody. he will be sentenced on september 27. he faces 75 years to life behind bars. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. officials say the death of a man in los angeles county is linked to west nile. the 78-year-old man died this week on tuesday. this is the first death from west nile in los angeles county this year. six people died last year. in north san jose fogging aimed at killing mosquitos that carry west nile will begin at 11:00 p.m. tonight. vector control officials say it will last for several hours. protesters camping outside berkeley's post office are trying to prevent the building from being sold. it is the 4th day of the camp
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out. 15 demonstrators are against the plan by the service to sell the facility. they hope to encourage a nationwide movement against privatizing post offices and services. >> i think what they want to do is have postal work being done by people making walmart wages. >> they plan to sell to a private buyer and lease back part. she wants to rebuild the company's research unit. she already hired 30 ph.d.s this year. yahoo lab saw four years of reduced spending. much of the focus will be on mobile products and personalizing content and tools to predict markets. half of those responding to a poll out today approve of the job governor jerry brown is doing. among all the adults surveys
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his approval rating is 48%. when that is narrowed to likely voters, 54%. this disapproval is 12%. construction workers under attack. >> we examine what could be motivating a string of violent crimes. >> a cool start to august. the temperature changes on tap for your neighborhood this weekend. >> first, worried about high- speed rail in california after the crash in spain. why officials say there is no cause for concern. >> that kind of accident could not happen.
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happening now bart workers and supporters are planning planning to march from frank ogawa plaza and headquarters. live pictures from news chopper 2. we have been watching the crowd here. it has been growing. they have been peaceful. they have been listening to speeches after danny glover spoke. we are watching. here are shots from the ground. live pictures from frank ogawa plaza. all this comes as we face a possible bart strike. the contract is set to expire sunday at midnight. if no deal is reached by then we could face another bart strike. and that would plunge the bay area into traffic chaos. these protesters here are expected to begin a march. they are running late. the plan is to march to bart's headquarters. we will watch this group. if we get new developments we will bring it to you.
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california high-speed rail officials say a crash like the one in spain could not happen on california's planned system. the chairman said california's high-speed rail will have automated control that would over ride to slow down a train. the spanish train was going twice the speed limit when it derailed. >> full control. so that kind of accident could not happen. >> ground breaking was supposed to happen in july. officials say they are ready to go as soon as they clear the last legal hurdle that could happen by the end of august. new at 6:00 p.m. police are reporting a spike in a specific kind of robbery and while the crime isn't new for some construction workers the fear is. they carry valuable tools on them. ken pritchett is live with the
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police plan to protect them. ken? >> reporter: oakland police are putting extra resource ons this problem -- resources on this problem. these are robberies of construction workers or contractors doing jobs on homes, in neighborhoods. along international boulevard. >> reporter: today it is demolition. for construction workers. they must focus on the job. but also keep an eye out. >> watch out. you don't know what they will do to you. >> reporter: they heard of a rash of robberies. last night two construction workers remodeling a house were pistol whipped and robbed. he witnessed a different robbery a few days ago. >> taking his wallet. i felt bad for the guy.
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>> reporter: two doors down we talked to a contractor. >> anytime anything is left out it will get taken. >> that is always been true but the gun point robberies are worrisome. >> anytime we go into the worse part, two man rule. >> reporter: being aware helps. when they can work inside they make sure to lock the door. oakland police increased patrol, reached out to neighbors to raise awareness. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. northern california cities are on a new list of the friendliest and unfriendliest cities in the u.s. oakland is second on the unfriendly side.
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they called the city hip but said it has an image problem when it comes to safety. sacramento came in 10th. sonoma is on the friendliest cities. they are charming and have great food and great wine. early harvest in napa valley. [ cheers and applause ] >> in napa valla the campaign was flowing to sell -- valley the champagne was flowing to celebrate. 15-tons of grapes bought a baptism of champagne. wineries say they are expecting an excellent vintage. fog cleared from the coast this evening. a breezy day and a cooler day out there. the fog along the coast right now. you can see the break, ocean beach to san francisco. you are clear.
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pacifica, half moon bay, you have fog. the fog fills in to the bay valleys tonight. we will see a lot of fog in the morning hours. these are the current temperatures. 78 fairfield. 74 mild day. coolest day we have seen. tomorrow temperatures come up. tomorrow will be warm. the warmest day that we will see in the next few days. winds 26 miles per hour in fairfield. breezy in the east bay hills. strong winds. at the airport 21 miles per hour. half moon bay, 8 miles per hour. mountb view -- mountain view, 16 miles per hour. it has been cool and mild around here and that is why it will stay that way. the marine layer. for the weekend. that cools in in the weekend.
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bay bridge. berkeley hills. 7:00 a.m. burns back quickly. look for the oranges and reds. 90s and 80s. they are coming this way. tomorrow is the warmest day in the last few days. marine layer shrinks. the low pressure slacks and we warm up. that is it. normal summer time, this summer, last week, looked like this. this promotes mild and cool temperatures. right into the bay area weekend. not cold but not hot. tomorrow 87 in vamville. 90 in clear -- vacaville. 90 in clear lake. 82 sonoma. 75 richmond. these are pleasant temperatures. but they are cooler in some places. 89 brentwood. most are average temperatures for this time of year. some areas you expected warmer. 82 saratoga. 77 santa clara. air quality next couple days
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not bad. good air quality. i know you like that. mid-70s. upper 70s. what is the deal? tomorrow warmest day. after that temperatures friend down. you see that in the five-day forecast. subtle changes. and cooler on sunday. more clouds on monday and tuesday. a mild weather pattern. stays like that into the bay area weekend and next week. and the low pressure off shore, wants to hang out into next week as well. the first couple weeks of august are looking like they will be below average in temperature and cooler than you might expect. >> haven't had heat waves. >> not lately no. >> if that keeps us from having a fire, great stuff. thank you. a rescued sea otter has given birth to a second pup. the department of fish and wildlife posted this video of the sea otter and her
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offspring. she was rescued in 2009 after she was found curved in oil. when she gave birth in 2012 it was the first known birth by an oiled sea otter released back into the wild. coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36, we are following tonight's march and rally by bart workers. they just took to the streets. we will update you on plans for negotiations and the hit show glee has a plan to confront tragedy in the over dose of one of its stars. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. another blow for the 49ers and continuing coverage of the march in oakland happening right now. >> we are following the bart workers as they make their way to bart headquarters on lake side drive. [ man ] she yours?
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yeah. my first. congratulations. your applewood pulled pork with extra pickles sir. [ male announcer ] new subway applewood pulled pork. the sweet and smoky flavor you love. subway. eat fresh. [ camera shutter snaps ]
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happening now, bart workers and their supporters on the move heading to bart headquarters right. live pictures from our ground crew. at the moment they are going down franklin. d anklin and 14t
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they probably have 7 or 8 blocks to go here. imagine they will turn up 20th 20th. there is still no deal on a new contract and just 3 days left till a possible strike. we are estimating several hundred people on hand. they are also getting support from longshoreman and nurses. our ktvu channel 2 news morning team will bring you the latest on monday morning if the strike happens. our special coverage begins a half hour early at 4:00 a.m. fred is here now, mark is off. they haven't started playing yet and already injuries. not good. >> almost in every nfl team right now. everybody is losing big players. the nfl made several rule changes this year that limits the amount of time and contact allowed in practices but these guidelines haven't prevented patrick willis from getsing injured. he is -- getting injured. he is now wearing a cast on his
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wrist. he made three interceptions last season, including this one in the playoffs, was carted off the field and in pain today. chris injured his left knee while covering a punt. one day after the giants score 9 runs in a game, they revert to their familiar ways. giants in philadelphia again tonight. matt cain pitching. bottom of the fifth, phillies string together three straight hits. that is the pitcher cole hamels. they lead 1-0. giants left 7 men on base after the 8th inning. defense helped to keep it close. he singles. he is given the green light. he can't believe it. throws to buster posey. phillies still lead 1-0 in the 9 9th. >> tiger woods two shots back of the leader in the world golf
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challenge, the bacterial challenge, the buy -- the bridge stone invitational. he make as great approach. one of his six birdies. he is two strokes back of webb simpson. phil mickelson is 8 back. >> trying to make golf history. if she wins she will be the first person ever to win four majors in the same professional season. she shot 3 under 69 today. she is three back of the leader. a's off today. texas comes to oakland tomorrow. that is a big series. >> that is going to be a good one. >> thank you. tonight on the 10:00 p.m. news time is ticking away and a possibility of a bart strike is getting closer. if they don't reach a deal by sunday at midnight we could face another strike. >> we are with bart workers and their supporters as they march
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to headquarters with their message. you can see they are going down franklin street. they will probably turn up 20 20th where headquarters is located. following that we believe they will march back to frank ogawa plaza. more on this coming up tonight on the 10:00 p.m. news and the latests on the talks to reach a new deal. we are always here for you on and mobile ktvu. thank you so much for joining us. have a great night everyone. >> good night. we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that.
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jerry: here's what happened last week. you know who that is? that's keith hernandez. keith hernandez-- the baseball player? i just want to tell you what a big fan i am. i love your comedy. i was hoping to get a 13-week extension if that's possible. so, where have you been lookin' for work? vandalay industries. how about this shirt? is this ok? jerry, he's a guy. who are you talkin' about? keith, uh, hernandez. keith hernandez? keith hernandez?! i despise him. why? he spit on us. that is one magic lugey. i was at the unemployment office. i gave them your phone number.


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