tv Right This Minute FOX August 3, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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if you are looking for the best videos from the web, this is the show for you "right this minute." rescuers track the sounds of someone lost in the woods for -- >> five days. >> the remarkable story of getting grandma out alive. you may expect traffic to slow down, but not -- >> stop dead in front of you. >> what happens when one guy is headed for one tight squeeze. kids at the party are
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psyched about the parachute jump. >> he's coming in a little hot. >> the countdown to a not so perfect touchdown. >> and see why she has to swallow that. >> the entire thing, all one piece. >> how to lose a bet and pay the price. see the tentacles moving around in my mouth would make me gag. >> listen very closely to this video. didou hearhat screa >> calling these are woods in russia, and the video is being recorded by a rescue team. someone has been lost in these woods for five days. >> this is some dense brush. it's like all fallen trees and sticks and weeds and pricklies. >> that's what made this rescue so difficult. the fact this terrain is incredibly treacherous. this is the moment where they are finally finding this person. but wait until you see who this
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person that's been lost for five days is. that's the person they've been looking for. that is a 77-year-old woman. and look at her face. >> how did she get there? >> apparently it's very common for people in russia to go into the woods to fetch berries. not an uncommon thing to do, but what's also not uncommon is for people to get lost. >> she looks close to death. >> catatonic. >> think about how exhausted she is. fortunately they got to her just in time. they started creating a makeshift stretcher using twigs and sticks and rope. they laid her down on it and wrapped her in emergency blankets to keep her warm because the walk back down is going to be as treacherous as the walk up. and before you know it, it's also nighttime and all they have to keep going are the
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flashlights in their hands. fortunately, they were able to get her back down and they got her care and it sounds like she's okay. there seems to be a party going on in this residential area and they are all looking to the sky watching somebody parachute. he has jumped out of a helicopter and watch him. he's graceful. there's an announcer there kind of getting all the kids hyped up. you see a lot of kids cheering. she tells them at one point to chant. and you can see the person with the parachute with the ribbons flowing behind him coming down. so she's counting down, but if you notice, he's coming in a
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little high. ron is grabbing his leg because his leg is broken. but the party is still going on. i don't think the announcer fully knows what's going on. ron, we never see him get up in the video but the festivities change and they put on some music to distract the kids. >> he did a great job. he definitely broke a leg. when you are motoring down the highway at cruising speeds you are expecting everybody in front of you to be moving at highway speeds. you definitely don't expect them to just stop dead in front of you like what happened to this guy.
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>> tried stopping in time. couldn't quite get him his bike slowed down. he caught one of the trucks but the truck didn't realize he had hit them. my opinion, i think he should have noticed the trucks were slowing down right about here and hit the brakes. it was too late. >> hard to see the brake lights from those trucks. >> the little black car had put on its hazard lights because according to that driver, the trucks were slowing down without any brake lights. in this video the cop is stopped and trying to help somebody whose vehicle has been stranded on this bridge. somebody else hits his patrol car from behind. the patrol officer immediately calls it in and then goes to talk to the person who hit this car. >> you have brakes, don't you? are you okay? >> after the officer asked if she was okay, she responds --
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>> can i drive my car? will my car drive? >> yeah, i don't think so. it sound like she's just interested in continuing on to her destination. and wants to just drive away after hitting this police car. >> not like a minor fender bender that you can be, all right, no big deal. see you later. >> she caused some damage. the squealing tires are of the police car that got shoved forward. pay attention throughout. keep your eyes on the road. >> this is singer amanda palmer. the lead singer for amanda palmer and the grand theft orchestra. one of our awesome viewers told us about this video. she's performing in london. at the beginning of this video she's asking everyone to get out their cameras. >> if anyone has a video camera, this song is a gift. it's called "dear daily mail." >> as is in the tabloid daily mail? >> she's referring to this article about her recent
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performance in gladson bury. all they talked about was this moment where her breast happens to pop out of her bra. >> listen to her response. ♪ i was doing a number of things on that stage ♪ ♪ they chose to ignore that and instead publish a feature of me with my boob ♪ >> to make things even better, she decided to give all of her fans and the daily mail even more of a show. ♪ it's currently trying to escape ♪ >> she tripped down completely naked and continues with this song. at the beginning you heard her say everybody get your cameras out. so as you can imagine, there are all kinds of angles of this performance. she is cool.
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she's smart, talented and freaking awesome. >> and has a great sense of humor. >> this is the best media comeback ever because she's like, oh, you didn't get everything. oh, there it is, everybody. >> if you want to see this video in all its glory, head to right this and click on best of rtm or check it out on our mobile app. a cop tells a photographer to keep his distance. >> you are interfering with my investigation. if you continue, you will be arrested. >> wait until you hear this response. >> you are interfering with my investigation. why don't you shut the [ bleep ] up. >> see the standoff with a surprise ending. >> why am i upset they didn't tase him? >> and a predator stalks its prey. >> but -- >> unfortunately for this fish, he is not the predator today. >> what the -- >> ooh!
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whth first one is all about stalking, capturing and feeding. look at this fish very carefully eyeballing who knows what. but unfortunately for this fish, he is not the predator today. >> oh! >> ooh that's a bug. >> the largest european water insect to be exact gets very close. did you see how it used that part of that aquatic plant? >> it was like camouflage. >> and when the fish was just close enough it stung it. it has a very intense digestive enzyme that it shoots into the fish. once it's dead it just sucks it up. >> that's weird. and you can see the fish like for a second it's still like -- his fin is still going and then just slows down. >> now i did say i had two videos. this is in south korea and apparently it is very traditional there to eat octopus while it's still alive. apparently this girl jessica going to have to eat a live
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octopus. >> it's still alive. >> it's disturbing. i don't like it. >> i feel bad. >> i feel bad for it, too. >> i'll eat calamari all day long. >> you are putting on the safety glove? >> oftentimes they'll cut the octopus up into bits and pieces. it's still moving. in this case, she's eating the entire thing, all one piece. >> see the tentacles moving around in my mouth would make me gag. >> and she's still chewing. did you notice how they are sticking to her lips? the tentacles are like grabbing. >> if you want to see this entire thing, head over to right this and click on best of rtm or see it on our mobile app. >> you've never looked more beautiful. >> at least you know it's fresh. lucy versus the bug.
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♪ >> i don't see any reason for -- >> you are interfering. >> this is one of those videos where you young know where it's going and then it takes like a weird twist. guy on a bicycle coming up to an lapd officer who has pulled over a driver here. now he's filming. he waves to the officer to let him know that he's filming, keeping plenty of distance. >> this is plenty of distance. thank you. >> what's his reason for being there? one of those people that likes to record police officer's actions? >> my guess is yes. >> the officer eventually says -- >> you are interfering with my investigation. if you continue, you will be arrested. >> wait until you hear this response. >> you are interfering of with my investigation. why don't you shut the [ bleep ] up. is that clear enough for you?
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shut the [ bleep ] up. you're interfering with my investigation. >> i call those some strong words for a police officer. >> is this person not from l.a.? you don't talk to lapd like that. >> you don't talk to any police officer that way. >> it's not illegal thr, though right? >> you are probably thinking this guy is probably going to get arrested or tasered. >> you focus on what you are doing. i'll focus on what i'm doing. >> okay, then stop talking. >> stop talking to me, sir. >> this officer and another officer go up to the poor guy who was pulled over and clearly give him something, head back to their cruiser. then this conversation happens. >> i'm sorry for the adult language. >> i appreciate the apology. >> they are kind of kissing and making up. >> i'm sorry i swore. >> thank you. have a good evening. >> you, too. >> why am i upset they didn't tase him? >> that's something i might say. in fact, this whole pitch is unexpected. >> i really am disturbed this man felt like he had to swear at a police officer. he did apologize. lapd.ges a really l
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>> no harness, no safety gear. and no, he's not in russia. >> look, ma. one hand. >> why this crane climb is unlike any other. >> you guys want to see, look ma, no hands? >> no. >> here it comes. >> watch. >> no way. >> and this guy may to look like a rapper, but -- >> you're going to be blown away. >> hear his remarkable journey from foster care to coolest dad around. >> no one can stop me if you
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who needs a cup of coffee when you've got the chutzpah this guy's got. he's going up for one of those construction crane climbs. this one, though, i swear, takes it just the next step above. this is at daybreak. we've had some of this guy's videos on our show before. we believe this to be in chicago where he lived. here he goes now making his way out on to the actual crane arm. >> oh, i don't like that. >> i know. >> camera obviously from the point of view of his head. now he scoots down. >> in between the crane -- >> wow. >> -- for a hang. >> no way. >> look, ma, one hand. >> lets go with h
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hanging from this crane, who knows how many stories in the air. you guys want to see look, ma, no hands? >> watch. >> no way. >> grabs his buddy's hand. stabilizes and lets go. he's hanging there. his buddy standing on the crane platform holding him by his other hand. >> he had that pole between hissing legs but he was hanging over the other side. >> how does his palms not get so sweaty that he slips? >> my stomach is sick. >> totally different kind of mentality to do something like this. i have one question for you guys. is your dad this cool? >> probably not. ♪ i'm feeling like a winner no one ever knew me when i was a beginner ♪
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>> this is derek clerk. a motivational speaker and author. this is his original song. "i'm a cool dad." it's available on itunes. >> no kidding? >> i've got to let you hear the best part because you'll be blown away. ♪ okay. >> not the first time he's performed this. "right this minute" via skype we have derek clark from san francisco. welcome to the show, derek. >> the diamond in the house. >> you have to tell us how you got into rap. >> it's like behind the music. i grew up in foster care in alameda county. my dad was in prison. my mom didn't want me. they dropped me off at a psychiatric facility at 5 years old and never came back for me. my brother was killed. my sister was killed. my good friend was killed when i was 16 and 17 years old. i'm hanging out with my friends. i see two guys battling each other. i say, i want to be a rapper.
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he goes, no, dude. you white. you can't do that. i said, hey. let me step up. let me battle somebody. now it's me against this guy. he starts going off on me talking about my mom amy race, cussing, all the things he's going to do to my girlfriend. i'm thinking, oh, my gosh. this guy is so cool. he used to be a station called wild 107.7 used to have this rap battle contest. and i won and got a production deal working at the studio and then got shelved. then who comes out a few years ago? emen in. i'm like, that's me! >> 2006 i wrote a song. and it was a country song. it was a military tribute song. two weeks later i get a video station calling me. then another one. then my congressman says you want to hang out with president bush? i' like, heck pr of the united states. then people were asking about my life. i wrote that first book. it started taking off. people were like, will you speak here, speak there? the only way i'm going to be a speaker is if i can bring my
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guitar and do my rap. they said heck yeah. i've written six books and my website, i will never give has so many hits i've been able to stop a lot of people from suicide, drugs. if you told me that this would be who you are in 20 years from now, i would be like, uh-uh. i'm diamond deke. >> can you rap for us? >> yeah. i'll throw a little something, something freestyle. ♪ so here's a few lessons i've learned i've attorney turned a mess int message ♪ ♪ no one can stop me what's this white boy doing on the microphone ♪ dude attempts a daring stunt when he -- >> lays down on the track like a second before this train comes flying into frame. >> find out if this dumb move was too brave
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think you're smarter than a 2-year-old? wrong. what kind of car is that? >> hyundai. >> all right. what kind of car is this? >> mazda. >> all right. good job. that one? >> i don't know. >> never seen that. >> ford. >> it's a ford and she knew it. >> chevy. >> that's an easy one. listen the way she says it. >> audi. >> chevy volt? >> nope. >> i don't know that i've ever seen that symbol before. >> that's what i thought.
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>> what? >> an opal? >> what's that? >> i love this little girl. >> she's cute. she's in russia and she nails every single car. >> nissan. >> looks like they are in a parking lot. dad is taking her out for a walk. boom. every car. >> and she says them all so cute. >> we got our nominee for dummy of the day. this guy is a dutch fellow. he jumps in front of the camera. >> lays down on the tracks like a second before this train comes flying into frame seemingly
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unharmed but definitely dumb. >> i feel bad for the train conductor because you are thinking you're going to get this guy or that you killed him. by no fault of your own. >> there's no way that guy could stop if he wanted to. it's just dangerous. it's stupid. you are putting your life in danger. people on the trains, lives in danger. >> but could this be fake? take a closer look and look frame by frame. pay attention to the shadows that we're seeing. watch. >> being cast by the front of the train. >> right. >> but watch it. >> notice how it doesn't change as the train goes over top of the guy. that sort of dark blackness around the man doesn't change. watch it again. >> wait until you see the shadow cast on the side before the train even gets close. >> right. >> both shadows of different shades of dark. >> the weird part is right here where the front of the train is right on top of the guy and you are still seeing that glowing
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the nfl will be here before we know it... and this week we're looking ahead to the 2013 season... we'll profile some of the game's biggest stars by looking back at their high school days... we'll also look at some top rookies who could make an impact in their pro debuts... that's all coming up next on sports stars of tomorrow@@ @@@@@ @@@֖ welcome to the show since the baltimore ravens raised the lombardi trophy after a thrilling super bowl win over san francisco... @ inno
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