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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 6, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it is time for great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." lightning speed and close calls. these drivers don't let anything stop them. >> when in doubt, throttle out. >> that is more than one wild ride. jail cameras lead to detention trial on trial. >> for assaulting a 14-year-old inmate. >> what the teen was doing that drove them both up the wall. abandoned pigs that decided
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not to become bacon that day. and how they became pulled pork instead. >> and remember that bear who was very fond of the takeout food? well, an update from the restaurant owner who knows what the bear likes. >> the schnitzels, i guess. and plenty of cameras lining the course here in finland, and this is the world rally championship. this spot is full of cars jumping. one came over the hill going about mach 10, and look at the air this thing gets. >> oh, wow! >> oh. >> it was like he was shot from a cannon. and he stays on course and keeps on going, and can't say the same for the rally contenders in the race. >> and now to make a left-hand turn. >> and you can see that he is apparently not the cameraman. >> this is ya seed -- yasid al
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raw and he starts to wave in spectators. >> that works? >> and now he is trying to find an easier way to get back on course. this is a driver who has another off track moment, but when in doubt, tlot itle. >> i he took out the christmas tree, and he was like, christmas is come, and i will take the tree with me. >> many thought that was a wrap for him, because back in 2007, this is a wreck of his that nearly ended his career. he hits the wall at 186 miles per hour, and smashing his legs and nearly killing hip. he has made a comeback at the rally there in finland and still seemingly fearless.
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>> it is none of your business. stay quiet. >> a lansing, michigan, detention officer is on trial for assaulting an inmate. >> the video is here and the man you are looking at the detention officer david glassgo, and he does not let go of him until another officer comes in to put a hand on his shoulder, and the young inmate was in the room. >> they say he was using a scare technique, and not an assault, but that said, you don't put your hands on him like that. >> he was in lock-up, but he did not deserve that. >> they have him in a choke hold or is he just grabbing him by the shirt or the collar? >> the officer from michigan
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state police describes what he think thinks happened in this video. >> he has his thumb around the throat area. >> the case is still being ajude kated and the officer faces 90 days of jail time in convicted and he could lose his job. he is on paid leave. >> i am so mad. >> were you frightened too? >> yes. >> you were frightened at this point? >> yes. >> now, time to take a look at the always tumultuous lives of rock stars. the first from chicago, illinois, popular lollapalooza music festival, and this is a band up there performing their song "giving up the gun." and sometimes when you a rock star, stuff like this happens. >> oh! >> someone runs up there on stage, and full moon. no shirt and no shoes, and
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dances around on stage and dances around a bunch until this guy coming up to form tackle him the ground and taken care of by security guards. and now to a controversial video involving blood house gang, and this is the bass player in the ukrain. he is peeing on the ukrainian flag, and people are not happy about this, and imagine if somebody did this to the american flag, and people would be upset. the police department is looking into hooliganism charges and hate crimes against state sym l symbols, but he is not done. he takes the russian flag and he says "don't tell putin" and then he shoves the flag in his pants and really kind of wipes himself where the fl where. and then he threw it to the
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crowd. here sh here, here's a souvenir. >> that is disgusting. >> just after this performance in the ukrain, the next dates were in russia. so imagine what happens. they go to russia and their involvement in the musical festival cancel and barred from the country and deported and as they were leaving russia, they were assaulted by russian nationalists at the airport, and another thing, the ukrainian hackers have dug their claws into the blood hound gang's website and it is not working. and cue the clown music. because in china, a truck full of pigs overturned and before you knew it, they were all three running to their freedom, running to the rest of their lives not becoming bacon that day.
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for over an hour, the officers chased the piggies. >> it lacked like it happened on a bridge and they were hemmed in. >> and so they could not get away. they were still trapped. >> at least they had hope. >> they had fun. they had fun for that little bit of time there where they put the juke moves on the dudes. >> they did manage to get one, and he is struggling with it. >> oh. >> that is like a backwards r e race. >> let's hope that at least one got away. >> doubtful at best. an early morning drive goes south for one truck driver when -- >> he plunges off of the guardrail and on to the exit m ramp. >> wow. >> the story behind the hit that left him lucky to be alive. and a bird's-eye view of an abandoned mining town. >> it is the official wild west ghost
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you guys are going to be amazed that a driver is going to survive the crash. it happened in boston and a "boston globe" early morning truck driver. that driver identified as todd healy was on the overpass and hit by a suspected impaired driver, and as you can see he plunging over to the guardrail and on the the exit ramp. because it was so early in morning luckily no traffic there, but he sustained nonlife threatening injuries. >> that is amazing, becauset lands on the cap head first. >> the vehicle was driven by 25-year-old cynthia bellguard and she was arrested. >> her driving record is ten suspensions including one from this accident. >> look at the that. >> she has the video of the car
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that hit the truck and looks like some kind of damage to the left side of it and the back light. another accident video the show you, and this is from the north of moscow. pay attention to the two cars right here by the lamp post. you have a van, and you have a car. and now watch the car coming up behind that vehicle that is parked behind the lamp post. smashed and rearended and watch the lamp post. it bounces off of the van. what is interesting is that the van keeps the lamp post from falling into the roadway and unfortunately two people were seriously hurt in the incident. if you notice one guy coming out of the car, he is bent over. >> yeah, he looks like he is in pain. >> yes. ghost towns are supposed to be very scary, but bode, california's official state ghost town is pretty's ghost town and it is about 75 miles southeast of lake tahoe,
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and group of millm makers decided to take a trip down there to report aerial views of what this town looks like. it is a historical landmark in the state, and as you can see, there are still some remaining e buildings left, and there are about 110 buildings that still remain. it began as a mining camp in 1859 after the discovery of gold. a lot of people came here to look for gold bearing ores which they found and eventually, it is said that the town produced $34 million worth of gold. but this is what is left. people are protecting it. there is even a state budget to make shure that this town stays intact. it is really pretty to see, and these guys did a phenomenal job to give us an ariel view of what it looks like. it is really spectacular and a piece of very important history.
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so what makes a good viral video? you'd think that we would know by now, but you can't predict it. leave it to the guys from soul pancake who put this video together in honor of deke week. >> who shared you? >> where should you go if you want to make a viral video? >> national institute. >> and there is rebecca black, and one of the original hitmen. it is set the tune of smashmouth "all star." ♪ hey, you are a name now ♪ going glow a ball ♪ ♪ and post it all day >> they pay homage to the goats, and the cats on tread milmills
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the harlem shake. you can watch it on the mobile app. and when umbrellas attack. >> it is like breach umbrellas freaking out. >> the fury of gusts next. and when pranksters attack. >> take a look at the activator forecast. >> people are trapped in the elevator having to listen to these guys doing an actual forecast. >> cloudy on the west coast. >> i'm trying to make fb
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some new video out of san remo, italy, where a twister sat down and in an area where it looks like people could sit down with umbrellas, this is from ureporter i.t. and it looks like people are doing last-minute security, but look at what happens when this person is running out at the right time. because the wind picks up everything with it. >> anything that was not nailed down was airborne. >> ta is so quick with one huge gust and then it was over. let's move over to coco beach, and a gustnado that touches down. >> what is that? >> it is a tornado that touches down for a gust, and thus the name, gustnado.
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according to the officials there were about 1,000 people on the beach when this thing touched down. >> oh, my god. >> this is like beach umbrellas, and people are freaking out. >> a 15-year-old had a head injury, because of this and had to be treated by ambulance, and other people were injured, but only one was hospitalized. >> just from the flying debris? >> yes, when the umbrellas are coming down, it is a jagged edge coming right at you. >> the girls are loving it. >> and this is important to critique your work in the world of sports and that is why there are game tapes and all that. this is guy is go doing what is known as foiling. this guy needs to take this back to the film room, because something went wrong. i don't know what he is doing here, but he is sailing. he wants to lean off of the other side of the boat, but then it turns on its side.
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>> from there to this one. this is a bike race, and pretty hilarious, and video from channel 2 in norway. pretty big deal of the bike race, and 75 competitors, and so there is a camera crew out there, and this guy out here is having a little bit of a leg cramp. a reporter out there with the mic microphone is saying, what is wrong, buddy? >> oh, no. >> if you know anything about leg cramps, you can have them creep up, and the slightest movement can creep back. and it is like, boom. >> and i feel bad about laughing, but look at this. >> he fell into the lawn chair. >> and then into the lawn chair. >> i thought he was attacking the reporter. >> stand up, and finished the race and got rid of the cramps, and finish ed 43rd in his class
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>> finished is the most important part. there is a bear who is fond of takeout food. we found this at jukin video. he does not just go in, but he uses this dumpster like a shopping cart. july 31st at almost 1:00 in the morning. i recently showed you this video, and knnotice the date again. about 24 hours later, the bear is back. yeah, we wondered if this is somebody in a bear suit, because he looks so human-like. and now, there is a third video about 24 hours later, and here he comes again. this time though, our little bear friend leaves hungry, and there is a reason for, that and to tell us why the bear left hu hungry, we have owner joining us "right this minute." so you guys had a little tactic, so to speak that the department of wildlife led you on to, and can you describe what you tried?
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>> they told us that if we did not do something to stop him from coming back, there were good chances they would have to come in to put him down, and the last thing we wanted from our new famous friend was for him to get hurt. the strips that the department of wildlife gave us were a piece of board that have nails driven up through it, and we bolted them to the top of the trash can where he was grabbing on to it, and this is what he did. stood up on it, and put one paw on top, and felt it and wandered off. >> these videos got a ton of views online and were you surprised that that a lot of people were saying it is fake? >> not really, because once i went back to look at the individuvideo, and the way they maneuvered it around another dumpster, and table of chairs and the way he checks over the shoulder almost like he is backing up a truck. it looks far too much like a person. the only thing that i can say is that those dump stairs take two
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of my kitchen staff to push around. >> and he looks like one of the commercials that the food is so good that even the trash is delicious. >> i got a e-mail the other day that i thought was great and they said to put somebody in a bear costume, and say, i'm hungry. typically the dogs bury their bones in dirt, but not misty. look at the hiding technique, and some birds who cannot hide their the wrong flea killer. yod
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but then why is he the one in the doghouse? don't blame him. instead, rely on the number one choice of vets for their pets, frontline plus. the killing force of frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks, plus another to kill flea eggs and larvae, destroying the future generations of fleas. and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less.
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a bi-standystander that was witnessing a fire was able to sit there and watch the firefighters fighting the fire, and in fact in one part of the video you see the firefighters trying to take down a wall to t vent it perhaps. there are the firefighters who are using an ax to smash away at the wall, and at this point, the firefighter starts to walk away and here the fire starts to move over, and then goes a few inches and the wall gives completely. >> you could not have timed that any better. and you know they are experts and hopefully somebody said move back guys. i don't know, because he walked away slow. >> and he turned his back to the wall. so i think that this one was just luck.
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you can see that the wall is charred and then finally, you see smoke coming out of the building. >> i think that this is a total loss. >> looks like it. what i like about these two videos is that they were submitted by viewers on the my channel feature on "right this minute."com. we start with the finches. >> this up with, her sister has a basket on the front porch. >> baby birds hatched on july 26th, and then a few days later, think are like, what are you doing with the camera? put something in our mouths. >> i like how they are sitting there with their eyes open and the mouths open. >> mama bird can be protective. this is from misty who says that her dog has never done that before. >> is that a plastic wrapper? >> no, a plastic water bottle, bev. typically, they bur rir their bones in dirt. >> and you can see it.
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>> i am pretty impressed. el evators seem to make awkward situations more awkward times ten. >> here is greg benton of mediocre films in association with the official comedy channel with another prank. this time, he is a elevator weather man. >> gorgeous weather, and going to continue through the weekend and let's take a look at the ak you weather forecast, and we have high pressure going over the east and then some rain moving to the west. >> oh, my gosh. >> and he plays the weather man perfectly, and people are trapped in the elevator having to listen to this guy do an actual weather forecast. >> and if you have interesting plans for the rest of the week, on the beach, and good day for it. if you look at the accuweather forecast, you can see the heat over to the coast. >> that pull-down map is hilarious. >> enjoy yourself out there. about him.gets an odd stare
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>> that is creepy. >> people just don't know what to do after that. >> los angeles probably mid- to high 80s and very beautiful and back to you with sports. >> he pitches to this guy to do the sports report, and the guy does not get it. >> back to you with sports. >> your turn to do the sports. you do the sports. >> ugh. >> the fun part at the end, too, when he reveals that it is a prank. >> you see that? that is a camera. >> i really thought that you worked here.
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>> announcer: it's time for "the wendy williams show." today grammy winning superstar toni braxton. is her singing career over? we'll get the dish. plus, what's it like working for chelsea handler? find out from heather emergenmc and we help a viewer look like her favorite star, eva longoria. now, here's wendy! >>


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