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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 13, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman and it is time for awe some videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute". i have got them recorded right now. a gunman runs after shooting a bus driver. a good samaritan races to the bus driver's aid. >> how the hero's camera captures the whole crazy scene in seattle. a model knows that you can go topless in public in new york, but this time -- >> she's in a place of business. >> see what happens when somebody calls the cops. >> can i see that shot of you handcuffing her, because that is so awesome. >> no. >> and a woman in a wheelchair
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is rescued bay motorcycle rider's -- >> random act of coolness. >> meet the guy whose cool deed was all in a day's work. >> everybody is happy and i was thinking of dinner by the stop sign. >> and what is this sounding like to you? >> a cute little baby. >> and why is that yong, -- wrong, very wrong. and right here, i have it recorded right now. >> okay. >> he is going around. >> this is a story that we got from seattle, and if you hear the audio, the guy behind the camera, you can hear that he is out of breath and terrified. he is talking about the man we see crossing the street at the beginning of the video. according to reports that man had just shot a bus driver on a downtown city bus during early morning rush hour. >> why? do we know why? >> we don't know the motive
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behind this. and cairo is reporting that this suspect is 31-year-old martin duckworth who is a guy with a violent past according to reports, but, again, not sure what the motive was behind the shooting. according the eyewitnesses, the people on the bus, some men got on the bus and when the bus driver asked him to pay this man who had nothing to do with the event said, "war" and started firing. >> whoa. >> now i want to warn you that the video is graphic. this bystander, and the good samaritan with the camera rushed to the bus driver's aid. you can see the wounded bus driver sit ing on tting on the and people are helping including an off duty officer. the bus driver was shot in his arm and cheek. now, the bus driver is expected to make a full recovery. >> now this suspect according to reports was then chased to another bus and off duty officer and backup got on the bus as s
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passengers were being evacuate and according to reports the police opened fire on the suspect. he later died at the hospital from the wounds. it was resident of columbia that started this fire that erupted in a hardware store. emergency crews are not there, and the residents are trying to figure out how to put this thing out. the first thing that happened is that people showed up with fire extingui extinguishers. you could see that this is cl r clearly not going make a dent in the fire, and the fire is growing and you have black smoke, and the second method is a little bit more successful. they got a hose from somewhere, and you have to fire it like an old-fashioned fire line and instead of them hauling buckets, and these guys have the hose, and they will attempt to put the
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fire out. the sad news is that one person did perish in the fire, and they believe it was started by a candle. >> oh, no. >> and the thing is that time was important here, because you had to do this, because it was not a free standing building and not connected to others, because of the businesses and what not, so this thing could have spread down the block, and these guys had to do it. it was old fashioned teamwork and everybody working together to try to get this thing out, and eventually -- >> well, it finally arrived. >> they did arrive, but look at how much work these people had done to get the fire put out before the authorities got there and they were effective in putting it out and keep it from spreading elsewhere. behind the wheel driving is not the best place for an argument with your significant other. we are getting a glimpse into the lives of this couple here i guess because we have the dash cam running, anyou can hear theyre arguing here driving on eventual think driver kicks it .
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argument keeps going. but then it gets from an ugly argument to an ugly crash real quick. >> the driver was weaving all over the place before it got going, and it goes back and forth and runs into the truck. >> you can see the airbags deploy and you can hear them afterwards. >> well, it just goes the show you that anything that distracts the driver can be potentially dangerous. >> from one distraction to another, this is on the racecar, and the british gt at brand hatch, and we are driving along with mike simpson who is moving at about 140 miles per hour, but then, unavoidable collision happens, watch this. >> oh! what was that? >> someone's door from another vehicle up ahead fell off somehow and crashed into the guy's vehicle.
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>> he was in the car without a door and he drives right past i it. >> i didn't see pit first time, but you are right. >> you can see that it eventually runs into the pit, and that is what it is done for and you cannot continue the race when the windshield has a big spider web. i am proud to call myself a member of the mote cycling community, and especially when i see a video like this. this is kim faganello in british columbia riding his yamaha 250 and he spots something to the left. did you see that? >> yes, someone in a wheelchair. >> yes, kim jams on the brakes and jukes left to the parking lot, and approaches this woman in the wheelchair. >> are you stuck? >> she has the right wheel of the mobility scooter on the curving. >> let me give you a full reverse here. >> she can't move. >> you are in there. >> and you can hear the frame of
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the wheelchair scraping on the sidewalk. >> let me go this way then. >> he goes to the other side and gives it a lift. there you go. it was locked. >> i can't tell you how much i love this one. this is beautiful. >> how cool. >> he calls this a random act of coolness and this simple one hi newt video is going viral and 100,000 hits so far. let's talk to the man who is bringing good cheer. kim, how did you spot this woman in trouble. she is hard to see. >> well, she was wiggling right and left to get free and it looked odd. so i went by to see if things were all right, and they weren't. >> did she say anything to you when you showed up? >> no, neither one of us wanted to make too big of a deal about it. >> what about this video that is making it go viral. >> i think that people sometimes want a reason to do things like this, and maybe they need a little nudge occasionally. that might be something to do
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with it, but i really don't know. >> tell me what you felt like after when you got back on your bike and you rode away? >> you feel good doing that sort of stuff, but i didn't give it much thought really. everybody was happy and i was thinking of dinner probably by the stop sign. >> you have a message for other people out there that maybe they should consider doing nice acts just like this? >> well, that would be the message of the video. i would hope that people would take, taking the opportunity to seize the moment. we know we could do manage something, and when we do it, yeah, we feel good about ourselves, but if you don't, you think about it all day, i should have done that. all right. have a good one. it is a very special gift from grandson to grandpa. >> you can see on papa's face he is amazed by what he has opened. >> the story behind the touchup that made for a touching moment. and they are the guys who pulled off this crazy pool shot. >> these guys one upped themselves, and they have a new
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video out that dare i say could be even crazier. >> 11 dudes and 12 passes and one sweet slam dunk next. [ female announcer ] jump-start your day with mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪
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you are looking at video from christmas of 2012. you are thinking, that is a few months' old. this video was just uploaded by a guy named jonathan butcolter, and this is his papa, and very special guy in his life. you notice that papa is opening a present. >> i had a friend restore it and color it for you. >> you can see on papa's face that he is pretty amazed by what he has opened. you can tl it is a picture frame. let me show you exactwhat pa looking at this photo. that is papa and his twin brother along with their father, a photo that was taken in the late 1920s. now, this photo was restored thanks for the folks at the
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reddit community, and they added color. the sky is blue and the ties and you can see the color of the outfits that they were wearing, and papa was incredibly emotional, and the reason that the video was just now uploaded, papa just recently passed away. jonathan had a feeling that this was going be the last christmas together, and that is why he wanted to give him such a special present and moment and have this really special time with his grandfather. it is amazing what they can do with the photo restoration today. >> this photo was originally found after papa's wife died in october of 2012 when they were going through some of her things, and found this photo and decided that this it needed to be a special gift for their grandfather. >> i like papa's speechless reaction. >> i do, too. papa is looking at it saying, i can't believe that is me as a little boy, and there is my twin b brother standing by my side. not long ago i showed you
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the crazy coolest basketball dunk ever. you remember this. guess what, this whole thing went crazy viral and more than 1 million views already. >> wow. >> these guys one upped themselves. this is john fishback and his friends and they have a new video out that dare i say could be even crazier. same pool, same group of guys and the ball comes from over the fence and roller blade man catches it and tosses it to the dude in the speedo, and goes through the legs to the guy doing a handstand and a bunch of exchanges here, and look at the speedo guy coming around and he is the final person, and dunk. >> dude. >> wow. he did that part of the time on a skateboard and ended up running around the pool dunking after everybody did like a series of acrobats. >> right. it is 11 dudes all together, and i counted 12 exchanges and it is like a circus act here.
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>> and it is a totally awe some summer. >> how did they avoid jumping upon each other in the pool? there are a lot of them. >> of course, when they nailed it. it is awesome. i like to think that the guy was like, hey, i wore the spee e doeshgs so i get to do the final dunk. here is photographer allen henson getting a lot of attention. this is a video that we saw on the web is going to show you why. this is model shelby carter, and she is inside of a salon and cocktail lounge inside of the peninsula hotel in new york city. she is wearing nothing but lingerie, and people are sitting down trying to enjoy their meal. >> i didn't order buns with the mea meal. >> and yes, she starts to take the bra off. now, it is not illegal to be topless in new york city in public. this is a private location.
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>> it is kind of funny. it is not appropriate, but some of the people are acting like they just saw godzilla. >> that is not what they are expecting when you are enjoying the summer gazpacho. >> you don't expect it, but it is not about surprise. >> one of the security guys came over and asked them to leave. they are escorted outside of the h hotel. >> but they also call the cops and they hold up. >> this is the best call i got all day. >> they know the rules. they are not going the arrest the girl, but they are getting a kick out of this. the model starts asking them -- and the photographer allen is like -- >> i can get that shot of you handcuffing her? that is so awesome. >> can you imagine if he agreed to handcuff her. >> and how about spanking her. >> and then the cops walk away. >> can i get a shot of you tasing this woman. i am not sure that would go over well with the chief. car boxed in and you have to
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go? get some buddies to pick up the car and get moving. how the muscle got this bug out of the way. and up close and personal with some stingrays. >> there's a little action that is about to happen. >> the intimate moment between man and sea creature.
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what do you do if you are parked in a parking lot, and
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somebody has boxed you? you get stom buddies to pick up the car. that is what happened in tucson, arizona, and our web producer alycia caught this on video. >> do it, do it. >> and what we are doing is to trying to get this car out, and you can see the car is boxed in. according to alycia, they arrived at 10:00 p.m. and a dude was already blocked in and trying to get the car out. four hours later, this same dude is still pacing. so, the buddies just picked the car up, and there are only four of them. three guys and one girl. just enough adrenaline to move the sucker right out of the way. the beetle was not responsible for blocking the car in, but it was the easiest to move. >> and oh, my gosh. >> we don't know exactly what the drivers were thinking in this parking scenario.
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now, the driver of this car that did box them in came back shortly after this volkswagen was moved and seemed unphased over the fact that they had boxed the person in for hours on end, and everybody gets in their cars and drive away. we have a couple of animal bonding videos the show you. we start in the caymen islands, and that is chris hughes there, and he got to have interaction with the stingrays. >> wow, that water is beautiful. >> my goodness, i want the go swimming in it. >> here you can see chris holding it, but watch, there is a little smooch action that is about to happen. >> ooh. it is getting personal. >> now he is massaging his back, and look at all of the stingrays that you see in the area, and it is amazing that people are having the interactions with them, and the water is so
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beautiful, but watch this, he even gets to feed the stingray. >> it looks like somebody there is guiding it. >> oh, that is cool. >> we jump over the taipei at the taipei zoo, and that is the baby and has been separated for a while, because it has been put in the incubator and they have been separated because the mom injured it trying to grasp it. you can see that they are putting the towel in front of the baby's face, and she said, these bars are separating me from the baby and she grabs the mom and puts the feet through, because she wants to get closer. >> oh, she is excited about the reunion. >> and in a different area, they let mom get with the baby and listen to the sounds. >> oh, that is so funny. they are talking to each other. that is precious.
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>> it is sweet to see the relationship. bring on the bacon, because we are making candy. >> drizzle it on slightly. >> the step by step to make the sweet and salty treat. >> it is good morning nelly! woah.
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hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet.
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ladies i have some beautiful video art to feast your eyes on. district seven media is a short
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film with 57,000 still frames over six months and the town is new york city, and we are seeing all kinds of beautiful images and lights and colors, and you can see times square and radio music city hall, and parts of central park and to getting on and off of the subway and a in mi manhattan and beautiful. >> it captures the energy of new york and makes the city feel electric which is what you feel when you are in new york city. >> the song that you are hearing is u fr"fracture" by danny mcca, and he says that the goal is to c capture the city in video and art form. >> those are places that we recognize, and been there or seen them in movies or seen the photographs, and this is a very unique perspective of all of the things. >> and it makes you want to go there. we have a couple of dishes here.hmm. we start with the questionable
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one. the all-in-one is a 12-course meal in a can. you have cheeses and sour dough bread, and ricotta and truffle butter and coconut crepe, and this is a 12-course meal -- this is not available in store, because it is the brain child of designer chris godfrey, and he was studying the wealthy and decided why should they be the only ones who have access to this. >> well, if you don't like the food to touch, this is is not the dish for you. and this is from man cave meals and you start with a pound of bacon, because we are making p-candy. >> is what you want to do is to drizzle some maple syrup. >> so you butter them up with maple syrup, and then a mixture like a rub with light brown sugar and cayenne pepper an cinnamon, and then you pack that on the bacon that you have and the rack. >> i have a little peachwood smoke going on here. >> i like the fact that a man
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has a specific wood that he wants the use to make the pig can candy. >> i have made a white chocolate drizzle, and drizzle it on lightly. >> and the delicious. it looks delicious. >> it is looking like crystallized bacon. >> it is awesome and i can't say healthy snack, but it looks good. listen to this sound and form a picture in your head. >> oh. >> that is a sweet little baby. >> does this picture match what was in your head? >> yeah, nope. >> this is on the nate r youtube channel and he says he has been able to produce this sound since he was a kid. most of the noise is pronounced through his nose as he closes
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his mouth as he demonstrates. >> this is freaking me out a lot. >> i don't like the face he makes when he does it either. >> i'm not buying it either. >> i think it is real and not fake. >> people can beat box, they can do this as freaky as it is. >> i guarantee you that he won't do this much after he has children if he already does have children, because i cannot image imageine him doing this with kids. >> that is our show for this edition of rtm. -- captions by vitac -- you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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>> announcer: it's time for "the wendy williams show." today, superstar ciara talks about keeping it sexy with her man. plus, teresa giudice dishes on the new season and shows us how to work the grill. plus, all of wendy's "hot topics." now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: yeah. thanks for watching.


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