tv Right This Minute FOX August 21, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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each. every day. ♪ i'm beth troutman. all the videos you've been looking for are right here "right this minute." the pedestrians are waiting at a corner. >> they start to walk but miraculously -- >> see how they are able to miss this. chilling video as two gunmen pump seven bullets into their target. >> guy made it though. >> how he cheated death in one strange murder plot. it's the photo contest for "national geographic" traveler, and now -- >> i present to you some of the winners. >> see what goes into picking the best of the best. >> we want a picture that makes
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you feel like you could have been there. the hot t step by step to homemade pizza. >> you have to let it rise well. >> meet the ladies with all the now flour power. a doebl dose, dash cam. see this car approaching a busy intersection. the car stops. off in the distance there to the left you will see he stopped at the red light. light turns green, but you've got to be careful because the traffic doesn't always stop. >> oh. >> man. >> right through the pedestrians. >> let's back the video up and you can see the pedestrians waiting on the corner for a light to turn green. they start to walk but miraculously the angle that the car hit, the spacing of the people. if you watch in slow motion you will see somehow that car makes it between all of those pedestrians. doesn't hit any of them. >> good thing there wasn't an accident. >> i know. that slight deflection. >> scary to kind of funny.
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>> that's a giant statue of some sort. in the back of that dump truck. pause the video. look up ahead. >> what's the clearance, nick, what's the clearance? >> not enough. here it comes. >> oh! oh, the whole thing. it didn't even behead the thing it just knocked it over. >> now, i hope they were taking this sculpture down for storage or disposal. i hope it wasn't on its way to someplace. somebody is wait for their brand new deer sculpture to go outside their hotel. that's got a big old gash mark. scary video out of sydney, australia. we're seeing multiple angles of a shooting in a parking lot of a 24-hour sex club, of all places. the guy being attacked with a 52-year-old man who was in the parking lot. you see two guys with guns firing at him. the guy tries to get away.
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they try to kick him down. looks like they shoot again. they fire seven times at this man. in all, they hit him three times. in the groin, in the back, in the leg. you can see the flashes going off from the gun. these guys are close range here, too. >> wow. >> guy made it though. spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital recovering from his injuries, but he did live through this attack. no word on what provoked this. but just scary video. >> looks premeditated because these guys have their faces covered. >> sure. doesn't look random. what's scarier, too, a tv show in australia called "wanted" has a video of a van that she's these video stole prior to the attack praying in arabic. [ speaking arabic ] they're praying that they don't
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f hit the suburb, that their identities don't become known. >> is it weird this outside a sex club and they shot him in the groin. shot to the groin is definitely premeditated. >> ask you if me, i think they're t shooting to just kill the guy. i think the guy is lucky. they're close range. the guy is right at him. i think the most surprising thing in this video is that the guy lived. i got a white water rescue two-fer for you. we're going to start off at the olympic national park in washington state. a couple of buddies out for a kayaking trip, having a good time navigating the white waters. small waterfalls. >> perfect. >> yeah. but something's about to go a little wrong. you start seeing down this little waterfall toward these two fallen trees. he gets caught up. little rock ledge, if you will. and as the water is coming behind his kayak it just pushes him toward that bolder. and he's stuck.
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he's trying to just hold that boulder so he doesn't get stuck in that crack. >> oh, yeah. his helmet. and the camera is scraping up against the rock. eventually his buddies throw him a rope. he holds on to the rope and his buddies drag him out of the slip. they rescue him. then they go back and rescue the kayak. after it was done they had to appease the river god by pouring some booze into a boot. now we're going to head to the lehigh river gorge in pennsylvania. it's a couple of groups of white water rafters having a great day. but notice what's up ahead as they come to this small little white. >> do you want in? do you want in? >> no, i'm going to swim down the river, thanks. >> drag him right to the boat.
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>> are you all right? >> now, once they get her in the boat, she's uing. >> we just kidnapped her. >> she decided she was going to get with these guys. >> i guess we're going to keep her. >> would you get back in the boat that you fell out of or would you get in with the pros? once a year i get super excited because national geographic traveler has a foot to contest where people can submit photos they've taken around the world, even though they won't work for "national geographic." and i present to you some of the winners. first place, brazil aquathon. second place, check that out. thunderstorm at falls fever. 30 place is called, hey, chief. i have to say the bravest woman on the planet. this is called lady in the water. this one -- whoa! you can hardly see that owl. this is called portrait of an eastern shiek owl.
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they can do a lit bit of photo correction but not too much. to tell us more, we have dan via skype from "national geographic" traveler. dan, welcome to the show. >> glad to be here. >> what made you pick the aquathon. >> look at the skyscrapers unless background. this is in brazil. action picture but also a portrait of this city. first we get about 15,000 pictures. down to 150 pictures i showed a panel of nine judges. as beautiful of some of the pictures we get in are, we want a picture that makes you feel like you could have been there. we used to try hard to say you had to make less than a certain amount of your income each year in things other than photography but now it's just impossible to do that. >> you have to deal with fakes. people trying to photo shop certain things into the photos? >> we see that a lot. i like to think they don't trick us too often. look at the second place. lightning bolt, the background of the picture, is quote, so
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quote, wrong setting. that's what's responsible for the purple background. i'm a geek, yes, i believe that. >> what advice do you have for the iphone photographer. the people capturing the selfies. >> don't put it right in the middle of the picture. for selfies in particular don't use the camera that is facing the screen. it's like not even one mega pixel. >> can you still be impressed? >> i'm looking at this picture with the cheat thetacheetah. that's the kind of picture i've seen a lot but not with two cheetahs and that many people inside. i'm moving in with the lady and the watering can. you have a peacefulness. it's shot so early in the morning. a lot of photographers aren't out that early. whether the people are professionals or not, the one thing we know is they're readers of the magazine and we feel like they're part of our photograph team.
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it's a scary mishap at an amusement park when a rope snags two kids. >> it almost acted like a lasso for these two boys. >> why this wild ride could have been way worse. and bubba bacon is having a hard time heading up a hill. >> a little further up this time. >> but see what happens when he really puts the pedal to the metal next. >> oh, no! [ male announcer ] at sizzler... it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler!
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the bars off there and able to get this boy up to safety. you see, man, he's pretty high up there. talk about the time. what is the purpose of having a cage outside the window with such huge gaps? put a piece of plywood down. >> yeah. >> something. i just don't get it. >> now from one mishap to another, this time also involving small children. watch this. this is a carousel ride. watch this boy right here. that is a rope that snags that boy almost around the neck and also another young boy who is riding on this carousel ride. that rope was attached to an inflatable slide that was next to this carousel ride that wasn't tied down. that rope was there to sort of protect against wind gusts for the inflatable slide that was next to this thing. it got tangled up with the caroel ride and then ifyou watch it in slow almost acted as if it was a lasso for these boys, right around the neck. you see their necks snap back. here are the injuries that they
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suffered. pretty severe abrasions around their neck. >> how terrify for their parents. you saw that one woman just l g lunge. the thing is the ride didn't stop. >> you can't stop this thing on a dime. that's the problem. it's got to slow down. that's scary. almost yanked that kid out of his seat. >> yeah. the amusement park and the owner could be in hot water after this incident. time for some high horse crawling. this is in chattanooga, tennessee. this is shot by cole shirley. he does a lot of these events. still not getting quite the traction he needs. tries it a couple of different times. tries to get up this hill. can't quite make it. >> that's part of the event like this, right? you don't get up on the first try. >> that's the whole challenge. that's the whole fun of events like this.
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bubba gets himself a little further up. this time -- >> oh, no! >> oh! >> he's stuck up against a tree? >> yeah. >> that's one way to flip bacon. he gives it a big goose on the throttle. gets the front end up in the air. up against the tree. you see the fire coming out now. bubba unhooking himself from the harness. jumps out. that car is is stuck up against the tree. it's all on top of him. very precarious and dangerous situation. the fire extinguishers, pretty quickly. bubba got out safely. he's okay. what a crazy, kra ycrazy way to your run. >> now the bacon is crispy. >> yeah. crispy bacon.
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>> ever wanted to be in a video like this? see how, next "right this minute." and still to come, it's a video that's gone crazy viral. >> pickup launched over the highway guardrail and into the shallow creek below. >> now, hear from the girl who answers the question we all want to know, how did you capture this moment on camera? >> well, surprisingly -- and a bow hunter up in a tree gets a terrifying visit from mama and her cubs. >> oh, my gosh. came right up to his doorstep. >> lucky for him that wasn't the cub. >> what if mom comes after the cub and the dude? see what happens when [ female announcer ] jump-start your day
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a vine video has been blowing up the web. and you're about to see why. take a look at this. >> what? oh, my gosh. >> oh. >> that's a whole truck carrying a trailer? >> that's a dodge dakota truck carrying a trailer that has a lawn mow rer. according to reports the pickup launched over a highway guardrail and into a shallow creek below. this video happened to be caught by a 17-year-old named alex stack. >> that's like due to have -- >> and this video has been everywhere. and you can see why. now, the 58-year-old driver of this truck was taken to the hospital with a dislocated ankle, a fractured leg, a lower back fracture, and a partially
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collapsed lung. but he is expected to make a full recovery. >> wow. >> to tell us how she captured this video we have alex stack via skype right this minute. >> he was driving on the median for about ten seconds prior to the vine that i had recorded. and i thought it was just something funny, trying to be stupid and pass me on the left side. so i started recording him. i was thinking it was kind of funny. and i saw him hit a sign in the middle median and then i realized it s probably somethings.he went over the ove dropped my phone. i didn't know what to do. >> were you driving? >> i felt something sharply hit me and i looked over. i heard his car zooming by me. >> what has this been like if you? >> it was super overwhelming today. i was just getting e-mails upon e-mails for like four hours from a bunch of different news places that wanted interviews and
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permission to use the video and stuff. it was crazy. i had like 800 new followers on vine. i don't really post anything interesting on vine. but it was really overwhelming. i don't know. kind of interesting. got a couple of wild animal encounters. one are leave you handshaking, another will leave you shaking your head. a black bear and two cubs caught on video by a guy in a tree stand. he's about nine feet up. his name is kyle carlisle. he said he was in northern california doing a little bow hunting. mama bear and the cubs got a little interested. >> what the heck? >> came right up. >> lucky for him that wasn't the cub.
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the cub falls out of the tree and mama thinks kyle is the one responsible. so mama comes sniffing around. now, i said, kyle was bow hunting. he says that was the only weapon he had. none other. but mama eventually sleeks away and then we get a close-up of kyle's hand. >> way too close. way too close. >> it was just an amazing place. he doesn't give a [ bleep ], does he? >> this one will leave you shaking your head. yellowstone national park. if the buffalo is in the road
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you can't honk at it, you have to wait until it moves out of the way. couldn't care less about the cars. >> he's stopping me. >> he's not going to do much stuff. >> he's not going to do much grazing in the middle of the road. >> he doesn't know that. >> it's a mission to help a disabled cat get back on his paws. how his owners are working hard
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improveme improvements. no big deal. why not capture it on camera. this is actually a husband pranking his wife. check this out. he goes like he's fidgeting something with the light switch and says, can you turn that switch on over there? >> doing a light check. >> it's on. >> ah! >> eddie, eddie, eddie. >> she is like thinking i just killed my husband. she runs over to make sure he's okay. he starts cracking up. >> i'm sorry, eddie! >> then she starts beating the crap out of him. >> i love it when he turns it off because he realizes, actually just got my butt on video. a couple that plays together stays together. this couple is obviously pretty happy. this little precious cat is link. link is 2-year-old. a rescue cat.
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rescued by thomas whitson and his partner. and in this video you are watching link play with his favorite little toy. >> is link wearing a diaper? >> link is wearing a diaper. there's a very special reason for that. link is paralyzed. the previous owners had just left link just laying on a dirty sofa cushion. link had become rescued and started feeding link, link started to thrive. link's owners are so determined to help find treatment for link, treatment is possible. but they have set up a facebook page. they have also set up a page where people can donate. they're trying to get spinal injury, possible surgery for link. >> they think they can fifth fix this t cat's paralysis? >> they think they can help link out that surgery might be a option. but as you can see, right now they have created a little walker for link so that link can get around a little bit.
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here's another video of link that was recently posted by the owner. >> link is a young cat. with proper medical attention, he has a chance at living a full and happy life. thank you for helping link in whatever way you can. >> you never know with pets. we've seen videos before of an animal, a dog or something, where, you know, the dog is paralyzed and they make a blog or start trying to rehabilitate the dog and all of a sudden the dog can walk again. maybe the same thing can happen with link. as man it's always good to have cooking knowledge. this video is how to make pizza. >> oh. >> so first, you know, we'll start here. put out by the ihandy channel. lovely show. >> i hadn't noticed, actually. obviously using a little bit of flour. wondering, how much do you use? >> how much, nick? >> three cups. good thing they put that on the entire screen. one teaspoon of sugar, salt in there, a couple of diversions. >> yeah. >> in this video. >> this is where you might get your sugar and salt confused.
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of course now, you have to let it rise. >> well, the dough. >> after you've done that it's time for -- anyway. get some sauce. pour some sauce on. toppings on. gee, how long and how hot do i cook my pizza? don't worry. all covered. ♪ that's how you make a pizza. >> right. >> so then what do they do in the meantime, for this 10 or 15 minutes. >> i'll let your mind wonder. >> i'll imagine that one on my own. >> you want to learn how to make pizza like these girls do? go to that's our show. we'll see you next
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos, we've got them "right this minute." super human suspect. police tase the dude but he guess up. this taser had no effect on him how he shook it off once but not twice. panic on the banks as a herd tries to save -- >> a baby that's covered in mud. >> see the mama elephant who won't give up. a bone-headed robber must be thinking -- >> this wasn't supposed to happen this way. >> how a store owner turns the tables with a
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