tv Right This Minute FOX August 22, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you've been searching the web for great videos, we have the best ones here, "right this minute." >> we found your phone. >> we found your phone. >> some young skateboarders send a message. >> do you get what's happening here? >> clever way some cool guys tracted a lost phone's owners. >> we didn't know the phone was missing. talk about throwing caution to the wind. that is -- >> the topless woman driving a motorcycle. >> how the joyride ended with some kind of bad road rash. it's a brand new music video,
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but this is the first one of this kind that i've seen. what you get when you combine hip-hop and breastfeeding. plus, devon super tramp takes on the human slingshot, and dumpster riding downhill. >> can you guess what happens next? >> see who didn't look out below. people post a lot of videos on instagram. this one particularly interesting. you'll see why. watch. >> go. >> we found your phone. >> we found your phone. >> we found your phone. >> call this phone. >> you get what's happening here? >> they found some dude's phone so they're telling him to call him. >> and showing off their skateboard skills. but saying, hey, we found your phone. this group of young skateboarders didn't really know how to find the person, track the person phone, so they created this instagram video posted it to the instagram feed
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of brooks way. brooks way and a girl name kim was out on a bike ride and didn't realize he lost his phone until they got home. kim's sister, looking through her instagram feed says, i'm seeing a video, brooks, on your feed here of these boys saying you lost your phone. >> right. >> so apparently brooks and kim, they called back and said, hi, yeah, it's our phone. so brooks went and picked it up. and that was it. >> we got everyone involved in this tale of the lost phone and instagram joining us. kim and brooks on the left and we've got ryan and jacob on the right. the guys who found the phone. >> brooks, what came first, you realize that you lost your phone or discovering the instagram video? >> we didn't know that the phone was missing. >> instagram video was the first thing we saw because we didn't know. >> the video was first. >> how confused were you at first when you saw the instagram
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video? >> we were pretty shocked. we played it a couple of times. >> at that point we still thought it was in the car. we checked the consider and it wasn't there. >> boys, when you found the phone, what made you decide to do the instagram video? >> found the phone and i called and i said, mom, but she apparently couldn't help. we ended up just posting the video while we were still trying to contact whoever could come get the phone. >> boys, how does it feel to do the right thing? >> after we posted a couple of instagram pictures about it we thought our favorite skateboarding website and stuff, thinking they were going to send us a package and stuff for doing it. >> show us the phone, brooks. there it is. >> it didn't take any weird photos on there and keep them on your phone or anything? >> they posted it and deleted it, i think, before i -- >> we posted one of ourselves but we just left the video up.
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she has a shirt on but her breasts are exposed and she is driving no hands right now. >> what? >> yep. >> this is dash cam footage. up ahead is a topless woman driving a motorcycle. >> yes! >> police say that she wasn't completely topless. really her shirt was just kind of lifted up and her breasts were exposed. worse than that, according to the first calls that came in, she was driving erratically all over i-43 in wisconsin. >> kind of assaulting people with her motorcycle. >> we got this story from wdjt. they say that police stayed with this woman trying to get the situation under control. >> we had requested assistance to try to get some additional squads to try to stop traffic. as she slowed down, she would get back on the wheel, accelerate, down again, hands back out and continue down the road for several miles. >> i want to say good hr
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forefeeling the freedom of riding the motorcycle, the wind in your air and other parts. but if she's riding dangerously, then i guess i can't give her props. >> eventually the dash cam captures her wrecking this bike. >> ma'am, stay there. >> she was confused, stamerring, and talking oddly about religion. >> all right. >> was this a medical condition or was she under the influence? >> that's a great question. according to police, she was under the influence of prescription drugs. she was arrested on owi charges. and miraculously, even though she laid her bike down in the middle of the highway, the only injury she sustained was a cut to her chin. >> she has her breasts hangingihanging i out. >> okay. miami-dade police looking
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for some bad boys yet again. this guy walking cooly, calmly, into a liquor store. walks up to the counter and looks like he's asking for a lottery ticket. that's not all he asks for. he gets the lottery ticket and calmly walks over the clerk and shoves a handgun in his face and says, give me all the money in the drawer. according to police he also threatened to kill the clerk if he didn't get the cash. puts the money in his pocket and walks out. police believe this guy may be responsible for two robberies in two days before similar to this. >> it looks like he just made a regular transaction. >> it's scary how collected he was during this. here's some other video from a completely separate robbery. three guys broke into a vacant storefront and then busted through the wall of the metro pts store. that's what they were really after. police also believe they had radios to communicate with each
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other. >> see this one guy crawl across the floor. he's taking his time, using a flash flight to scope out the cameras. he spots one camera. another guy makes his way up to the storefront of this pcs store right into the cash drawer. fishes out a fist full of cash, while his accomplice is in a storeroom going through inventory. police believe that these guys were in this store for about 3 1/2 hours. >> wow. >> stealing money, stealing electronics. they believe they got up to about $4,000 worth of cash and electronics. they also believe that these guys are responsible for several robberies in the last five months. i want you guys to tell me where the dog is. you see the dog? >> oh, it's in front of the car, it looks like. >> running next to it, right? running next to that van?
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>> yes. the leash is attached to the van and the person taking this video in canada said they followed this car for 15 minutes. the driver did put on the hazard lights because the driver was going slow. he said when the driver would make turns the wheel would kind of bump up against the dog. >> is this wrong, bad? it's not good. >> maybe the person in the van has a disability or something and couldn't walk the dog. >> that is my thought but it's still not good for the dog. other cars would pass him and they wouldn't see the dog until they came right up on to it. the dog was almost hit several times by other cars going around because they didn't see the pooch. >> the dog is on a walk. the dog is going to stop and use the bathroom. who is going to pick up the dog poop. >> good idea, beth. >> police were called in because obviously people were concerned that this dog was being led on a leash by a van. two officers had a talk with the man. this car is making a strange
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some spectacular footage of a journey around the world. you're looking at nasa footage from near pb-3 aircraft. it's a mission called operation ice bridge. as this video picks up you're watching this aircraft take off from the northern most air bases on the southwest side of agree la green land. 1,000 miles from the north pole. this was going to change ice sheets, glaciers, on sea ice.
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as you watch this aircraft travel, the pole, you will see incredible formation that this craft is flying over. i'm so glad that they were not only collecting data but also running a camera. >> doesn't this one make you want to strap on some skis looking at all that uninterrupted snow? there are some pretty remarkable moments in this video. here's one of my favorites. >> how low is this thing flying? >> at points 1500 feet above what they were observing. except for this moment, it gets down low. it feels suddenly like you are just skimming across these sheets of ice. >> this particular aircraft did 26 different missions over a span of 46 days. the distance flown, 2 1/2 times around the earth. and they collected 39,000
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gigabytes worth of data. here we got the arcadia, california, police department working on somebody's car. but not changing the tire and not changing the oil. give a listen. oh, honda is purring. yeah. you can say it's purring. >> this cat is really stuck down in there. they've got flash lights. trying to figure out where this thing is. eventually they call in the tow truck, heavy artillery to lift this thing up. cat probably has no idea what the heck is going on now. now that the guy is underneath, you can really hear the meowing a little bit louder. so we finally get a look at the little rascal up here on the tire. see that little cat there? it's scared and after all this time you can finally go and grab the cat. and watch what she says.
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>> i can't do it. >> she's afraid to grab a kitten? like it's going to maul her to death? i have no idea. thankfully a man with rubber gloves came to save the day. she reach necessary to save this thing and the cat is like, i'm gout of here. the cat gets out on its own and takes off. you hear the guy say, it's out, it's out. >> it's out, it's out, it's out. >> and then you finally get to see the thing. one of the police officers here able to grab the cat. >> i hope they took it to a nice little shelter, to adopt this poor little kitten. >> why didn't this girl take it? took it for a ride. name it honda or something? there are all kinds of instructional videos on youtube. this is the first one of this kind that i've seen. get a little hip-hop and a little breastfeeding. >> what? >> you might recognize that beat, teach me how todougy.iss
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how to breast-feed." ♪ ♪ listen up and grab your partner and i'll show you how ♪ ♪ it's super easy ♪ hold your baby close and let him pick a side ♪ >> this video is done by tammesa. she was inspired to do this because sometimes it's not that easy for moms to adapt to breastfeeding a baby so she made a video to kind of promote breastfeeding for moms. ♪ lay back and put your baby on top of you ♪ ♪ get comfy ♪ if he's on right it shouldn't hurt you ♪ ♪ don't worry if the other side squirts too ♪ >> it's got some interesting lyrics. ♪ teach me how to breast-feed ♪ teach me teach me how to breast-feed ♪ ♪ all the babies love it ♪ all the babies love it >> this looks like an snl skit. i can't believe this is real.
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>> people are freaked out by breast-fefeeding and they shouldn't, it's natural. >> i'm not freaked out about breastfeeding, i'm freaked out that it's on youtube. >> these are educational boobs. >> go to it's a video of a drummer like no other. >> this guy knows how to jam. >> see how he plays, next "right this minute." and still to come -- >> okay. so, now what? >> there's a bat in jennifer's bedroom. and the cats want at it. >> oh, no. >> jennifer isn't quite sure what to do. >> how she saved the bat from being cat food. plus, lady filling up at the pump is about to have a fail. >> can you guess what happens next? >> see what goes wrong on "right this minute."
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home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ people having tons of fun in a beautifully shot video. can only mean one thing. >> he came out with one of his latest videos. this is the human slingshot. cobble creek lodge in springfield. >> do the do. >> have fun. >> three, two, one! ♪
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>> we've seen this slingshot before in multiple videos on our show. but this time, only point that devin can give us. this time a couple of people launching at night. but this camera on the people's faces as they hurdle through the air is really good. >> you can see their face go from terror to fun to sheer terror again. you may also notice the mountain dew logo. deaf v devon has teamed up with mountain dew now. >> we are looking for the best ideas, where it be a rope sling, slingshot, out of a cannon. we want you to be involved. >> hang glide and drink mountain dew or jump off a mountain and drink mountain dew. just do the dew. >> it's a great way to get involved with devon.
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all things called dew road trip. if you want to see this entire road trip and behind the scenes video and how to get involved in this contest, go to and click on best of rtm or use our mobile app. you see that flying around the bedroom? that there is a bat. >> oh, no. >> this is in the home of jennifer. she blogged about this event on her blog. called it country reflection. a and even took some photos of the bat. she says that sometimes bats do come down the chimney and start flying around the house. but i nt you to pay close attention to this bat. >> big bat,t circles. and as you can hear behind the camera, jennifer isn't quite sure what to do. >> okay. so now a? >> the other cat, the black cat, seems completely unfazed.
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but the white cat is daisy. daisy thinks that she can catch it, i believe. >> looks like one of those toys that hangs from the ceiling that flies around on a string. it looks just like that. >> yeah, you wouldn't think this was a real bat. jennifer said the bat tired itself out. hid for a bit behind this painting and eventually it fell to the ground and she put a big net over it. >> looks like a pool skimmer. >> it's a butterfly net. you can hear something coming from the set. >> sonar. >> i'm glad she was humane with it. >> the cat she put outside. they watched the mom capturing this bat so the bat didn't get harmed. >> okay. are you ready? >> walking on the water. >> running on the water. >> the mystery behind the miracle run.
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho, ho... it's the honey sweetness i...i mean, [ female announcer ] and with all these
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great cheerios flavors, the love just keeps on coming. all right, aviation fans. pay attention. this is a fun one. if you love fighter jets, this is like being in the cockpit. in fact, you are in the cockpit of one of these fighter jets because the pilot has got several go pro cameras mounted there. this is a weapons assistant evaluation program. portions of this video you'll see a little flash off to the distance. i believe that is one of the missiles launching. >> real missiles. >> real missiles. >> where did it go? >> bombing range. >> lots of cool stuff to see. this is from the cockpit of an
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f-16d fighting falcon. they're doing bombs and missile runs. the proximity is also fun to watch. again, we like this kind of stuff, you get to really get up close. >> i'm glad they practiced, honestly. obviously they have to go out there and practice. >> you don't want them firing off the missiles without having a dry run here even though they're using real ammunition. i am about to show you something truly miraculous. what do you see there? >> that's a deer. >> walking on the water. >> running on the water. yes, that is a deer running on the water. the people shooting the video said at first it was swimming but then the water got shallow so it started running when it got close to shore. >> then he turned the water into like a salt lick because that's what deer like. >> you would think. but that wasn't the only miracle that day. this is miraculous. a cat that likes to swim, or floats it were. doesn't look like a lot of swimming. just bobbing in the water.
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>> it looks like a dead cat. >> it's not a dead cat. the cat actually does swim. see, it's got all fours moving. what's miraculous is the owner says the cat is so big it can't walk but it loves to swim. and she said when it gets lazy, watch what it does. it will come up to you. m meow politely and climb on your back for a free ride. climbs up and holding on for dear life. this video is titled "can you guess what happens next." >> can you guess what happens next? >> she drives away with the gas pump in her car. >> let's find out if nick is right. >> you just won a thumbs up. >> the host flies backwards. luckily doesn't hit anybody. >> everything works. the brake away hose work.
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there was gas everywhere. >> nick, i've got another video. >> can you guess what happens next? >> we've got a run away dumpster going down a hill. what happens next? >> it's going to take out. >> no, it's going to burst into flames. >> let's find out if nick is right. >> and you should have went with your first guess because it takes out this girl. >> there were people riding inside the dumpster. >> would not have guessed that there were people inside the dumpster. >> 1 for 2 and you're the only winner of "can you guess what happens next." that's it for rtm. we'll see you next time. everybody.
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i'm breaeth troutman. if you've been searching the web for the best videos, look no further, we've got the best ones here, "right this minute." brave drivers try to corner -- >> a raging bull. >> a whole new meaning to hitting the horn. a gritty new series takes a look at being -- >> pregnant behind bars. >> hear what it's like to be with 20 other pregnant women in jail. >> 20 pregnant women in my room is just not what it is.
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