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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 28, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, everybody. i 'm beth troutman. we have been searching the web for the best videos of the day, and we've got them for you "right this minute". a speed demon heads straight for a man -- >> pushing his 2-year-old grandchild. >> see the miracle that came out of the wreckage. cops wanted him to leave, but instead, he was left with -- >> [ bleep ]. >> i have it on individuvideo. >> the viral video leading to a police investigation. >> you are on video right now and he did absolutely nothing wrong to you. >> a star athlete is about to propose, until a drunk driver puts him in a coma.
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>> but he remarkably came out of the coma. >> and what life is like for larry and kelcie and how friends are trying to make their wedding dream come true. and some guys out fishing have to compete with a mink. >> he is not afraid of these guys whatsoever. >> see who wins the catch of the day. this is dash cam footage from you guess ed it, russia. we will follow the scooter here, and the guy is weaving in and out of traffic and not paying at lot of attention, and things are about to be terrifying though. pay atttion, red light for traffic which means a gre r the >> was that a baby stroller? >> a grandpa pushing his 2-year-old grandchild across the crosswalk. you see the grandpa notice and try to get out of the way. >> where is the kid?
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>> the kid is still in the stroller, and u you see his feet moving in the stroller there, and the guy on the scooter falls and he is also on the ground and both the child and the guy on the scooter were injured. i have footage of the aftermath, and it is the driver of the skeert who according to police had been drinking just before he got on this scooter. you can see that the scooter is completely mangled after driving over the pavement, and you can see the emergency workers tending to the child. according to reports the child had a head injury and cuts and bruises. the doctors say that the child survived only by a miracle. this video is getting a lot of attention in russia and you know why. >> you know what stinks is that the grandfather would trade places with that kid in a second. >> and he was riding that thing like a bowling ball and people were the pins and he almost killed a baby. >> this is what happens when you drink and drive. >> police arrest somebody going
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viral and people were concerned about the heavy-handed techniques by police, and that happened in lincoln park over the weekend and the two officers are riding roughshod, but he didn't like the tone that the police were taking with his friend ashley and john, and the police were asking them to leave, because they had to shut it down because of more people than were expected. but apparently, these two were not leaving fast enough for the police. >> i have it on video, that is fine. >> you can see them taking him down, and rodney talked to wxyz about the video he shot. >> the police were flashing the flashlights behind us and asking everybody to proceed out of the exit, and their hostile tone made me uncomfortable. >> but according to the police, they didn't like the way they were laughing at each other. >> i am assuming that the cop may have thought it was towards
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them. >> get moving. go. >> and we were walking and going towards the exit and that is one cop grabs his arms and face and pulls him to the ground. >> rodney did take pictures of his friend john after he was arrested for resisting arrest and assault, and he was left with with scars and bruises. his friend john was arrested for resisting arrest and assault? >> yes. >> didn't says a sault. >> i always say that we didn't get the full picture in some of the short individuvideos, u bit look like either of those things in the video. >> i have it on video. that is fine. >> and they are saying that an internal investigation is going to take place. >> he did absolute ly nothing wrong to you. and you are watching an apartment fire in northwest raleigh, north carolina, and you can see the fire contained to the right portion of this building, but keep your eyes
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right over here. to the left-hand side of the building. oh, wow! you see that explosion and another part of the roof opens up. we have individuvideo of the fia number of angles. and now watch how quickly this fire spreads. according to the news station wral more than two dozen apartments were destroyed. you soo te fire crew on the scene and it took a while. some of the firefighters said that this thing gave off an incredible alt of heat. >> there is a building away from this building i would guesstimate roughly 40 to 50 yards, and the vinyl siding is drooping on it. >> what is amazing how quickly the fire moved. it went from one side of the building to another where the roof seemed to have erupted. >> it is intense and like standing in front of a barbeque, and then it kept getting hotter
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so we had to move away from the building. >> and the families in this building had to be evacuate and displaced after the fire. >> things are important and my s sister passed away and i was trying to get the pictures can and stuff like that. >> and it won't be until tomorrow that we can get what's left. >> nobody knows what caused this thing, but nobody was seriously injured. >> life can change in an instant and you have to appreciate what the most important things in life are. >> and the man driving this three-wheeler is overconfident in the vehicle. this is essex, england and torrential rains flooding the road, and he thought he could get past this area, because of the oversized vehicle and the snorkel tires, and when he went over the vehicle started to float but then took on water and started sinking. the residents noticed what was go ing on and how dangerous, because three people in the car.
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the people rescuing the car were 22-year-old hannah king and her friend emma burls, 26. they saw the family in trouble and got together some boys standing nearby and got a human chain and they passed out one boy and followed by another girl and another boy. those three children ages 4, 6, 8. one of the boys was the son of the driver, and the other two were a niece and nephew. >> i'm kind of surprised that the guy took a risk with three kids in the car. that is not shallow water, and it is remarkable how deep that is, because it is chest high on guys who are 6'0". >> he said that his truck is 7'0" and towards tend of the video as you see the truck sink, it nearly swallows up the whole truck. he said that he thought that the truck could handle it, because he has been through things before, and once the water reached the kid's knees that is when he got scared. a racecar driver makes a hard left, and then --
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>> come on. >> he disappeared. see how a zip around had him tumbling down. and dude offers a homeless man some food and beer to help him paint his house. >> he is doing a really great job. >> how he meets another need to pay it back. >>
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this guy you are looking at is dennis on youtube channel and his goal is to work for someone who will work for things like food and beer. >> i need help painting today. >> so he finds this guy. >> hey, man, you know how the paint? >> yeah. >> so after we paint i will grab a bite to eat. >> yes. >> so they get in the truck and raymond gives perspective on what it is like to be homeless. >> wake the homeless guy
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sleeping up. how do you wake up a homeless guy sleeping, because you are just a predator in the community. he ain't bothering nobody. >> he gets raymond inside of the house. you don't need no help? >> no. let me grab the roller. >> and without taping it off. >> not bad, man. >> the room is looking great and he he is doing a great job. dennis keeps his end of the bargain and he said, i promised you food. >> i am about to treat you to chipotle. >> i would paint a room for chipotle. >> they have one meal in foil. >> they have a meal together and back in the car. anything else that you want to do? >> women. >> you know in the homeless world, there is a few women, but you know. >> it is a nice way to put it, they are undesirable. >> i can't get you like a girl. >> no, no, how about a strip club. something like that. >> of all of the places that you
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would take somebody homeless. >> it does not surprise me one bit. >> we can't go to the strip club like this, because we got done paint i painting. >> so they go the get some new clothes for raymond. and raymond hitting on the lady at the clothing store a little bit. >> off to the strip club. >> you going to be there? >> and dennis is a man of his word. >> time to make it rain. >> what did you think? >> oh, hell, yeah. >> all people have needs. >> a little bit of love and kindness. racing is sometimes the toughest competitor is yours. here at the rally deutscheland this is a driver going around the corner with a hard left-hander, and looks like out of shape there? >> yes, a little bit. >> a lot of out of shape there. checking from the angle, he disappeared completely into the forest there right off of the road. and right back on. >> ooh, he took it out. >> yeah, he took the whole bush
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down with him. >> the crazy thing is that it happens in three seconds and if you took the before the three seconds and the after, you would not know what happened. a few seconds later you hear the engine start up again. i was hoping that you would see him pop back up on the road, but he went pretty far down, and no injuries luckily. >> and now another individuviden tell that the competitors are another racer. >> this is c.j. racing there with other classic cars out on the track at the same time, but they are faster cars. he is doing a pretty good job here. still -- >> ooh. >> and around, around and around he goes, and all of the grass is kicking up into the cockpit, but at the end, it looks like he collects the video there and the description is that he is able to continue the race. watch it again though. >> and you see the car coming up in the rear-view mirror. >> and on the second time, you can see the rear-view mirror the one car striking him on the right is an aspen -- aston
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martin, and you can see he is spinning hip around and around. ladies, take a jaunt on over to london for what is called europe's biggest treat festival, the nottingham police video. it is not usually, because the officer officers were caught in a dance-off. they came prepared. ♪ i love your style baby ♪ >> and the first guy is a sashay shimmy move. and this isser with ttwerking. >> i would not say it is
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twerking, but it is a little -- >> oh, it is a robo. >> and they break into the old robo anthe crew boat. i like it. it is goodo t tget into trstupid. >> well, actually, this would make people want to behave and these are nice guys and i don't want to do anything bad. >> and they had some practice there just in case they were called upon. a couple out for a stroll -- >> asking people for threesomes. >> and the surprising answers to the scandalous question. >> maybe. >> sure. >> and how to have as much swag as this. >> but what is coming up next is not what you a
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[ male announcer ] at sizzler...
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it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler! whatever pran k k is at it again. this time, they are asking a couples for a threesome. >> you sure? >> maybe. >> sure. >> i'm good, thanks. >> not right now, sorry. >> no, thank you though. >> i would love to. >> thank you. >> i'm jealous. >> yeah, you want to go right now? >> yeah. let's go. >> wait. >> i'm all for it. >> look at who was holding
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hands, the dude and the dude. >> yes, and look at how polite people are. >> this girl has a answer that i entirely did not expect. >> do you want to have a threesome with us? >> what? are you serious? i'm definitely a virgin, and so, no. >> and that would be some first experience. go big or go home, right? >> this couple approaches three guys and the three guys seem to take it seriously. >> going to have a kind of fivesome? >> sure. >> you down? >> i'm down. >> when? >> right now. >> okay. let's go. >> let's go. >> i can't believe a couple of buddies hanging out together want to be naked with each other, and hang out naked, and i mean literally hang out. >> they were just sitting there having bubble pee, and then have a five-some. we were kidding. creep. can we use your face for a
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video, yes. >> do we have to hold hands? i'm not down with that. >> there is one of the most beautiful stories i have ever shared with you guys n. is the story of kelsie and larry, high school sweethearts and on march 20th, 2010, and he showed her sister the ring he was going to propose, and they were going the disneyland, however that night, he was hit by a drunk driver and in a coma for several months. but remarkably, he comes out of the coma. >> you can see larry coming out of physical therapy. >> this is where the story takes an incredible turn which shows the love between kelsie and larry. ke kelsie took a job at the rehab
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and helped with his recovery, and larry never forgotten about the ring and then proposed at this moment. ♪ carry me >> you hear train's "marry me" playing in the background and larry is holding the box with the exact same engagement ring and we watch him put the ring on the finger. >> sealing the deal. >> and kelsie's sister put this video together and they are opening to raise $20,000 to go the disneyland so they have the dream wedding and honeymoon. people can help this love story like none other. >> i hope it gets out for them, and it works out for them. >> it will. it is too good of a story. a bobcat is rattled trying to catch a bite to eat. >> the paw is at it, andeing
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ever so careful. >> why the sna [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week.
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or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. load up the cooler. your favorite pepsi products are just $2.47 a 12-pack. charmin is $11.99 for 24 double rolls. and make it a giant scoop. breyers ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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if you are a fan of the show "cops" you will love the new web series call "beyond the badge" and it is put together by the sheriff's office in wau sha, michigan, and this is a web series and documentary series e showing off the talents and the skill and really the people that wear that badge. >> are you doing heroin or
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anything else? all right. anything else? >> they show a subject being arrested and brought into the ko county jail and talking to the few of the guys having to process this man and what he goes through and they go through with somebody who may be in there with drugs. many times the only interaction with police is the average traffic fine and you don't know what goes on in the day-to-day life, but in is a good example of what they do, and in this independent video they talk about how much they care about t the people they serve. i have two sort of uneven matchups from the animal king m kingdom. the first from western norway, patrick and his brother were out fishing. they did catch a fish, but watch. >> this is some bad [ bleep ], man. >> in is uneven matchup with the fish and the mink. because the fish is on the hook
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and the mink is trying to get the fish. >> that is a mink? >> oh, yeah. we will see a whole lot of this thing, because it is putting up a heck of a fight. these guys are having a good time, and the mink goes under the rock, but he is till after their fish, and now here is a nice close-up of mr. mink, and the fish is not doing too well in this uneven matchup, and now back into the water and the struggle continues, but the mink never gives up to the point where eventually they lift the fish up on the hook, and the mink hangs on. the video end, but they did eventually give the fish to the mink. because, really, i don't think that you can eat that after. but from there to the campus of the university of utah. this is about 100 yards from one of their buildings. this is a bobcat versus a rattlesnake and you think that is an even matchup, steven. but the fact that it is uneven is because the rattlesnake is
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dead and headless, and the guy who posted it says he doesn't know how the rattlesnake was headless, but the bobcat is not taking any chances here. you can see him freaking out like the thing is going to bite him. >> he probably knows from the past experience if i mess with a rattlesnake, it might bite me. >> there are all kinds of how-to videos out there on the internet, but have you wondered how the have as much swag as the biebs? >> no. who? >> he doesn't even have swag. >> well, you will feel better about all of this when you see the video. this is from the how-to basic video channel. you have a a mannequin with a wig on it and sunglasses and ugly hat and gold necklace and a picture of beeb's face. now it is going to be all how-to basic on you. >> what is that? i'm so confused.
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eggs, toilet, what is happening here? >> this is a popular youtube channel and they shoot all kinds of how-to videos that are just as bizarre as this one. >> that is basically just video after video of somebody makes a mes mess. >> if you will notice, you never see anybody's face, and there always seems to be eggs involve d involved. each one of the videos on the how-to basic youtube channel have in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of youtube views. one very popular youtube channel. >> you will will never know the things that people watch online, you know. >> that is it for us here at ñáçwçñ williams show."
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today, the legendary magic johnson. the nba superstar turns millionaire mogul. but "jersey shore" guys, pauly, vinny and ronnie. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ]


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