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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 30, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos on the web "right this minute." it's a little street justice for an accused car thief in queens. now hear from the guys who helped cops corner the suspect. >> is this sort of like a new york city protecting your block kind of thing? >> of course. everybody looks out for their own. a garden variety blaze suddenly turns into a -- >> mushroom cloud of fire. >> how they finally got this flame under control.
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a hiker's on a steep cliff when a mountain goat -- >> decided to give him a look over. >> what's nearby that made this even more dangerous. and, the final word on the miley cyrus vma gig goes to this guy who -- >> is going to give us a tutorial on how to replicate miley's outfit. >> see what you're going to need -- >> gorcover the groin and the bosoms. >> [ bleep ]. go back. [ bleep ]. look out! look out! >> this is in astoria, queens, new york. apparently this person inside this dodge van is trying to steal this van. you see just bystanders and police trying to stop this person. you've got police with gunses drawn at this guy. he is still revving the engine. sounds like maybe he damaged the van because he can't get it
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going. at one point the officer right here opens the door. as soon as he opens the door, everybody takes off because the driver of the dodge van got out and started running. >> [ bleep ]. >> they take off down the street, end up apprehending this guy. you you see him down in custody on the sidewalk. people are upset because this guy put a lot of people in danger. >> hang on. everybody hang on. >> i can't believe he thought he was going to get away with all those people around and a ton of police officers there. where did he think he was going? >> this was caught on camera by 23-year-old renaldo torres. he's joining us right this minute from queens. >> he tried to come down the street on a one-way. as soon as he impacted the first car everybody knows on the corner, tried to come and grab him out of the car. thank god there were police officers on the scene. >> was anybody hurt in this incident? >> just a couple of people got
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scratches and bruises. that's about it. >> you guys are sort of helping the police out. you guys are sort of working to the. is that the case? >> yeah, that was the case. >> is this like a new york city pro effetecting your block kind thing? >> of course. everybody looks after their own. we grew up together. we look out for each other. it's like a brotherly bond we have. this drive is going to look familiar to you and also to our friends in the san francisco area. this is the approach and drive over the bay bridge, the eastern span of the bay bridge. and if you live in that area, you may know that the bay bridge is closing. it's been a staple in san francisco area, moving millions of people back and forth every day. but it was heavily damaged in an earthquake in 1989. that was the loma earthquake. >> big one. >> it was a big one. since then san francisco politicians have been trying hard to get a brand new bridge
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open. this person thought it's such an icon in san francisco i'm going to record my last drive over the bay bridge. that's it. that's what it's going to look like. that was this person's last trip over the bay bridge. this weekend it will be closed down. you will heartbroken. >> i'm really heartbroken about this. this is really sad because the last time i drove over this bridge i didn't realize it was going to be my last time. i didn't think about it. so now that i'm seeing this, it's like really hitting me. >> get a good look because it's going by. they say this stretch of the bridge will be demolished. they say it will take about three years to deconstruct this bridge. this is footage from a recent fire from a train in bulgaria that was carrying propane and butane filled gas tanks. at this point there are firefighters fighting the flames. and then, before you know it, a huge explosion. >> looks like a bomb.
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>> you're right, it does look like a bam. there's a huge mushroom cloud of fire that developed over the scene. 11 people, including 7 firefighters, were injured in this incident. one 60-year-old man suffered burns to 95% of his body did end up passing away after several days of being in a coma. >> i'm surprised they were that close fighting it. i would imagine they would know this had the potential to explode and maybe back off and fight it defensively. i'm surprised they were close enough to be injured. >> just evacuate the area and wait for something like that to happen. >> right. >> you can almost feel it. and the person recording this video, you can tell is quite a distance away. you can still see how powerful that explosion was. >> the good thing is it's not -- the tracks weren't necsarily next to a bunch of car or businesses or anything like that. so it was kind of out in the big field, which is kind of good thing, i guess. >> if you're going to have a big explosion like this, you're
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definitely lucky it's not in a residential area. you typically don't expect see law enforcemen from different agencies act like this when they encounter each other out in the field. that man out there walking in the uniform is a state police trooper in new jersey. the man seated with a vest on is a plain clothesed police officer. he pulled of a car with four men inside. there has been a recent rash of people posing as police pulling people aside and carjacking them. >> the trooper says, you know what, i have jurisdiction on this highway. out of an abundance of caution he checks the id to make sure these guys are not posing as police. the officer doesn't like it. the shouting match ensues. >> you're not going to tell me to leave here in is my spot. >> as you can see, he's not flashers on. that would indicate it is some type of law enforcement officer. he does show him the id but other officers from the county police department show up and things escalate again. >> get out of my space
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[ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> this is a hot mess. >> they need their mouths washed out with soap. >> you stole my id. >> three of them in the last month. >> the police officers said -- >> pulled a [ bleep ] gun on me, scum bag. >> this happened may 31st and a pilot got the video. >> according to a report just released the trooper said he had to step back because he felt like his personal space was violated. >> it's a couple of bergon county police officers against one trooper. >> you don't know the story. >> we do that. >> meanwhile, the original suspects have just simply driven off because these guys are fighting with each other. >> they could have. >> finally cooler heads prevail with a officer with a big arm said -- >> calm down! >> both police agencies say they stand by what everyone was doing, but a county official says that two officers with the
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berg g bergon county police department were disciplined. dash cam catches sparks flying at the spotlight. >> that was a car that just flew through the intersection hitting another car. >> how this wrong-way driver drove himself straight to police. and talk about some hot wheels. >> now, i imagine this doesn't really serve a, you know, functional purpose. of course, it serves a functional purpose of just manly manly. >> right. >> the story behind the manly ride. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week.
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or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. load up the cooler. your favorite pepsi products are just $2.47 a 12-pack. charmin is $11.99 for 24 double rolls. and make it a giant scoop. breyers ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. you're looking at dash cam footage from a patrol car of an orange county sheriff's deputy in florida. he pulls up calmly. you can tell which direction traffic is going. keep looking directly in front of this patrol car. >> a bunch of sparks. >> that was a car that just flew through the intersection hitting
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another car. and if you look closely you can tell that car was driving pretty quickly in the wrong direction. the sheriff's deputy inside this patrol car actually heard a call a there was a suspected dui driver driving on the wrong side of the road. he happened to be in the area and headed in that direction to investigate when his dash cam caught this entire incident. that driver that plowed through the intersection was the driver the call was originally made abo about. the driver of the car was brandon hardy and miraculously no one was seriously injured in that accident. >> it looks like it wasn't a high-impact crash. but still, he could have done a lot of damage. dui and driving the wrong way. i mean, usually this stuff doesn't end this well. of late we've seen videos of an angry ram versus a motorcyclist. well, this mountain goat wants to get in on the action.
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the person who shot this video was scaling the relatively dangerous sawtooth ridge in colorado when this mama mountain goat decided to give him a look over. she's like, you know what, i've got horns that can poke you. and my baby's behind me, so watch where you're going and get out of my way. just scampers off. >> now again, this is relatively dangerous for humans to scale and she's just scampering around like it's nothing. >> that looks like a myth call creature. >> i was thinking the same thing. take off one of the horns, you've got a unicorn. >> it's amazing to me how sure footed they are on these surfaces. >> it's a great hike. great climb for theseguys. but what a neat treat to be able to see such a rare animal up there.
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willie versus the windshield wipers. steven, hot wheels that you and i know are little toy cars, but check this thing out. this is the lower humongous. it's an electric wheelchair with a flame thrower on the front built by 52-year-old engineer lance grayhouse. >> this thing is incredibly awesome. riding around in the desert near phoenix, arizona. that flame can shoot just about as far as a city bus. now, i imagine this doesn't really serve a, you know, functional purpose, just this. >> of course it serves a functional purpose, of just manly manly.
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>> right. it would be in you had like a giant -- like, i don't know. i don't know why you would have a giant marshmallow that is likes six feet in the air but this would work perfectly for roasting. >> you could roast it. lance started this project when he found a helicopter seat in an old junkyard. took him about a month to build this. spent 1,000 bucks on this project and riding around looking pretty fierce. >> wouldn't mess with this guy. his business is kayaking and he's getting down to business. >> tell me he's not going to do that. >> see him going to work, next "right this minute." and still to come -- things are getting heated on the road. why his rage is getting national attention. >> making us look bad. plus, a solution to uncomfortable cuddling. >> it's a mattress that is created with a bunch of different slabs. and you're on basically falls inside the mattress. >> see the best way to get close, next.
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because what you dont know can hurt you.urance, what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? and what if you didn't know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident? 'sup the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum -bum ♪
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hey, everybody. it's not just labor day weekend this weekend. >> it's bigger than that. it's rtm top ten weekend over at >> that's right. you don't have to be bored this weekend, go there and click on that button right there and see the best videos of the week. >> have a good rtm top ten weekend and also, i guess, a good labor day weekend.
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road rage incident, you can call it here, guys. he's giving american the bad name. we're in the island of malta here. we've got two cars facing each other, right? this car on the right is drif v driven by this guy who we believe is an american and this car on the right is driven by this guy from malta. this road is kind of like a one way, if you ask me. this dude on the right is fired up, wants to fight, because this guy won't move over and let him pass. >> pull over there. [ bleep ] pull over! come on! move your car over! [ bleep ] i'm going to kick your maltese [ bleep ]. >> the dude in the car is, no, i'm not going the fight you. i'm a grown man. >> move your [ bleep ] over the damn street.
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>> language. >> yeah. >> finally this dude is the one who gives up. he puts his vehicle in reverse and backs it out of there. watch all the other cars that are behind this guy. you quickly realize, this idiot was trying to go down the one way, it seems. >> he's worried about getting around this car. he doesn't give two flips of a poop about the 437 cars behind him. >> right. >> turns out this guy who is so upset is actually an employee at the u.s. embassy in malta and, guess what, now he's been sent home. the embassy said that in a statement, that it deplores the conduct shown in the video. they also say they regret such inexcusable behaor whether on th part of an american citizen or those of nationality. giving americans a bad name. one of the coolest things to do with your partner is cuddle.
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right? but dwhen ywhen you cuddle it's where does my arm go, do i put it here, do i put it here? where does it go. it's uncomfortable. cuddling can be ununcomfortable but there could be a solution called the cuddle mattress. it's a mattress that is created with a bunch of different slabs of mattress and your arm basically falls inside the mattress while you cuddle. >> like a ditch for your elbow to go down? >> if you lay on your stomach a lot, then your feet, your toes could slide down into the slot, too. >> yeah. >> might be kind of comfortable. >> i like that. >> this whole thing was created by this designer. >> i'm from portland, oregon. i'm a designer and founder of greer design and i agree krooe eig -- created the cuddle mattress. >> this could be great for the person sleeping on their side. >> the cuddle mattress keeps
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your spine straighter than the conventional mattress. your shoulder is at an angle. >> i like it. >> i'd like to try this out. pretty comfortable. >> comes with its own mattress sheet which is a very special stretchy cotton that will stretch into the crevices. >> now, no word on whether this will actually go into prukz because medi is waiting for a round of funding to be able to finally send it in but he needed somebody to say, here's a check. >> please back this project and help the cuddle mattress come to life. so you can start sleeping better and cuddling more. it's a different kind of fly fishing. >> fishing on a fly board. >> oh. >> see if the fly board is a7
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this little girl believes that a little flirting will get her what she wants. >> she's learned early. >> she's running after these things she's about to flirt with. that's molly the dog. this little girl really just wants the ball. she thinks with enough flirting she's going to get what she wants. she talks and flirts with the dog a little bit. at first the dog seems reluctant to give her the ball that she so desperately wants. but once she touches the ball, then the dog catches her scent. the dog starts licking the ball right where she touched it and
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says, i am yours, take whatever you want. she does a little celebration squat and walks away with the ball. cute little girl. got the ball. >> i'm surprised she was after the ball and not the puppy. normally kids are much more interested in the cute dog than the ball. >> they normally want to ride the dog like a horse. look, a little horse. let me climb on the bike. she must be a real big soccer fan already. welcome to my miley cyrus vma 2013 cost stume tutorial. >> dp you haven't been beaten over the head enough with the miley cyrus vma nonsense. i've got one more thing for you. this guy dave is going to give us a tutorial on how to replicate miley's outfit and somewhat her performance from this year's vmas. >> all you need is a little cape and some lemons. i'm using black cape because i have black hair. >> there you go.
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if you're going to be taping lemons to your head to look like miley cyrus' hair cut you want to make sure the electrical tape matches your hair color. >> if you do it right you should look like this. >> he moves from here, put some lipstick on. and then he moves from here to the outfit. >> i've gotten some glad wrap. make sure only to cover the groin and the bosoms. you should look real sexy just like miley cyrus at the 2013 vmas. >> wo wrap on it looked like he took the underwear off. >> he committed. >> he busts into miley's moves to the miley song "we can't stop." when i was watching this i couldn't quite figure out if i was watching the performance from the vmas or if i was watch dave. ♪ >> the pop culture icon and miley. close encounters of the moose kind.
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>> that is a moose walking straight towards me out of the woods. let's see what he does. >> hi. well, that was interesting. bye-bye, moose. let's go do some snook fishing. in florida but not any kind of fishing. >> is he on one of those things? >> fishing on a fly board. >> oh. how is that going to work? >> right. you think they're scaring the fish away, right? >> yes. >> it was actually a good strategy that worked in their favor because he did hook a snook and he's reeling it? >> who is driving him though? is there somebody down there that is actually operating? there's a lot going on here. >> right. there's an entire team around him. the guy on the fly board is
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hunter skipper. he does all kinds of stuff on the fly boards. but it's working and at this point you do see the fish struggling. he brings it up. cute girl in the bikini gets it in the net. and look, big old fish. >> that may be pretty cool because once you're up over the water you probably see where the fish is, if it's tangled in something, what other obstacles you face. >> and i'm pretty sure -- at least they claim this is the first and only time this has been done. that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time. [ male announcer ] at sizzler...
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it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp
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for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler! heisi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos, we've got them, "right this minute." >> took my stuff. you had [ bleep ]. >> can you hear me now? it's a rant in a cellphone store by a customer. >> she has something to say. >> but this time it's not with her mouth. >> take my [ bleep ]. a farmer's cows get stuck in a mud bog. >> this is where firefighters get their manly reputation. >> how to get the job done when you don't have a crane. robbers chase their


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