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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 2, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's a new week, how about some new videos. "right this minute." a bus driver delivers a double decker dose of p-u. what happened when he was spotted doing the deed. >> exactly. >> a glider pilot soars over a river. >> probably thinking this is really nice. >> really nice until it's not. he's a 2-year-old who can only move his toes, so people are amazed -- >> that little alejandro is
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moving his own wheelchair. >> reporter: how dad engineered a way to give his son wheels to fly. >> it's super exciting to us. >> reporter: and see what happens when a guy in a fast car decides to let his sweet -- >> sweet grandma experience some of that muscle. >> no. no. no. this video might make you guys say p-u. that's a london bus driver zipping the fly, walking away from the corner, up his own double-decker bus and realized i just got caught on camera. there were no passengers on this bus. this was caught on a guy, a 24-year-old, walking down the street, got his camera out and started getting it on film. watch the bus driver. >> oh, no. >> you see the guy turn around, you see him zip his fly. he was using his own bus as a urinal. >> the worst part is this is his
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bus, he has to drive around all day in. you know, it will maybe get hot a bunch of people on there, steamy. now you have to spiel smooel yo smell your own pee all day long? >> it's nasty. >> did he pee out the door? something? >> i think he just really didn't care. >> think about it, when you hit the gas, it's going to flow to the back. when you hit the brakes, it will come running up the floor and sit where you're driving. >> i don't want to think about that. >> i think he should have gone out the back door part. he might be peeing so it goes and trickles out on to the street. >> i don't think that either. >> i feel like i smell it. >> this guy drives a bus for a bus company, and a spokesperson said this is not the sort of behavior we expect from our drivers. a copy of the video will be passed to the management team in order to identify the driver and
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take necessary actions. it's dawn, what a beautiful time of day to go on your glider. you have a spotlight, you can see over the landscape, see the lighting. this is over a river in russia. this guy is gliding over this river. probably going to check out the sunset. the glider starts circling, then goes into a tailspin over this river. >> no. >> you can see the glider drop in. >> oh. >> we believe the person operating the glider is okay. we think the person shooting the video stops because he was hiding in the bushes. >> what? >> they were hiding in the bushes for some reason while they were filming this. don't know exactly what was going on. >> that did not sound like he's okay. >> wasn't a splash, it was more of a crash.
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>> i guess better the water than the land. >> even though it was water. it's incredible that the pilot was okay. >> i would presume it would still be dangerous to glide at night. you can't see everything, like power lines. >> you know what's dangerous, hiding in the bushes, filming things. australia may have banned guns, but they didn't ban meat cleavers. this guy walks into a gas station holding a very large cleaver and demands cash, and, of course, cigarettes from the guy behind the counter. [ bleep ] >> i'm not going to touch you. empty the cash register. >> there's also another customer in the store this is around 11:30 at night. here's another video. less than 48 hours later. >> i'm not going to touch u. sa guy, using the same tactic, the same night. a little earlier in the evening,
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7:30 in the night, same demands. police believe he lives nearby, because on both instances they saw him leave on foot in the same direction. broward county sheriffs in florida are looking for a different type of criminal, this woman. see her there in the pink sleeveless shirt? she's shopping but not for food. she is shopping for people who are not paying attention to their wallets and purses. she notices a woman in the pink shirt is not keeping an eye on her purse which is in the top of the shopping cart. she cruises by, peeks in. notices a wallet. she sees the moment is right, she reaches right in and lifts this woman's wallet out from underneath her nose. the victim does appear to notice her wallet is gone seconds later. police believe this woman has done this at least twice. they're looking for her as well. >> i'm amazed these wallets are
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at the top of this woman's purse. she just plucks it out. >> you don't expect it at a grocery store. this looks like an animal stalking their prey. this story shows floss greater love than a parent has for his or her child. look at this. this is little alejandro. he's 2 1/2. he suffers from a congenital disorder called spinal muscular atrophy type one, and it prevents his muscles from receiving motor messages from his brain, preventing him from being able to move. at this point he can't move at all except his toes. so what you are seeing right now is one of the first times that little alejandro is moving his own wheelchair. >> oh. >> this must be so empowering for him. you know as a 2-year-old, you just want to run around, explore the world, get into some
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trouble. >> that's awesome. >> what an amazing device. >> right. the device was created by his dad, shea. to tell us more about this, we have shea on "right this minute" from illinois. part of the reason you decided to create this chair is because your insurance wouldn't cover a chair for him until he was 5 years old. >> the insurance will not pay for any sort of mobility device whatsoever for another five years. i have an engineering background, i'm always thinking about what can i do to make life for my son better. and i had been think being this the whole time, and how i will make this work. at the same time our kitchen device broke. inside this, there is a small device that can sense my son's weak movement. i had been searching for
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something to capture that. in particular, my wife and i are very aware that these early years are really important developmentally. typical children have the opportunity to crawl around on the floor, put things in their mouths, pull the laundry out of the laundry basket. all these things are important for typical cognitive development. our son who is almost completely paralyzed hasn't had these opportunities. we've been trying to compensate for that. independent exploration is really important for a child. >> essentially this is like him taking his first steps, and you helped build it. >> it's super exciting to us. we feel so fortunate our kid has had this opportunity. we know there are many, many, many more children out there who don't have these opportunities. one thing we would like to do, is whatever we can do to bring these technologies to other children. a truck on the road takes an unexpected hit.
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>> oh. >> no. >> it's not over. watch. it keeps going. >> why this tap could have been a takedown. and surfer dude is catching a big wave. >> they slap right here this ch is always cool. >> see what happens when the wave strikes back [ male announcer ] at sizzler...
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it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler!
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pretty cool video of 17-year-old surfer, jay hillditch. he is in australia. he has the cmera attached to hiboard. he knows what he's doing. gives the wave a slap right here which is always cool. jay had a bit of a folly here. oh. >> that's a lot of blood. >> oh. >> he has a deep, deep gash on his forehead. i think at this point he may not even realize how bad he's bleeding.
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watch when he checks right here. >> wow. >> all that blood in the water in australia? get out of the water quick! >> that's what i was thinking. he realizes is -- >> he even hit himself in the head like how can i do this? >> he finally gets some video and is able to start walking to shore. bleeding a whole bunch. he had to sit down and wait for his dad to pick him up and take him to the hospital. at the end of this video we see a quick photo of jay. he said they glued the gash together, but he does have a scar, which i have to say is maybe some street cred or -- >> surfer cred. >> yeah. >> dash cam videos pretty much show who's at fault in a lot of accidents we see. we start in the ukraine. look at this truck. it looks like it's going a reasonable speed. watch what happens.
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>> oh. >> it's not over. watch. it keeps going. almost goes over that guardrail. looks like it could go down a hill. it doesn't. there was a family of three in the car that hit it head on. that family was okay. if you look at the video again, the correct was still in its correct lane. that car hit the truck. >> it looks like a steep cliff. >> yeah. >> we can't see it, but it's definitely not flat. it was the little old lady from clayton county that was the cause of this collision in iowa. what you saw was the dash cam from a clayton county patrol deputy's car. he had pulled over a car for a traffic stop, but she were still hit by another car. that car was driven by an 84-year-old woman, whose license did not permit her to drive at night. she veered off the roadway and was driving on the side of the road and hit the deputy's car. the deputy's car was forced into
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the truck it had stopped. there is the car the day after to see was kind of damage was done. >> where was the deputy? in the car? out of the vehicle? the deputy was in the car. the woman and deputy suffered minor injuries. they're expected to be okay. ♪ to build a treehouse. you need a lot of wood to build the tree house. of course some steps or ladders, or you could do it like this. >> on a bike? >> is he going to pedal his way to the top of the tree? >> yeah. >> it's like a pulley system. >> how cool is this? this is ethan. you do see a ladder. he got tired of going up the darn ladder. >> on my way down now. >> that's cool. once you get up there, no one else can get up there until the bike is sent down. look at how cool this is. you don't have to pedal when you
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want to go back down. you release the pedals, your weight pushes the bike back down. you're ready to go. >> this is awesome. who wouldn't want this? >> right? >> that's really, really cool. it's funny. you can bring your bike lock that you use in the city to lock up your bike in the woods so no one else could use it. >> you could keep your valuables in this tree house so nobody else could get them. this guy has a problem with his nose. just listen. >> look at the reaction. >> see the broken nose prank next "right this minute." still to come -- there's a s.w.a.t. team at the neighbor's door. they want in. >> the people behind the camera seem calm until this happened. >> oh my god! >> the story behind the booming bust. plus he's taken on one epic
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kayaking adventure. >> he's not going down that tell me he's not going down that. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet.
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yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. some things won't last 25 years. high speed internet. ah! woof! some things will. like us on stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. oh!
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that is the sound of an alleged drug bust, my friends this is in prince albert, saskatchewan, canada. that is the s.w.a.t. team heading into this residence. >> that's scary. >> the people behind the camera seem remarkably calm until this happens. >> oh, my god! holy [ bleep ]. >> according to reports they arrested a 54-year-old man and a 31-year-old woman. in the process, they seized 87 prescription pills, syringes loaded with cocaine, marijuana, a measuring scale, a knife with a brass knuckle handle, bear spray and some cash. >> they might have had to escape to the woods, that's why they need the bear spray. >> they are in canada. don't know why the police seized it, but they did take the bear spray. these two were arrested and charged. this all happened back in may,
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but this video is getting attention right now. >> scary sound if you live in the complex. >> yeah. >> you're thinking is this my place they're breaking into? no, just the drug dealer's. >> the flash bang grenade seems a little unnecessary. well, i brought this here. might as well use it. through it straight up where he was standing. >> it landed, like, over in the yard. could you imagine coming home saying what the heck happened here? time for a freestyle session, but not rapping. we're talking about freestyle kayaking. this video from red bull introduces us to a spanish freestyle kayaker. this video also appears from a national park in spain. >> tell me he's not going down
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that. >> oh, yeah. everything you are seeing he's going down and doing it well. >> look at that. that's cool. >> this looks not like a place you can take a boat what so ever. niece a kayak, by himself, ripping it up out there. ♪ he started kayaking at just ten years old. now he's considered one of the best internationally in the world of extreme kayaking. >> i'm holding on to my chair. >> yeah. he has those worries. >> you really need to have your head on your shoulders, be smart about what you're doing, do it right. because if you [ bleep ] up, you might die. i don't want to die. >> he just did a back flip in his kayak off a bridge. >> cool. >> what a way to end it.
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>> he's just showing off at that point. ♪ >> flying high to scope out the flames. >> in the distance he sees the smoke, but once he's able to get the camera up in the air,
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nicholas iv is strong with this one. ♪ >> oh.
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>> the unipiper is back. you've seen him before on the show. he's become somewhat famous for icling around with tl bagpipes and the darth vader helmet. now you notice an addition to his routine. >> oh, my gosh. >> flames out of the bagpipes. there is now a unipiper website. if you want him to come and play a song in your parking lot while shooting flames out of his bagpipes. that's entertaining. ♪ where's the fire coming from? how is he not breathing back in and burning his throat? >> it looks like he has secondary pipes coming up next so the instrument. >> yeah. >> he figured it all out. how do you discover that this is the nirvana for you? >> yeah. >> yin portugal, forest fires ae taking over several small towns. this guy who uploaded this video
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has a small go-pro camera mounted on a quad camera. he sees the smoke. once he gets up into the air, you get an interesting view of what's going on. you see the homes up against this mountainside, in the distance heavy, thick smoke. already you see these different small hills blackened by the fire moving across the landscape. >> he is able to get this video and share it with the firefighters. that's helpful for them to get a bird's-eye view and say here is where we can get a fire break. >> i guess an angle, view like this is infinite ly invaluable? it's hard to get the helicopters up in the air. you can get this thing up in the air in a second. >> and air resources are limited. when you can have a cheap camera like that, a go-proon a relatively inexpensive
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helicopter, that view is incredible. >> how do you do it? >> press it. >> that's so fancy. >> how many people tried to buy this from you? >> too many. >> grandmas, they can be the cutest. how about while experiencing 700 plus horsepower. >> my gosh. >> it's all right? >> yeah. >> this is from a guy named duskin. this is his nissan gtr. he said 700 plus horsepower, 0 to 6 in 2.3 seconds. heats about to let his sweet, cute grandmother experience that muscle. >> is it a bit like joey's car, the prius? >> no, no, no. no. [ blee [ bleep ]. >> oh!
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oh! you thought that was funny? my god, i think i dropped my car key keys. i love seeing her go from fear to excitement. that shot of adrenaline has got to be fun. that's one of the key features of that car. they call it launch control. you can see him pushing a button. >> is it a little like joey's car, the prius? >> no, no, no! you're scaring the [ bleep ]. that's a word i never say. >> that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman, we have the videos you've been looking for "right this minute." >> touch me and i will [ bleep ] you. >> neighbors engage in some -- >> not good neighborly behavior. >> what happens when it turns out that one of them is an off-duty deputy. >> i got it all. i got it all. >> rescuers can't believe where a girl got her lips stuck. >> oh! it's a music box. >> see the delicate mission to set her free. a pack of cyclists go flying down the road. >>


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