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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 3, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hi, everybody. i 'm beth troutman. if you are looking for the best videos on the web n is the show for you, "right this minute". "o, canada" and in is a brunswick street brawl. >> and it gets worse. >> how a fight turned into man-to-man combat. off road adventure -- >> goes wrong really fast. >> why this uphill climb is not all it is crack ed up to be. a goat on the run has cops trying to wrangle him. >> using any way they can. >> and how officers corner one
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taunting suspect. and a hidden cam at a wedding gives us -- >> a groom point of view video. >> a walk down the aisle like you is never seen before. >> like standing in his shoes. this is so fun. >> it seems to be happening more and more, people acting a fool caught on camera. this time is munson in new brunswick, canada, people are coming out of what many posters on the individuvideo say is a b. you see the girls fighting with each other and slamming them on the concrete, but people are are egging them on. eventually as the hair pulling and punchiround continues, this ends up in the street. >> he just shoved that girl and knocked her down. >> this goes from a girl fight
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to a girl and guy fight, and now watch, the guys who look at one point like they were trying to pull the guys off of each other, and now they are punching each other, and now they end up back across the street. listen to how hard the guy in the khaki pants hits the pavement. it is hard to watch. >> ooh, that is his noggin on the pavement. >> we believe he was injured here, and he does start fighting aggressively and the guy on top does start throwing punches. eventually the guy in the plaid shirt comes in to try to help the guy. you hear somebody in the background saying that this guy needs help. they end up trying to drag this man from the street over to the sidewalk so they can try to help him. this goes really wrong,
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really fast. this guy is driving his razor just out goofing around with his buddi buddies. >> are you okay? are you all right? holy [ bleep ]! >> what? >> what fun. >> everything is smashed. >> that is officially a yard sa sale. >> one guy yells that it is a yard sale meaning park it and sell it for bits, but they got it from a different angle. watch it in the end car. >> ooh, he lost his helmet. >> he started with a helmet, but with him smashing around so hard, it knocked the helmet right off of the head. do you think that he is the first to try to look at the hill? it is impossible. >> you all right?
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you okay? head over to silverstone racetrack in britain. this is is also cringe-worthy. watch what happens in the practice session. >> ouch! what happened? >> yeah, what is going on here is that it is a practice session and the riders that you see slow on the straight away are alloedd to do that. they are practicing the start and the other riders notice that they are going out along the outside so they don't crash, but if you watch closely one rider who runs into the back of that bike is having a disagreement with the other rider and you can see it. his head is clearly turned and not looking ahead and when he does that and looks back forward, there are other riders stopped in front of him, and the injuries were not serious, but the riders ran into another rider and he suffered a mild concussion and broken shoulder,
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but it delays the start of the rac race. i have a couple of animal videos of animals hanging out where they are not supposed to. this is not all that crazy. it is a goat in calgary finding himself in the neighborhood. of course sh, a cop is cop is trying to rescue him any way he can. >> part-time goat wrangleers. >> and they have carrots and gloves on and they were able to put him under the patio, and they put one of the dog catcher poles around his neck and caught him and called a local farmer who came to get him home. >> and the cops standing around to watch this. >> what does the go do -- and this is another story here in the middle of mexico on a boulevard down the middle of
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the street. >> what is this? >> this is a transport vehicle and these are police horses on a transport vehicle that somehow managed to open the gates and there they went. >> they are used to being on the road. and if they are police horses they are at home. so they high tailed it out of there. >> and they are, oh, my gosh, we know exactly where we are going. >> they are out fighting crime. >> yes. >> and just because lonnie bissonette is paralyzed, that is not going to stop him from doing what he loves to do and that is b.a.s.e. jumping. he is on somebody's back, but once the guy on the piggy back jumps, he lets go. even though he doesn't have use of the legs, he can still navigate and guide himself to the ground. >> when you said that he was paralyzed i thought for sure he would stay with that guy, the guy whose back he was on, but when he lets him go, i have never seen anything like it.
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>> this must be an incredible sense of freedom for him. >> what is really interesting is how he is able to kind of get himself in an upright position when he lands, because somebody has to be there to help catch him, and once they do, they immediately put him in the chair and he is ecstatic about it. here's the interesting thing, lonnie lost the use of his leg in a previous b.a.s.e. jumping accident. >> oh, wow. >> i think it is really amazing that he is not scared to try it again after what happened to him. >> i guess that happened to you and you stop doing it, then you are defeated. it is like one way to kind of fight back. it may look like ordinary stuff, but no, sir, this is serious business. >> i am going the helg ing the survive. >> seven live hacks you to see. and this guy is not crazy
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about his own survival. >> nervous? well, look at w
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believe it or not, guys. criminals are trying to pull off the crimes and can we have the video the prove it. in oklahoma, an employee march here minding his own business and he walks over to the other side of the screen and then we will see the criminal coming in behind him. he assaults the poor clerk and walks right over to the register. >> the poor clerk is trying to get up. >> it does not appear he is using a weapon, but he walks over and struggles with the register for a little bit and then turns around and then he pulls a trash can and starts to load it with -- >> cigarettes. >> yep, bingo. and puts them in there and goes back to the register and struggles with it a little bit and clearly taking too long.
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so his comrade comes into the ez mart and helps him to break into the register, and they did get away with money and cigarettes. now the colombia, where you will see the authorities around the boxeses of limes. they have busted this shipment that was belgium-bound, because as you can see, in this box of limes, they are not just limes, but little green sacks of cocaine. >> oh! oh, they are made to look like limes. >> oh, wow. >> talk about a major camouflage job. >> and they are too big. they look like avocados. >> it did not fool the colombian authorities who captured the ship me shipment that was about $360 million u.s. dollars. >> that is a big bust. >> they confiscated 1,400 boxes
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of limes. >> and more cocaine than limes in there. wow. the guy you are seeing in the video's name is jason giovanni, and he is looking nervous, because he is afraid of heights. why is he nervous? 45 feet up into the air on the island of curacao up in the caribbean, and jason is going to face the fears this day. he has a camera to capture this momen moment. >> okay. that is what i need to do. >> he gets up the courage to do it -- boom, hits the water. but now watch, he puts a note in the video as soon as he hits the water, i open up my hands to slow down totally forgetting about the camera, and now the camera sinks down and instead of getting a view of sand. look at what it does. gets him perfect.
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that is jason swimming around in the water trying to find the camera, and this is him who put this thing in here. he writes there i am blinded by the salt water and still trying to tread water to look for my camera from 20-plus up. it is funny that what he does is th that he is a drift car racer, and he is used to the adrenaline type sports and activities. >> very different sensation though. >> and eventually he spots the thing from the surface. >> really? >> and then swims right down, and you can see the hand coming in the frame there to grab it. when he breaks the surface. jason also wanted to say thank you to harry for bringing him and his friends out there. because i love you guys so much, i want to help you survive. with the help of our friend at
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helpful hacker. >> a candle and can won't cut it? put the candle inside of the can and this will give you prot protection from the elements. >> soda pop lantern. >> if you find yourself without water, put the dirty water on another container and then after a short while, you will have filtered water. >> wow. it is called wicking with. >> and make sure you boil it so you don't have weird microorganisms to make your tummy sick. >> and think are not level. the dirty water is lower than the filtered water. >> grab an empty egg carton and put charcoal in each slot and light it up and enjoy. >> everybody has coal started and you use way too much lighter fluid and your food tastes bad. >> and the mosquitos will be out
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there. >> sprinkle rosemary or basil on to the coals and the bugs will stay away. >> if you don't have a microwave. >> line the top with aluminum foil and place your food insde have a solar charged grilled cheese sandwich. >> how much time does it take? but when the power is out. >> if you need the right direction home, get a small sliver of metal such as a needle and rub it on clothes and then put it in space and float it in water. >> does it work? >> rub your shirt in the point of the needle. beth, i can see how you like these household hacks. >> well, it is how much i love you and how much i want you to survive if there is a problem. >> this guy is about to hit the big trick on the long board. >> on the long board? >> yes, on the long board.
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and it is crazy. and "right this minute" bloopers just got songified. ♪ see if we
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hey, don't forget that there is an app for rtm. get it on the iphone or the ipad or your android device and watch
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"right this minute" any time. this is on top of mount hood in oregon, and he is snowboarding and it is warm enough that he doesn't have to wear the heavy winter gear. he is doing a series of selfies and getting fun shots. he is landing so smoothly, that it looks like he is not doing huge ariel jumps. >> how does the arm not get tired? >> well, when you are snowboarding, you are keeping your hands up anyway for balance. so he is conditioned for that. and also, this guy has the long board out at the skate park, and he is working on perfecting a trick. >> on the long board? >> on the long board. he calls it the triple body, people body side flip. he goes sideways and jumps off of the board and flips up to the people on the deck. that is not good enough for him. >> oh, wow. >> he is going to jump off of one long board and then on to another long board on the other
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side of the people? >> you got it. he attempts it a couple of times, and you can see him not quite sticking the landing, but before the video is over. >> boom. >> nailed it. about a year ago, i showed you this proposal video. if you remember, we chatted with michael who proposed to his girlfriend using a 3d video. he did a 3d proposal and now i have a follow-up. they got hitched over the weekend. >> oh, yay. >> they sent us the video and i loved it, because he said i have to outdo myself. >> do you need 3d glasses? >> no, but you did need glass s to complete this, because he wears glasses, and he said, when i think about it, what is the point of the view of the groom point of view, so he did a groom point of view of the wedding nuptials, and it is so fun, because it is like standing in
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his shoes on this day, aed on you can almost feel the nerves. >> i can't think of any video that is the groom point of view. >> you need a pair of glasses and you need a bi-cam, and he continued to do that. >> he didn't continue with the honeymoon? >> well, he did stop. but the bride is the central e foc focus, and it is all about her, because the person that you see the most. >> the funniest part of the video no doubt is the cutting of the cake. notice the bride and the groom on top of the cake. they are dinosaurs. at one point, the groom is like, i need to play with this. and the bride is like, okay, put the dinosaur down. my favorite part is when he dipped her. so we wish him and the new mrs. the best of everything. i love this. these guys are going way up to throw down on a new world record. >>
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enthusiasts will love this, because it is a eye candy from the wolf air folks and they are the industry standards when it comes to ariel and videography and cinemaotography, and this is a demo reel they put out using the wolf air leer jet heavily m modified and they have the
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vector vision camera system and everything from commercial aircraft to military aircraft, and -- >> this looks like a toy plane. >> yes, they all do from the angle above and the way they fly, it does not look real. >> i always wondered how they get the shots of the, this brought to you by -- and the airplane is then soaring off into the sunset, and this is how it is done. >> it was most likely done by wolf air. i like the military aircraft with the nighttime military aircraft with the afterburners and they have every single airline in here, so it is a nice commercial for everyone. i have said it before and i will say it again, we have the best viewers on the planet, because they do things like this for us.xd ♪ "right this minute" bloopers got songified by one of the
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viewers daniel bryant. we have had one of daniel's individu videos on before, and you may have remember his songified version of the kung fu grandfather. and we loved the version of that video so much that one of the awesome producers, joanne, sent him some of the bloopers, and this is what he came up with. ♪ it is worth $6.50 ♪ and i know it is not a lot of money ♪ ♪ but the point is that ♪ it is not a lot of money ♪ but she can't work >> probably my favorite moment, and gail is recreating it for us. >> i remember that story. it was so ridiculous. ♪ on monday we're giving away >> i am glad that joanne sent some of the less embarrassing bloopers. we have some good stuff in the
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file. >> and the blooper reel is about four hours' deep. this is a minute. >> big thank you to daniel bryant for take time to put it together, because it made all of us smile, and hopefully everybody at home smile, too. ♪ you know it is coming out of the eye socket ♪ you know you are pretty awesome when you break your own world record and that is how the dude at world ridiculous is up to. they hold the record for highest basketball shot ever and they say 68.7 meters and 219 feet. let's break it. why not? so they went to rotterdam in the netherlands to the euro math, and 321 feet down, and into the hoop it goes. what is cool about the video is that we are getting to see the misses. a couple of times they got so close.
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>> ooh! boom. there's the winning shot. we got it from all sorts of angles like the angle of the hoop, and seeing a side view of it, and you can really see how freak i freaking high up that is. are they really good at this stuff, or is it just law of averages that eventually, you will get one in if you have the time and enough basketballs and the facilities, can you do it? could i do it? could you do it? maybe they are better at it than we are, but if you put the four of us up there with basketballs and gave us a week, i think that we could probably make one. >> that is the show, everybody. we will see you for the next >> that is the show, everybody. we will see you for the next edition of "right this minute". -- captions by vitac --
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