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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 5, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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i'm beth troutman. if you want the best videos from the web, we've got them, "right this minute." a storm watcher is about to get a big surprise. >> all of a sudden the camera goes crazy. >> meet the guy who recorded his own lightning strike. >> they were just like, oh, my gosh, he's on the phone. a pro mountain biker hits the jump -- >> didn't know it was straight down. >> the crazy injury that definitely knocked him out of the race. a gunman starts shooting at people. >> standing outside of this
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strip mall. >> how the gunfire ended in a miracle. plus, the balancing baby in the palm of dad's hand, and a balloon wizard turns into -- >> iron man. >> he's an iron man? >> bingo. >> see the cheapest, coolest costume ever. >> that is incredible. how do you think of that? so he is out recording lightning on his cellphone, on his smartphone. he didn't know what he was going to really capture though. >> we just watch this guy get struck by lightning? >> you see a lightning bolt. all of a sudden a camera goes crazy. listen to what he says right after. >> that hit me in the [ bleep ]. >> it hit him in the foot? >> he thinks the lightning hit him in the foot. >> i felt that. [ bleep ].
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i felt that. >> holy crap. >> i think now is a good time to go inside. >> get off the water. >> yes. >> to tell us more about this insane experience we have him via skype right there minute. >> so he lived. >> he lived to tell about it. >> what happened? did lightning really hit you? >> it actually did. i saw what a meteorologist messaged me and referred to as a streamer, did reach out and went right on the tip of my toe. i was looking, you know, at my phone. so i wasn't really looking up in the sky. i was looking at my phone. i thought i saw the finger of electricity come and go enter into the very tip of my shoe. >> what did it feel like? >> it just kind of like was kind of warm, from what i remember. it was warm. and i had like a real bad taste in my mouth. not bad but like metallic. somehow i must have been
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grounded because i didn't get that -- what youould think of a real like shock, but it did knock me back. >> what did you do after you dropped the phone? did you make a bee line for the dock? >> i don't remember much. i remember grabbing my pole, grabbing my chair and just high tailing it. i forgot i video'd. i got in the car and said, oh, my god, i think i recorded that. we sat there and looked at it and thought, oh, my gosh, you've got that on the phone. 14-year-old antoine ringerback, pretty skilled french mountain biker as you can see from this video doing work, you could say, on this mountain bike course. enters the course, gets the best of view. during a training run near the split border, gets things going. turns around the bend. drop off here to get some speed. goes up. makes that jump.
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then watch what happens right here. >> he's saying, my god, my god, my god. >> yeah, you can see, i think it looks like he just didn't know how far of a drop that was and didn't know that it was straight down. know that's just a rip in your jeans. that isn't like a bone popping out of his leg. >> it is a leaf. >> it is a leaf. i just realized that. >> according to some of his family members, as you can see, he fractured both his ankles. if i pause it right here you can see it looks like his shoes aren't on. you know what i mean? looks like he just slipped his shoe off but that's his ankle. messed up big time. >> that guy was standing there when he went over that jump. you can see him off in the distance. i was wondering if that person had anything to do with the accident. if he was surprised to see that person standing on the trail. >> was it possible, was he supposed to be to the right on that boardwalk trail because
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here it almost dead ends. >> he's going to be off the tracks for a while, about six months. which stinks. but the kid is young and he's got resilience. i've got a video from china where guess what happens. >> something got stuck? >> yep. >> get out of here. >> once again, we have a young person stuck. this time you'll see in this video it's a 16-year-old boy stuck in tbetween two walls of warehouse. now, according to rescuers, he told them that he was carrying around his playstation. he dropped it. when he went to pick it up he fell down in between these two walls of this warehouse. this is less than ten inches wide. and he fell more than 13 feet down before he got wedged in there and stuck. >> ah. >> did he have to use a couple of extra live -- get out of
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there? >> you can imagine once he got down there, it got quite claustrophobic and felt like he wasn't able to breathe. rescuers got there but he was wedged in so tightly they couldn't send down ropes and harnesses so they had to go inside the warehouse, cut a giant hole in the wall of the warehouse. as you can see, that's not a thin wall. they cut the hole right below his legs and then they had to drag the young boy in through the hole in the wall to get him out. this entire process took two hours. >> good grief. >> don't text and walk. don't text and drive. obviously, don't play your pst and walk from the building. once he was rescued from a tight space, a doctor examined him and said he was totally fine and he was sent home. i got a pair of dash cam videos. serious accidents coming. check this out. in the ukraine, keep your eyes in the opposite lane of traffic. >> no. >> whoa. >> that looked bad.
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>> that's a police suv that just rolled over and came tumbling down the road into oncoming traffic. crushed several cars. landed upside-down. this is video of the aftermath of this scene. for as bad as this accident looks, five people were injured, including two police officers. but only one person was injured seriously. that person is expected to recover from all their injuries. >> that's miraculous. >> very. there are conflicting reports as to whether somebody cut that police car off or if the police car lost control on its own. police have gathered lots of dash cam from this incident and they're in the middle of an investigation. here's another one from a two-lane highway in russia. keep an eye to the right side of the screen this time. clearly got a truck in the left lane. maybe slowing some things down because that black car passes on the right-hand side. but now the truck starts to move over. but this white car attempts to pass on the right-hand shoulder. that doesn't go so well.
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>> no. >> it dent airborne. >> why not just put on the brakes, get behind the truck and go around on the other side? >> i don't know what made this person think it was a good idea to pass on the right. you can see he goes off on to the shoulder and then the breaks come on because there was some sort of pylon or post or something in the t shoulder. that causes the driver to swerve right. as the car goes off the road it slams into a ditch off the car into the air. surveillance camera camp ca a big fall. that is a woman who fell from the third story of this building. >> the tumble that left her lucky to be alive. and see why the bumpy ride may be too much for this co-driver. >> oh, man. >> nasty. >> nasty. >> microphone.
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surveillance cameras in two different parts of the world
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caught two terrifying scenes. first video from outside a building the maldives. >> oh, no. >> you're kidding. >> that is a woman who fell from the third story of this building. and according to police, she was nude when she fell from the building. police are still investigating this incident. but according to their reports, there were two people with this woman when she fell. s those people have now been arrested. police are not releasing any more details about the people who were with this woman. miraculously this woman survived this fall. police were called. they immediately took her to the hospital. she is being treated for her injuries. >> maybe the car broke her fall a little bit. >> the impact was still strong though. >> i wonder she's okay enough to tell her side of the story. >> police in maryland are hoping that people in the community of beltsville can help break this case. check out this surveillance
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footage. this is outside a strip mall. you see a man get out of the car. we presume it's this car here with the headlights on. and watch. >> oh, geez. >> oh. >> that man opened fire on that group of gentlemen who were standing outside of this strip mall. miraculously in this case the bullets did not wound or injure anyone. this happened about 1:00 in the morning. police were called to the scene, but the man who was armed escaped in the same car that he came? >> police are currently looking for him. >> anything from these two videos just shows you that cameras everywhere. there was a camera directly on that car that woman fell on and a camera directly on this guy as he's just firing off. crazy. this is a balloon costume. >> all right. >> he's creating, something, i think, i really think y'all are going to think is really cool. >> iron man. >> yeah. >> iron man?
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>> bingo. >> check it out. >> what? oh, my goodness. and it -- >> look at that. >> that is incredible. how do you think of that? >> where do you start? obviously balloon artist but how do you know the dimensions of it? because he's just going, you know -- >> he's good at what he does. he has done other costumes like that before. he's figured it out. the iron man costume. he has to stick to under 500 balloons though. it did take him roughly ten hours to complete though. >> pretty impressive though. >> he did a fantastic job. >> very impressive. >> what's it feel like? are you hot in that thing with all of those balloons? >> i don't know. >> who cares. you look cool. if you got a weak stomach and susceptible to motion sickness, the rally car co-driver shouldn't be top of
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your list. >> yeah, i got fired from that job. >> this is at a race in northern iceland. they're out in the middle of some beautiful green valley. you can tell the road is a little bit wet. it's very rocky. it's very twisty. and, of course, bumpy. it's an off-road rally race. there's the co-driver on the left in the top corner of your screen. he's t got his course notes out. he's reading the course notes out loud to the driver. that's one stage of the race. here's a different video of the same race. this road a little bit smoother. >> hold it. hold it. hold it -- no. >> oh, man. >> nasty. >> yeah. >> oh, gosh. >> the driver is actually like, come on, man, pull yourself together. >> looks like he is still able to give the instructions going, right, because the guy didn't wreck the car. >> right in the microphone. >> the blood is on his mike. >> not the best day for this team of rally drivers.
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you can't pull over. you're competing in an event. the driver is pissed. >> look at his face. are you kidding me? you know it wreaks in here. >> of all the co-drivers for me to hire i get the one with the weak stomach. it's a new technology that connects you to the world. >> it will do this using your -- >> what? >> how your heart can be your new password to everything. and he's a popular youtube prankster turning a card trick into a proposal. >> he drops down on one knee and presents the ring. >> the trick that pops the question, next. [ mom ] in my family, we're big cereal lovers.
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so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪
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[ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® this is a magic trick and a proposal. and a prank, all in one. >> what? >> i had a dream about you last night. okay? >> no, you didn't. >> yes, i did. i promise. in this dream you came up to me and you told me that we needed to get married. >> this is ed and he's pulling a prank on some beautiful looking innocent lady. >> in the dream you told me one card to flip upside-down in this deck and then you said you would be thinking of that card right now. so if the card you're thinking of matches the card that flips over in this deck means the dream is real and we need to get married, right? >> yes. >> what card are you thinking of. >> do you want me to tell you? >> yes. >> three of hearts. >> there's one card that's
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flipped unside down in this deck and it just happens to be the three of hearts. >> what. >> what? >> what -- >> ten of diamonds. >> ten of diamonds. >> wow. >> how does he know what this person is thinking? >> i don't know. but i love the fact that he drops down on one knee and presents the ring. >> whoa! what? >> yes. >> definitely. >> he did get a smooch. >> they lock lips. >> behind the scenes footage because this one girl he approaches -- sorry. >> another guy is trying to get her number at the same time. >> you go first. >> fine. >> yes or no? >> i mean, yeah. >> sure. >> the dream ended right when you were telling me the -- >> oh, yeah. he wants more tickles.
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>> she did. it's tech time, steven. this is going to make you go uh? first, the video from the crazy russian hacker, this time mixing milk and coke. watch this. whole bottle of coke. puts in three teaspoons of milk and just let's the milk sit in the coke. watch what happens. >> ten hours later. >> ten hours later, that's what you have. >> ew. it looks like dirty pond water. >> like all the coke stuff is on the bottom of the bottle and then you have the clear water
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part of the coke at the top of the bottle. >> it like separated. >> somehow. >> tell us how so we don't go what? zach, our guy who always has the answers. >> hey, zach. >> hello. >> why in the world does milk cause it to separate? >> basically what you're seeing here is milk curdling. as that happens the coke is actually sinking to the t bottom and with the milk curdles and leaving over this leftover liquid. >> down from curdling milk into a -- what is this sucker? >> this is basically a bracelet that will let you connect to the world. and it will do this using your heartbeat. >> what? >> what? >> so it's going let me into my car, my truck, based on this bracelet knowing who i am? >> right. you put on the bracelet, authenticates you as a individual. >> this thing works -- some
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watches go like this and turn everything on. >> yes. >> like a super hero. >> iron man. >> it could. it has motion control so it can sense gesture. >> cool. >> turn it off. it's a different kind of boxing match. >> they're hitting cardboard boxes and having a good old time doing it. >> we'll reveal how this hitting fun is all for a hit and run.
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hey! welcome home! hey mom! woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. it's bigger! it's great, right? give him the tour.
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let me show you! quartz countertop, soft-close drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. um... where's my room? right there where it's always been! we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. just slide right in! because your kitchen dreams can be big, ikea has it all.
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look up in the sky. >> that's a good one. fireball. >> that is a fireball. it came down between 2:30 and 2:45 in the morning in northeastern italy. and so residents in the area said, you know what? kind of disturb the animal a little bit in the night because animals are sensitive to weather changes and this kind of thing. >> i think anybody would be sensitive to see that. that is scary. >> i think it's kind of neat because if you find one of those, a meteorite is worth quite a bit of money. >> get your big high-power eed flash lulight out there. >> it can be seen in venice. some people reported hearing a loud bang and a thunder like roar. >> i know that science explains these types of things. it's still kind of freaky, though. something shot out of the space. something flying out on fire. coming to a sirius act near
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you or probably just your computer screen. >> the amazing bouncing baby. >> you got it? go. >> four months old balancing on the palm of his dad's hand. his dad is named daryn montgomery. a balancing act. almost like a high wire act. is the baby balancing or is dad -- >> is dad keeping the balance? >> it looks like dad has a grip. but still, baby has a little talent here. keeping his legs straight. that's pretty tough, i think, a 4-month-old. >> he's going to fall right on the bed. he's not trying to hurt his little boy. >> i just think it's funny because the whole time the baby has no idea what's going on. >> and he's smiling pretty big. look at that. loves it. >> he likes it. he's the only kid who says, i'm running away for the circus in
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paris and the parents say, yes, we trained you for years. this is off. you realize there's a few people in a car. you see the engine on. it goes into the player. then the engine is revved. people having a good old time in the car, playing music. and then they're hitting a cardboard boxes and having a good old time doing it. >> that's all. they just get to drive through and looks like an abandoned yard and crash through things? >> yep. >> that looks like fun. >> it does. >> wearing shoulder pads. >> hit and run is the name of a 5k race that a lot of people are signing up for across the country. >> this is their viral video campaign to get people to sign up for this run sfl. >> correct. and shot by none other than devin gram. >> huh. >> this is cool. this is a fun video to watch except for that person really looking for cardboard boxes. you're like moving next to me. could you e-mailing all of your
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co-workers. >> get to run through them, too. >> oh. >> oh, run through it. >> with a helmet on. >> and it's very reminiscent of what the race is actually like. as you see from this video on the website, there are a ton of obstacles and they are beating you up. you are running through this obstacle course. balls being thrown at you. the wall is knocking you over. >> this is like giant adult bouncy house that you're running through. >> oh. >> the video was produced by devin and he spent eight months collecting all of these boxes for this video. that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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>> announcer: it's time for "the wendy williams show." today, scandal from the super sexy kerry washington. plus, dish from david alan grier. and he'll go in the hot seat. plus, wendy has all the latest juicy "hot topics." now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy:


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