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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 8, 2013 2:00am-2:31am PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you're looking for the best videos from the web, this is the show for you "right this minute." look closely and you can see a guy -- >> crawling up this mountainside to get a better view. >> what happens when he comes down the wrong way? cops say an armed robber -- >> picked the wrong clerk. >> why he's packing even bigger heat. a 2-year-old can only move his toes so people are amazed -- >> that little alejandro is moving his own wheelchair. >> how an engineer dad gave his
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son wheels to fly. >> it's super exciting to us. plus, a cyclist is chased by a tower of terror. and a real life lizard man. >> i haven't seen that before. >> move over miley cyrus. there's a new tongue in town. >> you think this gets the ladies? >> i don't know. maybe. what goes up, must come down. near istanbul in turkey, a popular tourist destination. one report translated said that this guy was at some sort of motor bike event and crawling up this mountain side to get a better view. somehow got himself stuck on this ledge. this guy trying to very daintily, very carefully get himself off this rocky and seemingly wet crag area. >> i think that we may be tricked by some of the camera angles, but i think that's probably a steep rock face that doesn't have a lot of footing for him to walk on. >> yeah. this guy is only 30 years old.
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his name is sirdar camdidi. you're about to see how steep it actually is. keep watching. >> oh, look. >> oh, no! >> oh! >> quite a fall. falls down. goes down the waterfall. crushes into this big rock before landing on the ground. a bunch of people bound into the water here to save the guy, but doctors say broke a leg, cracked a rib. needed eight stitches in his jaw and you can see and hear how much pain this guy is in once they get him to shore. you see one leg is kind of dangling. you can also here him writhing in pain. >> i expected him to have more injuries than that. he fell on that rock. he went boom on to the rock and then fell again. >> he went down like he was on a water slide. shngets have had a red bull. gives you wings. security cameras can catch
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stuff that's pretty awful. but also pretty awesome. first -- the pretty awful. this is outside of a guess station in moscow in russia. you've got a guy who just pulled up to fill up his tank and this guy on the right with the hat is a worker at that gas station. and if you look really closely at the guy who was there to fill up his tank, he has a gun in his hand. according to reports, they started fighting with each other and police say it was all over the washing of the windshield. >> what? >> bizarre, right? but it gets pretty awful because not only are they in a physical confrontation, but the guy with the gun shoots the gas station worker in the foot. >> you are kidding me? all over the windshield wipe job? >> watch this. the guy who gets shot turns around and punches the guy with the gun. and he goes down. he looks a little bit disoriented. the gas station worker has to be taken to the hospital. but police come to the scene and
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chase the guy with the gun down. now remember i said a security camera caught a pretty awesome exchange. to marionville, missouri. we are inside a little convenience store. in walks a guy up to no good. >> oh!this exchange. >> oh, my god, even his gun is bigger than the thief's gun. the guy who came in to rob the store picked the wrong clerk. listen to this guy's resume. he's served four tours in iraq. he's a 30-year military man. a former prison guard. a private investigator, a professional extraditer of federal prisoners and he does carry a handgun. police are now looking for this man, hoping they find him. when police came to investigate, police said to him, you are a really lucky guy. he was like, i'm the lucky guy? that guy is the lucky guy.
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a pair of mountain bikers riding in south africa have a very tall tail le to tell. they immediately saw this giraffe. at first the giraffe wasn't aggressive, but then the giraffe started coming at them after they started take something pictures. now you see the guy running around a bush trying to keep some space between this giraffe and himself because the giraffe had already trampled his mountain bike and pretty much wrecked it. he's lucky these bushes are here because these things can be pretty quick and they have such a long stride. they kick with their front legs as well. so you'll see this guy walk around. he lays his mountain bike down and the giraffe still walking up, still tracking this guy. >> he has no way of getting out except running and the giraffe will catch up. what do you do? >> they have to wait. you see him pick up his bike. you see that part of the axel is
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bent. some of the spokes sticking out. he's not riding it. he had to carry his bike back to the car. fortunately, they are relatively close to the road and where they had parked. at this point, he sees the giraffe. just keeping an eye on what's going on. now rex gets away from this giraffe and carries his bike down the trail. his buddy right there is left behind to deal with this thing. and the giraffe starts coming after him. >> i'm sure this was terrifying for the cyclist. i'm really excited to see this giraffe so close up. >> it's beautiful. they were in a nature reserve in pretoria, south africa, so it's not uncommon to see a giraffe in this spot. they both get away without any injuries. this story shows there's no greater love than the love a parent has for his or her child. look at this. this is little alejandro.
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he's 2 1/2 years old, and he suffers from a congenital disorder called spinal muscular atrophy preventing him from being able to move. at this point, he can't move at all, except his toes. so what you are seeing right now is one of the first times that little alejandro is moving his own wheelchair. >> this must be so empowering for him. >> you know as a 2-year-old, you just want to run around and explore the world. get into some trouble. >> that's awesome. >> such an amazing device. >> well, the device was created by his dad shea. to tell us more about this, we have shea via skype from chicago, illinois. part of the reason why you chose to create this chair also is because your insurance wouldn't cover a chair for him. >> insurance has paid for the stllllllroller. they will not pay for any sort
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of mobility device whatsoever for another five years. i have an engineering background. so i'm always thinking about what can i do to make life for my son better. and i've been thinking about this the whole time and how am i going to make this work and just kind of at the same time, our kitchen scale broke. inside of this off-the-shelf technology is a sensor that i can use to sense the small amount of weak movement that my son is capable of. that's where this inspiration came from. i had been searching for something to capture that. and in particular, my wife and i are very aware that these early years are really important developmentally. typical children have the opportunity to crawl around on the floor, put things in their mouth and pull all the laundry out of the laundry basket. our son who is essentially almost completely paralyzed doesn't have these opportunities. so we've been trying to compensate for that in any way possible. >> essentially this is like his -- taking his first steps and you helped build it.
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>> it's super exciting to us. we feel so fortunate that our kid has had this opportunity. and one of the things we would like to do is whatever we can do possible to help bring these types of technologies to other children. >> the guy in a fast car decides to let his -- >> sweet grandma experience some of that muscle. >> how she got the ride of her life. and a dog is being swept out to sea. why she's not on board with being rescued. >>
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you can upload your videos using our mobile app. >> labradors love to swim. and that's what flo the lab was doing off the coast of england. but the problem is, she got way too far out and then she got scared and she started floating out to sea. >> a labrador pup is swimming
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out to sea. >> so who to the rescue? the rnli. here we have the life boat volunteers. they're going to go out and rescue her. you can see she's pretty far out there. >> but when they get close, she was having none of this rescue. >> who knew you could bark and swim. >> somebody is even in the water trying to coax her toward them and she wasn't having any of that either. >> it's amazing because she doesn't look like she's struggling. >> right. >> she looks like she's actually doing just fine. >> eventually somebody does get a leash around her. >> it's okay. i know you're scared. i know you're scared. okay. >> they just walk her right out. it's amazing they went all the way across the channel in order to get to that dog that ended up being walked right out of the
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water. there you go. >> that is so fancy. how many people have tried to buy this from you? >> too many. >> grandmas can be the cutest. how about while experiencing 700-plus horsepower. >> ooh. >> it's all right? >> yeah. >> this is from a guy named duskin and his youtube channel. this is his nissan gtr. pretty high-powered sports car. >> fast car. >> he says 700-plus horsepower. 0 to 60 to 2.3 seconds. he let his cute little grandma experience this. >> is this a little like joey's car, the prius? >> stop, stop, stop. you're scaring the [ bleep ] out
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of me. >> ah! you thought that was funny? ah! my god, i think i dropped my car keys. >> i love seeing her go from fear to excitement. that shot of adrenaline has got to be fun. and that's one of the cool features of that car. it's called launch control. you push a little button and that sends the car to the moon in no time. >> is this like joey's car, the prius? >> stop, stop, stop. you're scaring the [ bleep ] out of me. i said a word i never say. >> i know. >> because i love you guys so much, i am going to help you survive. with the help of our friends. >> need some light and a candle alone won't cut it. cut open a can and put the light
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in. >> it's like a soda pop lantern. >> grab a piece of cloth and two containers. put the dirty ghaurt one container and run the cloth from it to the empty glass. after a short while you'll have filtered water. >> wow. >> and make sure you boil it so that you don't have any weird microorganisms that might make your tummy sick. >> dirty water is kind of a little higher than the filtered water. >> want to get that cooking fire going with minimal effort? grab an empty egg carton and place charcoal into all the slots. seal it up, light a corner and enjoy. >> everybody has trouble getting the coal started. you use way too much starter fluid and that makes your food taste bad. >> and you are living outside, mosquitoes are going to be out there. >> they think i'm a buffet. >> sprinkle basil or drop rosemary on to the coals. the bugs can't stand it and will stay far away. >> if you want to cook your food, you can make a microwave. >> grab a small food box and cut
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out a fold. wrap the top in alum null foil and line the inner box with it as well. place your good inside and give it some time. you now have a solar charged grilled cheese sandwich. >> how long does that take, though? >> when the power is out, all you have is time. >> that's true. >> an off-road adventure goes -- >> really wrong, really fast. >> why this climb isn't all it's cracked up to be. and it's a special surprise to ma and pa. >> but there's one more surprise! >> the story behind
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and there's a big advantage parents can give their kids -- making sure they get active at least 60 minutes each day. studies show that physical activity not only helps kids stay healthy, it can enhance important skills, like concentration and problem solving, which can improve academic performance. this means physical activity can help your kids
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in the most important game of all -- life.
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like us on stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. this couple is about to get a very special surprise. they are opening a gift their son and daughter sent them. they are communicating via skype. so she opens the first gift and it's a vase. and then she opens her second gift. now she is a librarian so her daughter and son-in-law decided it would be cute to send her a book. >> one of my favorites. >> she's a librarian. shouldn't she already kind of know that one by heart? >> keep watching. >> can i open number three? >> no wait, mom, why would we give you that?
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>> because i'm a librarian and i like books. >> the book puzzled because most of them have sort of settled on the idea that they're probably never going to have grandkids. but then it finally dawns on them -- >> am i going to have somebody to read this to? >> of course. >> of course. >> they're having a baby. >> yes. >> we're going to be grandparents. >> but there's one more surprise. >> what? >> what's the other gift? >> so she opens the third gift and out comes a little onesie that says -- which means there's two.
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>> i think that grandma is happy. >> yeah. this is so much better than a phone call. you know, because if you are just hearing this on the phone, it's nowhere near as good. >> it's the best birthday present ever! oh, gosh! this goes really wrong, really fast. this guy is driving his razor just out goofing around with his buddies. >> you all right? you okay? you all right? are you all right? >> oh, my god. holy [ bleep ]! >> what? >> was his wheel broken? >> everything is smashed. >> that is officially a yard sale. >> one guy yells it's a total yard sale. you'll have to sell this in bits. they got it from a couple different angles. watch it from the in-car view.
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>> whoo! >> he lost his helmet. >> yeah, good eye. that's right. he started this with the helmet on. it forces him smashing around, knocking helmet right off his head. you think he was the first one to try this? >> look at that hill. it's impossible. >> you all right? you okay? >> let's head over to silver stone racetrack in britain. this one is also cringe worthy. watch what happened here during a practice session. >> no! >> ouch! >> what happened? >> what's going on here is it's a practice session. so the riders you see slow on the straightaway are allowed to do that. they are practicing their start. the other riders know this. they are going around the outside. so they don't crash into these guys. but if you watch closely, the one rider that runs into the back of that other bike was
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having some sort of disagreement with another rider. he's looking to his left there. can you see that? his head is clearly turned, not looking ahead. when he does that and you look back forward, there's other riders that have stopped in front of them. >> injuries weren't serious but the rider who crashed into the other rider suffered a broken shoulder and a mild concussion. everybody, though, was conscious here. it delayed the start of the race. coming up, they are calling him lizard man. >> whoa! >> see what he can do that you can't. >> how do you have that much
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have you guys ever had a computer hard drive crash of yours? >> oh, yeah. >> it stinks, huh? i guarantee you've never had a crash quite like this one. this is at a dock at a data center. this truck is delivering some brand new equipment. namely big server rack. >> no, no, no, no. oh, boy. >> crash. >> oh, man. >> that's a huge rack that was being delivered to handle a whole new set of disk arrays. thankfully, though, this only had the power supply in it. yet it was mainly just a rack so it wasn't quite a hard drive crash. >> how does that even happen? >> two delivery men take some wraps off. they turn their back for just a second. it's on wheels and rolls right down the ramp.
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crashed. they were receiving a big shipment of new equipment. they had to return the entire shipment because they can't accept just a partial delivery. everything had to go back. this is a competition or he can go as gene simmons for halloween. >> whoa! >> i know. they are calling this lizard man. >> lizard man! >> his tongue is even bigger, i think, than gene simmons. >> that's like a cow tongue coming out of a human mouth. >> how do you speak? how do you have that much room in your mouth to house that thing? >> sometimes people's bodies do odd things. i haven't seen that before. >> he can almost lick his eyelash with it. he sticks it on the top of his nose with no effort whatsoever. >> this has got to be fake but i don't think it's fake. >> do you think this gets him the ladies? >> i don't -- maybe. i don't know if that would help
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with the ladies. >> gene simmons gets a lot of ladies. >> he's also in a rock band. >> that is bizarre. >> i wonder if he'd have the guinness record for the world's longest human tongue? >> we don't know what came first, miley or this guy. this could be where she got the inspiration for her recent tongue wagging habit. >> a big old tongue. that's going to do it for us at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want the best videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." oh, canada. it's a new brunswick street brawl. >> this gets much worse. >> how a gang fight turns into man-to-man combat. a paraglider soars into the danger zone. >> you see that big rock. >> the moment he sees it up way too close. a hidden cam at a wedding gives us -- >> the groom's point of view video. >> a walk down the aisle like you've never


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