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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 8, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want the best videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." oh, canada. it's a new brunswick street brawl. >> this gets much worse. >> how a gang fight turns into man-to-man combat. a paraglider soars into the danger zone. >> you see that big rock. >> the moment he sees it up way too close. a hidden cam at a wedding gives us -- >> the groom's point of view video. >> a walk down the aisle like you've never seen before.
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plus, how to lull a bear to sleep. and how to make -- >> a watermelon smoothie without what? >> the secret trick before you -- >> stick a straw in there and just -- it seems to be happening more and more. people acting a fool caught on camera. this time in new brunswick, canada, people coming out of what many posters on this video is saying is a bar. you see these girls fighting with each othe slamming each but people seem to be egging them on. eventually as the hair pulling and punching and swinging on the ground continues, this fight ends up in the street. >> he just shoved that girl and knocked her down. >> this goes from a girl fight to a girl and guy fight.
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but now watch. you see the guys who looked at one point like they were trying to pull these girls off each other? now they are punching each other. and now they end up back across the street. listen to how hard the guy in the khaki pants hit the pavement. it's hard to watch. ooh! that was his noggin on the pavement. >> and we do believe he was injured here because he does stop fighting as aggressively. and this guy who was on top of him just starts throwing punches. eventually the guy in the plaid shirt comes in to try to help this guy. you hear somebody in the background say this guy needs help. they end up having to drag this man from the street over to the sidewalk so that they can try to help him. two moments from up high in the sky that don't necessarily go as planned.
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the first one from three rivers, california. this guy paragliding. 51-year-old clinton johnson. he's been paragliding for about two years. loves the sport. see him out here right up against this ridge. but he's doing his job. he's having fun. you can hear the beeping. eventually as he crosses over this one ridge, gets caught up in a downward gust of wind. >> where he cannot control his paraglider or himself. and you see that big rock. >> oh, man. >> you can hear the crash. you can hear him screaming in pain. he says he broke his back during this. you can see it here in the background. his camera still pointed at him. he told us he is in a brace but can walk and drive. he says he will be making a full recovery in three months and
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plans to get out there and fly again. this isn't going to stop him. from there to a different kind of device up in the sky. a hot air balloon. these people up there, they were pushed away from their intended landing spot. you see these people down here on the ground? they are trying to sort of figure out where this thing is going to land because as i said, they missed their target. as the hot air balloon gets lower and lower to the ground. look at all the stuff we're deal with here. power lines, propane tanks. vehicles. a parking lot. >> the parking lot is there. is that what the guy is aiming for? they are aiming for the parking lot. >> once they get closer and closer, they are right above these lines. you don't want to hit these lines. the crew on the ground is scrambling. they go into the parking lot. eventually they're able to toss down the rope.
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>> pull hard. all of you. all of you pull. >> they're able to yank this thing over. >> full weight. everybody jump on. give me full weight. >> successful landing, i would say. >> successful. also stressful. >> yes. probably nothing more exciting when you are out fishing than actually catching a fish. this guy that's out fishing in florida has caught his tarpin and he's reeling it in. but if you notice in the distance, someone else has also noticed that tarpin. >> yep, something is in the water. >> that is an alligator that has decided to come and get himself some dinner. >> scary. >> that's really scary. that alligator can climb right into your boat. >> i'd throw my rod in and paddle away. >> this guy was actually holding on. he was very upset at this gator. >> get out of here! >> and that's the moment the gator got the tarpin and started
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swimming away with it. there you can see the head of the gator with the fish in its mouth like, hey, thanks, dude. >> he's looking back taunting the guy. >> meanwhile, the line is still attached to the fish. >> oh, man. >> reel yourself to the gator. give him a whack on the head with a paddle. >> he does get closer to the gator and is able to unhook or release the fish and the gator got the fish. >> the way he reacted like how unafraid he was. i feel like this happens to him. like this same gator is always stealing this guy's fish. most accidents on two wheels can usually be avoided. i've got two vehicles that prove the opposite. bang! that's cody anderson. he's a bmxer out of oklahoma city. >> what are you trying to do? >> he goes down really hard. he was trying to jump back out from the wall and land on the rail with the pegs of his bike and then slide down that rail.
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doesn't quite make it. looks like he took the time to put a little padding at the bottom of that. >> he missed the whole thing. >> cody is a successful bmxer because there are videos of cody pulling tricks like this off. you don't get good at this stuff unless you practice. >> oh! >> that was worse. that was worse. >> oh, it got his junk and his face. >> he looks like he's going to shake it off at first and then, no, no, that pain is creeping up. he does actually land this one. that's what it's supposed to look like when it's done right. >> shows how cool he is. >> going out having fun on your bike like these guys. he's on the motorcycle and he's going to try to cross this puddle. a lot of things can be
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prevented. this one, they just took no caution at all. >> doesn't that ruin his bike now that it's completely submerged? is his motor shot now? >> it's going to take some work to dry it out. change all the fluids, make sure the water is out of it. it's a bit of a struggle getting the bike out. since they can't ride the bike anymore today, they just decide to enjoy the dude got tired of up to his tree house. >> this is awesome. i mean, awesome. who wouldn't want this. >> see him put the pedal to the bu pulleys. climb up to the edge there and take another leap. >> the b.a.s.e. jumping couple that will make your heart drop. >> my gosh, that is a ballsy couple.
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welcome back, everybody. don't forget to check out
2:41 am great videos all darn day long. enjoy. about a year ago, i showed you this proposal video. if you remember, we chatted with michael. he proposed to his girlfriend using a 3d video. he did a 3d proposal. well, i have a follow-up. they got hitched over the weekend. >> oh, yea. and they sent us the video, and i have to say, i loved it. because he said, i got to outdo myself. like how do i outdo that. >> he did 3d glasses? >> you don't need 3d glasses but you did need glasses to complete this. he wears glasses and he thought, when i think about it, there's no point of view of the wedding from the groom's angle. he did a groom point of view video of his wedding nuptials. i have to say, it's pretty interesting. this is so fun. it's like standing in his shoes for this day. you can almost feel the nerves. >> who has done this? i can't think of any video online that's a groom's point of view. >> it took a little ingenuity.
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he needed a pair of glasses. >> he didn't continue recording at the honeymoon? >> he stopped at the honeymoon. the great thing about this is the bride is still the central focus. this is -- it really is all about her because she's the person you see the most. >> the funniest part of the video, the cutting of the cake. notice the bride and groom on the top of the cake. >> they're dinosaurs. >> at one point, the groom is like, i need to play with this. >> and the bride is like, okay. put the dinosaur down. >> my favorite part was when he dipped her. so we wish him and his new missus the best of everything. i love this. it's been said the couple who swings themselves off of tall buildings and high places tends to stay together. >> what? that is a very common thing. >> sam and carly, they call
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themselves los banditos. sam and carly are cruising through france and they are jumping off some of the best exit points through the country. off of this, getting real nice and close to the rocks along the edge there. that's awesome. but their tour continues throughout france. >> sam and carly are traveling and jumping with a couple other people here. they climb over the railing of this tall bridge. climb up to the edge there and take another leap. >> oh, my gosh! that is a ballsy couple, i have to say. that is crazy. >> i imagine this does strengthen their relationship because they are experiencing all these like death-defying moments together. >> can you imagine? >> the adrenaline rush? that's hot. >> what's the rendezvous like afterwards? >> exactly. what does this lead to. >> want to go get a coffee? me neither. maybe this is what you were speaking of. nothing but the parachute in this leap. >> that's foreplay.
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you know when you are just on the edge of sleep, sometimes there's nothing better than a little lullaby to lull you right over the edge. >> right. puts me right to sleep. like a little angel baby. this, steven is a little angel baby being put to sleep. >> a very large and scary angel bear. >> this is in the park rapids, minnesota. just behind the pine cone lodge. there was a bear that was just teetering right on the edge of a nap. >> you have to come out and see this. and the bear just curls up and starts taking a little bear nap. >> how do you know that this bear is into like flute music. maybe he hates flute music and attacks you because you are playing his least favorite music. >> it is trial and error. the bear does seem to enjoy the flute music. >> she fluted him right to
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sleep. >> you can tell there's snow on the ground. it was shot in december 2012 but it is just now trending. and it's going super viral. you can see >> didn't love the song. a truck on the road takes an unexpected hit. >> oh, no! >> wait, it's not over. watch. it keeps going. why this tap could have been a takedown. and see if a remote control car can escape a dog in hot pursuit.
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like us on stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. dash cam videos pretty much show who is at fault in a lot of accidents we see. we start in the ukraine. look at this truck. it's staying in its lane. looks like it's going a reasonable speed. but watch what happens. >> oh! >> it's not over. watch. it keeps going. almost goes over that guardrail and then looks like it could go down a hill. it doesn't. there was a family of three in the car that hit it head-on. that family was okay but if you look at the video again, the truck was still in its correct lane. that car hit the truck. >> that looks like a steep cliff down there. we can't see it, but it's definitely not flat. there's a drop-off there. it was the little old lady
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from clayton county that was the cause of this collision in iowa. what you just saw was the dash cam from a deputy's car. he pulled over a car for a traffic stop but they were still hit by another car. that car was driven by an 84-year-old woman whose license did not permit her to drive at night. she had veered off the roadway and was driving on the side of the road and hit the deputy's car. the deputy's car was forced into the truck. it had stopped. there's the car the day after to see in broad daylight what kind of damage was done. >> where was the deputy? was he in the car? out of the vehicle? injured. >> the woman and the deputy did suffer minor injuries but they're expected to be okay. to build a tree house, you need a tree, of course. you need a lot of wood to build the tree house and, of course, some steps or ladder. or you could do it like this.
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>> on a bike? >> yeah. >> he's going to pedal his way to the top of the tree. >> what? oh, it's like a pulley system. >> yeah. how cool is this? this is ethan. you do see a ladder. but he got tired of going up that darn ladder. >> he looks all -- >> i'm on my way down now. >> what's so cool, once you get up there, no one else can get up there until the bike is sent down. >> exactly. >> look how cool this is. you don't even have to pedal when you go down. just release the pedals and your weight pushes the bike down and you are good to go. >> this is awesome. i mean, who wouldn't want this? >> right? >> i'm jealous. that's really, really cool. and then it's funny because you could bring your bike lock like you use in the city to lock up your bike in the woods so no one else could use it. >> correct. keep your valuables in this tree house. nobody would ever get them. >> this is great. >> your tree house isn't as cool
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as mine. this is one way to tire out your dog. that's a little remote control car, to be specific, it -- and on that is a go-pro hero 3 and that's a german shepherd just chasing it around. just chasing it around. >> this dog is fascinated by this thing. and does not give up his chase. just to give you some background. this remote control car can go up to 65 miles an hour. it can kill it whatever surface it's on. this dog isn't having a problem keeping a with it. there are a couple of times you think the dog is going to get it. what is the dog going to do if he gets the car? as luck would have it, we get to findout. >> he tkl the thing. >> completely we hear the crunch. that's the dog's teeth going into the body of this truck.
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the poster of the video says the dog did about $20 worth of damage. they did have to buy a new body for this remote control truck. but another great commercial for go-pro, the go-pro camera was fine. a prankster turns a card trick into a proposal. >> it's a heart. >> this person is thinking. >> see if his trick works. >> say yes or no. >> i
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nicholas, the force is strong with this one. ♪ >> the unipiper. he's back. you've seen him before on this show. he's become somewhat famous for unicycling around with a kilt, bagpipes and a darth vader helmet. but you're right. you notice in addition to the unipiper's routine -- >> oh, my gosh. >> flames out of the bagpipe. there's now a unipiper website. he's available for hire if you want him to come and play some song in your parking lot while shooting flames out of his bagpipes. that's entertaining. ♪ where's the fire coming from and how is he not like breathing it back in and burning his throat? >> it looks like he's got secondary pipes coming up next to the instrument part. >> oh, yeah. >> i don't know where he keeps the fuel but he's figured it all out. this is a magic trick and a
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proposal. and a prank. all in one. >> what? >> i had a dream about you last night. okay? >> no, you didn't. >> yeah, i promise. in this dream you came up to me and told me that we needed to get married. >> this is stewart. he's pulling a prank on some beautiful, innocent ladies. >> in the dream, you told me one card to flip upside down in this deck and then you said you'd be thinking of that card right now. so if the card you are thinking of matches the card flipped over in this deck means the dream is real and we need to get married. so what card of you thinking of? >> 3 of hearts. >> there's one card that's flipped upside down in this deck and it just so happens to be the 3 of hearts. >> what? >> it's a heart. >> what? >> 10 of diamonds. >> wow! >> how does he know what this person is thinking? >> i don't know, but i love the fact that he drops down on one knee and presents a ring.
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>> whoa! what? >> yes! definitely. >> he did get a smooch. he locks lips. monkey bars. our favorite smarty pants is back with a really cool video. >> and all you're going to need is a watermelon, a coat hanger and a drill. >> so he cuts a little hole into the watermelon, right? you are like, okay. whatever. then he takes a wire hanger. he mcguyvers it a little bit. he puts it into the drill. puts the wire into the watermelon. he's essentially creating a
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watermelon smoothy without mess. >> you can just stick a straw in there and just -- >> you can stick a straw in there if you want to have the entire watermelon to yourself or if you want to share, you cut a plastic cup. >> a little pourer or spout. >> you cut it and draw a happy face for the kids and you pour. >> how cool is that? >> and you can put it in the freezer for a little while and it's an icy and it's healthy because it's nothing but watermelon. >> mark rover, thank you. >> he is a little smarty. i love that. i love this guy. that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm."
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