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tv   Second Look  FOX  September 8, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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up next on a second look, so what do willie mays, joe montana, pope john paul ii, the beatles and rolling stones all have in common? the answer is straight ahead on a second look. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville and welcome to a second look. today the san francisco 49ers began their last regular season at candle stick park. if everything goes as planned
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they will start next year in their brand new stadium in santa clara. this is their first year at the key. perhaps the most famous play ever was the play that's known simply as the catch. ktvu's joe fonzi first brought us this second look at that pivotal play in 2000. >> montana rolling out the right, looking toward the end zone. throwing under pressure. caught by clark. a touchdown, it's a touchdown for the 49ers. >> reporter: no single event was more symbolic of what the 49ers were and what they would become than joe montana's touchdown in the nfc championship game. the play every fan now knows as the catch. that day at candle stick park was like nothing i've witnessed in 22 years of sports reporting. the spontaneous celebration to win over dallas ignited also
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introduced the bay area to new young heros. >> we didn't want to give in any more momentum than he had. i just had one part of a long play. >> some thought montana was throwing the ball away. but coach walsh had montana and clark working on that play. >> i'm already tired it's 100 degrees. he's tired and has been running routs all day and we have to get the ball over his head. and we were just thinking, the guy is going senile on us. how important can this be. how little did we know the importance of the play could be at the end of the game. >> reporter: fans had a hard time grasping the reality of the situation. they took home part of sod. the usually skeptical city of san francisco hungry for its first championship became a city of believers. even the most sophisticated
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were hopping on board this exciting ride. >> two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? niners, niners, niners. go, go, go. >> i'm giving a chant because you're in the game. and i know that you're going to win with you in the game. >> reporter: from neighborhood garages to sports bars in north beach to gay bars in the castro, san franciscans at last had something personal at stake on super bowl sunday. just two seasons removed from a 2-14 record the 49ers brought san francisco a world championship. the young owner and the innovative coach had joined the elite. but fans turned out in numbers. >> will the san francisco 49ers
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please stand. that scene in january of 1982 is something both montana and ronny lott recall vividly to this day. >> when we cleaned out market street and -- >> it was -- i was like wow. i couldn't help it. >> i know. >> i mean you couldn't, they'll never have a parade like that again. that parade was unbelievable. because everybody felt like they won. >> reporter: on october 17th 1989 another historic event was scheduled to take place at candle stick park. the san francisco giants were playing the oakland a's in game three of the series. it was to be the first time the two bay area teams would play a world series game against each other at candle stick park and the sports world was buzzing. but then, something unscheduled changed the course of history. just minutes before the game was to begin the loma prieta
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earthquake hit. here's larry calf with what happened next. >> reporter: downtown san francisco in the background and we zoom into candle stick park. >> reporter: wednesday october 17, 1989 at least 1 1 million americans were settling in to watch the game. >> he fails to get to parker at second base. so the oakland a's take the -- -- we're having a -- [screaming] >> everything started rumbling and ground started moving and took a step and i wound up about 3 feet over there. i took another step and wound up 3 feet over there, i thought hey i think i'll stand here for
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a while. >> we heard screaming of let's get out of this locker room it's an earthquake. you couldn't just run in a straight line to the door. i mean the place was rocking so much. you felt like you were in a rubber room. the dust started coming out of the vents i thought the stadium was coming down. >> it sounded like the german army was marching over the top of the stadium. just a thumping noise. we thought it was people walking around or dancing. then when it hit there was no question about it. because there were tons of concrete shimmering over your head you know what happened. >> we ask for your cooperation. >> there's been a power failure. therefor the game has been postponed. >> wait up. >> where's busey at? >> i didn't know where i was for five second. it was the weirdest thing. i thought a migraine hit but it
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was the earthquake. >> we're just out there getting ready to play the game. we were 2-0. the guys hat to battle back and get back into the world series. that's what all our focus was on. and all of a sudden the earthquake hit and believe me the focus changed in a hurry. >> believe me, baseball comes second to your life. >> i'm looking for my family. which i department see one of them at the -- i didn't see one of them at the time. then i hear from a walkie talkie that the bay bridge collapsed. i was then hoping my family was not on that bridge. i couldn't make any phone calls
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out. after a few hours the game had been cancelled. how are we going to get home? we can't go back across the bay bridge. how do you get home? you drive four hours in the other direction until you get to the other side. finally when i get to the other side and i have to be pulled off the freeway. there's the structure which is literally miles from where i live in emeryville. and i pull over, and i take a look at the structure. i'm still in my uniform in my car. you've got the people that are working alongside the freeway that are trying to help the people that they think are in this structure and in the debris. and i sit there for about an hour. then i get in my car and get on san pablo and i finish my
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journey home. i'm at my place at pacific park plaza. i can see the same cypress structure has collapsed. i get up at 4:00 in the morning and go back to that same structure and just start doing whatever i can to help the people that are working there. >> still to come on a second look, it's not just sports at candle stick. up next pope john paul ii performs mass there. and a bit later, the last concert the beatles ever played together in the united states. xy
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tonight on a second look we're remembering candle stick park. although it's primarily a sports venue it has hosted a lot of other events of note. we're going to show you the last live concert the beatles ever played together in the united states. but first the 1987 visit by pope john paul ii and the mass
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he performed at candle stick. williams and shandobil provided our coverage on that day. >> reporter: the pope arrived just before 11:00 about 10 minutes behind schedule. he circled the field and the pope mobile to wild cheers from the congregation. several times a moving we love you in unison could be heard over the music. >> he's a very special man. and on i don't know, i'm glad my mom made me come. >> i'm dressed up and looking spifey because i'm looking at the most important man on earth. >> reporter: he greeted worshipers, hugging hundreds of outstretched hands and the hearts of thousands. >> with you always.
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>> and also with you. >> reporter: pope john paul with only a wave of the arm shows that he understands the hurt of the public. he tries them to change. >> i think it's going to change me. >> how is it going to change you? >> make me think. >> reporter: a living symbol of god is a thing most don't dare even hope for but today 100 chosen people did. >> i was shaking really, there's something about it. his presence is just something out of this world. >> it's undescribable. i thought it was going to faint. it's hard for me to realize that i was lucky enough to be chosen to receive the communion. >> why were you chosen? >> i don't know. because i'm a big sinner. >> to the devout, the bridge is
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between heaven and earth and today his arms were open. this 1966 concert in san francisco was the last time fans could buy a ticket to see the beatles. and a bit later, saying i do right there on the diamond. a candle stick wedding.
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welcome back to a second look. tonight we're remembering candle stick park. per -- perhaps the most famous performers were not named billy and joe. they were named paul, -- ringo. it would be the last concert they would ever play together for ticketholders. paul mackenzie brought us this look back at that concert. >> reporter: in 1966, the beatles filled candle stick
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park. a very big day in the memory of those who were there. >> we got to stand right beneath the stage which is a raised platform on the field. and they were singing but you could not hear them singing because the stadium noise was very loud at the time. >> i think george -- were getting very fed up of touring. because they were getting big and you want to stay home and spend your money instead of spending your life on coach. so we started recording and started doing things like sergeant pepper and stuff like that. >> son of the well known disk
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jockey. 20 years later donohugh is still a beatles fan. and is following in his father's footsteps. >> it was a gruesome tour for them. paul and ringo were out talking to people. regular guys. and george was just very silent. i got paul's comb. >> you got paul's comb. >> i wish i had it today. it would be worth a lot. kids were screaming, going crazy. you could not hear one word. it was just pandemonium. >> paul had two ambitions to leave his country and go to america and to see the beatles. with the help of friends he escaped to the u.s. and made his way to san francisco. >> that's how it started. i learned english through the
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beatles. >> reporter: coveshi is now a successful businessman in san francisco. but in 1968 he could barely scrape up $5 to buy this ticket to the beatles. >> at that age, 15, 16 and 18 you looked for something to believe in. the beatles came around. they just grabbed the whole world. >> for those who were there the music is still alive. they can still say as they said then, beatles forever. >> in 1981 it was the rolling stones who packed san francisco's candle stick park. and ktvu's john fowler was there. >> reporter: the rolling stones have been packing them in for almost 20 years. today they drew the biggest crowd in bay area history.
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at 38 mick jagger is the leader of the good old boys of rock & roll. sell outs at every stop, the stones 81 tour is already legend. 17,000 parking spaces were filled by 9:00 this morning. police towed almost 100 illegally towed car. and for the stones it was express bus. special buses ran every two minutes. there was surprisingly few
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problems. an army of private security guards and a special medical core were on hand. no movie cameras, no bottles and no booze. >> ♪
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>> this is the richest tour on record. by their closing date in december, the roller stones will have played to 2 million fans and grossed $30 million. when we come back on a second look. the giants relief pitcher says he actually wasn't blown off the mound in the 1961 all star
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game. to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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candle stick park has hosted some of the biggest games in history. the pope as you saw a couple of moments ago also attended there. it's also been the stage for at least one wedding. that of former san francisco pitcher vita blue. and we have the report from that day. >> reporter: they say one never forgets their wedding day. vita blue and his new wife peggy surely will not. the couple figures it would be the perfect place to get their new life together started. while the park was getting ready for them. vita was back in the umpires dressing room this morning prowling nervously, fidgeting
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with the rings. while mccubby was the vision of calm like always. >> let's put it this way. i just got a lot of guests invited. 57,000 here to watch his wedding. so this is the way to do it if you've been on the mound your whole life. >> reporter: at 12 noon sharp the organist broke out into life is good. and the many future hall of fame put up their bats. this was all new even to him. >> i have been to lakes, beaches, i've been to mountain tops, i have never been to a pitcher's mound. and at candle stick park. so this is not only unusual it's a great event. >> if you can manage to ignore the fact it was all taking place in front of nearly a full
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park at candle stick on a pitcher's mound once it did start it sounded normal with that little special that thing only cecil williams can seem to provide. >> you are loving. >> you are loving. >> and you make me. >> and you make me. >> feel so good. >> feel so good. >> reporter: it's clear the fans still love vida and off the couple would ride to tahiti. here's the best man. >> i thought they were all like this. you mean some are different than this? >> in case yourself wondering why vita wasn't interviewed he declining saying he didn't want to turn it into a circus event. among baseball players and fans alike, candle stick park boy was it known for being cold and windy. legend was that the gust actually blew stew miller right
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off the mound. years later miller said it actually wasn't that bad but that the winds which came up suddenly in the late innings did move him around leading to the umpire calling a crucial balk. >> i came in to relieve in the 9th inning. and i believe there was two men on base. the second and first. and the wind was blowing very hard at the time. and extra gust of wind came along and just moved me about three or 4-inches. just waves. but the headlines the next day in the paper were miller was blown off mound. that is it for this week's second look. i'm frank somerville. we'll see you again next week. (paintball guns firing)
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that was close. god, i love the smell of paintballs in the morning. yeah, still funny, raj. (paintball guns firing) there's no way we can get to the ridge. the chemistry department has us completely cut off. but what about the creek bed? the pharmacology department controls that, and they're all hopped up on experimental steroids. that's it then. we're doomed. i think the time has come to acknowledge that we are paying the price for some of us failing to attend my physics department paintball strategy meeting. i told you my mom has spider veins. i had to take her to the laser clinic. and i told you i wanted to see a doctor's note. we need a plan.


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