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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 23, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's a new week and we have new videos "right this minute." an expert skier tries to outrun an avalanche. he falls and snow catches up with him. >> oh, no. >> what it's like to have tons of snow right on your tail. >> i think it's like having 20 guys running after you. a pregnant woman's work-out creates a viral controversy. >> many people wondering if this was heldfy are to the baby. >> another fit mom to be weighs
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in on the internet outrage. >> it is sad so many people think what you are doing is so dangerous. it is constitution day on campus. this guy is trying to hand out constitutions. >> seems very fitting. >> why cops told him to take his free speech some place else. >> i'm not here to fight. the buzz word for your chance at a new ipad miniand a new superhero on the web. fat dad. >> wake up. we're at the birthday party. talk about lucky to be alive. this is julian lopez, a free skier on the free ride world tour on mount belong on the swiss side in the swiss alps. right away, the snow gives way. he is about to try to outrun an avalanche. >> he seems like he is doing a good job at it. >> go, go, go. >> you can't fight gravity. he falls an the snow catches up
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with him. >> oh, no. >> what he had with him was a beacon, a shovel, and an air bag. it is indes penceable to have a team that can come and get you. >> he is under the show for five minutes and he is rescued. >> he took on the precaution he could. >> he said, 25% of the time, they don't have this kind of outcome. he was lucky to be alive and to tell us all about this experience, we have julian lopez "right this minute" via skype. julian, well could many to the show. when did you notice something had gone awry? >> as soon as i dropped down and did my first turn. with that video, that's why we put it on line. even if you have all the precaution that you take, something can go wrong. >> was this your first experience with an avalanche?
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>> actually, no. it was my second one. the first one was not that big. that's like a massive one. >> you had an air bag. did it not open up? isn't that supposed to keep you above the snow? >> you are right. you are not supposed to use it this way. as soon as you see something going wrong, you pull out your air bag. after my crash, i stand up and i was facing the snow and i tried to pull out my air bag but i couldn't handle it first before the snow caught me and i was tumbling, tumbling, tumbling and then i pull out the air bag but i was already under the snow. >> what was that like. >> 20 guys running after you. >> you were shooting a movie. what was the name of it? it's called jobs, jkies and it is cong producing a show to show what it was like going down the scene i was world championship in 2009. i want my title back. >> good luck with that.
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[ speeaking in french." police in georgia are in a high-speed chase when their capture was made pretty easy. he bailed out and grabs his backpack and started running toward a house going 35 miles an hour when someone decided to leap out, skin his knees, his legs and start running towards what turned out to be his own home. >> what? his front door? >> right. police say the backpack he was carrying had marijuana, crack cocaine, and the drug agents that arrested him believe he was intending to sell that stuff. >> walb talked to some officers involved. >> that's the part, that they have no regard for people in the neighborhood, the streets, buses, stop signs, cutting across heavily traveled rhodes.
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it puts their lives in dangers and officers chasing them in danger and innocent people in the neighborhood. >> the officer chasing that white mad da thought mr. mormon was going to start running through the neighborhood. >> i am going to try cutting him off south of his location. he was still running south. he came out right here. >> they will never find me. i'll hide under my bed. >> you snow what it was? he was like, i need to go say good-bye to my mom. >> i'm sorry, mom. >> i'll never do it again. >> he was charged with possession and intent to distribute. the white mazda did get away. it was a rental car with florida plates. by now, you guys may have seen this video and heard the story behind it. this is 35-year-old lee ann elson. she is working out doing some pullups and is 8 1/2 months pregnant. she even posted this photo on her facebook page, lifting some deadweights.
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it created a firestorm online. lots of discussion. many people wondering if this was healthy for the baby. others speaking out to support this woman saying exercising while you are pregnant is a good thing. it turns out, leann is not the only person that does this. you are looking at an adorable couple. elly and caddie seize. elly is very pregnant and has continued a strenuous, work-out routine. >> if a woman is very, very athletic before she gets pregnant, she can pretty much continue while she is pregnant up until a certain amount of time before the baby is born. >> to tell us more about this lifestyle, we have cassidy and el ly see. what has your doctor said to you? >> asked what my work-out routine is. i said, i still cross three to four days a week and asked how
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long we have been doing it before. it was something that was already part of my lifestyle. he said, okay, if something doesn't feel right, don't do that movement. >> have you modified your work-outs? >> are you doing the same routines before you got pregnant? >> a bit of both. there is stuff i can't do. pushups, i can't get down on the ground. >> what do you think about the controversy created by leann's photos? >> it is sad to see people that are uneducated. obviously, she was an athlete prior and is receiving pre-natal. if this is something that if i had any issues, if i was high-risk or something like that, i wouldn't do this or something much less rigorous. so many people think what she is doing is so dangerous. it's sad. it's a new week. in a little bit, we're giving a way a new ipad mini. >> you are all going to need the buzz word to win.
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>> remember, you have to be 18 or older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stand by. it is the rpm, ipad minigive ya qua. the motivator behind the actions in these two videos, cell phones. >> this is a new york city and police hope someone will identify the man that followed someone into this building. grabs the victim, puts them in a chokehold, drags that person down and ends up stabbing the victim several times. >> stabbed this person? >> stabbing and then took the cell phone. have you noticed? there is a woman outside the door apparently acting as a lookout. >> why not say, give me your cell phone? i don't understand the stabbing. you are going to nearly kill somebody for a $100 piece of electronics? is he going to his own home? >> it appears this is a residential building? >> the scumbag. >> the scumbag and his lookout, another scumbag. >> this video is from london, somewhat of a psa to make people
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aware of the fact that their cell phones can be targets. be more aware and more careful about how you use your phone and how you expose it so things like this don't happen. it looks like this is a helmet cam video and you see the people on a motorcycle or a scooter. they ride up next to this girl that is on her cell phone and in a split second snatch her cell phone and they just ride off. >> what are you supposed to do? a lot of people walk down the street on their phone. are you supposed to be on your phone like this? >> it is terrible that you have to be aware haveof your surroundings. it all happens so fast. >> so quickly. we craved waffle iron, mac and cheese. so now, we are making it ourselves. >> bread crumbs. >> how amazing does this smell right now. >> see how the crispy treat pans out next. see what makes this target practice so cutting edge. >> this can't be real. (door bell rings) trick or treat!
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mmm! thank you! mmm! mmm! you said in a focus group, febreze just masks the smell. find the smelliest item in your home. this is febreze free, it has no perfume. now it smells clean. it doesn't have the odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] new febreze free. odor elimination without masking.
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the constitution, not something you would think that would get you into trouble. >> i am passing these out. >> you know what this is? >> you are seeing an exchange between robert van tynun and campus police on modesto junior college's campus in california. this was all on september 17th. constitution day here in america. robert was trying to hand out
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copies of the constitution to students. >> seems very fitting. >> hey, i'm not here to fight with you. >> you can't pass out pamphlets without some sort of permits. >> you have to have permission through the student development office. >> isn't that a violation of my first amendment rights? >> i don't believe it is. >> the campus police take robert into the student development office. >> i can't hand out the constitution, the highest law of the land. >> i am not talking you about what you are handing about. >> he speaks with an official and says, if you are going to hand these out, do it in the free speech zone. >> the free speech area is in front of the student center. >> a small circle that only fits two people at a time. >> you would need to fill out an application. >> he has to make an appointment to hand out his constitutions in the free speech zone, free speech zone, because of the constitution, it kind of
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everywhere, right? >> as you can imagine, this has created a firestorm. lots of people responding so much so that people are calling the college. when you do, you get an automated message. >> the case of the youtube video, it does not appear the student was destructing the orderly operation of the college. therefore, we are looking into the ma a we are taking it very seriously. >> "right this minute," via skype, we have robert van tynun from california. thanks for joining you. >> i'm happy to be here. >> were you aware of any kind of laws about handing out pamphlets. >> i was not aware as a student i was required to get permission to pass out the constitution. >> have you been to this free speech zone and what do you think about that? >> to me, the idea of a free speech zone is repugnant. free speech is guaranteed by the constitution and the bill of rights. the free speech zone is anywhere
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from canada to mexico. >> now that you have been through all of this, how are you feeling? >> it is not a true victory, because nothing has necessarily change but administrators are aware what they did was wrong. so it is a step in the right direction. this story is going to prove that men are whiners. they whine about everything. we have two of them right here. allow me to refresh your memory. >> where's the producers now bringing this in? we test lots of stuff. i've eaton den dog food. >> where are the waffle, mac and cheese? when it is duck eggs, it is always here. when it is this delicious stuff,
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it is never here. >> i show you this delicious mack and cheese waffles. >> so are you going to bring us mac and cheese waffles? >> our very own "right this minute" master chef, nina, has made them for us. >> there you go. thafr you go. there you go. >> bread crumbs. >> oh, my god, how amazing does this smell. >> i would like to wear this as a cologne. >> this looks like heaven. >> give me one. >> mac and cheese waffles. >> perfectly cheesy, perfectly crunchy. >> nina! well done! >> stop your whining. >> nope to self. >> you guys just rewarded steven and i ffor our whining.
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>> thank you for these two whiners and thanks to the guys at the official hungry channel, because we got this idea from them. a soldier's emotional reunion with his young son before the big game. >> who says there is no crying in football? >> on the next "right this minute." still to come, a go-pro gets tossed on stage. ru nd en i >> see what it is like to perform in the band we're giving away another ipad mini. still around for monday's buzz word for your chance to win. home. it's everything. it's your safe haven... the place you belong. if you're unable to get around in your home, if you've tried everything -- canes, walkers, manual wheelchairs -- even if you've been in a power chair for years, i have exciting news. introducing our new hoveround rental program. [ male announcer ] now you can experience the one and only hoveround easier than ever.
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hoveround is still more maneuverable, more reliable and now you can rent one hassle free by calling us today. at hoveround we've been improving people's lives for over 20 years. [ male announcer ] that's why we're giving you this special offer to rent your hoveround. no lengthy paperwork. no waiting for approvals. just you getting back to your life. [ tom ] get back to doing the things you love. call and learn more about renting a hoveround today. ♪ ♪
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have we ever wondered what it would be like to be in a rock band with all kinds of screaming fans out there in the audience? >> i wish. >> this is at a concert in philadelphia, pennsylvania. it's at the arctic monkeys concert, a huge rock band. they are about to play their hit song, "are you mine." this guy with the camera, the go pro camera, felt like he had been making eye contact with the lead singer of the band, alex turner. alex looked at that go pro and points to jason. and jason kind of tosses his go pro and it ends up on the stage and then it ends up on the head
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of the drummer, matt helder. >> you see him getting the camera set up and look at this shot and look at the crowdliste. >> now, you see thetire performance of the song "are you mine" from the perspective of the rock band level. >> we talked to jason and he said this was the wildest night of his life. he hoped that the band would see this. he hasn't heard from them yet. this is going viral. so people are getting to hear arctic monkeys if they are not familiar with the indy rock band. people are getting excited because you kind of get the feel like you're in a ban. band. band. band. band. and. nd. d. cool blue eyes, a hot pink
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track suit and a tight butt makes a perfect target. steps up, sharpens his knives, gets out his ping pong paddle and bing, bong. wait for it. here it comes. >> no, no. >> the little fruit ninja with the pineapple and she catches her ball in the mouth at the end. this video from the ping pong show youtube channel. they put out crazy ping pong videos. now, i know what you're thinking. >> this can't be real. there is no way this can be real. >> i don't want it to be real. >> he hit the ping pong paddles with the knife. the knife went through them, sliced a pineapple and this girl never blinks, never flenches and catches a ping-pong ball in her mouth and her teeth don't fall out. >> i kind of think we see a bunch of their ping pongs. i do think they are doctored. take it for what it is. it is a pretty cool video.
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it is monday ipad minigiveaway time. >> you have to be 18 and you are going to need monday's buzz word. >> to enter on our facebook page, go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on that mobile link. >> time to reveal the buzz w fo. >> now, get on over to forward slash right this minute and click on the win ipad minibutton. >> enter trumpet for your chance to win an ipad mini. he is bat dad and he is blowing up the web. >> wake up. we're at the birthday party. >> this is so funny. >> see
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an eight-year-old boy went on a joyride on his tricycle. you won't believe where. >> that's him right here. >> oh, my gosh, he must have seen this hill from his apartment or something and thought, that would be so fun to just go down the hill. >> but look at him go. >> that's exactly what happened. he does make it all the way down but when he gets down, he walks his tricycle back up and goes down again. >> where are this child's parents? >> any reports on, is he left alone? how did he end up there? >> no word on how he got there. he probably didn't ask for permission. >> that's an entryway to a highway. the mom in me is crying out. stop. don't do this. >> a brazilian news work did find the kid. the kid was like, i may do it again. >> i hope his mom said, oh, no, you won't. i'm taking your tri sickle away. >> it's awesome. the dare devil in me loved it
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batman. it's the same crime. i drive the honda odyssey, it gets better gas mileage. then, if you don't chew with are mouth closed, i'm going to take the new trigrain bar away. >> you can see him rocking it suburban style in their honda odyssey. >> wake up, we are at the birthday party. >> that's so cool and so funny. >> hurry up. we're going to be late for the bus. >> that dad is in atlanta. his name is blake wilson. >> have a good day. >> this is a compilation of all his videos. >> where is she? >> she is here, daddy. >> oh, don't drink that. it has artificial sweetener. >> is that his wife? >> that is his wife. she gets some surprises from him. >> make sure you wash my
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pajamas. >> this is an awesome flipping dad. i love him. look how much his kids adore it. >> you forgot to say, please. >> please. >> his wife, who may be annoyed she can't drink her diet coke, has got to love it. she married this dude. what a great sense of humor. >> hey, put your seat belt on. you're breaking the law. >> this guy is awesome. >> wake up, it's time for breakfast. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have grade videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." don't you look at me like this. >> what the -- >> things turn nasty in a little discussion between neighbors. see why she is upset over something in his yard. >> what is the matter with you? >> what's the matter with you? >> it's dash cam video of something incredible in russia. why an ambulance driver needed an ambulance. two women go at it in public but


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