tv Right This Minute FOX October 5, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos from the web "right this minute." strong winds whip a paraglider in midair. >> that's not how your parachute is supposed to look. >> the terrifying free fall leading to one twisted ending. it's not every day you see a guy -- >> reviving a bull shark. >> that was bad. >> how one remarkable move impressed a boat load of guys. >> i don't know if i can say it, but they were pretty excited.
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>> real or fake? it's video of a cute bunny with a surprise ending. >> whoa. no! >> now get the real story behind the viral hit. >> i wanted to keep kermit. that's what we named the ra be bit. >> if you want a shot at a free ipad mini we have the buzzword. and the cameras come out at a party, but -- >> what were they recording they're so excited about? >> see who got caught doing what. you're about to see a nightmare scenario for a paraglider and when you're that high up in the air you know this is going to be nerve-racking. this is in japan. looks like everything is going okay. gust of wind almost causes a problem right about here.
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the chute blowing around but regains control. then the guy really starts spinning around here. this doesn't look good. >> looks like he's doing that on purpose, right? >> but quickly after, watch what happens here. >> that's not how your parachute is supposed to look. >> the lines are crossing. >> now things are really twisted up. >> no longer a parachute. >> these guys carry reserve chutes for a reason. this is one of those times. see him pull the reserve right here. there it goes. the reserve is working. doesn't get tangled up with the primary chute but the guy is going down and going down really fast. pay attention to the ground and you can see how quick he is falling. wait until you see where he lands. >> oh! >> that's going to hurt. >> look how close he was to being impaled by one of these things. he se those
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two. >> lands safely. stands right up. >> wow. >> you see his one chute there, his reserve chute in the bush. >> he's got maybe four feet in between these poles on either side of him. there's one in front, one behind, there's one diagonal, there's one to his right. >> as far as crash landings go, i guess this is a good crash landing. >> when you can stand up after the crash landing that's a good landing. this is a story of catch and release. >> we're going to let kermit go so he can find his mommy. >> the woman you're looking at is tiffany gore. she and her family found a little bunny in their garage so they nursed it for a week. but now they're releasing it back into the yard. that's her daughter lexi, her husband joey is behind the camera.
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>> that's your mommy. go get her. >> oh, mom was there to welcome her home. >> yes. mom was there to welcome her home. and watch as she hopped across the grass. >> her mommy. >> whoa. no! >> yes. that was a bird of prey that went and got the bunny. >> are you kidding? >> circle of life comes around quick. >> some people on the internet are saying, is this real? to tell us if it is, right this minute via skype we have joey gore, his wife tiffany and their daughter lexy. examine welcome to the show. >> hello. >> is this real? >> oh, yes, it is really real. >> unfortunately. and absolutely. >> i wanted to keep kermit. that's what we named the rabbit. >> you see a lot of videos like this on-line all the time and question if they're real or not. and to see it and witness it firsthand and actually videotape it at the same time, it was
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surreal. >> did you even expect this? >> oh, no. i really didn't want to let the bunny go, and joey and lexy was like, oh, just let it go, let it find its mommy. there its mommy was. i was like okay. and then all of a sudden they took it away. it was awful. i just started crying after he turned the video off. >> how about lexy, was she sad afterwards? >> happy. >> she's happy. in her eyes the bunny, you know, took a little flight and made it back to its home. >> well that's -- yes. that can happen for sure. sometimes the animals work together. >> did she ask for a puppy after all this? >> she wants a puppy. >> i knew it. lights and sirens blaring from armando rodriguez's police car, el se gundo, california.
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you see what he's in a hurry to get to. smoke pouring from a sedan that's crashed too a pole. rodriguez runs straight for the flames and you can hear what's happening next. >> come here. come here. come here. i got you. i got you. >> he's pulling out a 22-year-old victim inside that car. despite the flames, the smoke, he acts quick and pulls her over to a grassy area away from this car before it completely gets engulfed in flames. >> i got the victim out of the car. i need paramedics. >> was she the only one inside? >> thankfully yes. you see other people race to the car, bystanders begin checking the car to see if there was anybody in the back seat. then you hear rodriguez. >> get away from the car. >> was the girl conscious when he pulled her out? >> barely. when he calls in for emergency medical services he describes her as being unconscious, but you do hear her moan, you hear
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her cry a little bit but don't hear her say anything. >> approximately 25 years old. she's unconscious but breathing. >> do we know why she hit the pole or was it an accident? >> it seems just like an accident. her car was the only one involved in this so far. they're waiting for her condition to improve before they can ask questions as to what caused this accident. as of monday the woman was listed in stable condition. rodriguez did suffer some minor burns to his hand and some smoke inhalation, treated at the hospital and released. >> thank goodness for his thinking on his part and being fearless. he got there in the nick of time. >> all right. the ipad mini give away is coming up in just a little bit. >> but you're going need today's buzzword to win. >> 18 years old or older to win and a u.s. resident. >> it's the rtm ipad mini giveaway coming up in just a little bit.
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>> there's a video that's going viral. people are blown away. that's captain orion wholean and he has his hands on a large fish right off the edge of his boat. what he's actually doing is reviving a bull shark. >> what? >> we're talking a bull shark. >> reviving as in it's dead? >> reviving as in it's exhausted. captain wholeon was on a fishing trip, a catch and release trip, this fish had been struggling and they hooked the fish. the shark struggled so much it was nearly exhausted. once they got the hook out they thought they could release the shark but the shark wasn't really moving. the shark was kind of staying put. he's actually following the florida fish and wildlife commission's advice. they say to revive fish by moving them forward in the water to promote water flow over the
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gills. that's increasing the oxygen flow. >> that's catch and release. he's good. he's good. >> beautiful. >> that's so cool. >> we have captain orion wholean via skype right this minute to tell us about this video. >> we fought the fish about 15 minutes. after we took nice picture with it i let it over the side of the boat to release it and i noticed it started sinking. i jumped in the water and threw my mask on answered put my arms around it and went forward. once i saw its tail starting to flap and had enough strength to swim off, i watched it swim off and join up with the other sharks in the water with it. >> what did they say to you when you got back on board? >> i don't know if i can say it but they >> a hiker and a voyeur and ski mask say this is one weird video.
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momorere l lifife e hahapp. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, shshe'e's s agagrereed to gi. that's today? [ [ mamalele a annnnouounc] we'll be with her all day toto s seeee h howow i i. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. nonow w ththe e ciciababatae and the pain is starting again. momorere p pilillsls?? seseririououslsly.y. [ [ grgroaoansns ] ] alall l ththesese e ststope more pills can be a pain. cacan n i i geget t mymy a ? ♪ fofor r mymy p paiain,n, i i . [ [ mamalele a annnnououncncere easy-open red arthritis cap.
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posted on live link in california on montara mountain. the title of the video is "i made a friend on the mountain." video shows hiking trails. the guy with the camera zooms in and you see a hiker. a woman. peering as though she doesn't know she's being filmed. keep watching. >> oh. >> suddenly the camera turns around and it's this guy in a ski mask making this just sort of weird face. the camera goes back to the trail and listen. sort of a sinister laugh. you can imagine this video causing quite the conversation online. it all sort of traces back to a guy on live leak who goes by gort. we have been in touch with gort. >> this is gort evans. he was unable to skype with us a
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but he was able to answer some questions. we asked was the video a joke? >> the video was a joke and i thought it was obvious a joke. i wasn't a rapist in waiting. >> he wears a ski mask because there's lots of bugs up there. we asked him if he knew the girl. >> no. i didn't know the girl. the girl was just some random person that walked past on the trail. in fact, she never saw me, never knew she was filmed like most of nous our daily life. >> he did have an interaction with police because women in the air were creeped out after watching this. there was no crime committed here. >> the police got in contact with me and they really just wanted my name, address, personal information, date of birth, all that. and to make sure that i, in fact, had not raped and murdered somebody and left them a bloody mess on top of the mountain. >> he does, obviously, have a sense of humor and that's why he's so popular. i hope he understands at least why some people got a little creeped out by it.
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kangaroo takes a shot down under. >> oh! >>. >> triple dose, a dash cam, the first one from -- >> russia. >> thailand, actually. keep your eyes peeled because you're about to want to duck. >> whoa. >> i did move. >> you lean left. that was a car out of control rolling from the other side of the road. carl was just barely missing colliding with that car that's out of control. just a very, very near miss. now this next one, from -- >> russia? >> this time you're right. >> i don't know what makes it do
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this. >> what? >> that looked like a bombing. >> the car erupts in flames from the inside. the two people that are in that car manage tos escape, but i have no idea, maybe a fuel leak in the car. and then the vapors just somehow ignite. somebody was smoking inside. that's a guess. >> but they got out of there quick. >> you can tell they felt it though. patting himself trying to get his jacket off. >> yeah. >> the last one again from -- >> russia? >> never see this one coming either. >> oh. >> wow. >> oh. >> man. >> that horse. >> it's fi. it's fine. tt is a huge elk that this woman hit, crunches her car, heavy impact. but the elk manages to get his footing off back into the woods he goes. >> her car is jacked up and the animal walks away from it. you know that animal doesn't have any insurance.
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as far as blood curdling screams go, evelyn, she's got a pretty good one and we're getting to hear a bunch of them thanks to our co-worker jonathan. >> ellen. >> yeah. they work in a grocery store together and this guy notices she would get scared so easy, so he filmed scaring her a number of times. this is a compilation, scary evelyn. >> the poor woman she's probaby so high strung when she gets to work, waiting for someone to jump around a box or corner or whatever. >> he doesn't even do anything. sometimes he screams at her. >> for the majority of this video he's standing filming her waiting for her to notice him and that's all that he needs to
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do to scare her. >> i mean, this does suck for her but fun for him. i feel bad for her. >> he says he's not a terrible person as she was able to laugh about this. >> bye. >> she's so committed to that scream, though. >> yes. >> what are you -- >> evelyn. >> stop. >> you have to make fun, you know, around the work place. >> i'm going to start doing this. >> no. >> we start with some pictures that went viral about a month ago. a jaguar versus a crocodile. the jag wire is making easy work of trying to make the crocodile part of its buffet. national geographic has released the video from this incident. this happened in brazil in the
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wetlands and they say this jaguar top of the food chain when it's along this water line. anything can be its victim including crocodiles. >> looks like it's top of the food chain. >> it is a full adult male nicknamed mick jaguar because of its moves. >> love that. >> on the right you see two out sunning themselves and doesn't take long for him to go figure out which one he wants. here comes the jaguar, these guys didn't move, turn around, didn't hear a thing in the water. >> that's awesome. are you kidding me? >> one pounces and the teeth are in. >> just dragging it. oh, my gosh. >> i'm proud to be a cat guy. you don't see dogs in the wild doing stuff like that. . >> it's ipad mini giveaway time. >> you have to be 18 years old and need today's buzzword. >> enter on our facebook page, using a mobile device or tablet go to the first post on our
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facebook page and tap on that mobile link. >> here we go. time to reveal the buzzword. it is record. >> now head over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> enter today's buzzword record. reco-e-c-o-r-d for your chance win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. coming up, see why you don't want to be in the spotlight at this party. >> look at the window. >> oh, no. >> take it off. take it off.
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steven, i bet these troops never imagined they would have to duck and cover so quickly. reports say these are a group of russian troops taking some sort of oath, looks formal. >> tradition here. >> when all of a sudden you hear a crack. i thought it was some sort of ceremonial shot. >> you thunk like okay, into the air, like a, you know, salute to these guys. >> not even close. >> slow. slow. >> oh, my goodness. >> it was that. >> it was a gunshot the whole time. >> it was a tree and looks like maybe a dead tree or dying tree, just crack, pow, that's kind of let loose and the tree gives enough of a warning as it's cracking and falling, for that
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one guy to turn around and see it and alert everybody else to run. takes on pitbull. ♪ >> check out this group of partiers at somebody's house having a good old jolly time and cheering -- >> take it off. take it off. >> their cameras are out. what were they recording that they're so excited about? look at the window. >> oh, no. >> upstairs. second floor. >> there's a couple up there. his shirt is off. she's still wearing hers. >> take it off. >> so they're screaming take it off. and then in the middle of the chant, the guy moves out of the
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way, the girl walks over to the window, notices that they're watching. >> she dropped out. >> she dropped down. >> the guy notices too and she dropped down just like her. >> oh, man. how embarrassing, though. >> also, how do you not know? how do you not know if the window is wide open. >> here she comes to the window. >> well, hey, you never see them pop back up again. who knows. >> maybe she did take it off. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you next time.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos from the web, right this minute. a u.s. airman rushes to the hospital where his wife is. >> about to deliver their first child. >> how the proud dad pulled off the surprise in the nick of time. >> i was like oh, neil waited for his dad to come home. >> the cop warned him. >> get back in the car. get back in the car. >> what happens when a driver doesn't listen. >> a pilot comes in for a landing but -- >> oh
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