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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 16, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want the best videos from the web, we've got 'em "right this minute." >> rescuers on a rocky hill hear the cries of a pup who -- >> got himself stuck in a crevice. >> the painstaking operation to make sure no dog is left behind. >> a deputy trying to rescue a woman grabs her arm. the wild takedown at wild wings that has some outraged.
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it's the video that will have you saying -- >> what is going on here? >> what knocked a couple of dudes right off the couch. plus a trumpet player is driven off by a sidewalk troll. >> and he wants to go out. she doesn't. >> let's go out to dinner. >> i don't go out to dinner with people. >> see the surprise ending off the big brushoff. >> it is wonderful that rescue teams exist, especially when they're called to rescue a sheepdog, a collie named chip because chip got himself stuck in a crevice. >> oh! >> his owners suddenly discovered he was missing, went to look for him, heard that he was in the crevice and that's when he called the rescue team. it is extremely narrow and about
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82 feet long. these guys know what they're doing. they hook on to the rope and down one of the rescuers goes. but halfway down he became stuck. >> we got a dog and a guy stuck in here now. >> fortunately he's tied to the rope. so they are able to pull him up. the vet, the smallest person on the crew, she gets halfway down and calls for equipment and spends another hour. you can't even see her light. >> if you're a claustrophobic person, how could you -- >> it's scary. once she's about three feet from the bottom, she's amazingly able to clip the collar and pull the dog up and here is chip. >> it's amazing the herder was
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even able to hear the dog. >> even though the dog was under there for 48 hours, they were able to pull him up unharmed. it's really special because this team is 100% volunteer and they survive on donations. they're on call 24 slr 7, 365 days a year. >> what you're watching is an attempted arrest at the wild wings. it's an off duty deputy attempting to arrest a soldier who is off duty as well. according to the person taking the video, the girl was crying, the deputy came over and asked if anything was wrong. he said the deputy had been drinking, went to his car, got his handcuffs, got his gun, got his badge, came back and attempted to arrest the soldier. >> for not telling her what was wrong with her?
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>> we don't know why he was trying to arrest this girl but, as you can see, it got pretty dramatic. here you see him twisting it and she is in pain. >> stand up! >> ow! >> i didn't do anything! >> stand up! >> this video is over ten minutes long and they end when police finally showed up, they arrested the off-duty deputy when the guy taking the video showed them what he had shot. >> according to this guy, it was this phrase that caused the police to arrest the deputy. >> something along the lines of this is how the army is treated by marines. let me show you. >> thing aboutest problem toe me was this guy was drinking and he got his gun and his cuffs. this hardly an emergency situation. >> the deputy is a 14-year
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veteran. it's reported that the deputy has been fired. we called the sheriff's department but they have not returned our call as of press time. we're going to play a game of what is going on here? we know what's going on, these two dudes are watching tv, feet propped up, television on. what happened? >> earthquake? good guess. any other guesses? what is going on here? wait, it's tilting? the place is tilting? >> they're not on a cruise. these two guys are actually fishermen. they are off the coast of norway on their 80-foot vessel. they're heading in to refuel. and if you go to the beginning of the video, you see a shot of what's going on outside. >> yes, that is a storm brewing and these fellas are fishermen,
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they know what angry seas are. >> oh, my god, they got knocked off that couch. they were so calm! >> you got to figure they knew it was going to happen. why else would the guy be filming? >> maybe they're like the newbies and haven't gotten used to it. >> his friend, that's allen. >> it's a good way to get a workout while you're watching tv. >> you're wrkng your bl >> we've always seen warnling, watch for falling rock signs. but i think broadway at the beach in myrtle beach, south carolina, may need to install watch for stalling light pole signs. there's a man leaning against this light pole and all of a sudden it crashes down on to a
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16-year-old girl. this is after the accident caught on camera from a bystander. her attorney said it hit her on the head, causing a deep laceration and suffered a mild traumatic brain injury. the lawsuit that they have filed has been settled as of this week. details of the settlement unreleased. that's why we're seeing this video. this video just released now as part of the lawsuit, despite the vant being from two years ago. mr. el goldberg also said he has another client who says the exact same thing happened to her three months prior to this incident. >> so the light posts are just falling on people? >> you think they would have fixed it after the first one. because that thing went down without any trouble. >> leaning against the light post shouldn't call it o fall over. >> at all. >> it's almost like they're not even cemented into the ground. it was reported the types of light posts you're seeing in
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this video are still out there in this area but of course this attorney, michael goldberg, hoping they can make some changes because he doesn't want to see this happen given. now, wnbf did reach taught broadway at the beach. right now the company not commenting on this issue. >> out at sea doing some whale watching. >> and, boy, did they get a really big surprise. >> oh, my god! >> the close encounter that will blow you away. and dude breaks into a dealership. but he's not going for the cars. >> what he's after -- tires. >> how he rolled out with a big payoff. wake it up with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin ergizing complex,
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it trates 10 layers of the skin's surface because energized skin s younr looking skin. ♪
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the police need the public's help in two different parts of the world. in london, england, a guy up to no good on his bicycle. he's going through an underpass. you see him notice someone coming his way. this man began to physically hit this person. he was trying to get that back bagfrom that person. the thing that was so horrible is this was an 18-year-old autistic girl on her way to see her grandmother. eventually another citizen comes through. the guy doesn't try to get away. he stays there, as does the autistic come. this man goes back in and you
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see him drag her and hits her on the head several times. and he gets on his bike and rides away with the girl's bag in tow. police are looking for the man and they're hoping somebody will recognize him or the citizen because he may be able to give a better description. >> he just stand there is calmly with his bike like nothing's wrong. >> that's when you shout at the screen run away, run away! >> this is from australia. this guy looks like he's up to no good and somehow gains entry to the dealership. what he's after, tires. he rolls this tire right out of the front door. he got away with four tires and four rims. he has an accomplice who helps
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him load them in. he gets away. >> and those tires are expensive. >> all tires aren't cheap. >> police in a australia are looking for those two. >> it's going to be tough from that individuvideo because it's grainy. >> this person is whale watching and they always have these great animal encounters but they are on board captain dave's new boat "the lilly." >> and, boy, did they get a big surprise on their maiden voyage. >> oh! oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> unless you say the person on
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the loudspeaker is actually captain dave himself -- >> sorry, guys. that whale came up just right in front of us. my heart is still racing from that one. >> sounds bored. my heart is still racing from that one. >> you also see some dolphins. they got all kinds of sea life and view. >> they do get another view of the whale a little bit later, a little farther away. >> this is like a visual orgasm. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> the dude with the trumpet and the blue hoodie, he's a trumpet player, right? this is new york city. he's a street performer. they're everywhere. this fella, bald spot magoo here, he is upset about the trumpet player being here because his neighborhood doesn't
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like the trumpet player playing and making all kinds of noise. almost hits him with a garbage bag he's carrying. the trumpet player plays right in his face and all that does is incense bald spot magoo even more. he starts to come over to the cameras. >> this is one of the most important places in all of north america. who are you? you're no artist! an artist respects the silence. >> at this point i think bald spot magoo has noticed the camera and i feel like he's busted into a performance of his own. >> and i'm a nyu university
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graduate. you suck! >> and he's starts name dropping. >> in 1975 i walked bob dylan up on stage. who the [ bleep ] are you? i knew the grateful dead since 1966. who the [ bleep ] are you? >> you, sir, are a jerk. >> go away. >> no! no! >> lingerie shopping through the eyes of a child on the next "right this minute." and still to come, how in the world do these fellas get the girls to do this? >> what? >> the really good cause that got them to go for it. >> these guys are geniuses. >> plus, see how these dudes are taking trick shots to the extreme.
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overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid inl -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discnts, we have some to spare. ohyou have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank yo he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knowh what to do with. now that's progressive.
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october is breast cancer awareness month and the guys decided in a clever way raise money for the breast cancer research foundation. >> are they offering a free breast exam? >> they are not. some guys would think this is brilliant. they are motor boating. >> for every motor boat we get, we're going to donate $20,000 to the breast cancer research foundation. >> what?
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>> these guys are geniuses. they're donating the money out of their own pocket? >> correct. >> how do the girls know that what these guys are saying is the actual truth? how do they know they're going to donate the $20,000 -- >> they ended up donating $280,000. >> we just finished donating the amount of $2,080. >> i kind of wish they had just respected the boobs all around, just give the money for breast caer research. >> it's harmless. the girls are allowing tem to do it. them. >> the face in the boobs is weird. the other thing that's weird about it is they take their hands and smush them together. so they're not only motor boating, they're copping a feel.
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>> and would you do this? head over to and let us know. >> the guys known for their extreme trick shots have put together some extreme trick shots at the summit in west virginia. they're doing everything from frisbee trick shots and trick shots with guns. >> these guys were some of the pioneers with trick shot videos. >> they have to elevate their games because they were the first. >> there are a couple of fails in here. the funny thing is the fails had nothing to do with the trick shot. this is pretty cool because it's like a zip line but the zip line lets you down as you go.
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and he makes the shot. >> may i take a moment to say as a former girl scout, i'm a little jealous of this boy scout camp? >> it's pretty cool. they have rock climbing walls. >> nice. >> how do you make that with just one arm? shouldn't he be the quarterback on some team that needs him? >> you can't get any better than this. >> there's a fire on the football field. >> and that's not a little fire either. >> how some flaming batons led to the game day blaze.
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it's deer season again in north carolina but not hunting season. apparently this is the time of year when deer seem to cause more collisions than the rest of the year on the road. the york county sheriff's office in south carolina put out this
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psa warning drivers to be especially careful when they're out on the road. this is the patrol car. suddenly out of nowhere comes a deer. it does cause an accident. the deer does hit the patrol car. the deer gets up and goes away, no major damage to the car but still this could be a good problem. >> you have to heed the "deer crossing" signs. you see them alongside the highway and country roads, they'll come out families of them, herds of them. >> apparently there were 2,300 deer/car collisions along this road. >> on a football field in poe peek a, kansas and that's not a little fire either. this woman here, the blond, her name is beverly bernardi, baton twirling legend in the area,
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very popular in the 70s. so she was preparing some flaming batons on the sidelines and instead of the baton catching fire, the field starts to catch fire. the woman took off her jacket and tried to smother the fire, instead the jacket's on fire. >> now the blanket's on fire. >> gatorade! >> this video is going viral. a lot of people are saying how little beverly did to try to stop this. >> she's casually walking around like nothing's going on. >> i guess it's not necessarily her job to put out the fire. >> she started the fire. she ought to act like she concerned about it. >> you do see people with the gatorade coming to put this out. and you see one guy sacrificing his own tennis shoes. another gatorade bath.
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>> she needs to conder another accelerant. >> or bring the fire extincti extinctish -- extinguisher next time. >> and there's vitale, standing at the beach eyeing somebody. >> what's up, cutie? >> hey. >> what's going on? >> not too much. >> hey, i was looking at you and i thought you were pretty and can i ask for your number? let's go out to dinner. >> i don't usually go out to dinner with people. >> what do, you go to dinner by yourself? >> yeah. >> i don't usually ask twice but you sure you don't want to go out with me? >> is that your car? >> yeah, that's my car. why? >> well, i might be able to go out to dinner with you.
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>> what? i'm so disappointed. >> can you believe it? she's got to be embarrassed now. >> dang! suddenly he looked like brad pitt. >> he had a lamborghini. >> there's a bar down the street. >> oh, now you want to. too bad. >> oh! yeah, i'm sorry, that was awesome. >> vitale, good work. >> she waves good-bye. >> that's awesome. >> that's our show. we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman and we've got great videos "right this minute." >> a 12-year-old does some target shooting inside a gun range. see the moment something goes horribly wrong. >> if you're driving on a road in russia -- >> that means pay attention to the car in front of you. >> why that rule doesn't always work. >> a racoon is trapped in a metal cage, but that's when -- >> the racoon performed a great escape. >> how the


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