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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 25, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman and we've got the videos you've been looking for "right this minute." a traffic cop is hit head on but not by a car. >> that is a bull. >> how they finally corralled the one ton suspect. >> two thugs target a woman. >> but she is not giving up her purse. >> how a tough lady earns her major strot cred. >> think you're a good
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estimator. >> how many spaghetti noodles will fit inside a paper towel roll? >> find out if you're any better. >> and two baby seals out to sea. and it's a brother-on-brother test. >> see what's sharper, her scissors or her tongue. >> a cop in romania was directing traffic obviously but never expected this to come his way. >> whoa! >> that's a cow. >> that is a bull. >> oh, no! >> he goes right at the policeman, knocks him to the ground, scaring everybody around. the police officer does manage to get up. other people come to help. the bull takes off running. apparently that bull escaped. he was on a truck, about to taken to a port where he was apparently supposed to be embassy ported. he's like, nope, i have other
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ideas for myday.crazy. >> he ran through the wet pavement with the flow of traffic. >> there are pedestrians everywhere but he chooses to go right for the traffic cop. >> that's the on guy waving his hands like this. maybe that offended the bull. >> eventually they did call the vet. the vet brought a tranquilizer. he's putting together, loading the dart into the gun. they shoot it and strike and they get it. at this point the bull has managed to work his way into the alley. but before the tranquilizer actually works, people are trying to get in there. it's a bull. >> why go into it? he's got the tranquilizer in his neck. let it work. >> at this point he is starting to calm down a little bit. they manage to get a rope around his horns and start pulling. other people come.
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police are investigating how it was he was able to get out. >> mary is a purse snatcher's worst nightmare. she was working to work at 7:30 in the morning in downtown cincinnati when two men wanted to rob her. but she wasn't giving it up. one of them grabbed her around the neck but she's not giving up her purse. >> people have said how brave you were. i wasn't brave. he just was not getting my purse. >> he eventually gave up. >> i never felt that before and i'm not going to feel unsafe tomorrow but i'm certainly going to be aware. >> was she injured at all when they threw her down. >> she said she had a sore neck from when they were holding her. >> i applaud mary for her bravery but you also have to consider might not be the
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smartest move. tease guys let her go but you never know. >> she has a sore neck but also has her purse. >> this is at a game stop, one employee was outside, washing windows, closing up and a gunman comes up to them. police say he had them grab game consoles, games and cash from the religionster. another employee has the hands up. this guy's got a handful of stuff but he's still got a gun. he's not satisfy with all that's been handed to him. once he leaves, he grabs one more thing. >> that's the moment you tackle this guy. his hands are full. he's not going to be able to defend himself with a handful, arm loadful of loot. you just want to jump on his back, take him down and smash his head into the ground. >> sugarland, texas police are still looking for this guy. >> visibility way too poor for this guy going this fast on this
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highway. you probably can figure out what's going to happen next. >> oh, he saved it. >> everybody's safe. somebody forgot to tell this giant truck coming from the rear. watch this. >> oh, man. >> truck comes smashing into all these people. this was a huge pile-up caused by all this fog with poor visibility. lots of people also getting out of their cars. >> she gets out and runs away because she's afraid she's going to get rear ended. this guy gets out, too. i imagine this just continues. if people are going that fast on this road, you can't see anything. how do you know what's 20 feet in front of you? >> and it harder to stop a big old truck like this than a smaller car. >> here's some of the aftermath from accidents like this one. you can see a number cars smashed up on the road. >> when you can't see where you're going, you got to slow
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down. >> or just get a cup of coffee in a diner. >> have some videos that are all about the babies. >> the babies on the ground. i don't know if you can see it. >> what's this woman talking about? >> i hope it's not her baby. >> randy's going to come and try to put them back up in the nest. >> that's a baby bat. >> don't touch it. >> she's not going to touch it but her husband is going to rescue it. he comes out with his gloves on, still wearing his tie from work. >> let them grab on to your fengers. >> he picks the tiny little bat up and gets them back in between the crevice between their deck and the house. they said there's a whole family, parents, grandparents, they named them all. >> you can hear the family of balts as they're trying to put this baby back in its place. >> oh, good, organizatih good.
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go up there, little guy. >> now to baby seals. these seals are headed back to south africa. these dogs are mesmerized. the seal reacts to the dog. >> they're cute. they're playing with him. >> then the seal swims away and the dogs don't go after him. >> babies. they're cute no matter what the species. >> a firefighter's helmet cam takes us into a vacant house fire. >> helmet cam is one thing. that's pretty nifty. how about aerial cam? >> see the blaze from up above. >> he jumps, he falls, he pulls the chute except -- >> caspar is tangled. >> see how this tangled mess
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ends with a strange sight. >> that was weird. i've never seen that before.
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the guy wearing this helmet cam was about to change shifts when this alarm came in. they got a call for an involved structure fire, but the home was vacant, so no true emergency here. but they certainly want to get the fire put out as soon as possible. they approach the house and begin to gain entry. but the front door was secure.
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instead of wasting any more time, they went through the front window. >> i guess that's easier than taking out the front door. >> and they make their way to where they found there's a fire in the bedroom. it looks like it's broken through the roof up into the attic. they made their way to the attic and started to extinguish the fire there. another cool thing about this house fire was this angle. helmet cam was one thing, that's pretty nifty. how about aerial cam? he got an aerial view of what the fire looked like. it's kind of intriguing and pretty creepy, too.
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you see the glow continuing toward the back of the house. firefighters doing what they can to try to extinguish this fire. >> guys, how well do you think you can guest i mate? >> i'm terrible at guessing things. >> this is not your video then. we got a video from buz feed that poses an odd question, like how many spaghetti noodles fit inside a paper towel roll? >> i was going to say like 175. >> both wrong. and, yes, they actually counted. >> how about how many hot dogs in a 2 liter bottle? >> look at them shoving it in. >> 30. >> 32. >> 35. >> you were there. >> you're going to hate this one. how many limes in a toilet? >> i'm going to say 60.
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>> that's where i was going to go. i'm going to back mine down a little bit, though, and say 45. >> you are one away. >> this is "price is right" rules. >> it doesn't matter. you see you've gotten a gain over this short period of time. >> if you want to see this video and find out how well you guestimate, check it out on our mobile app or the web site. >> it looks like they're having cool as caspar is going to pull a really cool stunt. his buddy is going to get close to him, they're going to high five in the air. hey, dude, what's up, this is
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awesome. >> we're falling to the ground. >> after the brief fall, you have to release the chute, except his is tangled. after he struggles with it for a while, he decides i'm going to let this one go. he releases it and pulls the reserve and he's safely gliding down to the bottom. and i think this is the chute. i think we get a shot of his other chute going down. >> wow, that's weird. >> we haven't seen that before. >> again, like so many other base jumpers and sky divers, it's not a big deal when something like this happens. so they can't untangle this chute, it's easy to release it and open the reserve. >> i'd like to have a reserve, reserve, reserve. >> maybe like four or five of them just in case. >> i have to say i never wanted to sky dive before "right this
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minute" and this show has made me want to sky dive even less. >> it's a prank. then things get really weird. and still to come, some guys cruise by and spot this. >> you need something. >> no, your tree is going to go on fire. he just raked a big old pile of leaves and just set it on fire. why she says it's no beg deal. >> plus, she's there to support him but -- >> so many things change just a bit. >> the romantic surprise she didn't see coming. when back pain slows you down,
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trust icy hot for powerful relief. closed captioning provided by: >> when back pain slows you down, trust icy hot patch. >> so you're back to full speed. >> icy patch. power past pain. >> some guys retire from the game and get soft. i get supple. >> new gold bond men's cream. >> rolaid's. >> one of the really annoying task this time of year, breaking up the leaves. get them over to the curb. if you're lucky, they come by in the neighborhood with one of those things and sucks them all up. in one lady had a different idea. can't say it's the best.
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>> you need certainly? >> no, your tree is going to go on fire. >> apparently she raked a big old pile of leaves and set it on fire and keeps throwing leaves all over it, all the trees and houses in the neighborhood. >> i would imagine there's a city ordinance against that kind of behavior. >> at least throw it in a metal trash can so it's contained. >> your tree's going to go on fire. >> you heard her say, ah, it's all right, trust me, i've done this before. >> she's an expert. >> i can't say it's the most safe way to get rid of your leaves. >> this is a big fund-raiser called the hope dinner, dedicated to helping people with final cord injuries obtain the therapy that they deserve. the speaker you first see, his name is chris norton and he introduces a lovely couple to come up and speak.
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>> chris starts telling aaron's story, he was on a hunting platform, 25 feet in the air. >> she was there to help. she was making the trip every weekend. >> mailynn never left his side. their relationship grew and continues to grow. >> this has been something that chris and his people have been helping me put together. it's been a very hard secret to keep but this is the surprise for you that you never thought i could do so -- >> they're out there watching this video. suddenly things change just a bit.
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>> mailynn, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. will you marry me? >> aaron really wanted to propose at this dinner because the spinal cord injury has had such an impact on his life and on hers. >> i like it because he surprised the unsurprisable girl. >> yes. >> oh, my god. you are crazy. >> and exciting to say the least. >> it's not just any ordinary kayak. >> this kayak turns into a personal submarine. >> you
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we all loved when canadian astronaut chris hatfield was the commander on the international space station. but now he's back on tara firma
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and he's got funny videos of an astronaut used to earth. we start with this video, an astronaut going camping. >> he may be able to be an astronaut, but he's having a hard time setting up and getting in the tent. ♪ ♪ >> this is him going driving in his uniform in a compact car. he opens the door and climbs -- uh-oh, wait. the pack is not fitting. so he tries many ways to get in this car. he scratches his helmet. he's thinking. >> you can't break the seal. >> he has a video series, the astronaut's guide to life on earth. and each has a book coming out on tuesday. i might want to buy that one because chris hatfield, fun guy. >> on two brothers would get themselves in a scenario that looks like this. >> skin! >> get off of me. >> his ears and everything.
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>> ah! >> it's cold! >> oh! oh! >> okay, okay. >> that is a bunch of packing tape wrapped around brother jack's face, head, hair and hands. brother paul kennedy did this to him. >> this does seem like something siblings would do to each other. >> the poor mother. >> the mom is the real star of this video because of all the things she says to these two boys. >> you never thought it out, did you? you deserve it. >> what! what! >> she's like you deserve it. the kid's like i'm the one with the tape on my face. >> no, she was saying it to the other son who said he had a hernia from laughing. >> i think i've got a hernia from laughing. >> you deserve it. >> what? >> he was confused, too.
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>> and his little nose. >> no more eye lashes or skin. >> it's not like you can just do the really quick -- >> no. and it's wrapped around in layers so you got to find the outside layer in order to do that. she's trying to cut it off with scissors. >> look at his right eye. it's smushed down with tape. >> why'd you do so much of it? he gets a lot of it off, the face is freed up. he's like don't do my hair. >> i don't want to do my hair. it hurts too much. >> the sight of packing tape will send this guy into panic attacks. >> look at this hair and everything! >> i'm going to take you guys on an extreme kayaking trip with this guy. he's got a kayak on the back of a trailer. you see it's not your average
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every day kayak. you see him hop in and paddle out but it's a very different looking kayak. this is quite extraordinary. he built it himself. >> does it have look a lid? >> it does. he scoots back inside, closes the hatch, turns a few valves on the inside and this kayak turns into a personal submarine. >> you are kidding me? >> no. watch this. down he goes. now this is a human-powered craft. notice at the back. >> what is it? >> it's like a flipper. he's somehow flipping that back and forth. i don't know if he's doing it with his feet or arms but just that fishtail motion is making it move. >> how does he get up? >> he has a system that will pump the water back out, fill
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the ballast with air and rise back up. >> he did all this with a kayak? >> it looks like he may have started with a kayak hull. the cool part is when he's done there, he's got other divers inspecting it too. you see the divers stick their head in the window, like right here. >> this could become a thing. if all you have to learn are the rules of scuba diving, why not? >> you see the bubbles coming out and slowly start to rise up. just flips open the hatch and away he goes. >> that's it for rtm. we'll see you next time. [ superfan ] we're hitting the road to help america discover the new helper.
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you've got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos from the web "right this minute." >> jail cameras catch an inmate who -- >> is pretending to be sick. >> see who got snared in sinister plot. >> a rhino in the road sends a clear message. how he enforces the law of the jungle. >> a dude pulls off


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