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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 27, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you love great videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." an suv cuts in front of a mercedes -- >> and then it just -- >> how a traffic maneuver becomes a full on commando raid. >> no way! >> yes. >> a runner on a rugged trail doesn't realize -- >> it's about to get real rugged! >> the sneak attack that came out of nowhere. [ bleep ] >> what is this guy doing? >> doing brodys in the driveway, obviously. >> somebody very irritated in
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this video. >> how he went over the edge and through the house. >> oh, man! >> plus, want to win a new ipad mini? we've got the buzz word for your chance to win. and a 3-year-old who loves handing out candy. >> happy halloween! >> he's like out on the porch calling people in. >> the story behind an instant halloween classic. >> happy halloween, girls! happy halloween! >> happy halloween, girls! he's a ladies' man, too. now, at first glance, in this dash cam video from a southern city in the ukraine, looks like we might see like a little fender bender or maybe some road rage, but something far crazier is about to happen. keep your eyes on this mercedes right here. now, it's about to get boxed in by this sort of suv looking vehicle. watch what happens in a split second. >> oh, wow! >> it looks like a half dozen police officers box this mercedes in, start yanking people out of this car, have
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them down on the ground in custody in minutes. these guys are geared up. they've got, looks like armored vests on, rifles, helmets, like s.w.a.t. gear, almost. watch that again. looks like two cars, one ready to merge over, and then the scene just. >> that was seconds. >> what they're doing here, this is apparently a kidnapping attempt that these police officers are stopping. >> no way! >> yes. >> there was someone kidnapped in that vehicle. they intercepted it! >> yes. apparently, a group of guys, looks like three guys, kidnapped, reports say a businessman from the city nearby, had him in this mercedes, and you can see them yanking these guys down on the ground. at the end of the video, you do see three guys in custody in the grass there on the side of of the road. i'm not sure, but if you watch really closely right here, that to me looks like they're getting the businessman out of the back seat. doesn't look like they're pet puting that guy on the ground. we can only see little portion of the person they're taking out
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of the back seat. this is it, foiled kidnapping attempt. >> i think somebody should have said to this runner, like hey, mind the obstacles. [ laughter ] >> okay. >> okay! >> yeah. >> what you got here is a camera attached to aunner.touth africa. a race that happened last weekend. looks like a beautiful day, rugged trail. it's about to get real rugged. ooh, was that -- ooh, that's a wildebeest! >> oh, well, wow, that's a moving obstacle! >> uh huh. >> well, it's not really an obstacle, then -- >> it's wildlife. >> part of the process, i think, if you're running on a trail in south africa, and gayle, it was not just one wildebeest, it was a herd of wildebeests that came running out of the bush just right toward this guy. he says almost flattened him. this runner was named james duncan, and quite terrified by this. would you like to see it in slow motion so you can try to count the wildebeests? >> yeah. >> here he comes and here they come. one, two -- >> whoa! they are big.
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>> three, four, five, looks like six, seven, eight, nine? >> geez. >> okay that was a lot more than i initially thought. i saw like two or three. >> maybe this was just part of the race. it was just one of the obstacles that you have to overcome in order to win. >> right. >> hmm? >> snake pit probably down a ways a bit. >> alligators, you have to like jump across their heads. it's like pitfall, like the real-life pitfall. >> don't have many details about this video, but it's clear that this is one very pissed person. >> yo, this guy's a [ bleep ] moron! >> the title of this video may say it all, "crazy man bulldozes his own home with suv." clearly, somebody very irritated in this video. you see the guy in the white jeep up there? he's got it smashed into the car that's underneath the carport, got his foot on the pedal. >> what is this guy doing? >> now he backs up, he gets up a clear head of steam and does this -- >> oh, into the house! >> oh! >> the person driving this vehicle intentionally goes right into the house, right through the windows in front of that house, crashing through.
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you see smoke coming up. >> oh, my god, what is he doing? >> you can hear the guy who's recording this say -- >> oh, i've got to get out of here! >> it's time to get out of here. >> you can't tell the >> again, that's coming up. remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter and a u.s. resident.
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>> he is not going to b.a.s.e jump, he's not going to wing suit fly off this rock. >> oh, no. >> at the very edge of this rock, with a drop of about 2,000 feet, he decides to do a one-armed handstand. >> why would you do this? why -- is it just the thrill of fact that you might fall? >> sure, why not? he's an extreme artist, he loves doing stuff like this. >> i love to create art, see a picture, see a dream coming true. >> you never, ever know. remember that guy that did the winging off of the cliff and he was going to do like a little
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gymnastics, a little rope. >> but that guy, he had something on to break his fall. this guy's got nothing. >> the way i work, that's -- i always envision it before i undertake any kind of action. and this image follows me all through the working process. it's the drive behind everything i do. >> he's actually very confident in his abilities to stand on one hand and show his crotch to the sky, so i like that shot right there. from a distance, it looks like he's floating midair. >> yeah, it does look really gnarly, and this is, he claimed, the first time that someone has done this from that height. it's a wedding celebration in turkey. you hear people around them chanting. why the chanting turned into cries for help. and a longboarder is looking good down a hill, but -- >> here's what it looks like when it goes bad. >> how a slow slide led to one long recovery.
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[ [ cocougughshs, , snsneee] i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele.
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[ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ñ when you smoke, addictive ingredients like nicotine pull you in.
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every day, over 1200 people die from smoking-related diseases. don't sink deeper into addiction. pull yourself out! a wedding celebration in northwest turkey becomes anything but a celebration, and it was all caught on camera. ♪ when this video first picks up, you see the newlywed couple, the woman in her red veil and a new groom. you hear people around them
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chanting. this is post ceremony. they're leaving this building full of family and friends, walking out on the street, but keep your eye on that building. ♪ >> what the heck? what was that? >> that was the balcony. if you go back to the beginning of the video, as the couple is coming out, you notice there are balconies above the doorways. people who were there to celebrate the wedding were standing on the balconies seeing the couple off, they were participating in the chant. according to reports, there were more than 20 people standing on that balcony and it couldn't hold their weight. listen to the bride. it is herartbreaking. [ screaming ] >> oh, my. >> now, people immediately rush to help the people who fell with the balcony. now, according to all reports, 14 people were injured but no one was killed as a result of
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this balcony collapse. >> yeah, they didn't have a far fall. thankfully, nobody was killed. >> yeah, but i was wondering if it landed on anybody, you know? because if that thing came down, there were small kids there, too. if that thing came down on somebody, i don't know that person would be so lucky, but looks like that didn't happen. ♪ this video shows all kinds of different longboarding routes, and when it goes right, it looks like it's a ton of fun. well, here's what it looks like when it goes bad. this video from jukinvideo. >> i'm already clinching, just waiting for it. >> this rider's name's steven kler, and he's riding his board down this twisty road. you can see he's in control at first, edging the road all the way down. he's got a helmet on, but that's about it. >> wow. >> oh, boy. >> oh, no!
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ahh! >> what happened? >> is that him screaming? >> that is him screaming. steven loses control, slides into the post of that guardrail, and he's down for the count. this happened way back in may. he's been recovering for nearly five months. are you ready for the list of injuries here? >> oh, man. >> oh, boy. >> open fracture of the tibia and fibba, fractured pelvis, fractured tailbone, deep cut on the right knee, a ton of, as he says, thick road rash, 2 1/2 hours in surgery, 37 staples, 5 stitches. i've got some of the pictures. that's the staples in his leg, it looks like below his knee. >> oh, my goodness! >> and here's the break he suffered. looks like a stick snapped in half. we got an opportunity to talk to steven about the crash. >> it seemed unreal because i didn't know what happened. i saw my leg and i saw the bone sticking out and it was really
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scary when i saw it sticking out and i just screamed. and we called the ambulance, and everybody helped me come down. >> are you going to start wearing more protective gear now? >> um, yeah, i have to, because i have something in the shin to hold my bone together, so it's not good to hit it again. >> when are you planning on getting back on the board? >> as soon as possible. still to come, we've got a charging rhino, the buzz word for your shot and an ipad mini, and the most fired up athlete who ever lived. >> i eat stuffed balls for breakfast! >> now the one-man thrill ride explains had i viral meltdown. >> if i was in character, i'd call you a bunch of lazy
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closed captioning provided by -- the icy hot patch. goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed.
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[ male announcer ] icy hot. power past pain. i get supple. [ male announcer ] new gold bond men's lotion. skin strengthening proteins, plus 7 moisturizers. man up. how do i r-o-l-a-i-d-s.n relief? plus 7 moisturizers. [ male announcer ] rolaids starts working instantly, neutralizing 44% more acid than tums. rolaids. that's how you spell relief. you guys are about to meet the most intense, the most extre extreme, the most fired up former division 3 baseball player who ever lived. >> i have a brief and ferocious message for the current pittsburgh state university baseball team. >> what? >> this is breston who played baseball at fitchburg state university in massachusetts. he's at his alumni game. >> oh. >> so, he's getting ready to play the current students, and he's got a message for the team. >> you 10-25 suckbags got out of
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bed this morning hung over, and i was up at 5:00 in the morning doing my work, going appo like taco, doing flipies, doing front toss. i am ready! and i don't know who you suckbags are throwing today, but it'd better be your ace, okay? because when that guy rolls on to the hill at 6'1", 160 with a sunken chest that i could eat a bowl of cereal on, and he sees a man walking, pimping to the plate with the buffest swag you have ever seen, you don't realize that i did 400 in my sleep and i eat balls for breakfast! >> you might be thinking, geez, jimmy is quite good at this, right? >> very intimidating. >> that's because jimmy preston is known as the one-man thrill ride, a pro wrestler. >> oh! >> because i'm riding in the dirt, i'm heading for home, i'm a blue-eyed handsome man! >> yeah, love him, love him. let's bring in the one-man
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thrill ride himself, jimmy preston, "right this minute." >> hey! >> so, tell us, what happened in the game here? did you live up to this video? >> not particularly individually. i only went 2 for 8. one of the hits was an infield hit, but the first time in 11 years we actually did beat the current roster. one thing i want to point out is that we wish the pittsburgh state team this year the very best of luck, and this is all done in good fun. >> how did you go from baseball to now becoming a pro wrestler? >> actually, i was a pro wrestler at age 18 as a senior in high school. went back into it after college at age 24, and since i've turned, still starting to get recognition from my promos, so it's been a ton of fun. >> i don't feel like we're seeing the one-man thrill ride right now. we're seeing james preston. >> if i was in character, i'd call you a bunch of lazy, low-life suckbags, the cream of the crop, cock of the walk, the
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savage that can't be stopped. i'm a one-man thrill ride. this ain't 15 minutes of fame, i'm a one-man wonder, i've just got my 18 grand -- >> he's got some guns. >> and the chin butt to boot. >> yeah, it's nice. >> as the one-man thrill ride would say, i've got a cleft in my chin that would make tommy brady shake. this is rush hour in south africa. he was on a photographic assignment and comes across this rhino occupying quite a bit of territory in the roadway at first, but then the rhino's like, this is my space. >> is it weird that it looks like an anamotronic animal? >> looks like something from "jurassic park." >> mm-hmm. >> ooferd ooh, boy. >> look. >> oh, no. >> is it bad that i want this thing to ram the truck so bad? i'm just curious to know what a
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rhinoceros can do. >> look at that! >> yeah, let me see. >> ooh! >> did it flip them over? >> no. he just dropped it. the rhino didn't hit him or the car and nobody got hurt. he said dropping the phone makes it look dramatic. >> you could call that rhino tips over car. >> awesome. >> he's enormous. it gives you perspective of how huge they are. to get that close to the front horn and realize that it's the size of a tuba. he says that that rhino lives in that area, it's on its way to its dad's house and the rhino makes its presence known like that to people all the time but has never actually hit a car or hurt anybody. it's time for the "right this minute" ipad mini giveaway. >> remember, you've got to be 18 years old and you need the buzz word. >> enter on our facebook page. if you're using your mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post on the facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> here we go, time to reveal the buzz word. >> interview! go to
3:22 pm and if you're not using a mobile device, click on the win an ipad mini button. >> and interview for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. still to come, see what happens when cliff diving isn't all it's cracked up to be. >> one, two, three, and [ bleep ]. >> ah! now that we're retired,
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we don't have time for stuff like laundry. we're too busy having fun. we get everything perfectly clean by tossing one of these in the wash. and that's it. i wanted to do that. oh, come on. eh, that's my favorite part. really? that's our tide. what's yours?
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if there's one thing we like, i am here with michelle, the author of "great balls of cheese." michelle bafardi wrote a book called "great balls of cheese," where she gives you all kinds of different cheeseball ideas, and in this video, she's going to show you how to make that owl cheeseball on the cover of her book. all you need is cream cheese, cheddar, worcestershire sauce. and you bring this out and that's when the real fun begins. you take some crackers and then you attach it back to the ball and then you cut some olives and you use a carrot to make its beak and little legs. then you take sliced almonds -- >> oh, with the slivered almonds, how clever! oh, fritos. >> then some chips to give it its little ears and you are set to go. >> well, this is just a hoot! >> yes!
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>> yes, it is! that light, drizzly mist soon after it starts to rain on the roads, we all know that can be the most slippery time on a road, especially if you're on a motorcycle. >> barely missed a car! >> ooh. >> there were cars coming in the opposite direction. >> oh, my gosh. he's like for a really long time. is he wearing shorts. >> no, but he's not wearing any kind of leathers or protective gear other than gloves and what looks like a helmet. he probably did get a bit of road rash, but thankfully, because the roads were slippery, maybe that helped him slide more instead of scrape so much. the rider gets up pretty quickly, doesn't look like serious injuries, thankfully, and he missed all other cars. 199 pounds of sexy muscle. >> here's a video from our friends at jukinvideo, a couple of bros out there doing some cliff-jumping. >> one, two, three, and [ bleep ] it!
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>> oh! >> ah! >> darn! >> [ bleep ] it. >> is he okay? >> he's bald-headed. he didn't have any hair to protect that. >> is he okay? >> oh! >> that's a pretty solid purple mark on his head. >> the video ends quickly after that jump, but looks like he got it. >> is he okay? i believe i have today's melt your heart, make you smile, just going to make you feel better about the world moment. >> happy halloween! >> ha! >> where's this kid? is he passing out candy? >> yes, and it's the most unexpected thing at halloween. usually it's the children who are out dressed up. >> you get two. >> thank you. >> but this little 3-year-old seems to adore the process of giving to the other kids. he's like out on the porch. >> happy halloween! >> calling people in. he goes and gets the bowl. >> let me get the candy. >> i like him. >> i'm going to get the candy. >> so, this is 3-year-old braden, and he even starts calling all the folks in,
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enticing them with his giant bowl of candy. >> yes. >> happy halloween! happy halloween, girls! >> happy halloween, girls. ooh, he's a ladies' man, too. >> you get two. >> this video was posted last halloween, but it's just now going viral. i think one of the best moments happened right here. this is where you know that he is still a 3-year-old. >> ooh! >> are you okay? >> dad behind the camera's like, are you all right? [ laughter ] >> happy halloween! >> he's in the bush yelling happy halloween. dedication. >> happy halloween. happy halloween. >> that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman and it's time for great videos, "right this minute." an off-road racing team hits a swamp. >> watch how deep this water gets. >> see when they realize they're up to their necks in trouble. talk about unladylike behavior. a woman starts to slap another woman -- >> grab her by the hair, throw her on the ground. >> why some say the real criminal was the dude who did nothing. a 2-year-old spots the lingerie department.
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