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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 30, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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welcome to the world series postgame show on fox. after a 6-1 red sox world series clinching victory, boston is once again atop the baseball world. and that's how the red sox bull pen reacted to the final out. the keeper of the pen let them free. and our favorite garden joys --d enjoys i had piece of the moment as well. the off-season has officially
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gun. but not before the party starts here in boston. it's only just winding up and not a single sole left fenway park. >> i tell you what this is crazy exciting. the first thing i can think about all the extra work you put in spring training, every morning, early, and no doubt, hands down, red sox were the best players. >> this is what you play from. from the time you pick up the bat in spring training, you go out there and do all the extra sprints and extra work, it's for this. the red sox were able to go out and accomplish it. >> i'm amazed by the crowd. from batting practice to now, it's been electric. they're yelling at matt. it's great. this is the best crowd i've seen in a clinching world series game. >> i don't think anybody wanted part of game seven. it was almost a certainty that this thing was going to end tonight in the minds of the fans
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in the ballpark. >> no doubt about it. we thought about that when we left st. louis. it looked like it was going to be over. but the crazy things, i'm standing two feet from you guys and i can't even hear you. that's how loud it is in this building now. and we're outside. >> that's what you do whether you win a championship, you celebrate. >> you both have been a part of this. part of a world series win. they closed off streets around fenway park. anybody thinking about coming down here, don't even try it. you're not going to get close. is the atmosphere similar every time somebody wins a world series or is there something unique about this particular place? >> you know what? i've only had the opportunity to really enjoy a world series one time in philadelphia. it was absolutely incredible. they were ripping up the city, turning cars over. i'm not saying that should happen tonight. it was crazy. we hadn't won a world series since 1980. we were able to do it. the atmosphere is absolutely fantastic. >> the problem is we went on the road. i went on the road.
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we didn't get to take part in all the fest tists until the next day. when we got home, they were still partying in chicago. >> this is outside fenway park. and these folks don't plan on leaving any time soon. the party at fenway has just begun. once again, the red sox are the kings of the baseball world. a fitting end to a terrific season in boston. we get back down to the field. >> matty, thank you so much. well, it's been 95 years since you celebrated winning a world series here. congratulations to red sox nation. and congratulations to boston. joining me right now for this trophy presentation is the commissioner of major league baseball mr. bud selig. also on the stage right now is red sox team owner john henry. team chairman tom warner. president, larry lukino, your
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general manager ben sharington. and your manager of the 2013 world champion boston red sox, john farrell. now to present the commissioner's trophy, mr. bud selig. >> it's my pleasure tonight to present the 2013 world series championship trophy to the boston red sox. i want to congratulate larry lukino, tom warner, john henry, ben sharington, john farrell, and all the great red sox players. you know, this started off as a really tough year in boston. and i was boston strong and the
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red sox have made all your fans very, very proud. and so here's the trophy, john, larry and tom. the 2013 world series championship trophy. >> mr. henry, it's been since 1918 that this organization has won a world series here at home. how does it feel winning it in front of all your fans? >> wow. i mean -- i just want to give a shoutout to the unsung sear rows and every one of these guys would like to thank along with
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ben and john the scouts, the coaching staff, that helped us through this. they're the best in baseball. and thank you to them. john and ben, i think you would join me and larry and tom would in saying that these are the most deserving players i've ever seen. i mean, they play with such heart. what's going on over there? fire? they played with such heart, such desire. wow! >> let me ask you, boston strong has been a motto for this city since april. what do you have to say to all your fans that you guys have said you're playing for? >> well, i think that this team was resill yenlt all year and they showed great character, 22
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wins in the last at bat, 25 different sear rows. and we pay tribute tonight, as you said, to all the families who suffered through the marathon bombing. and resilience of this region and this city coming back. let's get the architect of this team to come on over here right now. ben sharington. if i had told you at the beginning of the season by the end of the year you would be up here enjoying this trophy presentation, what would you have said? >> it's an amazing feeling. i feel blessed to be along for the ride. we had an amazing group of people in our clubhouse, john and coaching staff and our medical group, our players. they decided in spring training they wanted to write different story and they did. it's just fun to be along for the ride. >> you had a nice moment with john farrell when you came up here on the set. and david ortiz said in the beginning of this play-off run,
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teams don't go from worst to first. what did he instill in this group of guys? >> he said he was going to put the focus on the field and be the best prepared team in baseball and it was all going to be about winning. it's easy to say that in february. a lot harder to pull it off. and he did. it was a lot of fun to watch all year. >> and did you. let me bring you over, mr. farrell. the manager of the world champions. how does that sound? how does that sound? >> well, sounds great to everybody in this ballpark. i would just like to congratulate lake mike matheny on a great season. one tough team. a great series that we played against them and all the best to them going forward. but most importantly, to these guys in uniform over here. to be able to come to work with them every day, to see how they
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prepared the. work they put in and to share it in front of the greatest fans in this sport, it's one heck of a night. thank you. >> thank you so much. we've got a couple guys joining us up here. jon lester? you? who else? david ortiz says in 2007 you learned from the big dogs. what did those guys teach that you you were able to instill in those teammates over there? >> go out and compete, i guess. you know, that's all we've done all year. people counted us out all year. we just kept proving them wrong. and now we're standing here with this trophy in front of us. and it hasn't sunk in right now. >> when did you realize this group of guys was special? >> i think day one of spring training. we got guys like jonny gomes and
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mike napoli and vic to come in here and obviously this guy right here standing to my right and other fellow down there. you know, it's been a fun group since day one. we busted our butts to get here. >> thank you so much. let's bring in dustin pedroia over here. how you would define this team? >> wow. special. i mean we got together in spring training. and everybody cared about one another so much. i mean the whole ride all year, the thing -- the stuff that happened in this city, we wanted to do something special. and make everybody happy and proud of their team. and the toughest of times. and hopeful will he with did that. >> do you remember a tweet you put out in march, march 27th, actually? what was it?
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>> i say i better jump on now because we're going to do something special and we did. >> you also told me this past week i haven't slept in two years. i know you're not going to sleep tonight. when do you think you'll get some shut eye. >> maybe when i go home. we have to enjoy this. this is a special time. best group of guys can you ever be with. we all love you. we love each other. and that's why we're here. >> congratulations. let's bring in koji uehara and his translator and, of course, taz, first let me ask you, you said after the alcs all the pressure made you want to throw up. how did the pressure of the world series feel? >> last night i almost threw up. this time i almost cried. >> you actually put in your blog after you won the alcs, i'm afraid this isn't real. how real does winning a world series feel now?
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>> i still feel that i'm in a dream. >> all right. you were the rock star at the alcs trophy presentation. you haven't been to school in a while. you were excited for your dad. how proud are you of your dad tonight? >> good! >> how are you going to celebrate tonight? >> crazy. congratulations. thank you guys so much. back over to you. >> erin, thanks. some very poignant words by a young uehara and a big red sox fan m moments before. stay with us. the mvp presentation is still to come.
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(laughing) that's a good one. ♪ (laughs) there you go! see? step back, ohh... kill 'em! uhhh! put a little 'arhhh' into it. arhhh! uhhhh! ahhh... (laughing) ♪ oohh aahh! booooommm! here we go... ...backwards... ahh, you missed it! ♪ ohhhh... you gotta have this one. this one's for the game right here! uhhhh! uhh... uhhh... uhhhhhhh! (laughter) ♪ and mastercard will make another donation to stand up to cancer. hey, guys. i just want to thank you for standing up to cancer. ok, i gotta go! girls. thank you for standing up to cancer. ohh! [ breathing heavily ] thank you for standing up to cancer. [ male announcer ] standing with those who stand up to cancer... i'm pretty sweaty. [ male announcer ] priceless.
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spend $10 or more with your mastercard when you dine out and mastercard will donate up to $4 million to stand up to cancer, one precious cent at a time. what's that? kfc go cup. that looks better than this. [ female dispatcher ] seven, we have a 10-31 in progress. you take this one kid. [ car door opens ] [ crunches ] [ male announcer ] why settle for an ordinary snack? try crispy tenders and wedges. just 1 of 5 new kfc go cups only $2.49 each. today tastes so good. and welcome back to the chevrolet world series postgame show on fox. the celebration is in full gear at fenway park. the red sox your once again kings of the baseball world after a 6-1 clinching victory over the cardinals.
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we send it back down to the field for the mvp trophy presentation with erin andrews. >> thank you so much. and here to present that trophy, once again, the commissioner of baseball, mr. bud selig. >> thank you very much, erin. and it is my pleasure to present the most valuable player award in the 2013 world series presented by our partner chevrolet to a man who had a remarkable world series, remarkable year, his performance on and off the field is something that we're all very proud of. ladies and gentlemen, the most valuable player in the 013 world seri series, david ortiz! >> congratulations, david. and now to present with you a very special gift from chevrolet, the vice president of marketing, mr. chris perry. >> david, congratulations.
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as official vehicle of major league baseball, chevrolet is so excited to be part of this prestigious award. to honor your accomplishment today, we're donating a youth field makeover right here in the city of boston in your honor. and for your personal accomplishments, i want to give you the keys to the brand new 2014 chevrolet high country, the most prestigious and capable product we ever built. congratulations, david. >> thank you very much. >> papi, congratulations. he know your son said i don't think it's a surprise that he won mvp of the world series because he's standing out here. i don't think it's a surprise you won it because of the zone that you were in. you were kind of focused. maybe a little crabby today before the game. you were just in a zone. what were your thoughts before you took the field in game six? >> well, first of all, i want to say this is for you, boston.
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you guys deserve it. we've been through a lot this year. and this is for all of you and all the family who struggle with the bombing early this year. for all of you. >> this is your third world series in a decade n april, how did you -- did you think this could ever happen? >> not really. but the manager i saw in spring training showing up and showing us the way, give me a lot of talks. when we start rolling, nobody ever stopped the train. >> you told me after game five all iced up both achilles on the bench in the dugout, i feel old. how do you feel right now?
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>> i'm back, baby! >> you have a really good time addressing the city of boston. i'm going to give you this mike for one last time. here you go, papi. >> this is our big city! i want to thank -- first of all, i want to thank god for giving the opportunity to stay healthy this year and to have such a fun year. i had a great time in this townment we struggled early this year with the situation that all of us went through. but thanks to him, we keep each
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other together. we kept ourselves together. and here we are enjoying the time. second of all, i want to thank my family for the support in everything that we did through the year, to stay strong and to be where we are right now. i want to thank them. i want to thank the best fans in baseball. without your support, i don't think we will be where we are right now. you guys are the greatest of all time. so proud to play for this city. i want to thank my teammates, best teammates ever. you guys are ligit. nobody can ever hold us down. that's why we're here right now. we're in the world series.
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the best teammates ever, thank you. >> thank you, david. appreciate it. congratulations. go celebrate with your guys. back up to you. >> erin, thanks. and for david ortiz, just more for the cooperstown file. he becomes the first nonyankee to win three rings with the same team since jim palmer who did it as an oriole in '66, '7 o and '83. well, for john farrell, sweet victory. a world series trophy in his first season as red sox skipper. of course, the other side, mike matheny got to the nlsc last year in his first year as a skipper. the world series this year and after the disappointing results here in game six moments ago spoke with our ken rosenthal. >> here with mike matheny. mike, michael wacha was so good all postseason wachlt was different tonight? >> well, i think they jumped on a couple pitches and got more
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plate than what they normally do. but every time i see them pitch, they're going to be more educated. we have to stay under the curve. and they came out very prepared. they got the big hits. >> the guys led the series 2-1. you had two more game at home at that point. obviously things didn't work out the way you wanted. from your perspective, what happened? >> well, i think it comes down to what we just talk about. they got big hits when they needed to. i think we both had good pitching all the way through the series. when it comes down to it, you have to have all those components and one of them is timely hitting. we weren't able to get those. we put balls in play hard. we couldn't get that one to kind of make them bend a little bit. that's baseball. our guys played real hard. i couldn't be more proud the way they carry themselves and the way they carry this logo on our chest. a lot to be proud of. overcame a lot.
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>> you won 97 games. you beat the pirates and the dodgers. how will you remember this team? >> i'll remember this team as a team with a lot guys taking advantage of opportunities. we had so many opportunities pop-up for young players. they came if and i'll never forget how these veterans led them and gave them an opportunity to excel and to grow. but it comes down to the guys that can compete with a lot of talent. we got those kind of guys. also we need to give a big congratulations to boston red sox, john farrell and the city of boston. it is a special one for them. they overcame a lot as well. >> mike, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> again, thank you. mike matheny in defeat as he would have been in victory, one of the classiest guys in baseball. hats off to the st. louis cardinals. >> no doubt. they had a terrific season. but tonight, the red sox. they're the champions. they played a phenomenal series. you know what?
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worst to first, you don't do it without talent. they got a very talented ball club. >> this is really worst to first. you go from the bottom to the top to world champions. it doesn't get any better than that. you said it takes that talent and character. this team has a lot of both. >> i'm happy for a buvenlg of my ex-teammates, jake peavy, david ortiz, guys i played with, a couple of those guys. i'm happy the got to see them get their ring. congratulations to boston red sox and a tremendous year, tremendous story. we'll see what happens next year though. a lot of the guys you mentioned are celebrating in the clubhouse. they're celebrating in the stands. they're celebrating on the field. they're celebrating outside fenway as well. there is more to come after a quick break. a tribute to our hall of fame colleague without whom the world series on fox just wouldn't have been the same for the last 24 years.
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someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. welcome back to the chevrolet world series postgame show on fox. celebration continues here at fenway park. coming up on america's new 24 hour sports network fox sports 1, they'll have fox sports live including more live coverage from fenway and next on fox except on the west coast it's your local news. for the first time here at fenway park, the fans here in boston get to witness here at home a world championship clinching victory. uehara getting the final out


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