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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 5, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman and we have all the videos you've been looking for "right this minut.". trouble at the takeout joint as a fight breaks out and a dude decks a teen-ager. how he took her out and not on a date. video of what looked like a super natural fire ball went mega viral. now meet the man who survived it. >> it was like something out of a science fiction movie. >> it's beginning to look a lot
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like the season for -- >> secret santa! >> see how to get in the game with a lot of other gift givers. >> we're hoping for a cool million this year. >> plus, we're giving away flat screen tvs and we've got the buzz word for your shot to win. and she was giving out pizza to the homeless when one of the guys -- >> took a little liking to her. >> how his surprise got her stoked. >> after a halloween party in england, a bunch of people went to a grill to get takeout. the guy in the green jacket plays a pivotal role there. he's engaged in an argument with the rest of the people there. there's a fight going on. now, if you notice, somebody kicked that guy in the green jacket, but he reacted. see that girl? she's 16 years old.
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he hit her back. but he wasn't done. >> whoa. >> she hit him again and he punched her and she falls through the glass window. >> that guy's huge and he's punching a girl? >> now you see she doesn't fall all the way through but obviously serious damage to that glass and that could have seriously injured that girl. >> he punched her hard enough for her to go through a plate glass window. in a wasn't like movie breakaway glass. >> this woman in trouble with the law. this happened at the airport in singapore. this woman is standing on a net about a floor up, a safety net for this kinetic skculpture. they're all connected to a motor. she she has damaged the structure and she's hanging down.
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people are really concerned about that woman. you could see people underneath. >> it looks like she's trying to grab for more of it. is she that mesmerized with that sculpture? something was going on with that woman. she makes it over to the side and makes daring movements. if you notice, she'll balance on one metal rope. people were able to grab at her and get her out of there. >> i feel like this can't be oh, oh, i'm curious about this rain drop behavior. >> she was arrested under the mental health act. no charges has been filed but obviously something wrong with this woman. >> you hear that noise? what does that sound like to you all? >> it sounds like near some pourer lines. >> definitely near some power lines but you're not going to
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believe what you see when it actually comes into view. >> oh, wow! >> wow! >> holy mackerel. that's like something from out of space. >> the fire ball just starts traveling down the power line. this was right outside of montreal in canada. >> how does something like that stop and how does it continue like that? how does it stop? >> that's the question of the day. now according to reports, this all happened during a heavy wind storm th was going on a suddenly thepower started bursting into flames, yet that flame traveled with the electricity. >> to tell as you little bit
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more about this video and what was going on, we have hugh griffith. what do you think about this video getting so much attention? >> i showed it to a few friends and it just started getting crazy from there. >> you describe that night, sound, the feeling, the smell in the air. >> it was like something out of a science fiction movie. we were sitting in the dark because we had no power until around noon on friday and around 8:00 the lights started flashing, phone started ringing, describe went blue and there was this crackling, humming noise that got louder and louder and louder. that was the first one, the one i filmed was tu actually the second one, which happened about 15 minutes matter. >> has the power company said anything to you guys about what this was? >> i've heard nothing from
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hydroquebec the reason and explain and that it wouldn't happen again but nobody's contacted me directly. i still don't feel that i've got an explanation of what happens. for two occurrences into 15 minutes, it's a little bit scary. >> that changes really quickly. keep your eyes on this dark colored vehicle to the right of the car with the dash cam. right into the shoulder. >> ooh. >> bounces, tries to regain control and they both roll. fortunately they both roll one time and land right side up on all four wheels right there in the middle of the highway. you can see all the pieces left from these two cars. >> it's a distracted driver that just ran off the road while messing with the phone or the radio. >> could be either of those things for sure.
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difficulties right into that side of the highway, mitts the other person who was just driving along. fortunately the person was able to stop before the big accident. it is good that they land on all four wheels for sure. >> in this one, it's kind of hard to make out what's coming down the road. that's a big, giant flat bed truck in reverse. as can you see, this thing's out of control, apparently due to brake failure and a throttle striking. it looks like it's carrying some sort of machinery, a lift or something. but as you watch, you do see a bunch of people look like they maybe got out of there but it's hard to tell. >> coming up in just a little while, i think we should give away a flat screen tv. >> let's do that. you will need the tuesday buzz word. you must be a u.s. resident to enter. >> tuesday's buzz word is coming up, your chance to win a 42 inch
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flat screen tv. >> you guys are about to watch history in the making. this is the base jump in malaysia 2013 and we're getting a shot of this building because there are 35 base jumpers that have been invited to jump off this building but it's especially cool for this man. now the reason he is in a wheelchair is because on his 1,100th jump, he had an accident, suffered an injury and became perilized but that is obviously not stopping him. at this point some jumpers have already gone. >> the building is not as high as i thought it was. i feel like there's not enough time for them to get their chutes open. >> it's about a 400-foot jump. >> that's quick. >> he's ready to go, gears up, picks up momentum and there he goes. >> wow! whoa!
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>> perfect landing. >> hough w incredibly amazing. >> watch when he jumps, he's right close to those windows. >> and traveled to malaysia where he would have the opportunity to jump. in north america, there's no way someone would give him the clearance to do this because if is very dangerous. >> you to really love the sport to imagine in a more than a thousand jumps under his belt and he ended up with a severe injury but still wants to get back up there and experience that adrenaline rush. >> some adventure junkies get themselves into a sticky situation. >> that's bad. >> she how this trip takes a turn for the worse. >> everything that sko go wrong goes wrong. >> and a street performance gets
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backup during his performance. >> one, two, three, runaway.
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when you're miles away from nothing, the situation goes from bad to worse is not a good situation to be in. these two guys, jase and simon, are part of a series called "all for adventure," a television show in australia and they're
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known for going to the most remote part of australia and exploring by boat, for wheeler. here they're trying to find a new fishing spot and they're trying to get through just a small patch of mud. >> oh, that's bad. >> swamps the truck up to its rear axel. so here comes simon with his truck. and simon starts to pull with his other truck. >> it's going down deeper. >> it looks like it's working, though. >> it is working and it's not getting the truck out and they notice that the tide is coming in. >> the tide is coming in. i'm good to go. >> come on! >> oh, no! >> everything that could go wrong is going wrong!
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>> holy [ bleep ]. holy [ bleep ]! >> pretty incredible teaser for their new series of "all for adventure." we can't see it here in the states but can you buy the dvd. simon is uninjured, the truck minor damage, they were able to get both vehicles out of the mud. and their adventure continued. >> it's that time of year, once again time to speak with santa, gifts is that stay. >> i love that. >> this is when they all get together to dry to break the record for the largest secret santa gift exchange. last year more than 57,000 people participated in this gift exchange. now, as part of the gift
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exchange, people are encouraged to post photos or videos at the moment he opthey open their gif play their gift. to tell us more, we have dan via skype once again. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me on again. >> tell us what we can expect for 2013. >> some of the magic that is that we don't ever know what to expect. we hope it's going to be bigger and funner and we have a lot of fun things planned over the next few weeks. i'm sure you guys are going to get something amazing and send something amazing, too. >> how many people signed up last year? >> something like 56,000, 57,000 last year. we're hoping for a cool million this year. >> what's one of the biggest gifts you heard of? >> someone got a cruise.
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someone got cash couple thousand dollars. the coolest one is someone got 22 pounds of potatoes and created a block about how to cook potatoes. >> we created these one-on-one republic lagsships. you get to know one other person. this is not a christmas thing. we have people from ul -- all over, nondenominational. we'll do our matching process and we send out who to send a gift to and you pick out something awesome and send it and that's it. you get a lot more happiness giving a gift to a stranger than you do giving a gift to a loved one. just do something awesome. >> for those of you who want to participate, register at
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rhetorrettick >> see the incredible game ending plays. and to win a flat screen tv, tuesday's buzz word is next.
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trick played on the football field. how the coaches called this one in. >> it's hook and ladder time.
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>> close. hook and ladder, baby. >> watch this. there's the pass. boom, catch it. flip it to this guy and then flip it to this guy. that's coleman meyer running it in for the touchdown. the hook and the lateral. lateral to your buddy, lateral to your other buddy, he runs it in for a touchdown, hook and latter. eight two-point aversion attempt. if i play this in realtime, you're not going to be able to figure out what just happened. you suddenly seeing a guy throwing the ball over his head butch you have no idea all the things that went down to make this thing happen. >> watch again this is the quarterback in shotgun formation but he doesn't get to snap. the guy who gets to snap is the tailback to his right. once the tailback gets the ball, he hands the ball off to the
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fullback. he throws it over his head to a guy it just snuck past the defenders. >> if you count the center, four guys had the ball. >> i don't even think glen dale knows what just happened. >> i don't think anybody knows what happened. >> a couple of concerts interrupted in completely different ways. ♪ ♪ >> street performer in berlin, germany. he's singing "small town boy." >> pay close attention to that man in that original music video. up might see him again. ♪ run away, turn away, run away, turn away ♪ >> that's the lead singer who originally recorded the song
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"small town boy" singing the some with him. >> does he recognize him? >> it's me. >> is it you? >> it me. it me. >> now over at the state fair in phoenix, arizona, another band was playing. >> this is a metal band called family secret performing at the state fair. that dude tries to interrupt the concert by banging his chair on the monitors, shows the chair up on the stage. the crowd doesn't seem to be bothered and neither does the man. they just keep on keeping on. >> do they like it. is it look oh, it's heavy metal, trash things around. >> but the lead singer took a
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break on it. >> all right, everybody. it's that time, rtm's flat screen tv give away time up. >> to be 18 years old, a u.s. resident and you'll need tuesday's buzz word. >> enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post and tap on mobile link. the buzz word for tuesday is "mystery." >> get on over to on win a flat screen tv mystery. >> and enter the buzz word, mystery "four your chance to win a 42 inch flat screen tv. >> good luck, everybody. >> she's feeding the home litz when -- >> dude with the long hair says i wonder if she'll marry me. >> see how it's all fun and games until the mask comes off.
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let's go to a city we know very well on the show in chile. what do we know happens there? >> lots of mountain biking. urban mountain biking, right? >> yes. and this is aaron chase. he's about to do something very cool. he starts off on this edge. >> barely wide enough for a tire. >> he makes a very sharp left turn and then he starts going down the stairs, steps and steps and more steps and then just when you think he's doing, there are more steps. now aaron isn't just some cool extreme athlete, but he's also known as a legislate end of mountain biking. apparently he's credited with influencing the way people ride and how bikes are built. >> those were like wet, too. >> apparently he's also a
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pioneer in the all-terrain style movement. >> it's always nice to see people doing nice things for the less fortunate. this is some sort of pizza giveaway for homeless people, less fortunate in south bend, indiana. can you see they're giving away pizza, looks like a fun time, everybody volunteering. keep your eye on this girl here in the glasses in the hood. because one of the gentlemen took a little liking to her. this guy here in the plaid telling the girl i think she's cute. i don't think she's very interested. then dude with the long hair says i wonder if you'll marry me. >> aw. >> it's the ring pop. >> so will you marry me and she kind of laughs it off and awkwardly shrugs and says kind of no.
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and then watch this. aw! >> it's her real boyfriend. >> it's her real boyfriend named mike. this is katie and this was his big proposal. the whole time i'm watching this thinking she knows. she knows something's up. you see how surprised she is when he takes the stuff off and she's really stoked. >> i'm guessing she said yes. >> she said yes. >> course everybody clapped. and the best part, there's pizza right there. >> yeah, they can all celebrate. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of rtm. ñ
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>> a dr. oz investigation dr. oz: i'm blowing the whistle. >> the secret the food industry doesn't want you to know. >> i don't even want to eat out anymore. >> exposing the dangers. dr. oz: it's a link to birth defects and miscarriage. >> the new chemical cocktails lurking in your foods. dr. oz: the biggest offenders are the foods that you want you to eat the most. >> coming up next on dr. oz. dr. oz: today i'm blowing the whistle on what i believe is the single biggest threat to food you eat. and even more troubling, the y


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