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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 6, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PST

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. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman and it's time for great videos and the stories behind them. >> a cowboy goes thrown from a bull. who is the next luckiest guy at the rodeo. >> and see this dramatic breakfast as they try to save
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his life. >> and why the music world has its eyes on this one. plus want a new flat screen tv? we have the buzz shot of word for your shot to win. and the walloby. it's an epic battle you've got to see to believe. rodeo events can be a wild ride at times for many of the rodeo competitors. this one, no surprise. it's at the royal winter agricultural fair in toronto and you're seeing the bull rider doing his thing. you see the rodeo clowns doing their job but who is about to go for the wild ride? not any of the competitors at this rodeo. that guy is a photographer. who is in the pen there and you can see that bull bucks him and he's airborne, looks like six or
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seven feet up in the air. >> he scooped him up, literally scooped the man up and tossed him in the air. >> he rarely gets some air and it all happens in a flash. turns out the guy was fine. and he landed, he got up and was able to give a thumbs up to the crowd, walked off, no serious injuries or anything like that. probably because he landed on his butt. he goes up and straight down on his butt. what can you do, run from this thing? he turned his back and the thing just went -- >> a young man died in a washington state jail and new video just released showed that it could probably have been prevented. this video obtained by cairo 7 in seattle tells the story of michael, he's 22 years old, and it shows him in this county jail. he had turned himself in for an outstanding warrant for
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misdemeanor pot possession. here you ever see him at the breakfast table. it doesn't april peer he's eating the food. it looks like he's talking to the guard. he's got a severe dairy allergy. there you see him taking a few bites of the breakfast. he then approaches the guard again and this time you see him with his inhaler in his hand. reports say he was asking for a nurse, at which point he was asking for his cell. moments later you see other inmates checking on him because they saw him jumping up and down in his cell. about 35 minutes after he took those bites the oatmeal, they checked on him in his cell and found him passed out. nurses came and provided cpr and firefighters came in and continued cpr and they pronounced him dead 35 minutes later. this happened back in july of
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2012. cairo 7 spent months trying to obtain this video that explains the whole process of what michael went through. the federal report highlights the problem in this jail, highlighting overcrowding and understaffing. the sheriff's office responded saying they've already implemented several of the recommendations coming out of that report, including hiring five additional nurses and one doctor and requesting funds from the county to purchase an electronic medical system. >> it seems like a real eakdown in communication and at this facity. >> mi plans to sue for $10 million. >> yesterday i told you the story of a guy of david spondike, an akron, ohio music teacher who was taken out of class and put on administrative leave because an imposter posted a message on his facebook page.
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it says you can take your "n" word expletive back where it came from, i don't have anything against anyone of nip color, keep your "n" word out. he revealed the person who posted it was another person's son. our producer spoke to him about how he felt about this entire experience. >> shock. after a couple of days of taking everything in and not eating and not sleeping, it's shock and everything that goes with it. >> i can't imagine losing your job because someone else wrote something on your facebook page. >> we also asked him why he wanted to protect alexander. he didn't want to reveal the
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identity of the imposter. >> to throw him to the wolves, what would that make me out to be? this is my best friend's son. one of the things that brought us together as friendships is the fact that we love our children. >> saved said i'm going to ride this out and not throw alexander to the wolves. >> i wonder if it didn't damage his reputation even more. >> that led to us ask would you have done anything differently, spoken out earlier or handled this differently? >> i suppose if there was a preventable moment, it would have been not to keep mile-per-hour facebo my facebook account open and active at any moment. >> a lot of people questioned whether alexander's son is going
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under the bus -- >> if pisses me off, when you sit there and tell the truth and somebody calls you a liar. >> flat screen giveaway time is coming up, everybody. >> we're giving one away you have to have the wednesday buzz word. you have to be 18 or older and you have to be a u.s. resident. >> the buzz word is coming up. it's your chance to win a 42-inch flat screen tv. >> good luck, everybody. >> robert was out kayaking with his friend in the arctic open and they notice this iceberg and they get close to it and then it starts moving. not only is it rolling, this thing starts to move. >> it's weird to think what made it do that, what caused it react like this. could it have been the kayak?
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probably not. but i like to think maybe it was. >> that's crazy pup got to get out thereof there. that could be huge under the water. >> or speaking of that, it could be an iceberg or something else. >> that's a big shark. >> he took his hand and put his go pro under water. he said that shark hung out with him all morning into the early afternoon. >> it was waiting fo an easy meal. they pull in a fish that, shark is going to get a nice little lunch. >> they said they were able to fish because it would go and come back. at one point it did get hungry. watch what it does here.
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>> he's thinking if i rip this engine off, they'll get stranded here and one of them will fall into the water and i can eat that guy. >> a taxi spins out where four pedestrians are waiting to cross. how everyone involved was able to get out alive. >> and see how a bungee jump can bring out your wild side. [ screaming ]
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a taxi driver trying to make good time caused this accident. you see him trying to get through that light that already turned red. he broadsided that vehicle and it caused the vehicle to spin out across to where the four pedestrians were going to cross. in all six were injured, the four people on that curb and the two drivers. no fatalities. varying degrees of injuries. >> if you pluck out any good thing, it doesn't look like the cab was going that fast. >> not that fast but it cop
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believes the cab was speeding trying to make it through the light. and the motorcyclist, look what he does. pops that wheelie. as the light turns green. somehow each loses control, the bike falls on to his foot, he's pinned and he can't move. the people who he's looking back to saying check out my moves now have to come rescue him. >> it is dopey. >> it is. doesn't look like he knows how to hand al motorcycle to begin with. >> in st. louis, some people were on fall break and they saw this walloby fighting with this
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kangaroo. this walloby is emboldened by the fact he has a little protection. they go back to their corners. the person who shot the video said the kangaroo had some blood on its chest. >> also in the the fur is flying, y'all. literally, you will see fur coming off. his claws are sharp. that's why they're scratching each other. >> clearly the walloby is the bigger of the two. >> no word on who started the fight. >> the walloby. we know. >> we go to where somebody was hunting and saw these bears. you're thinking are these bears going to try to climb a tree? this guy used a low, somewhat menacing tone -- y'all in the
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wrong neighborhood. >> "y'all in the wrong neighborhood" is all he said and they started taking off. >> that's max wallace. he has a youtube channel called hey sticks and these are his contributions. >> if you often find yourself playing cards on the go, you may want to put your cards in a box. alternatively, put them in the box they came with. >> you notice a theme here. he's poking fun at all of the videos out there. >> are you tired of water boiling over on the pot? put a spoon over the pot. it will still boil over and you then have a wet spoon. >> i would have a life and clean
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wrap but it's not complicated at all. you just pull it over and rip it off. it's printed and prefr rated on both sides of the [ bleep ] box. >> i'm slightly in love with this man. >> it makes me wonder about all those things that go, wow, it's a great idea, am i causing myself extra steps? >> an illegal plan to push the limits of base jumping. >> how do you jump out of that thing? >> the death defying stunt next "right this minute." >> and still to come, prankster vitale is hoping a homeless man's dreams come true. >> tomorrow up have an appointment for your teeth. >> and he's delighted. >> see the makeover that could change his life. plus, if you want a chance to win a flat screen tv, you'll want to get the wednesday buzz word next. for car insurance today? yeah.
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i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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like us on now back to the show. >> in july we had a video that prankster city valley did. he called it the extreme homeless man makeover. he found martin, took him
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shopping, got him a steak dinner. martin said one of his dreams was to have teeth. we now have part two. i have to say i adore vitale for this. >> we're about to tell him good news and bad news. let's see how he reacts. >> they had a campaign to get teeth. >> they didn't want to give us the money, the $12,000 because you have a criminal history and i have a criminal history. even they they didn't get the money, vitale decided to move forward. >> the good news is you have an appointment tomorrow for your teeth. >> so tomorrow he has to have all his teeth removed. here's a picture of his smile before. very joyous. they have to leave the roots so they can perform the surgery.
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now he is taking care of him, putting gauze in his mouth. now about five weeks after the original surgery. >> i've been doing real good, working now. >> you're about to get your new teeth. >> he is now going to get his teeth. >> he sounds so much better, too. his mentality and demeanor. he doesn't even have the either yet and he sounds more confident. >> and there it is! >> now you're wondering how did vitale manage to pull this off? he was able to get this for free. he got the doctor to perform the original surgery, which was almost $8,000 for free and a doctor did the dentures, about $3,000, also for free. >> the next time you see me, i'm going to own my own business, get my license and have all the good things in the world. >> can't wait for update number
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three. >> talk about a primal scream. something about fear drives back to some primordial being i think he once used to be. >> he just got up the nerve to go for a bungee jump, takes the leap and just freaks out. sounds like we're in the jungle. we're in the jungle, tarzan meets an ape of some sort. that's crazy. primal monkey scream is what i think it sounds like and he goes on for while. there is that one little part. i can't make fun this much guy, though, because i don't know i wouldn't do the exact same thing. >> i think i'd probably scream, too. it's just so funny. >> it's time for the great rtm
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flat screen tv giveaway. >> your chance to win a 42-inch flat screen tv, you are need wednesday's buzz word, must be 18 years or older and a u.s. rest didn't. >> go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> it's time to reveal the buzz word for wednesday. it is freestyle. >> get on over to and win the free flat screen tvp. >> good luck, everybody. >> acapella
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[ female announcer ] now your most dazzling accessory can be your smile.
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colgate optic white dual action shines and whitens over 2 shades more than a leading whitening toothpaste. and whiten even more, with optic white mouthwash and the whole colgate optic white line.
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if we could see what heaven looked like on earth, i'm pretty sure it's close to this. this is a video posted on the youtube channel of go pro. those are dolphins but the reflections of the cloud in the sky make it seem like they're flying through the sky up. >> to have a perfect day, perfect water conditions in order for this to actually happen. >> even after they breach the surface, it doesn't disturb the water that much. they're obviously on a boat. that doesn't disturb it. >> how crazy all that came together. you had to have that water, that kind of day, that kind of sky, you had to have dolphins present and remember your camera. >> got pro made it all super possible. >> amazing. beautiful video. >> things are about to get
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really funky. ♪ ♪ >> do you recognize these guys, the acapella group, they've become pretty popular. this is their latest acapella medley. nick, i know you love it. you're hearing songs like "technologic," "one more time," "harder, bigger, faster, better." >> they stare at the camera and not one of them blinks. >> they look like people from episodes of ""star tresta""star" >> people are really mesmerized
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it's five people using only their voices to sing the songs but also in the production value itself. >> whoever did this arrangement is super talented musically. >> i think they probably do this themselves. they won the tv program and this video was released to promote their new album ptx volume 2. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." wow! and in a perfect world, what's delicious would be healthy too.
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wish granted. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. sounds too good to be true... it's thick, creamy but 0% fat and twice the protein. huh..! where did stamos go? he's here, the oikos are on him. this really is too good to be true! dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. too delicious to be so nutritious. ♪ dannon. you gotta reel it up now,buddy. it.creel it up.t up, [father] reel it up,you got him on there.bring him in. is that a bass? [boy] yeah,i got a big bass. [father]bring it up.keep reeling.keep reeling.c'mon, where is he? whoa! you caught that all by yourself? [boy] yeah! [father]how old are you to catch that? [boy]three! [father]you're three years old? show me how many fingers that is.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you've looking for great videos, we got 'em, "right this minute." >> a 50-year-old hot mess in a racy rap video is told to kiss her teaching career good-bye. >> they're calling her the catholic school cougar. >> now hear how a legal twist is giving her new reason to celebrate. >> a police chase ends near moscow. when the suspect stops -- >> then he runs on foot. >> see why in russia, foot runs


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