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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 7, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it time for great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." >> police storm a house to stop a man holding his girl friend at knife point. incredible video as cops save the day and a former new york giant survives the gunfire. >> they're locking horns over a lady in the battle of -- >> find out who is the manliest
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in the forest. >> victoria secret models rule the runway. >> see the audition videos as hopefuls show their best runway walk. >> plus it's 42 inches of perfection. we have the buzz word for your chance to win a flat screen tv. and this dog's owner wants to send a message. see what he fetches to go into that oven. >> the events in this video happened several weeks ago but earlier this week it was pivotal in determining the future of the suspect involved. this was in daytona beach, florida. these officers are responding to a domestic dispute call. when they got there, they said they heard screaming coming from inside this building so they decided to enter the home. once they enter, you hear screaming coming from one of the
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rooms in the back. as soon as this officer angles himself, he can get a good look at what's going on inside that bedroom. >> can you see him? >> yeah. don't move, guys. don't move. >> as he gets closer, you see how dangerous the situation was. and this is a bit graphic. there is a man, 32-year-old jermaine green, a former new york giants football player. he is at this point holding his girl friend at knife point. >> he's got the knife held up above her. >> man, that's crazy. i'm surprised they haven't rushed in or fired. >> when he does this and doesn't obey instructions, they do go into the room and they do fire. they fire several rounds. you see his girl friend, katrina
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johnson, move out of the way. at this point he's not moving. both were hit by the gun fire, both are recouping from injury. jermaine is facing a felony ay judge rg ordered him to remain in jail because they don't believe it safe for him to be on the street. the actions of the police officers are being investigated. at this time officers had been placed on desk duty. >> they had to do something to get her out of his grasp. >> if the internet taught us anything, it's that unfortunately fights can break out in any setting anyplace. in this case, some guy's driveway. the fight -- >> face-off in this driveway. a guy named michael scott said
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he was coming for for lunch and noticed two bucks on his neighbor's dry way. this is in british colombia. michael did say he noticed a doe in the area and he believes they're fighting over territory. >> they can't get any traction. >> they're in the yard, they're under this tree. the fight goes on for a really long time. you can hear all the noise they're making, antlers banging together. >> i'm rooting for the smaller one. i'm rooting for the underdog. >> the underdear. >> i like that. this is the scary part. they get wrapped around this big pine tree. their antlers are still connected and they're folded around the thing. the younger, smaller buck takes
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off and older one chases after him. >> sometimes criminal don't think things all the way through p . i have two videos to show that. we start down in australia. he and a projector stole valuable tools. apparently they had a brain freeze because they left some important evidence behind, a slurpee. >> we found a slurpee that was still melting and we went to 7-eleven and asked if we could have a look at their footage. >> so there was footage and lo and behold, 45-year-old jeffrey. >> i don't understand who brings slurpee to a robbery. who thinks i'm going to rob this
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bowling lan but i'm going to need icy refreshment. >> over in georgia not a well thought out attempted atm robbery. this happened at a beauty parlor that hadn't been open very long, had an atm machine inside. some thieves broke in. they used rocks to get to the atm. but then they have to move it. so they pull up the suv. it doesn't work. they don't get away with it. they think this is connected to something else several months ago where these thieves were age to carry it out because it wasn't bolted out. this one not so easy. >> who wants to win a 42 inch flat screen tv? all you need is the buzz word. >> and be a u.s. citizens and be 18 years old.
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good luck, everyone. >> it called the perfect flight put together by epic tv. they're following three of the best wing suit flyers in the world. these guys are setting off for amazing stunts around the world. their first is to do a proximity flight in rio de janeiro. what they're attempting to do here is to fly underneath the arm of the statue, incredibly dangerous. from the beginning this whole excursion was wrought with challenge. air traffic control in rio said, no, we're not giving you permission to jump from a helicopter, you're not allowed to do that. they had to find an alternative way to jump from the 6,000 feet they needed to jump. >> so what was it? what did they do? >> powered hang gliders. they found two guys to fly into the airspace illegally but they only have two so they decide
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yoki can't jump and they send up espen and yudo to get the shot. >> that's a bath tub with wings. >> oh, my god. >> espen goes beneath the left arm of the statue. watch this. >> oh, my gosh! >> that was like he was going to smack right into the sleeve of that statue. >> i think he brushed the sleeve. >> there's a little flourish at the end of his flight, completely successful. again, just the first episode? this new series. looks like it's going to be spectacular to watch. if you want to see the whole 14 minutes of the stunt, go to
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rightth >> it's the great fish dilemma when this fish lands itself in the kayak. >> get it back in the water! >> i know, the struggle, how to get it back in the water. >> and see how a slippery road takes a car for a ride. >> oh! get it, get it, get it!
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last time i checked red lights mean stop all across the
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world, except this motor cyclist seems to have a lack of memory. because you see him splitting the lanes here. looks like he's going to stop but notice light's still red. decides to speed on through. but then that happens. >> wow, what a surprise. >> what can you do. even in the description of the video from dmitri fireblade, he admits, yes, i didn't wait for the light to turn green. he did post photos after his accident. you can see here quite band aedp but still able to take a selfie. >> i'm glad he's able to post the video saying i'm a dummy. >> you can't blame that car because if you have the green arrow, you have the green arrow. >> was he trying to beat the car? >> it seems like by speeding up, that's what made him hit the car, he might not have hit it. >> or if he stopped at the red light. >> now to a moment in
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unintentional drifting. this is the antelope valley freeway. the guys notice a car on this rainy, wet day, going fast on the highway, flips around, facing the wrong direction and then starts facing the right direction but right there on the shoulder, kind of parks himself. amazing that this guy spins out of control across five lanes of traffic. you don't hit a single person and then you kind of just pull over. >> that is scary! >> it's incredible. this video from juken video, wild stuff. >> how do you continue after that? because you know you soiled yourself, you're sitting on the side like -- >> kittens and monkeys share some chips. ♪ ♪
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>> when you get to a certain age, your friends start having babies and then they want you to baby sit. well, to discourage them, a man taught his dog a useless trick. that's a dog in the kitchen and there's a baby doll on the floor. watch what the dog does. >> no! >> the dog goes and opens the oven, picks up the baby and, oh, my goodness, puts baby in the oven. doesn't just put the baby in the oven, the dog has learned to close the oven door. >> this is a terrible trick. >> a terrible trick. i'd never leave my kid there. >> then it worked. >> you could pick something more appropriate, a rubber chicken, a cow, stuffed animal, something that would go in an oven normally, not a baby.
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>> i have to think his friends are really questioning do we really know alex garcia? he's a brook dog trainer and pet sitter, though what's your dog going to do to you when he comes back from alex's house? >> hide your kids. >> see the video that could save your relationship. >> what do you think? >> you look like your mom. >> on the next "right this minute." >> and still to come, snow boarders and skiers come together for a good time on the slope. >> oh, my gosh, this is going to be so fun. >> see them shred from every angle. >> icy rocks! >> plus it's almost time to give away a flat screen tv. the thursday buzz word you'll need for your chance to win is next. >> i love that show! [ male announcer ] some things are simply better at home.
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and might be a good spot right here to tame the dragon. ♪ ♪ >> 'tis the season to kick off with a brand new epic ski adventure film. this entire video brought to us by go pro, 100% shot by go pro cameras. john jackson, chris davenport and lindsay dire take us through
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some heleskiing. >> john jackson does these little video diaries. >> oh, my gosh! oh, yeah. oh, yeah. oh, i'm enjoying this. >> i'm actually glad to hear that. i'm always wondering, how are they not freaking out going down the mountain. they're excited but also a little nervous, too. >> icy, icy rocks! give me the good snow again. >> yeah, icy rocks, give me the good snow again! >> you can go to our web site and you can also use our mobile app. >> a victoria secret's fashion
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show is around the corner and this time they're doing something a little bit different. >> you've seen me walk the runway. >> but now it's your turn. >> show me your most fabulous walk. >> on twitter, instagram and vine. >> i ruined it. you don't want to see me or you. >> do we have to wear the weird outfit, wear the giant wings? >> some of them are taking it very seriously. ♪ ♪ >> i think we all know that being a victoria secret model is not easy, and there's a reason why they do what they do. but there could be some undiscovered talent out there, right? these girls came from somewhere. there's got to be somebody who can do what they can do just as good. >> this girl's got it here. >> she looks like she's stomping grapes. >> that's the catwalk. maybe hers isn't perfected but she's trying and she does look
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good compared to some of the other entries. >> hi, i'm a california mermaid. >> they don't talk when they're on the runway so that girl -- >> no, some people are having fun with it. i like this girl's. >> in a giant hoodie. >> apparently all you have to do is samahake your booty. >> in the middle of the wood. >> i love this empowerment. she's like you guys can't eat chocolate but i can. >> let's do it everybody. time for the great rtm flat screen tv giveaway. zit your chance to within a 42 inch flat screen tv. you need to be a u.s. resident 18 years or older and the thursday buzz word. zen ter on our facebook page. if you're entering with your mobile phone or tablet, go to the first link on our facebook
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page and tap on mobile link. get over to and click on win a tv button. and type in thursday's buzz word, mobile, for your chance to win a flat screen tv. >> light, camera, action. a whael new
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some people call it the salmon slinger. some call it the cougar sizer. >> you're like what is that? this is a play toy for the cougars at the zoo. they say they need to exercise so they came with something for them to play with. when they finally did it -- >> frozen fish. i'm sure it lasts for hours. >> it does last for hours. >> we've got a garage door spring covered with a pvc pipe
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and at the bottom we attach afrozen salmon. then we attach it to a zip line. >> the visual stimulation is really important for them. it keeps them active. >> i thought nick could do this. >> i'm going to put a 12-pound salmon on it. >> she's got to eat that thing. >> i won't have to feed the cat for like three weeks then. >> yeah, but your house is going to smell. >> i think it's safe to say it's a good day of fishing when the fish jump in your boat. that's what happened to these two kayakers. a fish jumped into this woman's kayak. a guy in this kayak has a camera running. so they get to shore and they realize 100% there's a fish in the boat. >> holy cow! >> that's a big one. >> that's a sizable fish. >> at first you think that fish
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isn't looking good. but when you go to touch it, you realize it's still alive. now their biggest problem is how to get the fish back in the water. i'm thinking like you're thinking but it's not that easy. >> the poor fish is thinking i can't breathe! >> and they're trying to use the paddles. that's not going to work. >> that's like trying to use chop steks to pick up a fish. >> why are they so afraid of a little fish? >> it's slimy they say. >> still can't get it, wiggling all over the place. eventually gets the thing up into the water. guy in the jean shorts. >> save of the day. >> all right! >> macy gets a drink.
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>> when light meets photography, it can create a spectacular image, like this. >> pretty neat, huh? we've seen this type of photography before, right? long exposures with some light. usually it's just a guy with a flashlight or some sort of single light source. but this is something entirely different. a whole new piece of technology comes to the market via kick start called the pixel stick. >> it works with images set in photo shop or similar program. you move through the frame as pixel stick shows the image one series as a time and creates stunning animations. >> pretty cool. it looks like this. a long stick of leds. >> you have your camera set up,
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it's taking the photos and you are in place putting it where you want it to be. >> exactly. you teak an image, put it on an sd card, plug it into that pixel stick and it will display one pixel at a time and walk it through. it takes like a whole other dimension to photography and explodes it. their original goal was $110,000 and it already tripled that. put together by steve and duncan of bit banger labs. >> that's it for "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you want great videos from the web, we've got them "right this minute." >> a cabbie tries to stop a hit-and-run suspect. >> you're not going anywhere. >> how one bad driver became a one-man wrecking crew. >> a strange sight for voters who -- >> thought this eagle was in distress. >> what they did to get a tired bird back to shore. >> eric, you did your good deed


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