tv Right This Minute FOX December 1, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PST
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>> hi, everybody. what's a thanksgiving weekend woufts great viral videos. we've got them. "right this minute." >> turkey, turkey. >> talk about ruffled feathers. it's the time of year how they're hauling butt and taking names. a fight to survive after two bucks wind up in deep trouble. >> now their auntslers are hooked. >> see where a boat and brute
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strength made for one amazing rescue. an internet icon shows the thanksgiving spirit with -- >> four pepperonis. >> how captain american is a hero with a hot meal. and a holiday greeting straight from the heart. >> gobble, gobble, gobble. >> i think she's got it. >> it that's that time of year when we talk about turkey. how to cook it, carve it, it tastes great. but it's also the time of year when the turkeys fight back. >> yeah. >> here in this video we see traffic problems happening here. but off in the distance, there's a turkey stopping traffic. >> let me try and get this turkey out of the road. >> this guy, jason, we learn his name, gets out of the car. he's like, i don't want him to get hurt. i'm going to try to get him out of the traffic and save the day. >> that's nice of him. >> but the turkey was pretty
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much like, i'm coming after you. ] scream ] >> and then it turned -- cue the cartoon music. because round and round the car they go. >> oh, my gosh. >> eventually he has to dive back in the car for cover to get away from the angry turkey. >> can you imagine driving past this scene. >> he's after you. >> here, again, turkey this time going after a full-sized car. >> turkey, turkey. >> this person just trying to drive-through this parking lot. a whole group in this empty parking lot, this person trying to get through. they're not backing down. i'm no turkey expert, i believe these three turkeys to be male, they've got the beard, and they're usually the aggressive
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trying to protect their laeds. >> they're manly. >> do they ever move out of the way? >> they do. but once they move out of the way, they pursue this car. [ turkey noises ] >> don't mess with the turkeys, especially after the -- >> it's that time of year where we're ordering stuff online, expecting packages in the mail. if you're at work you think, i hope nobody takes it before i get home. you won't believe what happened to this lady. she was at home with a sick toddler when somebody lifted one of four packages she was expecting in one day. that is a 19-year-old she caught on several cameras she has at the front of her home. but that wasn't his only stop at the house. she says a few minutes later, she got up because she suspected
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something was going on. she didn't know but she heard the latch on her gate. the next time, the same day, a few minutes later, he walks back and forth and down the street. a neighbor comes out across skroos across the street. and he does come back up by the porch, and by this time she's gotten up. she doesn't know when she comes out of her house and runs into this kid that he's already taken a package. and he says, does bob live here? and she says, no, bob doesn't live here. and she said, you need to go the way you went out of here. >> he went with the name bob? bob live here? >> and she got his picture and they were able to identify this kid. they're still looking for him but they know who he is. they're probably gifts that she ordered for someone else and she's waiting for them to be
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delivered. she has a small child, she can't necessarily go out and shop every day. it's sad. and that would be out on a pond in a small boat, then seeing this. >> oh. >> that bites. >> you're looking at a ten-point buck tangled with an eight-point buck. now their antlers were hooked. the guy on the pobd was a veterinarian, so he thought, i've got to rescue this buck. we have two. one of them is dead, one is a live. he can still stand up. >> the veterinarian in the boat was afraid he was going to drown from the weight of the other buck. what do you do if you have two enormous bucks stuck together but in a body of watr? vet'son, adam, is get
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on the boat with him, they bring out a powered saw to try to saw through part of the antler of the buck who was deceased. >> how do you do that when one is bucking around. >> they were terrified they were going to get kicked. as you can see, the buck who is struggling is trying for get away. he's fearful. the sound of the saw is scary with this buck. after they get a small cut, they think, we can't saw it any further. now they go after it with an ax thinking that they can break the antler away, the piece that had maybe a little bit of a saw to it. they do, and then they bring the power saw back out. and watch what happens. >> there you go. he's free. >> you hear it snap. they were able to saw a little more and then the buck was able to pull himself away. they assume that he took a nap as soon as he got back to the shore.
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and thank gnz they were there. because of them, this buck is still alive. >> until i saw this video, i had no idea that captain america is skuch a huge fan of pizzas. here he is going into a pizza place picking up four peppero pepperonis. it's not for him. this is captain america, erin debore. >> this video is not a prank. but i wanted to mix it up. >> here is what he's doing in boise, idaho. >> he's going up to homeless people giving you a whole pizza. >> i hope this will help you out and give you a pizza. >> just a little act of kindness that he's doing and hopes that other people do the same. >> jack in the box. >> yeah. >> you see him in the video.
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>> i also wanted to give you this as well. just to help you out. >> one of the most memorable parts of the video at the end. >> i wanted to help you out and give you a pizza. and give you a pepsi. >> gives them the pizza. when he gives the money, watch the woman's reaction. >> i wanted to give you guys this too. >> no. >> no. >> absolutely. it's not a big deal at all. >> thank you, sir. >> you bet. >> that's really, really, really sweet. this is huge for them. it's more than pizza, soda and cash. >> something we should all consider through the courts of our day. we all have an opportunity each day to do something like this for someone. >> i hope you have a great day. >> thank you much. >> thank you. >> take care. >> don't hurt the turkey. >> his wife had a holiday mishap that went viral. >> he has now written a song
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about this video. ♪ ♪ >> how a burnt turkey is making for one fired up hit. and not sure what to bring to your holiday party? >> well, you're going to make a veggie platter in the shape of a turkey. >> that's awesome. >> the step by step to a snack that looks good enough to gobble up. ununwrwrapap y youour r pa. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. alalmomondnd j joyoy a and. ununwrwrapap p pararada.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay, guys. put on your thinking cap and think back to when this show first started back. thanksgiving of 2011. do you recall this delightful video? >> yes. this is at the home of car mmen and kelly. kelly was cooking the thanksgiving turkey and a fire broke out. she was more concerned about the turkey than the actual fire.
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>> the trick was close the door and the fire will go out. >> very, very good memory. you said the exact same thing two years ago. >> don't tell me it happened again. >> no. but the video is being used to help celebrate the hidays this this ie in the kitchen." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carmen, he has now written a song about this video. and he has made a music video to accompany his song. >> he's trying to make a viral video from a video of his that we want viral. >> trying to can't lies on a situation that happened in their house. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the creek spilled over. she started to flame ♪
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>> he's made himself a little music career. you can actually get some of his music on his website. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if i go down, remember, dear husband, i did it for you ♪ >> it sounds like he's being funny in the video. not a power balladd at this point in time. >> i think the first video was better. >> if you're going to a thanksgiving dinner and you want to bring something but you don't want to resort to the same old, same old. we have a really good idea. >> what do people bring to thanksgiving dinner to share with family and friends? make a veggie tray. and not just any tray, because
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you're not bore zblg you're going to make a veggie platter in the shape of a turkey. >> that's awesome. >> it's cool. like a art project, but a healthy snack. >> it's dpestive. >> it is. >> but it makes you not want to eat some of the vegetables because you don't want to mess up the presentation. >> the thing it's super easy. this has lettuce and cucumbers, which is the body. and then the other veggies you create layers. >> tail colors. >> yeah. >> i like this a lot. and a lighter fare on thanksgiving as opposed to the heavy stuff. >> and the kids would probably enjoy this. they're eating a turkey, they're not eating veggies. get it? >> and that isn't a foturkey. >> that is true. >> going hard core to burn the
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giant turkey. >> this is supposed to be the day when you sit and eat. >> what makes this workout well worth your while. >> maybe for the whole weekend. >> and. >> great great greedy goinglers grabbed gravy. >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- goinglers grabbed gravy. >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- goinglers g >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- bgoinglers >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- bgoinglers >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- lgoinglers >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- egoinglers >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- rgoinglers >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- sgoinglers . >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- oinglers gr >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- inglers gra >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- nglers grab >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- glers grabb >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- lers grabbe >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- ers grabbed >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- gobblersrs grabbed gravy. >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- s grabbed gravy. >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- grabbed gravy. >> great, great, greedy goinglers grabbed -- [[ m maalele a annnonoununcece
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. snooch. >> closed captioning provided by -- seselslsunun b blulue e itit. ggetets s toto t thehe root f and hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun b blulue e itch. bbutut y yoou n moisturize it. [[ m malale e anannonounce] gold bond men's lotion. sskikin n ststrerengngthenins plus 7 moisturizers. mmanan u up.p. cortizone-10 has the strongest nononpnprerescscririptptiionoe plus moistuturirizezerss to help heal skin fast. cocortrtizizonone-e-1010. . f.
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>> don't you guys wish you could sit down and eat all you want and never feel guilty about the calories? >> yeah. >> that's you. you can eat all you want without having to worry about it. you have to earn it. this is how you do it, by going to slaughter boot camp. it's in the detroit area. thanksgiving morning starting at 6:30 in the morning, you get your butt out there and start working and burning calories, hard core stuff. running giant hills. hauling tires. sandbags and it's fun and two and a half hours of fun. when you sit down and eat -- >> or you're too tired to eat. >> this is the day you're supposed to sit down and eat >> wtc footbal >> do
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those things. but there's a healthy way. and to tell us more, the instructor of slaughter boot camp. matt. >> you can eat anything you want on thanksgiving day, you have to work hard for it. for two to three hours we're going to put you through the ringer. you'll burn 2,, 3,calories. it's a pretty brutal boot camp. you have to be in decent shape to survive it. >> how many people puke? >> it's very common to have people throwing up. we had one guy throwing up and another guy who passed out early. and i hope they made it home. >> how often do you yourself do this workout? >> we lead by example. so all of us that do the instructing, we participate fully. >> can we see the results? >> show us the guns man. >> ooh. >> our recruits place at the top
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of these race. >> what's the equivalent of running on a treadmill. >> sorry for you. that must be boring. >> this is a man who has a little bit of a tongue twister for thanksgiving. see if you can say it three times fast. >> great grey greedy gobblers grabbed gravy. >> great grey greedy gobblers grabbed gavy. >> ahhh. >> great grey greedy gobblers grabbed gravy. great grey greedy gobblers -- >> great grey greedy gobblers grabbed gravy. great grey greedy gobblers grab
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gravy. >> you did it right the first time. i'm not going to try because i stink. i'll just tell you that. >> great grey greedy gobblers -- >> we move on. >> can you tell me what a turkey says. >> say gobble, gobble, gobble. >> gobble. >> this little girl, her name is vera. she's not saying gobble, gobble, gobble. but she knows what a turkey says. >> i think she's got it. that sounds more like a gobble than a gobble actually sound. >> and she's a lot cuter than the first two. >> gobble. gobble. gobble. >> a christian stewart look-alike tells the story of thanksgiving. >> thanksgiving started in 1942 when column bow sailed the ocean blue.
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>> age old question, what to bring to family dinner. you got invited to someone's house for thanksgiving, what do you bring? >> pie. >> great. always nice to bring dessert. >> from the king of shows us how to make very nice pies with homemade ingredients. >> pyrotechnic pie. >> not edible. >> no, not at all. >> it turns into a flame. >> was that sugar or there's got to be something else. >> there was another ingredient. i'm not going to tell people what it was. because let's not encourage this kind of behavior. he warns this this is not something that you want to play around with. but they are household ingredients when mixed properly
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and right, you get this kind of confection. and you have an even better pyrotechnic effect. >> if you're going to cook in the kitchen, make a real pie and eat it. >> there's plenty of food on thanksgiving. let's blow some of it. it's thanksgiving time so it's important to remember the sty of thanksgiving. am i right? >> yeah. >> why not recap o have a refresher with super famous actress, kristin stewart. >> i'm here to tell you the story about thanksgiving. it started in 1942 when columbo sailed the ocean blue. >> her version is a little different than what you might know. starring former tv star columbo. and ships a little different than what your history book says. >> the n ina, p ina, santa
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maria, and the mayflower. the pilgrims and indians had a big feast. they didn't even charge for the food. they gifd it. and then they said thanks. >> so when you gived something to somebody, and they say thanks, that's why the thanksgiving came together. >> that's when captain john and popehonortas also performed for the first time singing "colors of wind". >> they sang that at the very first thanksgiving. >> oh. >> apparently. i had no idea. >> that's how disney got it. >> obviously a video from the very political youtube channel. and some of the traditions that we have on thanksgiving today, can be traced back to the first
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thanksgiving. >> they decided to eat turkey and stuffing on the first thanksgiving. turkey contains a chemical that makes you tired and thus, tur kiss are tired which is why they can't play. and also, they're easy to catch. we eat stuffing because it's easy to find in pillows. >> that's why we eat the turkeys. >> we've been wrong about thanksgiving this whole time. >> all we needed was kristin stewart. >> k-stu. >> that's it for us. we're going to leave you with this sawsome video of a sand sculpture. enjoy. and we'll see you next time. ♪ ♪ ♪ )!)a$v)ttttqtt$dt$$p7[8
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>> hi. if you're too stuffed to move on this thanksgiving weekend, sit back and enjoy great viral videos "right this minute." ♪ ♪ ♪ a story for the season with an outdoors man in alaska who can't believe what happens when he comes to shore. >> see the life changing experience with a baby caribou. >> she's making grunting noises. like a wet puppy to be honest. >> two jacked up turkeys fight for the title with -- >> the best play by play
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