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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 4, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for some great videos and the story behind them "right this minute". [ sirens ] >> police chase a woman who just won't stop until -- >> she pulls into this driveway. >> see why a cop's dash cam becomes a ram cam. >> he's five stories up and believe it or not, this guy's going to -- >> repel down this building to get a cat.
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what happens after he goes all spiderman to save a kitty on the edge? >> it's a new web site for ladies who are quick of a certain chore. how your monthly gift can come with an actual gift. >> we got you covered with chocolate. >> and some dudes conspire for a world class prank. >> looks rather convincing. >> the trick behind the old thumb in the trunk. >> ooh. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> ma'am, open the door! >> how many while many of us weg off our turkey comas, this is what some police officers were doing. there gas woman cruising right by a police officer through the red light. of course she's quickly lit up by this patrol car. she slows down but does not
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immediately stopped. she pulls into this driveway. the officer steps out of his patrol car and steps into her window. she reverses, smashes into the patrol car and this officer very calmly calls in this episode. >> i'm on cassidy ave.. she just backed into my police car. she rams into the car a second time. >> ma'am, open the door! >> other officers come to help out but she rams into the car a third time. she drives around the back of the house. the chase continues. eventually an officer does get close enough, does the pit maneuver. the car runs up and over a snowy embankment, up the other side. eventually the woman is tased
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and taken into custody. the beckman police officers do know who she is. she's charged with resisting arrest and operating unsafely, driving over the curb and criminal and felonous assault. >> ma'am, open the door! >> beautiful video from the pyrenees mountains, southwest europe. you can see this is known as speed riding. he has his keys but he can lift up off the ground. here and there he can go over a ridge and we've seen this stuff before. cool stuff. but once he gets over this
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ridge, keep your eye on the snow. >> oh, no. >> you see that big crack? big chunks of the snow start to break off. that's an avalanche, my friend. but this is also the perfect point for him to pull up because this is like the cliff ends right here. >> go-go gadget, like that's a perfect way to get yourself out of trouble. oh, there's an avalanche? i'll just go oaf it. >> just floats down. >> that's how you avoid an avalanche. >> when he turns back around, you can see the snow coming down the side of the mountain. >> just avoid the avalanche. you know what to do. >> i got a couple of wild and crazy videos, starting at the wild and crazy beauty supply.
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one guy is covering an ar-15 style rifle. the guy in the light gray hood stands near the door. police say he was acting as the lookout. the guy with the gun demands the workers put cash inside a black plastic bag. can you see there's quite a bit at the bottom of that bag. >> that's a violent robbery. >> it's great that they didn't injure the employees. they took the money but at least they didn't use the weapon they brought. >> i can imagine having nightmares after that for sure. >> now this video from russia has somebody who is speeding, wouldn't stop for police. they were going too fast. the police assume that the driver may be under the influence because of the weaving back and forth.
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finally this car crashes into a ditch. when police get up to the car, they discovered the driver was 11 years old. >> he wasn't under the influence. he couldn't see over the wheel. >> actually, they called his mom and she said she's been learning to drive for the last six months and she's been allowing him to drive for the last six months. the mom only bought the car about a month ago and now he's in the custody of the center for juvenile offenders. >> we know cats get stuck in some precarious places in cat is no different, stuck 50 feet up on a roof near downtown los angeles. a dangerous place to be, even if
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you got noon lives. if you got a cat 50 feet in the air, who do you care? the specialized mobile animal rescue team. they come in with creative ways to rescue this cat because the fire department couldn't do it. they brought up the ladder and it spoobd the cat and the cat ran away. they were setting up a dual technical raised system. they've got their harnesses and ropes. not one rescuer but two head down to this narrow little rooftop, that you can also see is quite steep. eventually they use the little animal rescue tools. >> animal grabber. >> the animal grabber. and that are able to just loop it around the little cat. you hear just a little squeak from him and he's done. he's rescued, out of the gutter and back to safety.
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no any longer 50 feet up in the air. listen to the cheers as they rescue this little kitty. >> a couple of guys up to no good. >> it's clearly obvious these guys have something going on with them that's not exactly normal. >> the story behind the strange scene. and two youtube channels team up to make one slick video. >> now you can see the true precision. >> the trick shot shooting shot in slow mo. >> oh, wow, that's impressive. i love watching tv outside.
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and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> it seems that all guy friends have that story "remember that night that we and then we and we and then you don't remember it? this video is one of those days. police say this driver was intoxicated when he was driving the mercedes. then his passenger started self-injuring himself. that's his friend encouraging him to do it. it clearly obvious these guys have something going on that's not exactly normal and police are trying to get them under control. this guy is ready for his close-up. >> i any having a good time doesn't really realize the gravity of the situation. here they are in the police
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station. the drama continues. look at the blood on the floor from the suspect driver's face. here's the thing about the instigator in this. police say he's had 30 previous infractions. >> how are you still on the road if you have 30 infractions? >> that's the question. how are they still standing at this point? >> i want to ask you a question. if a tree falls and nobody's around, do you hear it? >> no. not if i'm not around. >> i'm taking bets. here's the tree falling. which one do you think it's going to hit? >> yore all wrong, it's the o on the end. we don't know if it made a sound because there is no sound on the video. >> it took out the finance and the car. >> i said all of them. >> you did get one of the cars
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correct. >> do i get a prize? >> you're outnumbered in this one. i have the ladies with me. i'm going to put you on the spot and ask you what's the worst thing about having a serious girl friend? >> maybe stuff around the apartment, just like leaving stuff. she's moved in without even moving in. >> let's take it to a more personal level, the hormones, things going around that time of month, maybe running to the store to pick up a box of feminine products. >> as a man having to run that errand, it not a lot of fun. >> exactly! that's the perfect point. so busy bubble to the rescue. >> busy bubble is the way to get your feminine products shipped right to your door. >> busy bubble, you can customize it to your pick personal --
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>> cycle. >> cycle, well done. >> this is genius. >> and that time of the month, you want to feel a little better about yourself. busy bubble helps with that because you get a free gift. >> is it chocolate? that works for me every time. >> key with find out. we have the ceo and founder of busy bubble, her name is jackie orlowski. the free gift, is it ever chocolate. >> we've got you covered with chocolate. >> what made you come up with this? >> i thought no one has time to run that errand anymore. if can i eliminate that, why not. >> how many piece in the box? do i choose how many ewant? >> it come tommized, if you have a few likes, a few regulars, a few heavies. you ladies are able to customize what you need each month, then it shipped right to your door.
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>> busy double is a pretty unthreatening name. ilt not like, right? >> yeah. this is making it a ho-hum product that's something exciting, it's something to look forward to. it for busy moms, it's for teen-agers, it like opening a gift every month. why should this be something you dread every month because it not going away, it's coming back. it's got to be something you look forward to and it's got to be easy. >> i like when youtube channels collide, the channel of rr coming together with 22 priengster, who is a trick shot guy, known for his really precision shots. here's a compilation of some of the best. each splits a playing card down the mid approximately. rated rr, stepped in with their
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high-speed cameras and now you can see the true precision. he really did slice it down the middle. >> a lot more difficult than the bulls eye. i imagine just hitting the bull's eye is like -- >> and he's not doing this from point blank range. he's standing several feet away. he's shooting into a 50 caliber bullet casing. >> wow, that's impressive. >> how about driving the head of a nail with a bullet? >> how about the aspirin? >> splitting a bullet. he's got two balloons in the distance. between the two balloons is a blade, looks like a machete to me. he's going to shoot the machete and that's going to split the bullet striking a balloon on each side.
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>> the two parts of the bullet go this way, right? >> and pop the balloon. you're right. >> we move when we just breathe. imagining is to control your aim, calm your body so much. >> it was the big amazon announcement this week. the future of delivery could be by drone in just 30 minutes. but -- >> we're not starting there. we want faster. >> see how amazon rocket is one-upping the drone. >> and why this prank gets two -- uh, one thumb up. >>, oh my, god!
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by now you've probably heard about the dream of, they're going to have their packages delivered by drone. in the future you'll get your pack ands in 30 minutes. they're not stopping there. >> we recently launched amazon drone. our customers said we want more, we want faster. you're about to see the secret for a really long time. each package is equipped with a
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parashoot so it gets a lot of landing at your doors. >> they're going to shoot the packages up into the air, parachute down with their own chutes. i think they're still working out a few of the kinks. >> oh! this better be the free shipping method. it better always be free. >> they better have a good air traffic system. thef don't want to shoot their own drones out of the air. >> apparently they put the thing together in less than 12 hours. >> we're laughing at this now but someday we are going to able to get stuff by pushing a button. >> the future is bright young.
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i. >> and we've got yarpie scumbag. let get rid of it. >> ah! >> he's already lost his thumb. but the people pranking doesn't know that. >> it looks rather convincing because it's not really there. >> do you know where to choung the oil from? >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. thank you, man. >> holy [ bleep ]! do you have a snon. >> i don't. >> of course they get the one guy who doesn't have a phone. >> can you hold that? >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> you cut his thumb off. >> you didn't hold it! >> for people who just witnessed a guy losing his thumb and who are being blamed for it, they're kind of chill, though the older lady ran away. >> it came off! >> this guy, he doesn't buy it from the beginning.
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>> oh! oh! a wm. >> the first weird thing would be a bunch of guys who don't know where the oil dip stick is, right? >> what has two thumbs and knows two dip sticks? >> ooh! >> i'm glad to have two thumbs. >> yeah, right. >> it a christmas jingle with a juggle. ♪ >> he's a juggler but he can also play the piano with the ball he's
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you're exploring 2,300 feet below the surface of the ocean, never know what you're going to
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find. this explorer found a world war ii era imperial japanese mega submarine called the i-400. >> how does that get lost? someone lost tabs on this submarine? >> yes. as a matter of fact, the u.s. had been missing andrding to reports sunk the submarine after diving it. >> that was discould have had by the hawaiian undersea research laboratory. as you're watching the cameras float over the submarine. you find out this was 400 feet long, was largest super mr reason been .
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>> at first glance you might think that is mark twain in a white tuxedo with a piano at his feet. but it's not. he's none as the piano juggler. he has a special talent meeps a juggler but he can also play the piano with the balls he's struggling. >> to do one at a time, i thought that was impress of but when he actually did a chord. >> you think that was impressive? i ain't something nothing yet. >> how do you control the ball as he plays this right christmas. >> i'll tell you how --
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>> well, he's using a bounce piano. a lot of commenters are comment they go think this is fake because they can't program it and whatever key the next fall sounds on, it's going to track -- >> there's narts there where it look look on. >> it a cool chick but i am not sold on this. >> that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you ne
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>> today on "dr. oz" is pot addictive? >> the smoke you inhale literally can change you. >> dr. oz weighs in on the true health risk. >> we know pot affects the brain in many ways. t.h.c. clouded and desensitized important parts of the brain. >> is pot worse than caffeine, nicotine or alcohol? >> we don't ban these things because of potential harm. >> highs and lows. >> this should be interesting. >> coming up next on "dr. oz." dr. oz: today -- a highly charged, hot button health issue. can you be addicted to marijuana? the question is growing more urgeant as the movement to


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