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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 6, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PST

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. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for all of the great videos from the web that you've been looking for "right this minute." >> base jumper takes a flying leap but soon realizes -- >> things are really bad. >> how things go from bad to so much worse. >> police choppers scour a dense forest --
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>> using the heat of his body. >> down a mountain road. why a change of scenery made it not so pretty. and a video captures a motorcycle man doing mysterious things. >> is it a drug deal? >> it's not a drug deal. >> why you probably won't guess where in one winds up. >> no way! >> this is not what you planned for. base jumping in moab, utah. >> oh, no! >> what happened? what's gone wrong? >> oh, gosh, he hit so hard. >> you see him jump and immediately things are really
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bad. watch in slow motion. his chute opened in a weird way. you see he tried to gang with the toggle to gain control but he bangs into this cliff face a number of times and he hits somw t first area he hits is this sharp edge sticking out. >> it was basically a flat cliff and he took that right to the chest. >> but he hit the flat cliff a number of times, too, on the wave down. >> by the end his hands are kind of just dragging along the flat edge of this cliff face. here he is crashing to the ground. we have another angle of this from one of his buddies who was on the ground. >> oh, wow. i was thinking the parachute was inflated as he came down but he had nothing slowing him down.
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>> compression fracture, five stitches to his eye, six stitches to his chin, severely sprained back, this happened in november, he is still recovering. he's up and about. we've talked with him. he is going to be okay. >> police received a phone call from a 17-year-old boy who told them that he was lost in the woods. he knew his general area but he said he'd been hiking for about four hours and had no clue where he really was and was terrified. so police and a group of volunteers all spring into action. as you can see, the only way they were able to find the 17-year-old boy was using the thermal imaging cameras because the forest was so incredibly dense they could only see the young boy through the heat of his body. you can see the rescuers get
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close along with a rescue dog. as they come up on this young man, he is almost in a fetal position lying in the forest and very, very cold. >> once you get lost in the woods, you start going one direction, you turn around and all of a sudden everything looks the same. >> luckily he did have a cell phone and luckily he thought to call police. he is responsible for his own rescue because he alerted the officials. it took police and volunteers nearly two hours to find him. they took him to a local hospital, hooves fine and then reunited with his parents. cold, shaken up but safe. >> technology is remarkable that they can pick up a heat signal from a helicopter who knows how far away and save somebody's life. >> the grinch is alive and well and in philadelphia. the grinch is also a woman. there she is walking down the street early in the morning hours. you're thinking, oh, she's
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admiring the christmas decorations. oh, no, she has theft on her mind. the police said she came and started taking things she wanted for herself. >> this is literally what the grinch does, goes and steals all the christmas decorations. >> but then they say she wasn't done. she left and came back with a mr. grinch and they took more stuff. >> i understand if you don't have the means for certain things, sometimes maybe you have to do things just to provide. but you don't need christmas decorations. >> how can you possibly walk up to your home every day and feel good looking at that christmas decorations. this is not the chris mat spirit. >> you have no conscience. you go yeah, i stole those but they look good in front of my house. >> here's another grinch in
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russia. this gentleman, can yes, i said gentleman but he's dressed up like a lady. sadly this man did get away with money they bu they said he politely said good-bye and walked out. >> he makes a tall lady. >> the first one, a long board run going down the mountain in colorado. this is amanda roden, female long boarder up ahead. sun is setting, gorgeous, beautiful. >> what could possibly go wrong? >> you'll never guess. >> organizatih, no! no! >> you can't prepare for that. you don't expect a herd of cows to be going by. >> she went head first into the assnd of a cow.
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-- ass end of a cow. amanda said she did now there were cow on the road but she didn't expect to run into them. she got a hook shaped bruise on her thigh, tore her jeans, a little road rash. but didn't stop them. they went back up the hill pumped up on adrenaline and ran this again. >> let's move on to a mountain biker. nick clark attempting a front flip tuck, no hands. >> wow! >> did his bike broke? >> his bike broke! >> i bet it broke his junk! >> here it is again. that felt awful. i felt that. >> here's a couple of different angles of nick's collapse.
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>> it goes wrong all kinds of ways. it's the sound that gets me, just that crunch. >> it's a lucky day for one family when they get to bring loved ones home. >> they haven't seen their family members in three and a half years. >> that's a long time to not see your family. >> how winning a contest led to the happy reunion. and police officers are the first to arrive at the scene of a house fire. >> the situation is desperate. apparently there are five children in this home. >> how they put their own safety aside to get everyone out alive.
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this lovely lady you're seeing on your screen is sue reilly, a contest winner and she's about to have a really spectacular day. >> me, my two older sisters, my brother-in-law's family, all the neighbors have come in and we're all getting ready. >> you're probably wondering what in the world kind of contest did she win? she won a competition to bring a loved one home put together by -- >> we're going to finally get to see them after three and a half years. >> joanne is her sister, paul her brother-in-law and their two kids sean and laura. they haven't seen their family members in three and a half years.
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her sister and her sister's husband moved to australia. >> that's a long time to not see your family. >> she says, sure, we've got skype now but there's nothing better than to give them a hug. >> can't wait to get me hands on the kids. >> here's the moment they're waiting patiently at the airport to see their loved ones. and they finally get to hug. and thanks to the contest she won, they took care of the airfare and provide the hotel accommodations, so a trip thech may not have been able to afford otherwise. >> i think that's a good idea. usually you take a trip to get away from everyone and here they're bringing someone home. >> it's a great way to wish
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someone happy holidays. >> shreveport, louisiana, police officers are on scene. you can see the flames. listen. >> how many are in there? how many? >> there was three! it was three! >> apparently there are five children in this home, the house is completely on fire. the police officers do not have the protective gear that firefighters do. they're risking their on lives for sure trying to save these children. the adults have gotten out but there's cosome confusion as to which are saved and which kids have gotten out. she's screaming she can't find her baby. >> one on the floor! one on the floor! >> they got one right here, they got two that way. >> i can't believe it. they got them. >> they did.
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two were rescued. >> the little one i had was burned up real bad. you got to do what you got to do. five years ago we didn't get one out and i ain't going through that again. >> that moment when the one guy says we got three, how many did you get? it takes your breath away. >> those officers are some remarkable human beings. >> gopro is at it again. >> gopro footage from inside the gopro offices. >> that is a nice cafeteria. >> that is cool. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come, pretending to be a couple with a stranger and a selfie. >> they totally look like they're in love. >> now meet the youtube
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phenomenon and how life has changed. >> and the squirrel thief is after a treat. >> that's a dunkin donut bag. inside that bag is pumpkin munchkins. >> see the crafty way he gets the goods. [uncle]this is hopscotch,okay?
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uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight!
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[uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah? closed captioning provided by --
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when this popular youtuber is up to something, lots of people are paying attention because the dude has a million plus experiments. his latest experiment, take this selfie with me, i'm going to send this to my parents. >> i told my parents i'm dating someone for christmas and i'm
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not. >> i told me parents i'm dating someone and i'm not. would you take a selfie? >> here they are. they totally look like they're in love. >> they look so happy to be together. >> it wouldn't be a stewart edge youtube video if there want some kissing. >> the guy's a master at that. >> it's been quite a year. stuart, good work, buddy. has this been a whirl wind for you? each of your videos gets to be super popular. >> it's been a crazy journey. i used to clean port-a-potties before i did youtube. a lot of people don't know that. >> do you think there's one video that puts you on the map? >> the mistletoe kissing prank, hi nine subscribers before that and that one went viral.
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that one got me on the map but then i think people were kind of like, okay, so one hit. but then the next video that helped me take off again was the magic kissing card trick. they were like okay, maybe this guy knows what he's doing and recently the pink shirt kissing prank kind of took off again. >> we were really, really impressed with the pink shirt kissing prank. we had a dedate bathe on our show about how you actually did that. can you reveal your secret? >> it's a lot of magic. maybe fly me out there and take me out there and i'll do it. >> oh! >> has this become your career? >> yeah. back in february i was able to quit my job and do this full time. >> now that you are a youtube celebrity, does it feel like work? >> it feels like work, to be honest, but it's the type of work that you love so much that you just do it. i'm working right now on my one-year anniversary video. we're doing a mistletoe part 2
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with a little twist. you're the first people i've told that. up guys were also the first people that contacted me like ever a year ago. >> oh, yay! >> that's because we recognized your talent from the very beginning. >> first e-mail i got was from "right this minute" say can go we use your mistletoe content. so cool. >> beware, there are thieves among us. that would be a squirrel. and squirrels are everywhere. check out this little thief. he is a very adorable thief. he's after something and he's after something tasty. >> that's a dunkin' donuts bag inside that bag. >> the squaurl doesn't go through the already big hole in the bag, the squirrel creates his on hole in the bag. he takes it up, damages some of
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the treat, looks it. >> skirls are becoming -- they don't care. >> because they know we like watching them on youtube and they know they're not going to be charged and put in jail. >> this treat not so tasty. >> that's a stuffed monkey. maybe the squirt thought that would be mum. >> ironically monkeys can climb trees really well, just not stuffed one. >> and the squirrel works and works and works and works and works and works. eventually he's up in the tree, no monkey. >> an affair that didn't last long. >> a short film show as rider on a special journey. >> a message in a bottle type
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things. >> the
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it was a rare snow day at the albuquerque park zoo. let's watch some animals plays in the snow. >> i love animals at the snow. >> we start at the elephant enclosure. out comes the elephant and they are taking their time. >> awesomeness. >> there is a snowman with i think i see a water mellon rind and a carrot. look at the little baby. here they come. they're like wait a minute, it's a delicious imposter. >> i like how the big one gets the bite. it's like, well, i'm first here. i'm not embarrassed. like i'm not from minnesota, i'll take the first bite. >> and then the polar bear is like it about time! we have been missing snow. where have you been all this time? i mean, albuquerque is beautiful
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but a little snow now and then? >> another one going is there some coca-cola that goes with this? >> and then this video is trying to promote something. see if you can figure out what it is. >> motorcycle. >> good guess but no. >> motorcycle turned on and the rider takes off to the grocery store to pick up balloons, cashier ringing up stuff, the rider gets back on his motorcycle and goes to the bowling club. >> is it a drug deal? >> not a drug deal. >> the next stop is this church. >> i'm completely lost. >> he meets with the priest, they have an exchange and again the rider hits the road and makes it to a beautiful beach. he takes that box and he puts
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the contents of that little bag that he got from the older gentleman inside, starts blowing up these balloons and then attaches the box to the balloons and releases them into the sky. >> like a message in the bottle type thing. >> it is. as the box hits the sky and in space, this film is promoting love. >> oh! what? >> no way! >> yes. >> this is from outer space created by richard ing for his girl friend abby miller. that is an actual ring that he says he really did send up 109,154 feet. >> shut up! >> that's the ring he gave her, he sent the ring into the stratosphere and when it came back down he found it and that's how he proposed, with this? >> yes.
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the whole time this little movie is playing in a theater that he rented out, invited his family and friends. he's sitting next to abby. he gets down on one knee and she says yes. >> i have to say that this is a first. >> we've not soon this kind of proposal video. >> what's also really cool, the cashier that i pointed out earlier, that's her sister. the priest, that's abby's dad. >> that's a cool touch. >> and that ring belongs to his grandfather's mother. so his great grandmother. >> that's it for us here on "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute". >> a snowboarder is shredding the slopes but -- >> something's about to happen. >> why hitting a little kid leads to putting the hurt on him. >> they went motor boating to raise cash for cancer research, but -- >> the money was refunded by the organization. >> how their new plan got the donations to one very deserving lady


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