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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  December 19, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

4:30 am
here is sal. good morning to you, traffic is doing well around the bay area. this is a look at 880 westbound and as you can see traffic looks good on the east shore freeway and it is also looking good as you drive through on the bay and from the livermore valley to pleasant tonight, there is a little more roadwork -- pleasanton and there is a little more roadwork from caster valley to dublin, give yourself a little extra time, let's go back to the desk. we begin with breaking news for a fire at an oakland gas station and began with the evacuation of several people. a car smashed into the gas pumps, apparently setting off a two-alarm fire. emergency crews have evacuated people living in the area. paul chambers is on the scene
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and we will have an update in a few minutes. we have developing news this morning if you shopped at a target store you need to know about a data breach. up to 40 million people may have had their cards stolen. they managed to get information when they slid cards at the cash registers to pay. many people are worried. >> i use american express. >> i am shocked target you know they will have this problem. >> cyber security experts say it looks like security experts managed to get into their divert information r only shoppers -- >> only shoppers are not affected. >> visa and master card and target are not commenting. they say you should use a
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credit card not a debit card because there is less risk when the cards get stolen. and you should also change your pin number regularly especially if your information may have been compromised. and after testimony at a hearing yesterday by the senate commerce committee revealed they sold targeted lists including rape victims, people with hiv and aides and police officers including their home addresses. more information is needed for how data brokers collect information and who they sell it to. it was a violent home invasion robbery. four masked men forced their way into a home on popular road just outside of vacaville. one person was shot an injured during the rob rain two others
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were -- during the robbery and two others were beaten. then were seen driving off in an early 2000 silver toyota camry. they are looking at a permanent fix on the new bolts for the new bay bridge. they finished the $25 million repair job on the eastern span. that job began after safety bolts broke as they were being tightened. >> the permanent fix, the steel sattles and the temporary fix to let us open the bridge, they have been taken out. >> you don't remember the bolt problem nearly delayed the opening for the new bay bridge but the steel sattles allowed the bridge to open on schedule. they will meet in a few hours to discuss the latest glitch in the new contract. the latest contract has conflicting information
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involving bart's retirement program. union leaders returned to the bargaining table to talk about another problem. they said bart management said it was mistakenly left in the signed contract. the bus union may soon be coming to an end. they are close to reaching a tentative agreement. they were both rejected by the union rank and file. negotiations are expected to continue for the rest of the week. firefighters estimate they will contain a big fire burning in big sir friday night. a firefighter used a flair gun and the fire is now 74% contained, it it destroyed 22 buildings including about a
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dozen homes. >> we have had very little rain and we had other conditions such as sudden oak death and this line is all bad. >> they started evacuation much nearly 400 people on the hiking trails. they are looking into the possibility that the fire was started by an illegal camp fire and the community meeting is set for 4:00 this afternoon. they are not waking up to another spare the air alert. it lasted 11 straight days due to another stagnant wind pattern. changing air overnight will dispurse much of the air pattern. following the bad kid, the city of vallejo will honor a superhero of their own. she is fighting leukemia and a group called vallejo is
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planning a special surprise for her today. they will be taking her around the city and will be encouraging people to cheer her on. at 9:00 the elementary school and at 930 vallejo city hall and at 11:00 the maritime academy and we are told monica's mother is keeping her what her away from the television so as not to spoil the surprise. we will show you on facebook so as not to post it there. the church is gearing up for its holiday giveaway. they have turned a large room into santa's workshop. they have all sorts of games to basketballs. >> we are donateing to grade and we have a -- glide and we
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have a little girl of our own. >> glide hopes to handout some 8,000 goody bags on saturday. time now is 4:36 and they show continued growth in the u.s. economy. they are scaling back by $10 billion a month. it is the first decrease since the program started 5 years ago. the bond buying campaign did not cause rapid inflation and did not cause the risk of falling prices. >> it is subjective and could pose risks to economic performances... >> he plans to leave his area next month and they could raise the bond buying next month and they have no plans to raise interest rates after if job rates drop below 34%. they are looking into a new
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area code and the new digits people will have to dial. new troubles for one of the people from duck dinasty and why he has just been suspended. we have some roadwork coming up and we will let you know if anything affects traffic on the bridge. there is a little bit of snow up in the sierra nevada, i will tell you about wind speeds how much and how much cooler it will be. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear.
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remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
4:41 am
. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, time now 4:41 and it is a crime common during the holidays, people stealing delivered packages on porches. a couple posted video on you
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tube of a woman taking a package from the willow glenn neighborhood of san jose. it was going to be christmas presents for the couple's children. >> it is so brazen, and she walked up as if she had every right to pick up that package. >> one shows a suspect getting out of a white sedan as she walks up to a home. they have seen these video clips and should be a big help in locating the suspect. meanwhile a woman was a victim of a similar crime in the city. a woman apparently took two packages from her front porch and ran away. lee lives in what is considered to be a very safe neighborhood. and this clip shows a man stealing a package from the front porch of a home. the suspect was seen driving
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away from the home in a dark colored two door vehicle. they are discussing a pipeline in san carlos. the board will consider how much they should fine pg&e for misleading them about the line which carries natural gas through the city. it raping up to $17 million in fines. they are considering whether to restore pressure to its maximum level. nobody from the bay area has come forward to talk about the megamillions jackpot. it was bought at jennifer's gifts in san jose. they will receive money and plan to buy a house for his wife and three kids. the lottery winner has a full year to claim the prize. meanwhile, the person who bought the other winning ticket
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has taken the cash option. they showed the numbers and they were a combination of her birthdays and lucky number 7. she is allowing them to share her story. >> between joyful tears and laughter, on her daughter's part, she related that her mother had won the lottery. >> now this is the new sand that sold curry the winning ticket. curry said it was a last minute decision to stop in and try her luck. they are 8, 14, 17, 20, 39 and the meganumber is 7. well, they are going to the white house and planned a vote yesterday. the house overwhelmingly approved a budget last week and restored $63 billion in across the board budget cuts.
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new pension requirements and a one percent reduction in cost adjustments for working military retirees. and showing capital punishment in the u.s. is on the decline with a total of 29 executions this year. the annual number of inmates put to death has dropped below 40. although it remains legal in two states they are registering it legal and they are only 2% of that total. at. >> a robbery suspect wounded by a sheriff's deputy is the so called cotton ball bandit. a deputy chased him to san rafael. the suspect got out of a car and flashed a gun at the deputy who opened fire. the cotton ball bandit is 16-
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year-old -- is a 16-year-old. they have launched an entire investigation to see if more could have been done to prevent the death of a woman. she was found dead at her home sunday afternoon two days after she called 911 complaining of breathing problems. two deputies broke the window of her trailer but left a note instead of going inside and they thought the trailer was empty. a family is holding out hope for another miracle. they held a prayer vigil on empire road in oakland. he went into cardiac arrest after what was supposed to be a routine surgery to remove her tonsils and they are now trying to keep her on life support. >> i want you all to pray for her, she is a really sweet girl
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and a big part of my heart. >> they filed a formal request for her medical records and still have not received them. the policy did not release her records while still in the hospital and they are calling for an investigation into the incident. real estate despite prices has led to an addiction epidemic. >> some the addiction... whew! >> they are allowing landlords to list them for sale rose 81% next year. mayor ed lee touring a new income housing said the stipulation got 2100 applications for 67 units. >> forget about income housing, right now it is hard to find medium housing and it is hard to find anything under $3,000 a
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month. >> they would like to see them repeal the ellis act law. and they have a new long- term spending act on how transit funds will be spent over the next four decades. most will go to the transit systems, bart and muni and the huge expansion of real fleet, buying plenty of buses in muni. they are looking at installing metering lights and those lights are a expected in southern marin county in 2015 with more to follow in the years ahead. they have approved traffic in other bay area counties in recent years. 4:48 let's go to sal, how are things happening this morning? things are going well, we had a short chase, somebody was wanted and did not stop. this is a felony stop right
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before the mcarthur maze and the person was wanted by bart police and however, chp did do a little chase and the person ended up stopping and one person is in custody and bart police are taking this person into custody and they are the persons to put the cuffs on the bad guys. that is what is going on, a lot of police lights and police cars but no big chase as i mentioned. the traffic here on the bay bridge toll plaza is not all that bad, in fact i would say it is great and westbound, it is light. 98th, a car ran into a pump at a gas station so that is a good area to avoid in east oakland after that gas station was briefly on fire.
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4:49 let's go to steve. cooling, it will not last too long, main impact air quality is much better temperatures are coming down, cooler windy at times, the low is on its way to southern california and some go until 10:00 and some go until this evening. 30s to 40s to 50s, it is held undue to the breeze. you can see the system right there, just a lot of snow and there is a little bit we can sure use a lot, this is not much but we will take what we can get. the breeze is holding these temperatures up and the low is on its way to southern california. whip dip for some, breezy for everybody, and it looks mostly sunny and a few clouds and sun this afternoon. it will be good to go, very low
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60s and the extended outlook, morning lows will be cold, lots much sun here brian. well, firefighters are cleaning up after a huge fire raged through a strip mallet last night. it started inside the super discount stores and one of the roofs collapsed. there were no injuries and the cause of fire remains under investigation. oakland police have shut down a massive illegal marijuana operation. it was being run not far from saddic avenue. investigators say they operated just like a medical marijuana dispensary but did not have the
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proper permits and ignored the rules. >> they were selling marijuana based on referral. >> police say the suspected ring leader of the operation is a convicted felon and was armed when officers moved into the gift shop. >> one of the people was suspended after making antigay comments during a recent interview with a magazine. his personal beliefs do not reflect the network and they called to suspend him but other people are defending his comments. >> he needs to come out and condemn his statements. suggesting this is what people hold to has held toll it is not
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productive for speech. a spokesperson said robinson will still appear in some episodes that have already been shot. coming up, it is a killswitch for stolen phones. it may sound hard to believe, why there is a possibility why next year's super bowl could be played on a saturday.
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. welcome back, time now 4:54 a map is found -- man is found guilty of kidnapping rape and other charges in the 2008 attack. it included enhancements because the victim was a lesbian. salvador will be sentenced to life in prison. and they are teaming up with the district attorney george glass cone requiring a killswitch on smart phones in california. it makes it useless if they are stolen and they are making it a top priority as the number of phones have skyrocketed. they resisted because they stand to loose profits if there
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are fewer stolen phones. the golden state warriors are interested in buying the oakland a's. the warriors ownership is looking into buying them into the ball front water park and they say it is 100% untrue. and for next year's super bowl, the league has come up with contingency plans incase heavy snow falls jeopardize is the game at the stadium. they have hundreds of snow removal trucks but in a worst case scenario, the league is prepared to remove it saturday or even monday night and however that contingency is made for every super bowl. coming up at our 5:00 hour, we are following the breaking news where an early
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morning gas station fire has caused evacuations. and we have more on the treatment of an indian diplomat in new york city. we are looking at the commute, it is looking good on highway 4 but there is more slowing traffic and i will tell you where it is beginning to slow down. we have a change in the weather and i will tell you about a change in air quality, you may not like walking in the wind, that is for sure.
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. if you shop at target you will want to hear this, a major security breach nationwide at target, we will tell you how this is affects customers. the winds of change, we will tell you how much snow there is up in the sierra. parts of bay area that will be affected and the new digits people will have to dial for a new area code, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news.
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good morning, you are looking at a live gas steaks in east oakland, there is a big fire and evacuations are still underway p-we have more live at the scene and we will have more coming up in a live report. i am claudine wong in for pam cook. >> i know you. >> i know you too. >> let's check weather and traffic, steve is right there, and i am dave clark. we will have sunshine today, much better air quality and wind advisories out to 10:00 and for for the north and east bay hills, it will be a lot colder and the breeze is holding up some of these temperatures and windchill, i know is 32 degrees still cold for some, a little bit of snow, only light


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