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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 19, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the videos that you've been looking for "right this minute." a raging blond needs to get a grip -- >> and maybe get some pants. >> why she was packing heat of a different kind. >> she's got a shiv and a bikini? >> a young man gets a ladder and we guarantee -- >> this video will make you smile. >> the story behind the word he's been waiting for. >> it's a congratulations. >> it's an incredible stunt
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you've never seen before. why it's being called the biggest bike trick of all time. >> and get the story behind a slick commercial -- >> for a 1996 nissan maxima. >> it will get you from point a to b most of the time. >> now meet the dude whose new trick to sell an old car works. >> i'm very excited about that. >> i'm talking to the whole world when i say this -- control your temper. this woman in new zealand needs to control her temper and maybe get some pants and a shirt. >> that's a road rage fight. she's upset with these women that she's yelling at because apparently these women cut her off. and not only is she yelling at them, she is, according to police, threatening them with a
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skew driv screwdriver. >> she's got a shiv and a bikini. >> apparently the person shooting this video was in the car with that person. >> whoa. did she just throw a punch or stab the person? >> this woman saw the video after it went viral and they say she turned herself in to police but police in new zealand are looking for the victim to find out what went down. >> police in ann arbor released the security footage of this young man and this young woman standing at the all the owe pay station but watch this fella. >> what? >> that hurts. >> punched the screen in with his hand. you can tell it hurt him because he's doubled over. now he goes after the side of the machine.
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>> oh, right, that looks a little easier to punch through. >> the girl is just holding her hand up to her head. >> i wonder if she lost the parking card and he's not happy about it? >> according to reports, he caused $1,000 of damage in this machine. police say folks from anybody in ann arbor who might recognize the two, so they can find them. >> you're seeing 20-year-old ryan holcomb. i think this video will make you smile. he is opening a letter. this is a letter we've been waiting for for quite some time. he's had trouble with the lingering. >> it says congratulations. >> and it's ironic the shirt he's wearing. the shirt says college. >> pleased to inform you of your
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acceptance into the life program. >> they said yes? >> they said yes. >> what do you say? >> yes! >> you can see how excited he is. he is pumped. he's going to college. >> you're going to be a college student next year. >> i know. >> you're going to be a clemson tiger! >> i remember the day i opened up my college acceptance letter. i was flabbergasted. >> the clemson life program from the web site says they're a program for a post secondary education and it sets them up with future employers. >> stupid criminals. what are they going to do but show their videos. i got two of them. >> this girl, stephanie elise jennings walks into the store
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with a gun, demands money, gets the money and ends up taking off. >> you know her full name, middle name included so something tells me she didn't get away. >> she didn't get very far. turns out they found her a short distransfrom an original robbery. the sad part is that in the getaway car they had a 3-year-old child. >> there's so heart breaking. >> were ne really in need to care for the child or was is cigarettes and alcohol? >> it was just cash but the gun she was using was a toy gun. >> do you lose your child. >> according to tsiar family no. >> and this 46-year-old is elena. she's there buying herself a ring. then another customer walks in so she's done and is just about
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to walk out the door, he pulse out pep are spray. >> he drops everything, ends up taking off. >> this lady is running them down, though. stop, i got everything he'll score right here. >> this crook has no idea what he's up again. >> this thief is also facing prison. th this. >> i remember this random e-mail i got about a year ago from a woman namd nettia. she watched a video of mine about a costa reek ican rescue
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center. >> the main reason is habitat loss. that's mostly due to clearing of rain forests. one of the biggest things right now, especially in indonesia is palm oil. >> they're getting rid of their habitat, making way for palm oil farms. what can i di. >> they're all shooting video, just to spread the woman. and this woman is wearing an ape in into. >> this woman has a haunting blog but she's doing something for them, too.
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>> if somebody is going to make a dub step using only the sounds that giveins makes, they do make fascinating sounds. >> it's cool to see all these creative people go to the same place and they're all coming up with something completely different to showcase this the animals. >> it's the great 3-d movie dilemma. >> if you're watching a 3-d movie, everybody has to watch the 3-d movie. >> and dude takes on a sticky challenge. >> i put 100 pellets of chewing gum in my mouth. >> find out if 100 is doable and chewable. ♪
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[ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ pillsbury cookie dough. make the holidays pop!
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls, with cinnabon cinnamon, are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. make breakfast pop! could this be the biggest trick ever on a bicycle? they claim if it's coming from the nitro circus guys -- >> i tend to believe it. >> that's one of the crew getting ready for a remarkable stunt. i've watched a lot of this stuff. i've never seen somebody pull this off. >> the world's first double back flip. >> what happened? he flipped the biography flipped. what happened there? >> first flip, he stretches it out and does it superman. then he pulls his legs back on to the bike and manages to yank
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another back flip before he lands and landed clean, too. the whole nitro circus have pulled all kinds of stunts. also very impressive. watch this. goes up, half pipe and then back flips down. they call this the 360 royale back flip. does a twist there, lands at the top of the rail, grinds across the rail and back flips off. >> you're taking a risk t leavef skin on the ramp. >> then i'm going to get super minty fresh breath. >> it's from the dude where's my challenge channel? today he has a special challenge to watch. i warn you, it may be difficult for some people because i might get grossed out. >> i have to put a hundred pellets of chewing gum in my
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mouth and still have toible to attempt to chew. >> i've always wondered how many pieces you can chew. >> i can't really understand the words coming out of his mouth but i know it's more than 20. >> that's gross. >> it does look like toothpaste. >> he could have choked on all that gum, right? he could have died. it's still a challenge. >> and he does it. he gets them all in his mouth, the sugar just oozing out but the pieces of gum staying in there. >> oh, wow. it's like a mold that you make if you're getting braces or something done. >> congratulations, did you it. what a dummy. hey, my curiosity, what and now
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i'm dumber. >> whoo! >> it is pet time people looking for items that are good for the whole family, like a 3-dcd. but if you're watching a 3-d movie, everybody has to watch the movie in 3-d. this new tv allows those who want to watch it in 3 hd and if people don't want to, they can watch it in 2-d at the same time. >> zach is able to explain it. >> hello. >> how does this work? >> normal three-day and they're kind of offset to give you the illusion that you're seeing something in 3-d.
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but with this one, you're only seeing one and you only need one polarizing lens to see and get that effect. when they move this polarizing lens over it, it looks three can i mentional and there are multiple uses for this. it could be for watching 2t and thr three. >> now that's fun for the whole family. also this. a bear resistant cooler. >> definitely. it's been grizzly bear captain. they actually have client business cars. >> they osht the cooler with a bunch of yummy camping food. >> if they can't get in there,
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they're not going to make that association. >> right. >> luxury in the eye of the beholder. >> this is no joke. the car up for sale on craigslist. >> hear how his fancy ad got him a big buy. >> plus, they are youtube's popular daddy/daughter trio and -- >> everybody wants to know what these little girls are wanting for christmas. >> i want a cheetah that is a baby cheat a that is alive . >> this season discover alleve.
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all-day pain relief with just two pills. >> you can sell why are used iphone, android or other smartphone for up to $350 in cash right now! all makes, all models and given broken phone. it's asies assy 1-2-3. >> say hello to your big check! >> don't delay. turn it into 100, $200, up [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays.
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time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life.
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the best iconic monuments always seem to be those that stand the test of time. >> i'm about to present y'all with an opportunity to own some luxury. this is a new car ad for a really sweet set of whieeels yo might want to buy. >> the luxurious maxima gle, 17 years till monument perfection. this time maxima delivers an unprecedented sports sedan fully loaded with an engine, wheel, tire and ought mat being but who cares about numbers. this car is not about numbers. this is put together by luke and he put together a very creative
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craigslist ad. the speed of sorts will carry you from here and only by its grace will allow to you get where you're going by the -- >> i like where there's a lun ji cord union fighting liftoned brac. >> you got the ugly out there in. >> yeah! this is no joke. the car up for sale on craig's lives. the owner is joining us right this minute. i got to know, is this beauty still available? >> it is actually not available. i was contacted by nissan of usa not long ago via twitter and it sold today. i'm very excited about that. >> so nissan actually bought this car from you? >> someone said it was a testament to my salesmanship to
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sell a new car to a dealership that makes that car. >> and i gave a thousand dollars you had to be a little thought about. >> pretty much the pocket knife of production. i can hopefully get some more business. that's all i'm really looking for. >> you might just qualify for this stunning tour deforce of true mentoring. >> and he gets a little nudge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ time to check in with the
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adorable family from the reality changers youtube family. you remember this family, jorge and his daughters alexa and eliana? they shot to youtube stardom with this video. ♪ >> that's little alexa singing "home." now it's the holidays. everybody wants to know what these little girls are wanting for christmas and it pretty darn awesome. >> what are you going to want from santa. >> fashion. fashion makes me happy, santa. >> this goes on and on and on and on. >> santa, can you bring me a kitchen? >> i want a cheetah that is a baby cheetah that's alive. >> and she is very clear on
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this. it's alive. a live cheetah. >> i want a baby kitten that has stripes on it. and i want an umbrella that is a cheetah umbrella. >> i will, i promise. okay, santa? yes! and i want this one, santa. let me go back. it pretty darn. >> christmas sweaters are so last season. >> for something new for the christmas holiday spirit time, what you wear and what you do is this. a
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i recently went to disneyland and saw the most
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amazing thing. i saw an assistance dog hangg out with bruno. thou >> what could be better than that? >> how about this aboard a disney fantasy. there's pluto and there's the assistant dog. and that's so sweet. >> the dog's loving it, back and forth with pluto. >> it's biting its whiskers, biting its nose. wonderful, wonderful moments. and the dog is excited like, ooh, polluteio is playing with me! >> if you go to these cruises, you don't get this much one own one time. >> you can't beat that for cuteness. >> this time of year everyone's always talking about, ork, we
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got our christmas p.j.s on or holiday ugly sweater. there's something new forle holiday time when you wear and what you do. it's this. ♪ for everything there's a time and a place ♪ at christmastime that place is your face ♪ >> a christmas face, if you will. of course this video from bret and lange. grace from daily grace and also hanna hart. but what in fact is a christmas face? ♪ like a christmas stud, but you're drinking reindeer blood ♪ oh you're talking about my christmas face ♪ >> you decorate your face. >> they had ret like a chris mat tree beard face but the best face of them all personally, i
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think, grace. ♪ what the hell has she done to herself? ♪ >> oh, my god. >> oh, my goodness. >> i just hit a skier. deal with it. >> her face is like a ski slope. that is incredible stuff. >> that is creepy. >> it's creative! my gosh. >> i'm kind of on board with this idea. i was thinking that would be fun to have a face painting christmas party. >> it's not just christmas faces they do. you see the hanukkah face and the kwanza face. >> that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." [son] all right,she has no idea.
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[man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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