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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  December 30, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PST

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and over. and that bitterly cold 20 to 30 below. cold morning. not as breezy for most. sunny and mild. highs today in the 60s or a few upper 50s to near 70. here's tara. thanks. steve. everything is looking pretty good out on your roadways because of course its still pretty early and still the holiday week. so we are not seeing as many folks out there. let's take a look at your maps. we can show you all that green you are seeing there in antioch and on through concord. if you two over to the richmond area you can see the bridge. traffic looking great through there. and in marin county, we are experiencing very, very light traffic. up next we can take a live look at 101 through san francisco. folks onth right hand side of your screen there. up next a look at 680 and walnut creek. traffic on the right hand side of your screen southbound as you make the drive toward san ramon. finally 280 at the 880 split you can see headlights are
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northbound as you make the drive toward santa clara. it is 6:00 on the nose. let's head back to the desk. time is running out for the family of jahi mcmath. the 13-year-old girl was declared brain dead after having her tonsils reremoved. alex savidge is joining us now. you have more on the final attempt to keep her on life support. >> reporter: the family may file some sort of an appeal at some point today. trying to prevent children's hospital removing her from life support. in the meantime jahi's family has been struggling to find a long-care facility that will accept her. they are running out of options. their last hope was a facility in new york now is unwilling to care for the 13-year-old. jahi suffered cardiac arrest followed by complex tonsil surgery for sleep apnea. she has been on a ventilator
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ever since. chinos hospital physicians have all said -- children's hospital physicians have all said that jahi is brain dead. the hospital says the science speaks for itself. >> she has no chance of coming back. under any circumstances. when 5:00 comes around, the ventilator will be removed. >> reporter: in order for jahi to be transferred tolt facility, the girl needs to have surgery to insert a new breathing tube in her throat and a new feeding tube as well. children's hospital is refusing to perform those procedures on someone who has been declared legally dead. the family tells ktvu news their attorney may ask a state appeals court for help. live in oakland alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. police in daly city are
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trying to find out why someone stole an ambulance. police say an unknown suspect took the vehicle when paramedics were in the middle of a car. according to if no one was in the vehicle at the time. if if statute of limitations its a city ha z janine de la vega is joining us live from san jose to explain. yarr. >> reporter: born. if there is in it is very dark. pitch black here. that is a common theme for some of the accidents. they have happened at night and sometimes the victims are in dark clothing. so far this year there has been 26 pedestrian and cyclists
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deaths in the city. that is the highest total in 16 years. in the past couple of months, three children were killed including a three-year-old boy, a teenage girl who wasn't crossing in a crosswalk on white road and a 17-year-old boy riding a bike. now officers don't have an explanation on why there has been an increase. police say drivers need to pay closer to attention as well as not get distracted with mobile devices. parents of some of the victims have cried out for road improvements $40 million has been earmarked for numerous projects that are slated to begin next year. they include improving pedestrian crossings on major roadways and where there has been a higher number of accidents. traffic signals will be modified. flashing beacons and high visibility signs will also be added. back out here live i want to show you this makeshift memorial that is here for a 14- year-old girl.
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bian that. she was hit and killed while crossing the street here on white road at nighttime. this serves as a public reminder for both pedestrians and motorists to be aware of their surroundings. reporting live janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. minimum wages are about to rise in the bay area's two largest cities. on new years day it will go up 1 cents. it this california's minimum wage will jump $1. specific heights if o allowing transyesterdayer students to use reassumes and if -- a it
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says hate has checked hundreds of thousands of signatures in hopes of putting the issue in front of the voters. san francisco teachers say the high cost of housing is forcing them out of the city. according to the san francisco chronicle the average teacher makes $62,000 a year. the recent exit survey of 96 teachers leaving the district found 11% cited the cost of leaving for the reason of why they are leaving. some say there are government programs available to help with buying a first home. the programs don't go as far as middle class people need. california is coming to the end of the driest california on record. the lack of rain is causing drought concerns. east bay mud sierra watershed saw 4.4 inches of rain since
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october. >> cautionly monitoring the rainfall situation. in february if things don't begin to change, we would begin to take steps to prepare. >> if east bay mud board decides to declare a drought, the decision will be made in may. the statewide drought is also a possibility. the governor has created a task force to monitor the issue. south bay reservoirs are 34% of their normal levels with such little rainfall many of the south bay creeks are drying up. santa clara county water officials say its causing major problems for wildlife that rely on the creeks as a source of water. the water district says while the conditions are a problem, right now it isn't necessary to enforce mandatory water conservation. usually decisions like those are made until later in the winter. if you are heading to the beach, you are being urged to take pictures of what is called king tides. they are expected to hit the coast today through thursday. these are live pictures from
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the embarcadero in san francisco. beautiful start to the day. a push known as the california king tide initiative is encouraging more people to take photos and share them on social media. so keep an eye on the tides there. its designed to give scientists a look at the future rising levels. we'd also like to see your photos of the king tides. you can also post them on our website at or our facebook page or twitter. you can also e-mail them to us at details about the latest bombing that happened this morning and how officials are responding. he's accused of killing a police officer, robbing a bank, and threatening president obama. how the nation-wide search for a wanted man came to an end. if we take a live look at
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the mccarthur maze, you can see traffic is flowing very nicely in all directions. plenty of record setting temperatures on sunday. will that continue today? we'll talk about that and see if we can find any rain chances on the extended outlook.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. time now 6:11.
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it happened right across from the movie theater on post street just before 2:00 sunday morning. police say the victim a 36-year- old man from medesto was leaving a nearby nightclub when someone opened fire. investigators are asking for any witnesses to come forward. we are learning new information about two deadly explosions in russia. take a look at the video there russian investigators believe both are acts of terrorism. yesterday a bombing at a train station killed at least 17 people. this morning another bombing on a bus killed 14 people. there are now safety concerns for athletes and americans heading to the winter olympic games in russia now that more than 30 people have been killed after those two bombings in just 24 hours. ktvu kay hall campbell is joining us now from our washington, d.c. newsroom with reaction from u.s. officials. kyla. >> reporter: i did just get off the phone from the state
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department. official tells me they should have more information in the next hour. they did send me this release after yesterday's bombing saying the united states strongly condemns the attack. a blast killed at least 14 people after a suicide bombing killed 17 people at the city's railway station yesterday. russian officials say the two are likely connected and the bombs use red similar. this raises new security concerns for americans heading to the winter games being held in sochi. now no one has claimed responsibility for these two latest attacks but a rebel leader did call for attacks on civilians in russia. what that leader said about disrupting the olympics. i'm working than story for you at 7:15. kyla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. support for the war in afghanistan has dropped considerably. a new poll shows less than 20%
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of people nation-wide support the war. the poll also suggests a majority of americans would like to see u.s. troops pulled out of afghanistan. the nation-wide man hunt for the suspected bank robber and cop killer is now over. phoenix police say they shot and killed the suspects saturday morning after another bank robbery. police identified the deceased suspect as 40-year-old mario garnett. police say he had a history of mental problems and arrested in 2010 for making threats against president obama. >> there are numerous leads which we must continue to follow and questions we must answer. >> the fbi says it started monday morning when a man attempted to rob a bank in atlanta. authorities say they believe that man went to another bank in mississippi where he held up a bank and killed a police officer. investigators say cell phone records confirm garnett was in all three locations during the times of the robberies.
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president obama's health care program goes into effect on wednesday. administration officials report 1.9 million people have enrolled in health plans using the federal website. most of them enrolled in the last couple of weeks after problems with the site were fixed. the obama administration hopes to have seven million people signed up by the end of march. marijuana dispensaries in colorado are miking their final preparations for the legal sale of recreational marijuana on friday owners of 42 different dispensaries started picking up their licenses and starting on january 1st dispensaries with those licenses will be able to legally sale recreational marijuana. colorado will be the first state in the country to have government licensed stores. th next time yo go to the recommending machine, get ready -- go to the vending machine get ready to count your calories. most vending machines will be required to list the calories of each item.
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the fda believes the change will help people make healthier choices. >> i think sometimes when we are at the vending machine we forget they tack on calories. right now 6:15. i want to check back in with tara who is filling in for sal. how is traffic? >> traffic is looking really good. so that is a good thing. if we take a look at our maps we can show you this is the san francisco area and as we zoom in here on 101 you can see parts are a little sluggish but not too bad and 280 is looking good. you see that yellow in that area there. right around here. that is right around alemany. that is because there is some sort of an accident that happened at the alemany off
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ramp there. up next we have a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see a little backup starting there in the lanes that are not for fast trackers. really no massive delays into the city. and 680 you can see traffic on the right hand side of your screen there southbound that is looking actually like its a little slow. so maybe give yourself extra time. 6:16 let's head over to steve. thank you, tara. good morning. we do have clear skies. yesterday some records were set. if you are out toward sfo or downtown oakland. that was at moffett. its probably a little warmer. if its that warm in december we could sure use some rain. this is going down as the driest calendar year ever.
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5.59. that is it for the year. the record 1917. 8.96. i thought that was a dry year. but any way. not looking good here for any rain. not for awhile. in fact, i looked out five, seven, ten, 15 days things could change. but there is not much that says any screening. both at 37 degrees. a little chill in the morning air for a few. a few clouds to the north. 20s and 30s for many but its a very quiet pattern. bitterly cold temperatures in the northern plains. everyone else is getting active weather. just not here. cold morning. it looks very quiet here. expect for increase in higher clouds. slight cool down one day.
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things look very quiet. its been so dry that a historic town that has been under the waters of folsom lake since 1955 is partially visible again. visitors can see the runes of the town that was called mormon valley. 2500 people lived there during the gold rush days. for the first time in almost 60 years people can actually see the foundations of the dairy, winery, hotels and saloons that are part of the sacramento valley's past. >> i like to imagine what it was like before the water came. compare it to hills around. think about what a beautiful valley it used to be. >> park rangers are reminding people they can look all they want. some visitors say because this is their water supply, they hope it is soon covered again by water. ups and many retailers say that they are already looking for ways to improve for the
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holidays next year. they are listening to customers complaints. overstock is giving customers refunds for items that did not arrive on time. analysts predict more people will shop online next year despite the issues this year. object continues to dominate at the weekend box office. it earned another $30 million. that kept it slightly ahead of disney's frozen. one stock to watch today is twitter. after it had its biggest one- day loss on friday. twitter stock downgraded by some analysts. that led to a $10 drop. $63 at the price.
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its still up 145%. coming up the fight to keep city college of san francisco open. the decision a judge could make today surrounding the schools accreditation. major college bowl game makes a lot of money for themselves and the schools represented on the field. but that is not always the case for some teams that accept bowl bids. before you settle for another ordinary mattress,
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isn't it time you discovered the sleep number bed? the only bed clinically proven to relieve back pain and improve sleep quality. and right now, it's our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $800 on our newest innovations. plus, for one week only, special financing until january 2016. only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. comfort individualized.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. 6:23 is the time. thousands of homes are now evacuated around a volcano that is erupting in eastern el salvador. black smoke was seen spewing from the volcano yesterday. people are being urged to stay away and head to emergency shelters. airlines are also canceling or redirecting flights in order to avoid that volcanic ash. this is the first time that volcano has erupted in 37 years. australian ice breaker worked its way through thick ice off antarctica early this morning in an attempt to rescue nearly 70 people stranded on a research ship. so far no luck though. that shape became stuck last tuesday in the ice. this is the second ice breaker that attempted to rescue
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efforts. >> today the raiders will pack up their -- they played their final game yesterday. . first quarter no score. hits decker. that will put denver up 7-0. later in the first still 7-0. following a raider fumble. denver would go up 14-0. across the bay the niners have clinched the number five seed in the playoffs. 49ers in control early. arizona would fight back. carson palmer finds roberts for the 34-yard touchdown. the niners would go on to win with a final 23-20.
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the nfl playoff schedule was released last night and the san francisco 49ers will be going up against the green bay packers next sunday. kickoff starts at 1:40:00 p.m.. it will look back at the 49ers regular season and break down the matchup with the packers. colleges that have football teams at mid range or lower tiered bowl games are being hurt by online discounters. schools are required to buy a certain number of tickets at school price. they get that money back when fans buy those tickets. in the last five years schools and conferences have lost $92 million on full price tickets they didn't sell. of course that is not a problem for teams in the major bowls like stanford that sold all of this year's rose bowl tickets
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for full price. the dmv is ringing in the new year with new traffic laws. the information you need to know before you hit the road in 2014. and later on today children's hospital oakland could take jahi mcmath off of life support. she is brain dead. we will tell you how her family is fighting for more time. and our roadways looking pretty clear all around the bay area. that is the good news. this is the mccarthur maze. we will show you more hot spots coming up. record setting temperatures on sunday will not be as warm today but it will still be mild to warm. we will talk about that and see if there is any rain chances here any time soon.
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to those who've encountered welcome to covered california. new, affordable health plans so you can be ready for whatever comes your way. enroll today at
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good morning. welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. there is the new york stock exchange. we just rang the opening bell there this morning. lanet companying visiting the new york stock exchange. a little bit of a mixed
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opening. pretty quiet. typically we can see some activity today and tomorrow which i believe is an early trading day but oftentimes money managers adjust their portfolios for the end of the year. a lot of them might be on holiday already and did that. g. thank you for joining us i'm brian flores in for dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. let's check in with steve paulson. dismal look ahead for any rain. >> it looked pretty dismal. mostly sunny and cooler tomorrow. dry forecast. it has been a dry forecast all yearlong. that is about the same. a few high clouds scooting on by. after that they are gone. 20s and 30s and 40s. 28 santa rosa. 30s on the coast. 34 san jose. 32 walnut creek and concord. we have lost that breeze. there is still a puff of an
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offshore but nothing compared to what we had saturday night into sunday morning. for sfo, oakland downtown. sunny, mild, cold morning. not as breezy. a lot of 60s. a few upper 60s especially near santa cruz and gill moremore. just a reminder if you plan on ringing in the new year in san francisco, muni buses, cable cars, and light rail will be running until 5:00 in the morning for free and bart will be running extra free trains until 3:00 in the morning. here's a look at the south bay. there is a little bit of green and a little bit of yellow. a little bit more crowded. this is a look at the peninsula where everything looks great and over on into hayward you can see traffic is looking pretty good. a little slow going on 238. up next 880 near the oakland coliseum traffic on the right
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hand side there toward downtown looking good. finally highway 4 to the bay point pittsburgh area the traffic on the bottom portion of your screen is westbound. 6:32 let's head back to the desk. >> thank you. under the final agreement worked out between bart and its biggest unions bart workers will get a chance at up to $500 in bonuses. under the new contract bart agreed to pay its workers $500 for every 1% that core commuter ridership exceeded expectations. ridership is down but bart will still honor the bonus because the unions drop their claim to the six weeks of paid family leave. bart management says that leave was mistakenly included in the newly approved contract. if you are heading to the coast today, listen up. king tides are expected today through thursday. in the city where the average high tide is six feet, the king tides are expected to be almost seven feet by later this morning. and tuesday they are expected
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to be even bigger. again with the king tides they will be on the coast today. they are expected today through thursday and they are expected to be bigger in the coming days as well. 13-year-old jahi mcmath that has been a very emotional issue for the past few days. alex savidge is live at oakland children's hospital. alex. >> reporter: good morning. jahi mcmath's family is trying to stop children's hospital from removing the girl from life support at 5:00 p.m.. that was the deadline set by a judge last week. the family has been having difficulty trying to find a long-term care facility that will accept the teenager. they are running out of options. the family said last nightmare last hope a facility in new york. now they are saying they are
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unwilling to care for the 13- year-old. jahi suffered cardiac arrest followed by complex tonsil surgery. and she has been on a ventilator ever since. children's hospital physicians along with a court appointed doctor have all said jahi is brain dead and the judge agreed. the hospital believes a transfer to another facility is unlikely. >> she has no chance of coming back. under any circumstances. when 5:00 comes around, the ventilator will be removed. >> when she do wake up, she will shake up a whole lot of people around here that didn't believe what i said. >> reporter: late last week her family has raised more than $20,000 online to pay for a transfer to another facility. in order for her to be moved, the girl needs to have surgery to insert a new breathing tube in her throat along with a new
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feeding tube and children's hospital refuses to perform those procedures on someone who has been delaired legally dead by -- declared legally dead by the courts. they may ask a state appeals court for more time ahead of that 5:00 p.m. deadline. live in oakland alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. 2013 has been a deadly year for traffic accidents. especially involving pedestrians and those on bicycles. janine de la vega is joying us live to -- is joining us live. >> take a look at this make- shift memorial. this is for a student that was hit and killed by a car. this accident happened when it was dark last month. that seems to be the case in several of the accidents that happened this year. so far in 2013 there has been 26 pedestrian and cyclists deaths in the city. that is the highest total in 16 years. and the most compared to any
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other bay area city. in the past couple of months three children were killed including a three-year-old boy whole was hit and killed at the intersection of oak and vine street. the two other incidents occurred in the evening hour. bee on coo was crossing in a crosswalk when she was hit and 17-year-old anthony garcia was on a bike that doesn't have breaks when he was hit by a car. police don't have an explanation on why there has been an increase but say drivers need to pay closer attention and not get distracted. there are dozens of improvements that will be rolling out. enhancing pedestrian crossings on major roadways and modifying traffic signals, adding refuge islands, flashing bee cans, and high visibility signs. those projects are slated for 2014 to 2018. but back out here live something at least people who live around here would like to see is more lights on the streets because at least on this stretch of road its very dark. expect for the streetlights
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that begin right over there. reporting live from san jose janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. today a san francisco judge will hear more arguments about whether city college of san francisco will be allowed to stay open. hundreds gathered outside the courtroom after a judge good afternoon hearing arguments on two separate lawsuits. they are trying to keep the school accreditation from being taken away next july. law enforcement agencies across the bay area will be out in full force over the next few days looking for drunk drivers. dui check points are going up in several cities tonight. officers say they are preparing for the new year holiday. the chp has announced all available officers will be on duty new years eve to make sure the roads stay safe. the city of san francisco is gearing up for one of its biggest parties of the year. the new years celebration and fire works show.
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that means big crowds are expected to gather along the waterfront for the annual fire works show which happens at midnight. >> it feels like a lot of our guests are willing to spend a little bit more money to have a really good time this year. >> the city is urging people to plan ahead. meantime san francisco's mine knee is offering free -- muni is offering free rides on new years eve. they can ride muni buses, light rails, and cable cars for no charge. the free service starts at 8:00 p.m. on new years eve and runs until 5:00 a.m. on new years day. the start of 2014 will ring in about 100 new bills. some of which will target california drivers. one new law that will impact all drivers is being called three feet for safety. it will require drivers to keep a minimum distance of three
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feet while passing cyclists. many cyclist essay they like the new law but wonder how it will billion enforced. >> i think its a tough law to enact. how you keep that under control and make sure each car is three feet away. >> one new bill will extend the expiration of the car pool lane stickers to 2019. another will allow the dmv to experiment with cheaper license plates. one will place stricter new laws on texting. right now texting while driving is only legal if you are using voice activist with a hands free device. after the first of the year it will be illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to text even if they are using voice activation. a serious accident off the race course for a big time formula one driver. what happened dug a ski trip to
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france. an ambulance stolen from paramedics while they were responding to a call. we will tell you how police tracked it down and what is still missing.
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new this morning daly city police are trying to find out why someone stole an ambulance. it happened over night about 12:15 when paramedics were inside a house responding to a
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call. ktvu channel 2 reporter katie utehs is joining us now from daly city to explain how police got this ambulance back and what is still missing. >> reporter: the carjacker took a relatively short ride in that ambulance. police located the vehicle within less than a mile from where it was taken. but the thief did make off with medical supplies. let me show you video from earlier this morning. daly city police tell us the theft happened around 12:15 as paramedics responded to to a call for help. a person who lives here experienced blood sugar problems related to diabetes. they didn't need to be transported to the hospital and paramedics stepped outside their home only to find out their ambulance is not where they parked it. the thief or thieves took some medical supplies before running away and police have not confirmed exactly what was
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taken from the ambulance. amr offices have directed us to a company speck spokesperson -- company spokesperson for comment. we left a message with him. i'm also told that daly city police have a spokesperson coming in later this morning and we may learn more details about the investigation at that point. for now live in daly city katie utehs ktvu channel 2 news. this morning we are learning new information about the condition of formula one racer michael schumacher. he suffered severe head trauma over the weekend while skiing in france. he hit his head on a rock. he was wearing a helmet but is in coma. today doctors say they won't offer a prognosis. the sheriffs office is scheduled to hold a news conference this morning. 17-year-old claire davis a senior at the school was shot point-blank. she died a week later after
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spending eight days in the hospital. deputies say the shooter was probably trying to track down a teacher who had previously disciplined him. football fans raise money to help dominique roe marrow who was paralyzed after a shooting. dominique's mother is grateful. >> these people are awesome. they are out here supporting me. asking me what i need. and a lot of times somebody new comes here and park their car and we pull them over here and tell them what they are doing. >> now dominique's mother says that she is doing well. working on her physical therapy at this point. police have not arrested any suspects. >> good to see she is in good spirits. time 16:46. let's check in with tori campbell for a look at what is
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coming up. >> good morning, brian and pam. coming up in minutes an unusual nativity scene outside of a southern california church. it features a bloody summittured of trey -- sculpture of trayvon martin. trying to find a new home for the warriors? there is growing opposition for plans of an arena at at the waterfront. those stories next on mornings on 2. now back to you on the morning news. >> i think its going to be a little eye opening probably. >> oh yeah. >> the vending machine. 6:47 is the time. good news on this monday morning. no big problems for traffic. let's check in were tara. oh we can't hear you. >> we are seeing more drivers on the roadways.
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sorry my microphone wasn't on. many people have to work today but we are still not at full capacity. let's take a look at our maps. you can see a lot of green and as we zoom in here on the antioch, pittsburg area there are no delays. up next a look add 237 near milpitas. you can see traffic on the right hand side of your screen there westbound as you make the drive toward sunnyvale. and 101 is looking a lot more crowded as the morning wears on here. you can see folks with the headlights or people heading downtown. 6:48. let's head over to steve. we do this little show from 4:30 to 9:00. >> we need the microphone. >> you know the forecast. you know it as well as i do. offshore breeze yesterday. my old girlfriend was back in
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town yesterday. offshore flow. [ laughter ] sfo and also oakland sell record highs yesterday. oakland airport and mountain view set record highs. not today. there is still a hint of an offshore breeze but its a far cry from what we had. 1917 remember when i talked about that and said how dry it was. this year is even drier. and we're not seeing any rain any time soon. mike who keeps wonderful records in san francisco said we might see a sprinkle in january. [ laughter ] i tend to believe him even though i don't want to laugh. we have dry conditions and temperatures which have been very mild to warm. we'll back off. ease up a little bit today. 31 fairfield is in there. napa is in there. 28 santa rosa. 36 half-moon bay. 34 for san jose. there is colder readings today.
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18 up in tahoe. 22 in reno. everything up and over goes in. high pressure says no, i like it here. well most of california. even dry up in oregon. 60s low, mid, to upper. 62 concord. alameda 64. still nice coast and bay. went 70s san if cruz -- santa cruz. 60s on the coast. they are starting off much colder. dry pattern. expect for a few high clouds or a slight cool down. there is really nothing to report about. maybe cooler friday and saturday. warmer again on sunday. coming up we'll have more on an accident involving a san francisco fire truck. what witnesses say they heard just moments before two people were rushed to the hospital. too drunk for public transportation? the incident that involves falling off escalators and on to the rails that are raising
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eyebrows. and get ktvu news to go. down load the app and click on the live icon. you can watch all of our newscasts live.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. a live look at the big board. dow jones up just a little bit.
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as expected. pretty quiet so far today. they were indicating slight higher opening for the dow. nasdaq and s & p down a little bit. we are keeping alabama eye on twitter after analysts. also keeping an eye on new report coming out at 7:00. in less than an hour pending home sales comes out. the the number usually slips in november as people hold off. the jet became the workhorse. but its now taken the last dc nine out of the air. snowstorm brought new power outages. as of yesterday there were 600 customers that still did not
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have power. but now that number is back up to more than 5600 after last nights snowstorm. many people saw about six inches of snow. maine has dealt with several snowstorms this month in addition to the ice storm. meantime overhang has collapsed off the roof of a ballroom in minnesota. fire officials say it fell down shortly after 8:15 on saturday night. the fire department is currently investigating the cause of the collapse. right now fire officials are saying heavy, wet snow may have been the cause. and no injuries have been reported. a crash between a car and a san francisco fire truck sent two people including a firefighter to the hospital. the accident happened just before 11 crank yesterday at fifth and howard in the city south of market neighborhood. the firefighter and driver of the car were treated at the hospital and released. people in the area say they knew something was wrong as soon as they heard the crash. >> i just heard a big bang. and so i came outside to check what was going on.
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>> i have only been here five months. i have never really seen anything that big happen. >> the crash caused some traffic problems when police closed the fifth and howard intersection so that they could investigate that crash. a series of alcohol induced accidents at washington d.c.'s metro station is raising questions about whether someone can be too drunk to ride public transportation. seven people have been injured in the last week. metro cameras have caught people falling off the platform into the light grate. people have also been caught falling over the side of the escalator. >> we have seen kids that are so drunk they get stuck in the doorway. one kid took off his shirt. >> metro officials say one person died after falling on to the tracks and hitting his head. they say his blood alcohol level was well above the legal limit. coming up next. a looming deadline for an oakland teenager on life support. the last chance option jahi mcmath's family is exploring
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before the court order to keep her alive expires. san jose on high alert after am startling rise in pedestrian deaths. the changes law enforcement is planning to make for 2014 a safer year. to those who've been denied ewelcome to covered california. now, you can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. enroll today at
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>> reporter: just hours from now, jahi mcmath could be removed from life support. how the family of the brain- dead teenager is fighting for more time. >> reporter: we're live in san jose, where 2013 has proven to be a deadly year for pedestrians. we'll tell you how it compared to other bay area cities and what is in store for 2014. pricing out teachers. the costly consequence that's forcing teachers out of one bay area city. welcome to "mornings on 2." these are live pictures from children's hospital in oakland,
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where the family of jahi mcmath is trying to come up with a solution to keep the teen on life support before a court order expires at 5:00 this evening. the possible options that fell through and what the family is now trying to do -- coming up in a live report. good morning. i'm tori campbell. >> good morning, i'm brian flores. dave clark has the morning off. let's start with weather and traffic. steve is looking far and wide for rain. have you found any? >> not here. sunny and mild. mostly sunny. cooler tomorrow. everything looks fine for new year's eve. new year's day, it will be dry. into the -- not much is changing. temperatures helped with the offshore breeze. it will still be near 70 in santa cruz. a lot of 30s. we lose the breeze and a very dry air mass. it's a very cool morning. it will be another sunny and mild day. maybe a few high clouds to the north. nothing is changing. sunny and mild, just not as warm to very warm as we


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