tv Right This Minute FOX January 7, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST
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hi, everybody. it's time for great viral videos, so sit back and relax "right this minute". it's a high wire celebration in italy. >> watch what happens here. soo. >> s>> see what brought the festivities to an abrupt halt. women run for their lives in a night club where they're being attacked with whips. the story behind a band of vie lapt vigilantes. and an nfl mascot takes a
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terrifying plunge. and bad weather device. don't drive in it and never jump on a frozen trampoline. what seems like a fun holiday tradition quickly turned in on something par worse. you'll see what i'm talking about in this video out of italy near naples. it's a 45-year-old firefighter, he's dressed as a character who is an old woman, an italian tradition, signifies the end of the christmas holiday. he's going to zip line to a nearby building. there are all kinds of people on the street. and there's music, jubilation. but watch what happens here. >> did the cable just snap?
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>> the cable snapped. cause is being investigated. could be brick work not being able to hold the cable. he swings into the tower of the building. very hard. and you'll see when he starts to swing, listen to the thud here. you hear that thud and you see him kind of hanging. paramedics were at the scene and they were able to lower him down. he was rushed to the hospital. had to have emergency surgery for a serious head injury. they're not ruling on the another surgery. they canceled the rest of the event out of respect for him and his family. he is the father of two. i agree. i don't know how you can continue celebrating after a tragic accident. there is probably going to
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be some of the most disturbing video you will see all day. what you're looking at are men with whips, they're think called vigilantes by some news reports. they go inside of a club and look what they have in their hands. they're whips. and they're not just going after the women who work in the club. they have guys on the ground and they're going after them, too. now, this happened at a club in western peru sunday night. no word what these women do at the club. they could just be dancers. but some are saying that vigilantes do this in order to crack down on prostitution. it is unknown what these women do for work. but what is sad is they are being attacked with whips by masked men. >> and looks like they're running for their lives. >> is it a religious group?
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>> it's the decentralized committee of urban rounds and they distributed to local media. the leader says it was formed to eradicate prostitution and crime. >> you've got women who don't have much of their skin covered up and they're getting hit with whips. they have absolutely no protection. >> no way to go about proving a point. rescue crews were pulling off this rescue and realized there is a well. and one of the rescuers is us down tied to ropes being lowered down slowly because in that well is a 70-year-old man that lost his balance and fell all the way in. this is the second attempt by these rescuers to pull him out. the old man is so exhausted, he
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really can't help. second time they took extra rope and this is the moment they're finally able to pull him back up to loose translation, it sounds url covsually covered but this kay it wasn day it wasn't. >> that's quite a fall. >> and it's a tricky rescue. the jacket had collected water making him even more heavy. so doctors immediately start treating him. and even though at first they were worried about him, he suffered only minor injuries. and he'll be all right. winterreaking
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havoc on a large portion of the country. this was shot near colorado springs and the road is pretty icy, pretty snowy. and traffic is moving slowly. so you think everything might be going okay. that's not the case. >> there it goes. the guy who shot the video said they took out about six cars. you hear the crunching metal and tires as he moves out of control. you're right, he was going too fast. and keep watching. it's not over. >> another one. >> you see more cars getting out
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of control possibly because the accident just up ahead. and it wasn't just cold in colorado. it was also bitterly cold in iowa. this dude just jumped on a frozen trampoline. and you watch the ice shatter. >> like breaking the to havep o creme brule. a holdup turns into a vicious attack when another guy jumps in. why police believe this is only one of many violent robberies. and see how one guy holds the power of iron manual in the fall of his hand. [ [ mamalele a annnnououncncerr plus presents the cold truth. i i hahaveve t thehe f, i took medicine but i still have symptoms. [ [ snsneeeezeze ] ] [ malele a annnnououncer ] ts not all flu products treat all your symptoms. what? [ male announcer ] nope, they don't have an antihistamine.
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like us on facebo this minute. stay in touch all day long. you might recall this video from bolivia. a man attempting to base jump off of a bicycle. he built a ramp, they had a rescue team on hand. and we saw the rider attempt this where the chute opens milliseconds before impact and he crashes on this mountain side and rolls down. injuries described fractures and cuts. we have new video from this. we have helmet cam from the
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rider as he's attempting this jump. >> i don't know that i want to see this. >> we saw it the first time and we're like is he going fast enough? and this is even more prove that he i don't think he had enough speed. down he goes. and the first part is the thud. >> it's actually the thud after thud after thud that gets you. >> one of the guys is joining us. what we want to know, what went wrong here? >> there wasn't a lot of preparation that went into it. but the three things that seem most obvious that went wrong, he didn't leave the ramp with enough speed. he comes around the little corner before he jumps off the ramp and slip. that contributed to the fact that he goes off quite fast to the right.
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the idea was he was going to hit the middle of the ramp and sail more straight out. by going to the right, he a followed along the edge of the cliff. and then the third one which i'm not an expert on base jumping, but he and the rest of his team seem convinced that the chute didn't open as fast as it should have and a critical second or second and a half was lost. >> did anybody on the rescue team say this doesn't look like a good idea? >> nobody involved was a base jumper, so really we were relying on him and his team to say yes we've looked at this, yes we're confident it will work. i really think it was pretty close to being absolutely disastrous, but i think also it was pretty close to actually coming off. >> what was the conversation that happened after this all went wrong? >> our rescuers got to him in six or seven minutes. he was conscious, but obviously
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uncomfortable. so i think tit's considered oka. > . ♪ have you ever wanted to be a cool super hero? this is apparently the iron man 3 stun glove by a geek gadget guru. and it's kind of awesome. >> so if i touch something -- >> that's a lot of special power. >> basically combined a stun gun with cool looking athletic gloves. these spikes serve as your
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electrodes. >> please tell me he tried it on like a friend. >> he tries it on a screen. doesn't try it on someone. >> she have gr he should have grabbed like a steak out of the fridge. >> does it hart? it could be just like -- >> he says its the's not lethal, it won't kill someone, but it will inflict some pain. at least shock them or surprise them. the cool thing once you turn it on, all you have to do is charge it. >> if you want to push them away or grab someone off of you, it will activate the switch and send an electric shock into them. >> great concept. >> i really do want this in lieu of pepper spray.
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>> good self-defense. kicking back in the driver's seat. why police aren't amused with this guy's hands free spirit. and how to become a character on face to face web chat. mimic the movement, the head turn, the eye movement. >> seems like you have to be in some crazy movie studio to do. safeway presents real big deals of the week.
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get our app and watch videos anytime anywhere you are. used in the robbery of this news stand, this happened back in may of last year. you can see this guy getting kicked in the head. that man is robin brown, his family owns a news stand. >> i've never been that scared in my life. i thought that's all for me. my story ends today. >> this is another employee who has been told to at that titat take the money out of the till. >> authorities are looking for the criminals because they believe the same two were responsible in a series of attacks on news stands owned by families. so far they have gotten away with like $45,000 of stuff.
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they're coming in and taking everything that they have made and everything that they own. are they taking items and h-- >> just cash. they want cash. >> and this is a mass brawl. and takes fights between people who are residents and caucasian, not just white people. ese are people om caucuses. >> and they say they're fighting over ethnicity. >> the silliest thing. it happens all over the word. it's the strangest thing to be so upset about. >> sadly two people had to be hospitalized. two were taken into custody and other detainees are under house arrest. authorities say that the suspects used brass knuckles and gas cylinders. >> we're all people. look mom, no hands. it was cute and fun when you were a kid on a bhi siy siblg b
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when you're 36 and driving, the police don't think it's fun. police are releasing this video showing that it's not just about speeding that these cameras are set up for, it's also to catch dopy drivers like this. >> i bet you he's doing the steer with your knees thing. >> totally. >> and doing a pretty good job, but he won't be driving for at least a year. his license was suspended for 12 months, and an $1120 fine. and to a pretty good bit of driving this my opinion. this guy was on his way home from a motorcycle trip and it started to rain. he said maybe i'm going a little bit too fast, but the cars on the right start to slow down and before he could react -- he finds himself in a flood bit of road. somehow, shall how, this guy
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manages to keep the bikes upright three will 3, 4 inches of water or more. the road was flooded, somehow he hangs to stay upright and get off the road. this youtube sensation brings a rope swing zip line to the stadium. this youtube se brings a rope swing zip line to the the road. this youtube sensation brings a rope swing zip line to the stadium. >> jackson deville. >> see how oh!
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here are six ideas. >> doctor would he want why wou? i don't know. >> feels pretty good. >> this is my favorite one. blows bubbles. when it lands on the ice, you can watch it start freezing over. >> i like this one. listen to the snow. >> love that sound. >> and throwing hot water. >> that's cool. >> guess what? it is tech time for your face. >> for your face? >> for your face. this is called face rig. >> a program that lets you become a virtual character by just sitting in front of your web cam. >> this girl is moving around and the fos is x is doing what
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doing. >> it mimics the movements. and you can be all kinds of crazy stuff. lots of people like it. the goal was $120,000. they're way past that. >> that is thutis nuts. >> so why is it getting so much attention? we'll bring in the best face on this show. this is pretty cool. what make this is so different and so special? >> all you need for it is a web cam. instead of being motion captud an all the things movie studios use, you just use a web cam. >> will the mouth moove? >> yes. and we're allowing for audio manipulation. future goal is to have it
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fulfill any kind of online interaction you have with people. you'll be able to have an avatar for your entire body. this is made by a bunch of experienced game developers, so they're trying to get it into video games in the future. so your character in games could not only be your actions, but it could also be responding to your facial features. >> wouldn't that be nice. alarm clock. >> jacksonville having a wars found themselves nowhere near the nfl playoff this is year, but don't worry jag fan, you can celebrate with this video pjhav found themselves nowhere near the nfl playoff this is year, but don't worry jag fan, you can celebrate with this video pahav found themselves nowhere near
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the nfl playoff this is year, but don't worry jag fan, you can celebrate with this video puhavs found themselves nowhere near the nfl playoff this is year, but don't worry jag fan, you can celebrate with this video p watch the has cot. is this a rope swing zip line. >> cheerleaders, too? >> cheerleaders do it, too.cot. is this a rope swing zip line. >> cheerleaders, too? >> cheerleaders do it, too.asco. is this a rope swing zip line. >> cheerleaders, too? >> cheerleaders do it, too.masc. is this a rope swing zip line. >> cheerleaders, too? >> cheerleaders do it, too. >> this is awesome. >> it's a swing and a zip line all together? >> yep. >> has to be tons of fun. >> most everybody has a camera capturing that moment when they're flying down. it looks like you're about to crash into section 247. cool to see the mascot flying through the air, too. >> that looks fun. >> and just like any of his videos, there of course is a behind of scenes where you can
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see how they rigged it up. he talks to some of the cheerleaders about their experiences. they say we have the best mascot in the nfl and this is why. always a cool video there devon. we'll put it on our website. check it out. that's our show, everyone. we'll see you noekts edition of "right this minute".
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