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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  January 14, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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our chief meteorologist, bill, you've been watching this story unfold with it. >> it plainly underscores how dry things are. it's one of the driest years we've seen. the winds, as you point out, it's windy in our hills but right here at the fire zone we have winds blowing 8 to 10 miles an hour out of the east. the smoke plume is blowing up towards pittsburgh towards the vaneisha bridge, if you will. this fire not being whipped by the winds as much as the dry area. it's a marsh land. you're surrounded by water. it's a moist area generally. as dry as it's been this is what you get. unusual for fires in january. >> it's also a difficult area to get access to. there are no actual roads that lead to this island. there are only a couple of people, a handful of people who live on the island.
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as you can see here several homes have burned. to the naked eye it doesn't appear the firefighters at this point are making a lot of progress in bringing this fire under control. as the camera pulls out here you can see that's where they're fighting it, from the water. they have a couple fire boats pouring water on the homes. you get a sense of just how rural this area is. just a handful of homes on the san joaquin river. >> ktv's al lee rasmus is on her way to the scene. as we're watching the pictures live from the air we're seeing smoke and active orange flames. >> what strikes me is you see how spotty the flames are? they're wildly spread. that's what you get with a windy day. the fire spreads and hops and jumps. we don't have a lot of information right now. it's interesting to me the fire looks so spread out. when they pull out you'll see
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it. it looks like it was wind whipped. we know it wasn't. the red flag warning is for the hills and northeast bay. this area isn't under a red flag warning. the wind hasn't been that strong. very spotty. it will be interesting to see what started this fire to give you this kind of a fire footprint. >> we don't know what started it but allie rasmus is on her way. we have news chopper 2 above and bring you updates through this newscast. some shocking new video that actually shows a man setting fires in san jose. for the first time here we're getting a detailed look at how he set at least one of the fires and what he did after this home started burning. this arsonist has been on the loose for a week now setting about a dozen fires in san jose. robert has been talking to investigators and got new videos. robert is live and we've been
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watching this video and probably the clearest pictures we've seen so far. >> reporter: it really is. they'll be a lot of interest for these people in the neighborhood. there have been videos of a person of interest. today a homeowner showed me incredibly compelling video of a person actually setting a home on fire and coming back again and again to make sure the house went up in flames. the actions of this man are unmistakable. he's setting a fire on the porch of a person's home with the family sleeping inside. it's captured by the homeowner who showed it to me this afternoon. he wants to make sure the public takes this seriously. the man appears to match the description of the suspect. he saunters on and off the porch. when he first shows up he appears to take a container from his belt area and using what appears to be a cigarette
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lighter along with whatever was in the container he starts a fire on the whicker chair. what about his demeanor? >> he siems as calm as a guy passing out flyers. >> reporter: what stunned the homeowner is the man returned two more times. he lights a broom to set fires to wooden cabinets. >> right now and that is what finally got going the major fire. >> reporter: the third attempt did it and the fire roared on the porch and spread to the side of the house and video shows the person who set the fire stayed on the property or in the area for more than 20 minutes to watch. >> this is different than setting a potted plant on fire in your front yard doing some vandalism. you set a fire immediately next to a house, your intention is to burn that house down and kill everybody in the house. >> reporter: now the homeowner
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says arson investigators have a copy of this tape. coming up at 6 how the fire was contained and obtained video from another security camera on the property that reveals more of the arsonists aggressive and strange behavior. live in san jose, robert honda. we turn to new developments on flu deaths. solano county is reporting their first death. he was at risk for a severe case. today's announcement brings the total deaths to 16. four were reported just yesterday. two in the south bay, one of the peninsula and one in the north bay. state health officials are urging people to get vaccinated against the flu but some people are having a hard time getting the shot. john fowler live in walnut creek. you found pharmacies have run out of the vaccine? >> reporter: well, that's right. it's location, location, location. although county clinics say they
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have plenty of flu vaccine. many doctors' offices and pharmacies in walnut creek say they're out. at this walnut creek rite aid pharmacy there's been no flu vaccine for two days. perhaps more will arrive by the end of the weeks. reports of deaths may have sparked a run. >> i know how important it is to get the shots early. >> reporter: the cvs pharmacy ran out of vaccine. more may come tomorrow and same with four other neighborhood flu shot locations. >> it's bad and we've had four or five people die in their 50s. >> reporter: pharmacies near the senior living community seem to have been hit hardest and other locations temporarily out. >> they'll catch up with the vaccine. i think this happened once before as i recall. >> reporter: they have good and add kwaut vaccine supplies. the regional situation and just how far some people will go to
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get that flu shot. reporting live in walnut creek, john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. continuing coverage on the nfc championship game this sunday between the 49ers and the seattle seahawks. we've talked about how expensive the tickets are. some people are trying to sell parking passes. not tickets, just the parking pass for as much as $300. if the 49ers win they'll of course go to the super bowl. for some fans they're determined to be in seattle this weekend no matter how much it costs. claudine wong has more. >> reporter: we came to this store to see whether niners or seahawks and it was the niners or it is the niners. we wanted to see how many were willing to make the trip to seattle. we tracked a few die hard fans down. for fans the question is not if you'll watch the game but where.
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>> i hope there's a line around the block of people waiting to get in and have to turn away everybody because we're so full. >> this is too good to pass up. >> reporter: some say you have to be there. some of the niner nation have bought ticket. >> the fact we hate them and they hate them and a bunch of my friends are seahawks fans makes me want to watch it. >> reporter: makes it worth every dollar? >> absolutely. >> reporter: we ka uled martin who he and his brother and dad are driving up and have seats in hostile territory. you bought tickets in the hawk's nest? >> yes. we'll be right there cheering on and hollering the first downs and we'll be hyped and cheering on. we're super excited to be there. >> reporter: tickets are available. stub hub has thousands at about $400 and some say it's worth it, they still can't do it. >> not this time around. >> go niners! >> reporter: some who can't go
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up are gearing up. >> friday and saturday we sell out of everything. >> reporter: if you can't get a seat in century link get a seat where you can see the screen. >> we have nine televisions plus one big screen. >> reporter: we did talk to a couple of other fans headed to seattle but they haven't actually bought their tickets yet. stub hub says that's not a big deal. it's actually a good plan because they say gear may sell out as we get closer to game time but the prices for the tickets usually drop. >> you can watch the nfc championship game right here. kickoff is at 3:30 this sunday afternoon and stay with us. immediately after the game is our post game show called the point after. oakland police are looking for information on a brutal attack on an elderly man. it happened 11:00 p.m.
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christmas eve. investigators released this photo of the victim. 82-year-old phuc pham. he suffered from multiple facial fractures and broken ribs. anyone who saw him being attacked call police. santa rosa residents are getting a chance to tell the city council what they think about the shooting of a teenager last october. lopez was carrying an air soft gun that looked like a real assault rifle. the shooting took place on county land but santa rosa police are investigating. a city council meeting was suspended when protesters disrupted the meeting after the deputy was allowed to return to work. a new law requiring replica weapons such as air soft pellets and guns to be brightly colored passed the first vote in sacramento. the idea is to really different
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them from real weapons. it's in direct response to the shooting death of andy lopez. the national rifle association is fighting the bill. opponents say it will not prevent criminals from painting real weapons the same sort of color. back to the breaking news we brought you at the beginning of the newscast. there's a fire burning in antioch. a helicopter water drop is happening right now. this is at the southwest dip of sherman island. it started at 4:30 this afternoon. we know that several people have been evacuated. we have watched a number of buildings burn and see evidence of that in the center of your screen. we don't know if anyone is injured. no reports of injuries. we're sending allie rasmus a scene. as soon as she gets a live signal we'll bring you to her live at 5. handing over your name and number for discounts at your favorite stores. we look at what you risk to get those rewards. next, a bay area woman dies
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at a popular tourist destination. how posing for a picture took a tragic turn. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this.
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you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. a north bay native and uc burkely grad fell to her death over the weekend. 25-year-old anna bachman slipped while taking pictures of the sunset along the coast in san diego. attempts at the scene to revive her were not successful. she was visiting her sister who was with her at the time of the accident. she posted these pictures to facebook. bachman grew up in katoti and at graduate school in illinois. the federal communication commissions cannot enforce the network neutrality rule. it was aimed at preventing broad
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band providers from charging extra to make sure sites can down load quickly. those charges in turn could be passed onto consumers. no word if the fcc will appeal. the drakes bay oyster company lost another round in its fight to stay open. they refused to rehear their petition to continue operating. it affirms wilderness protection. the environmental groups applauded the court saying the owner of the oyster farm knew it was due to expire in 2012. the oyster farm remains open until the legal battles are resolved. san francisco's supervisor rallied support for laws to regulate the housing market and keep some renters from being evicted. at a press conference this afternoon on the steps of city hall he said current laws make it easy to buy properties and sell it without regard to laws protecting tenants. >> profits of these greedy
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speculators earn, they're almost rewarded by this process. they evade the requirements and it fuels many of the evictions going on today. >> he said transactions avoid rules about enforcing building codes and city fees. tenants in common ownership should be subject to the same rules as condominiums. draught concerns dripping california have grape growers keeping an eye on the skies. rob roth on how the weather is effecting wine country. >> reporter: the dry weather is number one concern among grape growers in wine country. the vines haven't seen much water and the question is what to do if it stays like this. >> well, normal winter conditions we'd be sinking up to our ankles right now. >> reporter: in a normal rainy season these owners would be walking through their vineyards in mud.
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>> this would be green grass, too. >> reporter: there's little that's normal in dry wine country. >> this is the driest season we've had in my 25-year career. >> reporter: even the reverse water pond is running near empty. >> the water level should be here. >> reporter: the vineyard does have well water to tap into. some vine ris don't. >> each bud -- >> reporter: the immediate concern is having enough water to protect the buds against frost causing severe damage. >> we're trying to protect the new young growth from being frosted in the early mornings. almost all the vineyards use water to do that. >> we haven't seen rain to get it covered. >> reporter: a few miles north there's an additional concern. some of the vineyards in the area rely on water from the russian river. the flows are down and could limit the amount available. >> we're considering drilling
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wells that might not have enough water to fill it. >> reporter: they should survive a dry year. the harvest could be smaller than usual. >> i would say less california wines in general. this draught is impacting the whole state. >> reporter: it could 2014 is not a good year? >> i don't want to say that yet, rob. it's way too early to say that. >> reporter: grape growers say there are a lot of unknowns at this point. they're preparing for the driest season most have ever seen. reporting live, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. the city of sacramento may be heading for mandatory water rations. they're expected to implement a shortage plan requiring customers to cut back on use by as much as 30% and limit outdoor water use to two days a use and all public water use not required for health and safety. the move is necessary because of levels in the reservoir and lack of rain and snow in the forecast. back to the breaking news
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going on across the river from antioch. fire fight rs are battling a fire near the southwest tip of sherman island. the fire started at 4:30 this afternoon and you can see there there are several buildings that have been ungulfed in flames and some of the buildings have been destroyed as a result of the fire. this is an area that has difficult access. we believe that the only way to get to the island is by boat. only a handful of people live on the island. four have been evacuated and seven left on their own and there are three people left on the island. they're fighting it from the air and using water boats and we understand there are some fire crews on the scene. no word on what started the fire. we do have our reporter allie rasmus on the way. as soon as we get more information we'll bring it to you and keep you updated on this fire throughout the course of this newscast and news at 6. >> that breaking news comes on the heels of the reports of the
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draught concern and the red flag warning we've been reporting on. bill, the fact it is dry and not that windy. >> yeah, it's not windy. the footprint of the fire is unique. without wind you have a big wide area burned. the conditions in the hills that's where the red flag warnings are. the red flag warnings aren't necessarily down on the surface. antioch out by the island, it's not under a red flag warning but the conditions are dry. the winds are up as well. these are the gusts within the last hour or so. oakland hills with gusts of 32 miles per hour and they'll continue tonight. the red flag warning has been extended through thursday morning and along with the strong winds comes the record highs. we've had a number of records and we'll continue in this realm. 74 and san francisco airport a warm day with temperatures easily in the mid-70s. highs tomorrow a lot like this. when you see the jet stream like
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this over the top that far to the north i mentioned it last night we're not going to get rain. when you see a pattern like that. without computer models it's not raining for three or four days. we know beyond that it's dry as well. when it gets so broad it's not budging. the forecast highs tomorrow will be like today. these are the current numbers. the forecast highs will be in the 70s. the weekend pattern a little bit cooler with slight on shore flow and may see fog up to the coast. still dry, though. no rain, just maybe fog and an on shore wind. the air continues to sink. it warms and that's where we are. typically with that sinking air pattern like last week and the week before and before that we get spare of the air nights. because the winds are strong it's mixing up the atmosphere and not seeing banning burning or anything like that. 69 in vallejo and the numbers
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are conservative. you could easily get 73. san francisco 70 and might be warmer towards mission rock. redwood city 74. 75 in morgan hill and 75 in gill roy. here we go. i woke up this morning thinking wow, this weather is not, it's like ground hogs day. in reverse though. for us, it's been day after day of sunny and warm weather and very unusual. i've been doing this a long time. frank you grew up here, 76 is the last time i remember this and in '76 we had more rain. it's an unusual situation. it could all turn on. i hope it does. this is definitely unprecedented. >> i remember '76, too. we did a lot of crazy things to save water. up next chris christie's message to his state on the heels of the scandal. dead ducks found in bay area
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ponds. what experts are doing to get rid of them. a south bay sophomore has become an olympian. the touching ways her classmates are cheering her on. determined to get the flu shot? why some people are going to unusual lengths to protect themselves. new at 6. [son] she has no idea. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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. . back to the breaking news we've been covering since the top of the newscast. it's a fire burping on sherman island just across from antioch. you can see here one of several buildings that we've been watching that are fully involved in flames. it appears at least several buildings have been destroyed. firefighters working to bring the fire under control. part of the problem here is it is very difficult access. you see the fire boat, looks like a fire boat in the foreground shooting water onto the flames. we don't believe there's any direct access to this island. there's the fire boat shooting the flames and a helicopter in the air doing air drops. we do believe there are some firefighters on the ground. wind here isn't a factor. we've been hearing that from bill martin. it is safe to say it's dry out there because of a lack of rain. allie rasmus is on her way. we spoke to her a couple of
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minutes ago and should be there momentarily and should have her up and running in 15 minutes or so with new information on this fire. in the meantime we'll keep working to get more information and bring it to you as we get it. now to a warning who people who live near ponds. hundreds of birds found dead there are now believed to be linked to avian colara. tonight tests confirm there's a cholera outbreak and the dry weather may be to blame. >> unfortunate we're losing birds but it's a natural occurring thing and due to the weather and lack of rainfall it's probably contributed to the factor of the avian outbreak. >> they're located at a waste water facility and they've been checking daily and today they found five more bringing the total to 220. waste water treatment officials have determined the ponds need
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to be drained. that will help rid the bacteria. officials say there's a lot of bird extriment at the bottom which may cause the area to smell. >> we have heavy equipment ordered to come in and turn it over and keep it fresh and lower the amount of odors. people walking in the area visiting the local dog park and the nearby residents of the community definitely will have the potential to be impacted. >> they'll begin draining the ponds next week. it's unknown how long they'll remain drained. that depends on the weather. the outbreak doesn't pose a threat to human, just to the water foul. chris christie focussed attention on the bridge scandal during the state of the state address today. >> mistakes were clearly made. as a result, we let down the people we're entrusted to serve. >> the governor addressed what
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he called a breach of trust and said it would not happen again. he's facing two investigations on whether his staff caused gridlock on the george washington bridge as payback against the mayor of fort lee for refusing to endorse christie. christie is considered one of the front runners for the gop presidential nomination in 2016. outrage at a bay area high school. >> reporter: worry and fear after this man exposes himself to a group of cheer leaders. why school officials say video may not catch the suspect. we're staying on top of the breaking news. a fire in the delta area. a number of structures have burned, people evacuated and we'll have that for you coming up. it's kinda crazy around here sometimes. no. tonight, i got the favorites bucket. shhhhh, they're eating. kfc favorites bucket. 10 pieces, any recipe you want, $12.99.
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i even get my favorite. extra crispy boneless. thank you. ♪ check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. a bizarre and frightening situation at south san francisco high school. a man walks right into the school gym and exposed himself to several cheerleaders. according to police he wasn't wearing anything when he came in the gym. we have new information. david stevenson is in south san francisco with what he's been able to learn about what happened. >> reporter: frank, police are
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getting out a description of the suspect in that incident that took place in a gym changing room just behind me just under 24 hours ago. the trouble at south san francisco high school began just after 5:30 last night. >> that's kind of crazy. that's a little scary. >> reporter: five cheerleaders part of this squad team had finished practice in the gym and changing in the girl's locker room. police say a naked man walked in and exposed himself to the teens. >> the students did the right thing and called 911 immediately. >> reporter: he's described as a white male about 40 years old, 5-foot 9 to 5-foot 10 balding with short brown hair and a pot belly. >> he walked in without clothing and did not say anything or do anything and walked out on his own. >> reporter: he got away. police say he could face an indecent exposure charge. >> depending on what the actions of the suspect were, if he talked or touched anyone,
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there's obviously other charges that applied to that. >> reporter: custodial staff were on campus but not on the gym. there's a surveillance camera outside the building. >> there was nothing i could did certain from it. >> reporter: they are notifying parents and students about what happened. >> it's terrible. yeah, i'm afraid. >> reporter: school is offering counselling to the girls and spoke to three of the cheerleaders about a half hour ago. you'll hear their story coming up at 6. reporting live in south san francisco, david stevenson ktvu channel 2 news. back to breaking news. the fire burning in the delta. several structures have burned to the ground. the fire is burning near the southwest tip of sherman island. the fire started at about 4:30 this afternoon. we've been bringing you live pictures of a fire boat pumping water onto the flames from the
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river. we've also seen helicopters do a number of water drops from water there in the delta on the flames burning on the ground. let's go ahead and bring in a new voice. xavier valley. are you with us from antioch? if so, tell us what you see. >> yes, i am. i live really across the river and i was just coming home from school at deer valley and i just walked up to my stairs in the apartment and just noticed there was smoke. i don't know if that's for a purpose and i saw it grow, grow, grow and i said this isn't for purpose. >> when you say this is on purpose and not by accident. just so you know, the helicopter has been giving us a wide picture. we see a number of fires in unrelated spots. it doesn't appear the wind is whipping the flames from one tree to the next. describe what you see and what
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makes you say it doesn't look like an accident. >> well, when i saw it it just started in one spot. so when i saw it in one spot i was like oh, so this might be on purpose. then it increased and increased it spread all over the whole island and that's what i think it's on purpose. >> so it sounds like you're getting a great vantage point from your back window looking across the window here. access to this island is pretty tough to get on and off, right? >> yes. >> do you have any concern for yourself or your community or is the nice wide buffer makes you feel safe? >> well, i'm being across the river and it does make we safe and precautious by someone just setting off a fire like that.
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>> thank you so much xavier valley. a vower describing what he sees from his window. we don't have any information as to how the fire started. we don't have any reports of injuries. a number of structures have burned. we're staying on top of the story. allie rasmus is expected to be there in minutes. we'll bring you to her and have what she knows. he bought and sold and used am fed mean. mark lewis is accused of hiring people to fire bomb his ex-girlfriend's home. a sacramento drug dealer says lewis is one of his regular customers. >> about 1:30 in the morning he was looking to buy meth and he said he had a church and told me
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he usually makes side money. i've smoked meth with him about four or five times. >> police say they're looking into lewis's history. he hasn't commented on the drug allegations. police in antioch say a house fire led officers to an indoor marijuana farm with 900 plants. it happened 9:00 last night on hidden glenn drive. no one was home and no charges have been filed. the cause of the fire appears to be an electrical junction box. on the heels of a major data breach at targets shoppers want to know how vulnerable they are in participating in store loyalty programs. tom vacar to explain the deals they're making in exchange for a bargain. >> reporter: well, the question really becomes for consumers when does loyalty become a liability? realtor kathy is a self-described staunch discount shopper who signed up for
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loyalty discount and bonus cards at retailers she gave personal information such as her name, address and phone number. as with so many other shoppers the cards and key ring tokens have mounted up. >> as soon as i understood the advantages of having a card in terms of savings and discounts and purchasing power, i was in. >> it's hugely important. consumers are looking for extra. >> reporter: professor of consumer skolg at golden gate university use the information in many ways and information that can be hacked to steal your identity. >> it's a way to collect information on consumers they use in order to cue rate their offerings or target offerings to a particular consumer. >> i realized that more and more as i get ads sent to me online or if you go on their web sites all of a sudden they're featuring certain products to you. >> reporter: what's worrying retailers is we've been readily
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willing to give up this information. will we be willing to do it in the future? >> i think consumers will change the way they interact with retailers. no more free information. >> reporter: shopper shatter agrees. >> i think that i am going to be more careful in the future. it's my job to stay as opaque as i can to random third party people. >> reporter: even if new and improved microchip cards are adopted as in europe, they'll still be associated with some risk as we'll see in future reports. tom vacar channel 2 news. the chp is enlisting the help from seniors. the program save the agency hundreds and thousands of dollars and the push to expand it. we take you to the breaking news. the fire burning in the delta across the river from antioch. at ikea, we don't just design furniture.
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we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. authorities in new mexico are identifying a gunman who shot and injured two classmates this morning as a 12-year-old boy. this happened inside the gym in roswell. missay a teacher talked the boy into putting down his shotgun and he was taken into custody. the victims are an 11-year-old
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boy in critical boy and a 12-year-old girl in serious condition. school officials are cancelling classes for tomorrow but they say counselors will be on hand for students and parents. authorities say the shooter's motives remain unclear. a retired police captain accused of a deadly shooting inside a movie theater made his first court appearance today. 71-year-old curtis reaves attended the hearing from jail. authorities say he argued with chad olson who was sitting behind him over olson texting. they say that reaves pulled out a gun after olson reported he threw a bag of popcorn at him. reaves' attorney says he was defending himself. the judge did not agree. >> there may not have been popcorn but an unknown object doesn't equal taking out a gun and firing it at somebody's chest. >> the judge denied bail and ruled there was probable cause for a second degree murder charge. olson died in the lap of someone
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sitting right next to him. he was there with his wife. she was also shot in the hand. we continue to monitor the breaking news in the east bay. a fire burning across from antioch. we'll bring you an update, next. what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know.
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after three years of partisan battles congress has a plan to fund the government. it would end many of last year's sequestration cuts. it includes more than a trillion
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dollars in spending and maintains current funding levels for the affordable care act despite republican efforts to cut the funding. one place you'll notice a change could be at the airport. the tsa budget would be cut under the deal. >> tsa inefficiency bureaucracy and waste has to stop. >> the house is expected to vote on the bill tomorrow and the senate will follow. the goal is to get it all done by saturday. legislation to restore benefits for americans failed in the senate today. they ended for 1.3 million people on december 28th and 70,000 workers are added. they couldn't agree on how to pay for it and two versions of the plan failed. democrats plan to return to the table but time is running out before recess. continuing coverage on the fire burning on sherman island just across from antioch. these are, we believe these are
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not live pictures. these are pictures we shot earlier. you saw a fire boat shooting flames onto one of several buildings that is burning. we don't have any information at this point on what started the fire. it's in a remote location. not a lot of people live on sherman island. we're not aware of injuries. unfortunately we can say several buildings have burned and several of them have been destroyed. it appeared the buildings were homes. there's a cal fire helicopter that's been doing water drops. working to get more information but there you see the situation on sherman island across the river from antioch. >> we see a lot of vegetation burning there. let's bring in bill martin. all that fuel is dry. >> things are dry and this time of year you'd expect fuel moistures in the 60, 70% range. they're probably in the teens and low 20s. it's not moist and that's the
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problem. these are the conditions in sherman ie rapid. the winds are east at 10 and the humidity at 30% and temperatures down to 63 degrees. the winds aren't causing a big issue in the fire zone. there's the red flag in the north and east bay because of strong winds suspected tonight and then again tomorrow. this red flag warning has been extended to last into thursday now. originally it was for one night. these are the highs today. the numbers came up and a couple records and i'll show you them at the 600 record. we had records numerous days in a row and we'll continue as the ridge stays to the north. it is way up there and when you see that you know it won't bring you rain. it's just all that energy is too far away. right now it's beautiful outside. sunsets have been great. the weather has been great but not cooperating in terms of bringing us precipitation. current temperature 65 in concord, 67 in hayward and just
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unusual. very unusual and unprecedented. as we go into tomorrow sunny and mild again. more 70s and more perhaps mid-70s. more records perhaps. forecast high 73 and 71 in fairfield and 67 in socilito and we got 70s around the bay. we're not getting spare of the air nights or days because there's enough wind. this pattern if it weren't for the wind we would be getting some spare of the air days. that's not happening. 75 in santa clara and 75 in san jose. overnight lows. it got cold this morning. upper 20s and low 30s. most of us in the mid-30s and low 40s. there's the five day forecast with your weekend in view. there you go. it's just more of the same and dry, dry, dry. the long range models continue in the five day dry and beyond
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that, too. there's nothing showing up for rainfall and this fire is so telling of the kind of year we've had. i could count the number of fires wild land fires in january on one hand i can remember. it just doesn't happen that much. >> looking for the rain. los angeles county sheriff's deputies are now reviewing evidence taken from justin beiber's home this morning. it's parent of an investigation into whether he threw eggs at his neighbor's home. beiber was home during the search and was said to be cooperative. according to reports cocaine was found in beiber's home and the singer's friend was arrested. deputies also reportedly took surveillance video from his security system. up next the chp is enlisting some help. the job has no pay but lots of benefits. i'll tell you why the chp is looking for a few good volunteers. back to julie haener on what we're working on for six.
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we told you about the naked man who went in a girl's locker room. we'll take a look at security gaps. going the distance to get the flu shot. these stories and much more in about ten minutes at 6.
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bay area seniors ready to serve and what they're doing in
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their golden years is helping the chp go the extra mile. the senior volunteers are saving them hundreds and thousands of dollars by freeing up officers to do the work they can do. >> reporter: gasia, hundreds of thousands of dollars is nothing to sneeze at. if you're interested, they're recruiting. every little boy dreams of riding in a patrol car. as a kid arthur looked up to the indiana state police. at 78 this retiree is living the dream. uniform and all riding shotgun as a senior volunteer with the chp. arthur has a radar for seat belt violators. >> i didn't see it on his shoulder. >> reporter: the driver has a note from his doctor saying he can't wear a seat belt. chp ride alongs are one of the
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perks. they're looking for senior volunteers to do clerical work and other jobs. >> they allow our officers to get on the road. >> reporter: an officer costs about $80,000 a year. >> oh, i get paid a lot of money. in fact they doubled my salary. i was getting zero and now i get two zeros. >> reporter: his specialty. >> we're looking at a combination seat. >> reporter: everything you need to know about those confusing car seats. >> make sure it's nice and tight. i enjoy keeping the kids safe. >> reporter: today's inspection kept an unsafe seat off the road. >> i was impressed he checked the serial numbers against the recall list. >> reporter: a new volunteer has added spring to his 78-year-old steps. the tap dancing skills are a
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bonus. not a requirement to be a senior volunteer. you have to be 55 or older and have a desire to help. we have more information on our web site. noelle walker channel 2 news. the california community college system is adopting a new performance requirement for a financial aid program. students receiving a board of governor's fee waiver will maintain a c average. they must also complete at least half of the units they attempted during two consecutive semesters. if they don't they risk losing their fee waivers. additional exemptions may be considered in the future. rules will take effect in the fall of 2016. now at 6 we're monitoring a grass fire that's forced close to a dozen people from their homes. caught in the act.
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ktvu obtains exclusive video of the san jose arsonist at work. what it reveals about the suspect police are trying to catch tonight. the search is on for a naked man who made it into a locker room and exposed himself to a cheerleading squad. in the last hour we heard from the girls about what happened. >> we are following breaking news at 11 people have been forced from their homes by a grass fire burning near antioch. good evening i'm julie haener. >> i'm frank somerville. >> we're following that right now. we just got word the grass fire has grown to 40 to 50 acres and is burning in the delta again just across from the city of antioch. >> we have been watching this since 4:30 as flames destroyed a number of homes and set up huge
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plumes of smoke. the coast guard says crews evacuated four people and seven others left on their own. there is no word at this point of any injuries. this is a very remote area. there are only about 30 homes on this island. cal fire chopper is on the scene doing water drops. there are also fire boats that are shooting water onto the flames. >> we're waiting for allie rasmus to arrive and give us more details. we want to check in with bill martin who has been tracking this fire all afternoon and the conditions firefighters are facing. >> red flag warning is in effect but this is at the surface with no warning. i have to say the winds are not that windy. the winds gusting 10 miles per hour but nothing like the east bay hills with winds to 30. this is not a wind driven fire. it's dry and definitely underscores where we stand this


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