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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 16, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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hi, everybody, we have great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." an avalanche cuts in front of a skier and -- >> takes him out. >> see the smart moves that helped save his life. russian drivers get in the olympic spirit. luckily this one -- >> missed all the other competitors on the ice. >> nancy kerrigan. >> why you can't blame tonya harding this time. a dad mistakenly puts on his
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wife's jeans. >> zipped up and walked out. >> now see a daughter's mission to remake her old man. and the baby who water-skied behind dad has a new video, and this time -- >> no more dad running along the shore. >> now mom reveals how the kid's calling the shots on the water. >> if he doesn't feel like doing it, then we don't do it. you're about to see what it's like to be buried alive! partially. this is in chamonix, france, henrik henrikson going down this run with his buddies, looks like he's last in line with his friends until watch this, watch to the left. big avalanche comes out of nowhere and henrik says it felt like being swept up by a big wave. he has no idea what caused this thing, but you can see takes him out. >> yeah, look at that view of snow coming over your head.
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it does look like a wave. >> yeah. you can hear him screaming. >> oh, gosh and then it goes completely blank. that's creepy. >> keep in mind the camera is on tom of his helmet here, so if the camera's getting buried, think about where his head is. listen to this. >> ahh! >> he's screaming at the top of his head for help. he was able to free his one left arm and then carve out an air passageway. although he sounds frantic in this video he kind of tried to remain calm. he knew his friends were there. he knew his friends knew where he was. his friends are able to locate him pretty quickly. >> but look when his buddy comes over right away, listen to his friend. his friend is, like, laughing, whoo-hoo, what a rush. >> his friends are kind of laughing but eventually everyone kind of starts laughing, they start digging and you can see they've got shovels and all the right equipment to get him out of this mess. listen right here.
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you hear henrik himself each sort of out of breath but laughing realizing, okay, he's going to be safe. he's able to free himself from the snow but now you figure where's all my gear? fortunately these guys were able to locate his equipment, too. >> oh, wow. >> you see them kind of fish the ski out of the snow. so, it's the end of your long day at work. you're headed home. you're steps from your door front, here comes this woman in moscow walking up the front of her door, but right behind her you notice somebody rushing up. there's a struggle right at her front door. that's over her purse. the man swiping her purse, but she gives chase but the guy had an accomplice. the guy jumps into a waiting car and off they go. that woman is a high-ranking accountant at a banking firm. she had about $9,000 in her purse, they got away with it. police still looking for those guys. even though the cameras were rolling not too much information they could get from that.
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>> those guys had obviously been staking her out. they knew exactly when, exactly where. over to a jewelry store, to a heist, cameras rolling in this scenario. this one also from russia. three guys come barging in from a store and they take a couple of employees and rush them on the ground and keep them there while they rummage through the jewelry store stealing whatever they can. but this one was a little different. he noticed these guys wearing hats, but nothing on their face. >> why don't they think there will be security cameras that catch their face? >> do you know if you are dumb enough to do something like this, then you're dumb enough not to cover your face. police used this video to quickly track these guys down in the video. you can clearly see these characters at the police station in handcuffs. not getting away with much of anything. to the winter olympics are
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just around the corner. they're happening in sochi, russia. two examples of what to expect, the first one is figure skatiin on icy roads. >> oh, no. >> our performer this gray suv screen. >> i like it here. strong. >> and immediately going into a loop jump. >> oh. >> full 360. then a little backspin. >> very difficult move to pull off. very rare you see this in competition. >> i give this an 8.6. >> judges are really going to love this. >> didn't crash into anything. missed all the other competitors on the ice. >> nancy caravan! >> there it is. that's strong. >> identify was wa was waiting . >> strong. >> yep. moving on, now the next olympic performance sledding.
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very popular. lots of people like to see that. >> the one h-man luge. good to see it back in competition. here he is. here's our sledder being pulled by a car down the streets of russia. >> it seems fair. >> it's a new feature here, all contestants get launched by an old volvo. >> we'll give him a ten for being able to stay on the sled in that very sharp turn. police are giving these guys a zero because they're looking for this guy, this athlete, because they do believe he's breaking too many rules of the road. >> wait a minute, after all of the videos that we see come out of russia people doing crazy stuff, a guy sledding in the parking lot makes police go, whoa, too much. >> yeah. have an update for you guys. a nonprofit organization started by a high schooler named chase harris. he started this nonprofit
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organization in honor of his friend danielle hudson who was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer. and the way he thought he could help beth was by restoring an old car. in fact, a 1967 chevrolet camaro, if you remember. and i want to tell you that car did get unveiled in front of the phoenix children's hospital. danielle's parents got to see the car which was an incredibly emotional experience for them because danielle lost her battle to brain cancer before she ever got to see the finished product. but even more special, this car was just auctioned off at the barrett jackson auction in scottsdale, arizona. that is chase right back there standing behind the auctioneer. this car went for $75,000. >> sold! thank you. >> 100% of those proceeds will go to the phoenix children's
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hospital oncology research. >> that's cool. >> it's so amazing that such a young man was able to restore that car, and his dream came true that he was actually able to get it auctioned off and raise that kind of money. >> got to stand up there right next to craig jackson the man. >> we actually spoke to chase. he says he's incredibly grateful for the support of the community, and he is planning on restoring more classic cars. if you want to get in touch with him or donate to the cause, you can reach out to classics for what's the wedding day without a few shots fired? >> but that inspires even more people to whip out their machinery. >> see how they celebrate the big day with a bang! and the mysterious message this raisin is squawking. >> oh, so groovy. good. good answer.
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well, it seems like you just don't have a proper celebration unless there's a hail of gunfire. apparently the short description of this video describes it as an islamic wedding. that is believed to be a 75-round drum of ammunition that goes up in the air. you can see the tracers cutting across the sky. but that inspires even more people to whip out their machinery. >> wow, they must be really
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happy about this wedding. that's how excited they are. >> this is like our version of throwing rice. >> people are strapped to the teeth at this wedding. rifles being pulled out. handguns being pulled out. >> i think it sends a clear message to the in-laws, you know, don't mess with the bride, we're armed. >> did he blink? >> i know it's doubtful, but it crossed my mind, you know, do they save the blanks for the wedding reception? >> i would say unlikely, but it could be i guess. there's nothing better than a little daddy-daughter time, right? but this daddy's daughter was on a mission. dad and daughter are at e street denim in highland park, illinois. dad is mike leonard, you might recognize him, a pretty well-known features guy, he shoots all kind of interesting
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news features. his daughter, her mission to get dad out of the dad jeans. >> oh. >> the high-waisted, loose, maybe a little bit of elastic. >> the cool part of this video the song that's in the background is from his son's band the biltmores. ♪ don't you know >> your butt looks kind of weird. absolutely not. >> and she's very particular. she knows exactly what she's looking for. she says dad has a very specific problem when it comes to jeans. >> it's so high, your butt. they're sort of like natural wedgies. ♪ >> see, i know exactly what she's talking about. i've seen it. it looks weird. >> let me tell you the story behind this dad -- >> behind the behind? >> behind the behind. kerry, mike leonard's daughter, was on a shoot with him. and he apparently packed his
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wife's jeans. >> oh, no. >> and didn't know it. zipped them up. put them on, went to work all day in his wife's jeans, so he literally had on kerry's mom's jeans. he was wearing mom jeans. >> he didn't realize. >> figure it out. >> here's some video and a photo of mike in the actual mom jeans. there you go. >> oh, wow. >> there are the actual mom jeans on dad. >> to be fair, they look like any old jeans. >> that's true. >> but women's and men's pants the buttons are on the other side. >> that should have been the dead giveaway, i'm doing that opposite way. >> right. >> she eventually said, dad, we're getting you out of the dad jeans and more importantly getting you out of the mom jeans and we'll find jeans that work. and they were successful. >> we did the impossible. >> there are dad's new jeans, and they look great. finish this statement, quote, the raven never more. not this time. somebody flipped the script.
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>> wow! no way. >> what do you think he said? >> it sound like he said at you and then hangman coming. >> that's right. some people think he's saying the hangman's coming. >> the hangman's coming. >> that's not the bird! >> well, it's a mockingbird, right? mockingbirds are known to mock sounds. the raven, right? >> the raven named joe at the hillcrest zoo in clovis, new mexico, has been taught to say, hi, my name is joe. but this time he decided to get all cryptic. >> the hangman's coming. >> they don't know where he got the hangman's coming. >> there's a caretaker that goes in there and talks to him and everybody doesn't know what he's doing and all of a sudden the raven says it. >> hangman's coming. >> it sounds like a dude saying hangman's coming. >> there are plenty of youtube videos with joe saying that. >> hangman's coming. the hangman's coming. the hangman's coming. the hangman's coming.
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the hangman's coming. >> whoa! it's so creepy >> it's awesome. i totally buy it. maybe i'm gullible, but i buy it. >> i buy it, too. >> i've got to see it in personal before i believe it. >> ravens are creepy anyway because people believe that raven is the sign of impending death coming and if you have a raven that says something creepy, that's even, like, what? mind blown. >> what if you could teach them edgar allan poe, never more. >> that would, again, be mind blown. >> i'll probably get haunted. this thing is going to fly to my house, see, idiot. i can't see. >> hangman's coming. these guys are up to something. >> they're building a giant slip and slide. >> see a heck of a slide next "right this minute." and still to come, a paperboy has a little trouble when he drops the mail. >> now he's about to really just have a total freak-out. >> what throws him over the edge into a full-on temper tantrum. and she's a knockout on the dance floor. until she's knocked out. >> oh!
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>> and down she goes. >> yeah.
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i'm about to make you all feel like you have not accomplished enough. ♪ >> could he even walk yet? >> probably not as well as he could see. you may actually recognize rider. the video went viral a few months back with rider seeing at the age of 7 1/2 months.
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they are all freaked out skiing behind a boat. he actually wasn't skiing behind a boat, his dad was running along and dragging him. >> yeah. >> in this particular video, this new video that was just posted with little rider, at 11 months he is, in fact, skiing behind a boat. no more dad running along the shore. he was going at about 7 1/2 miles per hour. >> wow. >> at the time this video was shot. >> at that age, that's what they do, they love to pull themselves up and hold on to things, so he's doing exactly the right thing for him and it's got to be fun. i'm just imagining his leg muscles. i wouldn't think that his leg muscles would be able to hold up all that bumping around on the water. and he's got to hang on, you know, with his arms, too, because they're going over bumps there on the water and you see him leaning back and stuff and he's still hanging on. >> more on this 11-month-old skiing phenom, we have rider's mother, tamara, via skype "right this minute" from australia. >> hi. >> this is so incredibly
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impressive, we were all wondering does rider ever fall? is he nervous? does he show any nerves? >> now he's 19 months old, he has more understanding of what he's doing so, you know, if he doesn't feel like doing it, then we don't do it. when rider needs to ski on the board by himself, he likes to have his dad right there, too. we wouldn't do things if we didn't think it was safe. we do take all safety precautions. >> does he get excited when he sees the water and the boat? >> definitely, definitely. even when he sees his skis, he knows what it is and he loves getting on. loves the water. he's definitely a water baby. he likes being taken to the water park and the beach so he's surrounded by it all the time. >> your first video of rider skiing went viral. were you surprised more than 700,000 people have seen it? >> definitely. we uploaded it just for really our local friends to see.
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yeah. it was very overwhelming. we didn't expect this. wildly popular in the netherlands with many dutch fans and for our dutch fans out there if you didn't receive your newspaper one day, it might actually be this guy's fault. paperboy in the netherlands having a rough day. looked like he might have had an accident here on his bike and some of his papers fell out. he's picking them up. all right. the bag's a little bit heavy. just kind of slams his papers down. now the whole bike falls again and now he's about to really just have a total freak-out. starts banging his feet. dude is just having a bad day here. finally saying, all right, he's got his stuff together, right? watch this. >> oh! that's so sad. >> you can feel the frustration. >> yeah. get a kickstand! >> yeah. >> he lost it. he's lost it. we've all had these days. where it doesn't matter, you will beat up an object because
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it's making you so mad. from the dutch paperboy to a bit of a dance-off. they've got justin timberlake "sen "senorita" playing in the background. if you can figure out what's going on, i can't. >> that's awful. >> she didn't resist and then when he -- not scared at all. >> he got disqualified. a little too aggressive on the dance floor. it's a wedding video like no other. because -- >> this one jumps the space/time continuum. >> see if this happy couple is still feeling the love 50 years in the future. >> are we still married? if so, happily.
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the fish looks prehistoric
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mostly because it hasn't changed in millions of years. it's a white sturgeon. that's bob there from the fishing addicts northwest, he sent us this video. bob has himself a pretty sizable sturgeon there. >> you're right, it doesn't look real. it looks like it's made out of rubber. >> it looks prehistoric and it's a little gross but kind of fascinating. bob describes the majority of the sturgeon is made up of cartilage. it's kind of like a shark. it doesn't have much bone to it. but watch what bob does, he cuts the tail off and he's going to pull the spine out of this sturgeon. >> it's like a magician's scarf. >> yeah, it looks like a piece of rope or twine that's twisted around. >> look at this. >> it's fascinating. >> it's gross but fascinating, i know. >> yeah. >> and he pulls and pulls and pulls this final cord-looking thing. it's coming. watch this. >> wow. >> watch this when they measure it next to the entire fish. how much it stretched when it came out. >> oh, yeah, for sure.
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we've seen a lot of wedding videos, be it the engagement, be it the reception dance. this is one we've never seen before. this one jumps the space-time continuum. >> time travel is possible in the future. >> the person is saying time travel is possible he and katie are married and guess what they were able to do? they were able to contact themselves 50 years in the future. >> oh, my god. wow. >> hey, guys, hi. >> as you could see ben and katie did the video themselves. they looked pretty good, and i think they act pretty good imagining what they'd be like 50 years from their big day. >> did you notice the flying cars and the buildings and everything behind them? that's awesome. >> are we still married and if so happily? >> quite happily, yes. >> what's interesting is when katie gets the microphone, she asks, you know, who is the next one amongst their friends here who gets married.
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>> let's see here, who is out there. corey, no. and shane, no. megan, no. they all died. >> it's a good idea, too, because it keeps the guests away from the open bar for a little bit more, you know, make it a little cheaper night. >> right. speaking of the open bar, katie has something very important to say about that. >> good-bye. stay out of trouble. >> and drink yourselves stupid! >> from the future! that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody, it's time for all the great videos that you've been looking for "right this minute." do circle, i don't know what to do. >> a driver decides to help a skunk with a cup on its head. >> do you know what, he's right. >> meet the dude who pulled off one dicey good deed. >> i ran into my trunk, i had a blanket in there and i covered him and tried to take the cup off. it looks like full-speed disaster but -- >> this is controlled chaos. >> why the driver meant for this to happen.


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