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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 16, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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hi, everybody, it's time for all the great videos that you've been looking for "right this minute." do circle, i don't know what to do. >> a driver decides to help a skunk with a cup on its head. >> do you know what, he's right. >> meet the dude who pulled off one dicey good deed. >> i ran into my trunk, i had a blanket in there and i covered him and tried to take the cup off. it looks like full-speed disaster but -- >> this is controlled chaos. >> why the driver meant for this to happen. a new movie trailer shows a
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woman whipping up -- >> peck lpickle and peanut butt sandwiches. >> see the secret her husband's about to reveal. and baby's about to try a new food but -- >> will she like it? >> what it is that she's not digging. oh, terrible. when a skunk has its head stuck in a cup, who do you call? animal control? not in west haven, connecticut, you call jll animal control. that would be jeremy lorenti and his buddy matt. they noticed this little skunk in the treat and they didn't want to run him over. >> we're in traffic and there's a skunk with a cup on his head. he's spinning in circles. i don't know what to do. >> oh, he does have his little head stuck in a cup and he's walking in circles. >> i feel horrible for him. >> i feel horrible for the skunk, but do you know what's pretty amazing, somebody actually, another car does come by and that other car does run over the skunk. >> no! >> but watch what happens. >> no, no, oh, no, no.
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ahh! whoa! >> that is one lucky skunk. >> yeah. >> whoa! >> but it's not like you can walk up to it, grab it and, you know, take it somewhere else. >> why not? >> it could spray you! >> yeah, but it's blindfolded essentlly. maybe now that's the best time to approach a skunk. >> huh-uh. >> you'r right, nik, becau a of the car. jeremy got out of the car with a blanket. and decided, i got to do something to help this skunk. now, i must say he's not an expert and it's obvious, but do you know what, he's brave. he made an attempt. finally, he decides do you know what, i'm just going to cover this thing with a blanket and go in. >> yeah! >> wow. >> carefully pulls it back. >> you got it! >> oh, there goes the cup. boom. >> like that. >> yeah. >> you did it! you saved the skunk. >> right on. now get out of there. >> yeah. but did he get stinky? >> no, he did not get stinky and
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to tell us all about it we have jeremy and matt "right this minute" via skype from west haven, connecticut, so, jeremy, what were you thinking? >> we really didn't know what to do but i do like animals and i felt bad. >> went around it. >> so i said we got to do something. i just rummaged through my trunk. i had a blanket in there. let's cover it and then trying to take the cup off. >> so, did the skunk spray at all during this process? >> no, not at all. thankfully. i was taking my time with the blanket because i was trying to, like, kind of cover everything but the cup so i could grab it which was difficult, but it was kind of an intense moment. >> i was worried about jeremy, you know, because i didn't want him to get sprayed. i was kind of, you know, being a baby outside but, you know, jeremy, i was really worried about him. i didn't want him to smell like skunk. >> you did it! you saved the skunk. many of the videos we've seen on the show are a little
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bit slow-motion, they're not going terribly fast, but this extremely different. frederick and his buddy matt, mike. >> oh, no way! >> right. >> was that intentional or were they wrecking? >> it does look like a crash but this is controlled chaos that you're seeing. these two guys very accomplished athletes, they're pulling this off at about 136 miles per hour. they come blasting down this straight. see that sign that went flying? >> yeah. >> what's crazy it doesn't look like he actually hit the sign it's just the draft from the car. >> i think they gave the photographers a heads up? >> a couple of the guys say, let's head on over to main for the red bull frozen rush event. eight of the best pro off-road racers trading sand for snow. they're racing at the sunday river ski resort in maine. this is a head-to-headrace, single elimination knockout. the trucks designed for off-road racing now racing on snow. this is a brand-new series, first time this has ever been done and it looks like fun.
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>> wow. what do you drift into? because of the snow. >> oh, yeah, driving with studded tires, 900 horsepower down on this ski slope, but it's fascinating to see the things charge up the run so fast. here's what it looks like from inside rickie johnson's car. he won this event. you may not remember i showed you a video just like this from last february of rickie johnson testing the viability of this type of racing. the competitors say rickie had an advantage. >> that's pretty awesome, though, a year ago he was testing this idea and now all of these people are out and it's a new awesome spectator sport. >> it's cool that there are still new types of racing being found. >> super bad and super bizarre behavior caught on camera. this first one the bad on a bust. look at what they are saying. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> shouldn't be racing. >> yeah. the guy that's standing getting kicked says "you shouldn't be
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racist" allegedly. the guy on the ground had made some racist remarks but we don't see them on the video and that' off. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> goes on for a long time who knows whether racist remarks really were the cause of this, but they really get into it. >> and the feet is spilling over to innocent people. >> you hear people in the background saying "get out of the bus." you hear people mention the police. you see that the guy that was originally on the ground has a cut. several people do appear to be very upset at the guy on the ground. >> backhand your face. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> eventually they manage to separate these two but the shouting and the screaming doesn't stop. some lady gets in on the screaming match. >> called some names in front of me. >> unfortunately this video ends. >> the guy with the camera probably decides to get off the bus. i'm tired of this. on to the absolutely bizarre, we believe that this is
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in russia. there's someone right there, do you see him? as this car is pulling up that person just runs up to the car, smashes it, plus throwing the birdie. screaming. backs away. then the guy sees another car. he kicks that car. but then he falls to his knees, flops over. >> whoa. >> smacks his own face on the ground. >> he's out cold. >> he appears to be out cold. the guy gets out of that car and you think, oh, he's going to check on the dude, no, he's going to check on his hood. if he was unconscious, he immediately gets right up and when he sees another car coming, he runs right at it. >> help this guy out. in a world where people love to snack, the bashrbers are snacking on something really weird. this snack, pickles. more specifically, pickle and peanut butter sandwiches. >> that's weird? that's bad. >> never had it. never been pregnant. >> is that what you think that
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came from a pregnant lady? >> yeah. >> it is so great that you are saying that, nick. you are a brilliant man. that is correct. in fact, this entire video is not a movie trailer about the barbers eating pickle sandwiches, this was a video announcement that irene is expecting in june of 2014. >> i like that. i like that. >> ryan nor irene actually likes to eat pickles so when they were shooting this video they cut the bite out and pretended to take a bite they couldn't actually stomach the pickle peanut butter sandwich. did you guys recognize irene and ryan? >> nope. >> it's really cool to show their pregnancy video because not terribly long ago we showed a video from their wedding. do you remember this? ryan forgot his wedding speech. and siri had to help i'm out. >> say something personal in your own words. >> ryan and irene are in
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satellite, washington. ryan works for our friends at kyro, and we get to be a part of their life, not only their wedding but now they're expecting, so we're just watching their family grow. it's so cool. >> congratulations, kids. irene birth room? >> oh. coast guard to the rescue for four people stranded in a boat. >> but what happens when you're not quite on the coast? what's if you are 300 miles off the coast in the middle of the atlantic ocean? >> what they do when their fuel runs out midflight. and he's telling people to pet his puppy except -- >> it's actually a puppet. a pet puppy puppet.
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all right, coast guard very effective, but what happens when you're not quite on the coast? what happens if you are 300 miles off the coast in the middle of the atlantic ocean. well, the coast guard still there. problem with this rescue is the coast guard rescue helicopter had to stop to refuel on the back of the "uss ross" a 505 guided missile destroyer. >> wow. >> once they refueled they were able to get to this stranded vessel, the sailboat. look at the swells, you can see that sailboat up and down up and down. four people aboard. the guys get there as soon as
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possible. you see one of the rescue swimmers go down into the water, board the sailboat and then one by one takes the survivors off into the water and then hooks up to the helicopter so the people can be brought aboard the helicopter. i imagine they do that because it's easier than standing on a ship that's rocking up and down with the big swell. >> that's true. >> bring them up in the basket. rescued safely. >> you know, i think if you have to refuel on your way out to rescue someone, i think you're no longer called the coast guard. i think you're called the whole ocean guard. >> because they had to refuel on the way out, they also had to do the same thing, so these people that were recovered from the sailboat also got to visit "the uss ross." >> that was their plan all along. >> they wanted to visit the "uss ross." this guy rescued the cooler, maybe they had valuables in there or something. >> maybe you needed a cold one for the stress of being rescued on a sailboat. >> there's the abandoned ship.
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nessa is getting her first taste of meat. her mom kristen a big fan of the show, they were watching the show "right this minute" when nessa was getting chicken and chicken broth. will she like it? >> let's see, here we go. >> ooh. oh, no, she did not like it. >> i think that she might be a vegetarian. >> oh, she spits it out. >> mom says try one more time let's see what she does. >> this will be your last bite. >> no more. >> would you want to eat pureed chicken and chicken broth out of a jar like that? i would say no. i don't blame her. >> stick with the peas and carrots. we go from nessa to hazel, it's nap time, hazel according to her parents loves to cuddle with their cat and the cats love to cuddle her and groom her. >> that will put you to sleep having a cat lick your head. >> wouldn't put me to sleep. creep me out. ew.
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>> this proves that that baby smell you want to sniff little babies, baby powder, baby milk, it's so sweet, cats love it, too. >> she loves to cuddle with the cats and the kitties love to cuddle with her. magician rich ferguson hits the streets and does all kinds of tricks but today he's just sitting on a bench and letting people pet his puppy dog. >> he's very soft. >> but, of course, it's not just any puppy, he's rigged this one. it's actually a puppet. >> that's good that that mom was a cool mom because that could make some moms mad to scare a little child that way. >> that's true. but he gets anybody that's willing to pet the puppy. >> ah! ah! ahh! >> if you look closely, you actual notice that he rigged a third arm. that's how he can hold his box and his free hand is actually in
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the puppet. >> oh, my gosh, you are such a creep. >> he's sche's making them screa >> ahh! >> and the dogs get in on the action. >> i'm surprised that dog didn't attack that dog. going to lose a hand to that german shepherd if he's not careful. >> what's up? >> ahh! >> oh. it's a fan-made doritos ad in the running to be featured during the big game. >> the dorito finger cleaner. >> oh! >> the magic behind the finger-licking fun. >> he's really sucking it, that's actually his finger. and see how the paraglider nails his flight. >> like a low-flying superman.
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welcome back to the show, everybody. and don't forget to check out, great videos all darn day long. enjoy. doritos has named their five finalists in the annual crash the super bowl contest, five fan-made ads featuring doritos and one lucky winner will get a million bucks and their ad will be shown during the super bowl. this is a huge deal. last week we had the time machine ad one of the five finalists, this week we've got this ad. >> billy, use the cleaner. >> oh. touchdown. >> that's weird.
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>> the doritos finger cleaner, as you know, doritos delicious, gets the orange powder all over your fingers. >> yeah. >> let's keep watching. let's see how this dorito finger cleaner works. >> you ask too many questions, billy. >> oh, my goodness. >> it's an actual man sitting in an office just sucking the delicious dorito dust off of that dorito-dusted finger. this ad the brainchild of tom noke from australia, the only finalists from outside the u.s. this is the first year they opened the contest to the entire world and this is the only finalist not from here in our country and he joins us via skype "right this minute" from
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australia. welcome to the show, tom. >> thank you for having me. >> this is fantastically funny, gross, disturbing. how long, how many takes did it take for that man to suck that dust off of that finger? was he really sucking it off the finger? >> he's really sucking. that's actually his finger as well, there's no stunt fingers or anything like that. that's billy, you know, the actor that plays billy, that's his real finger getting sucked. it took about ten takes in the end. and we went with take number one. no, we didn't, i'm just kidding. >> do you think you have a chance to win this competition? because it's funny, but it does have that little bit of yuck factor to it. >> it doesn't have any yuck factor to it! look, totally. people, you know, some people really like it, and some people are pretty unfavorable. i'm curious to see, i'm interested to see how people
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react to it. >> good luck. it's a creative ad, dude, i'm sure people who see it will like it. you can check out the five ads and place your vote for your favorite at i wish the wright brothers were alive to see this, because i feel like when they imagined human flight, i believe they saw something like this. this is jean-baptiste, he's a paraglider and he's a pro. this is one of his highlight reels. look at this scene. this cliffside resort. he's, like, tiptoeing from rooftop to rooftop, some acrobatics in the mountains in the winter which is spectacular. but his proximity flying is the most impressive stuff. look at this, comes across like a little dragonfly and dips his
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toe in the water. that's not a huge pool. he just comes swooping in and dips his toe and off he goes. the guy on the bicycle coming up the hill here, what do you think is going on? how do you explain that? >> you almost want to offer him help. do you need some help? are you okay? >> watch this. he comes and lands of a moving tour bus. takes a little breather, and then -- >> wow. >> -- just leaps off again, like a slow-flying superman. what do you think the tourists did? do you think they were working together? >> yeah. >> he landed on somebody. what to do when you've got a beer but no -- >> handy the bottle opener. >> how to pop a bottle wit
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guys, this is a mountain biker, his name is brian
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gregory, but brian has himself a bit of a shadow. shadow's got a name, too, kaya his dog, because watch this on a trail in vancouver, british columbia, canada, brian is ripping it up. this video put together by his friend from foxwood films and everywhere brian goes kaya goes, too. check it out. >> wow, that's awesome exercise for this dog. >> that dog's flying. >> yes. it's great. >> yeah. >> wow! >> the dog is a purebred border collie at times even ahead of brian in this video. >> it's amazing to see kaya follow the trail even when the bike is ahead of her. >> maybe one your buddies isn't available and you have the trusty dog to follow along and hang out with you. >> man's best friend. >> man's best friend. >> look at that face. >> cute. let's learn something today. a little how-to for you.
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how to open a beer bottle when you don't have a handy little bottle opener. >> real men drink beer. >> oh. >> that's one way. >> just blast the top off. don't have a shotgun, maybe a chain saw lying around? >> real men drink beer. >> wow. >> yeah. i was going to call fake on that one but then it started to fizz up and that makes me think real. >> you got to have a really gentle touch in order to do that because you could slice that bottle right in half and then the beer's ruined. >> a handgun. >> real men drink beer. >> manly way to open your beer. >> finally if you pull the tab accidentally off your can of beer, just shoot it open. >> you know this problem? well, it's actually not a problem at least not in sweden. >> they just slash a hole in it. wastes most of the beer. someone just give the guy a key chain that has a beer opener on
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it. it will save a lot of ammunition. how about opening that wine bottle? i think this is handy. peel off the foil seal at the top. >> voila. >> take off your shoe. put the bottle in the shoe and bump it against the wall a couple of times and from there you can grab it and pop it open. >> that is handy. especially if you take a nice wine out camping or something you can save space. >> everybody's got shoes. >> everybody's got shoes. >> there you go, i learned you something. >> still going to use my wine key. that's our show, everybody. thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm." i need proof of insurance. that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera.
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ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here.
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>> a wake-up call for insomniacs today on dr. ezz -- dr. oz: it can be the first warning sign that something is wrong. >> the secret syndrome disturbing your sleep. >> to say i was tired all the time was an understatement. >> there's three questions you need to ask yourself, and if you answer yes, that's a clue that this may be a problem for you. >> the warning signs you can't ignore. >> it really does change what i think. >> coming up next on dr. oz. [applause] dr. oz: question for you -- thank you very much. you can't sleep? you think it's not a big deal? well, think again. today, why your insomca


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