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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 23, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, we have all the great video that you've been looking for "right this minute." a skier starts out on a double black diamond run, but soon -- >> he's going headfirst. this is more like a waterslide. >> now meet the 12-year-old who barreled to the bottom in one piece. >> i just felt -- i thought it would stop. but it didn't stop. a car slams into a little boy and his grandmother but
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watch the little boy pop right back up. an angry bull has people running, but a few brave guys -- >> are actually trying to get a rope around him. >> while the lasso might be the easy part. and one guy's winter challenge. >> he's going to jump from the porch. >> the video with one big question. >> oh, why naked? life is all about choices. sometimes when you're skiing you make the decision when you see this sign, i'm going to give it a go. the sign being two double black diamonds, one called fright gully and the other called 94 turns, why not? that's what this 12-year-old did. he was at park city, utah, at the canyons resort. here ego he goes on the double k diamond. >> he is skiing for falling? >> he's skiing but not for long. he's going headfirst. this is more like a waterslide.
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>> he's still going! >> slides for quite a while. he says something like 200 feet. he says he's also stopped by one of the moguls down there. >> oh, no. >> both his skis are gone now. >> but to his luck, you do see somebody who must have witnessed this accident. and you see this guy come down with his skis in hand. >> pretty shaken up there. >> i got it on video. >> yeah. >> not all for nothing, right? i got a good video out of it. >> we've got yoni joining us "right this minute" from philadelphia. yoni, you said you consider yourself pretty lucky because there were rocks and trees all around you, right? >> yeah, i was passing by and i could see them go right past my eyes. >> what happened? how did you lose -- i guess you lost both of your skis. >> it was me and my dad and we were skiing and we saw the entrance to the double black diamond was a bit steeper than
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expected and we went to the side and my skis got stuck in the powder and fell and i started falling. i thought i would stop, but i didn't stop. >> what did you think when you went back and watched the video after this all happened? >> well, i was cracking up. because i was watching it and i was, like, why was i screaming but i realized it was very scary. it was pretty funny, there's an easier way down. >> i got it on video. >> you got it on video? >> i got it on video. >> oh, that's fantastic. an incredibly scary and shocking moment was caught on video in brazil. if you notice up ahead right here one vehicle seems to be speeding across that intersection and immediately strikes another car. that second car ends up smashing right into that white vehicle, but as you notice right behind that is a grandmother and her grandson, 5 or 6-year-old boy that vehicle runs in their direction. >> oh, oh, gork. >> goodness. >> and it runs over both of
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them. amazingly, watch the little boy pop right back up. >> oh, my. what the heck? >> and go check on his grandmother. she stays on her stomach. other people do come to render aid. she is moving this whole time. she's conscious. they both are taken to the hospital and believe it or not were released. they only suffered minor injuries. >> i can't understand how that doesn't break bones. >> it's unbelievable. now, this other incident was caught on dash cam in new zealand. this driver is pulling up on this intersection about to make a left-hand turn and then across the screen comes this. a big dump truck. >> whoa. >> uh-oh. >> with its dump bed completely lifted, but the driver doesn't seem to notice this at all. up ahead is a hanging t light. he smashes into it. sends it flying everywhere into little pieces. >> you think he started out with anything in the dump truck because now it's all over the
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road. >> some reports say that it was operator error. he did kind of screw this one up. >> how did he get that far? >> it seems like you would hear the drag it would sound different. >> the driver may be issued an infringement for operating an overweight vehicle causing the damage but the case is still under investigation. >> whoa. we got a bit of a bullfight. this time outside of a ring. this bull staring them all down looks quite agitated. apparently this bull got loose when they were trying to transport him from a truck to a festival arena. getting ready for some sort of big celebration. >> geez. >> why do they do this? get out of the way. >> a lot of people want to get out of the way but they can't to capture this bull and they don't want him running amok through all the spectators. a couple of the guys although they look like they are taunting to bull are actually trying to get a rope around it. >> he got it.
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>> perfect shot. >> he got the rope around the head and horns of the bull. another guy manages to pick up that rope and cinch it around the bull's horns. okay, that's good. now this other guy i don't really know if this is necessary. got his blue track suit on and now he has a bull by the tail. luckily this guy leaves the scene with his teeth intact. they scramble around and realize, okay, there's a tree over here. let's loop the rope around a tree and just slowly kind of reel the bull in so he doesn't hurt himself or anybody else. the guy holding the bull by the tail, i'm no cowboy, i don't know if that's an effective method but to me it seems cruel. >> i have to say once he started doing it, the bull stopped moving. >> maybe it shouldn't be grab a bull by the horns, maybe it should be grab a bull by the tail. >> i do feel bad for the bull, though. >> you do. you want him to be set free in a pasture somewhere. that behavior always seems
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to be caught on camera that's why they have sose cameras everywhere. in this case at a handbag store in oslo in norway and watch these awful guys. three masked men come backing in to the front door of this store and all three of them run in, taking high-dollar handbags. in fact, these are botega voneta handbags. >> my gosh! >> this is a big deal, nick, listen to these handbags cost anywhere from a thousand bucks to hundreds of thousands of dollars. and these folks got away with lots of them. >> trying to sell them on the street they're going to think that they're fake because they're selling them on the street, right? >> people don't care, though. people want that bag. they don't care if it's either a knockoff or if it's stolen. >> get a good price for that. >> police are still looking for these guys because they don't have a lot to go on because their faces are covered. the only thing they believe they think this was a black audi a-6
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station wagon that these guys were driving. now, over in russia some bad behavior was caught on police dash cam. in fact, you'll see some flashes in this dash cam. according to reports that is an officer firing at this vehicle. they did get clearance to fire because these guys weren't stopping and according to reports, this car almost hit one of the officers' patrol cars. got permission to fire and fire they did. they didn't hurt anybody inside, but you can see that they did lose control of that car. it spun out on the highway, ended up in the snow on the side of the road. officers did take these guys into custody for their bad behavior. a fisherman's got a big one on the end of his line. this began a two-hour struggle with the marlin. >> the happy ending after the tough reel-in. plus, got muscles? >> it's called the salmon ladder muscle up. but what goes up must come down,
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right? >> oh! trtry y ouour r dedelilicis new fresh mex bowls wiwithth c chihipopote or margarita chicken. alall l seservrveded w witith , like our new southwest chicken. chchilili'i's s luluncnco starting at 6 bucks. momorere l lifife e hahapp. [boy] mom!ughs] [mom] yes? [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa...
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[mom and dad] [laughing] [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom] you've got two left feet,boo.
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hey, don't forget there's an app for rtm, get on your ipad or an dry devices and watch videos anytime, anywhere you are. visiting restaurants and bars are supposed to be fun, happy times with your friends but that didn't happen with these two incidents. pay attention to the man coming into the entrance in the fast food restaurant in los angeles, he's got a bag but quickly
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followed by another man and a fight ensues. that man with the bag is identified as jesus vargas, he and the man get in a fight, but the man in the baseball cap breaks out a gun during the fight. jesus grabs the chair but it's no defense because notice who comes in this other entrance. that man in a baseball cap as well also has a gun. lapd says he is the one that pulled the trigger and shot jesus several times. jesus died a short time later at the hospital. >> what? >> gunfire in the middle of the day in a fast food restaurant and you've got two guys coming at this guy from both angles? >> absolutely. >> what was in the bag and why were they after this dude? >> los angeles police don't identify what happened between the guys they are trying to find out who did it at this point. this happened all the way back in july. they recently released this video and a $50,000 reward has been offered for information so they can close this case. this is at russia at a bar and for a minute you can see a
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guy and his friend talking over here but things quickly sour when some other men come into this bar. notice the guy in the light shirt with long sleeves, the guy with the knife begins to beat on him. he's stabbing at him and the beating continues. this video lasts for about 15 minutes and you never see the authorities. >> this is awful. what in the world? >> eventually the beating stops. what's unbelievable to me the man who is clearly bloodied had a knife on him and he's checking on the other guy multiple times to make sure he's okay. perfect time of year to do a little fishing down in australia. off the coast of new south wales. the water is beautiful. it's warm. this is tommy strideham and his buddy paul. >> and they are on a kayak. >> indeed. but it took a while. >> i feel that this go's feet are bait. >> dunk the contest there will be no swearing. >> a little bit of cheeky humor here from the australian.
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you see the rod bends. you hear the reel start to zip out and in the distance you notice a very large fish on the end of that line. it's a marlin. and this began a two-hour struggle with the marlin. he immediately calls his buddy paul to help out. >> hooked a marlin. hooked a marlin. >> i think they might need a bigger boat. >> you might think so, gail, but, tommy said this kayak was perfect for landing this marlin. they really get a good look at this beautiful marlin right you a round here from both cameras. >> whoa, that is a beauty. >> the guys say that is the last time they saw the marlin breach the surface before it started to go down deep. it was a 60-minute struggle to bring this thing close to the kayak. tommy said i'll call that a catch. tommy grabs that marlin by the bill. paul starts to towing him. now, i see that bottom lip and i'm with you, i don't like to see these big, big fish go down and my favorite part of this video, tommy starts to feel the marlin's headshakes.
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believes the marlin has revived itself enough, they release this big, beautiful fish. >> wow. >> big catch and release. tommy says that he doesn't kill anything he doesn't eat. >> i don't think they can bring that thing back on the kayak if they wanted to in the first place so i think this was their only option. >> man versus beast here, man won but beast gets to live. >> yay, beast. muscle up ladder. >> for some reason nowadays people are in to filming themselves posting it online, i don't know why, because this is the world we're living in now. i shouldn't talk that much smack because what he's about to do is pretty impressive. this video from juking video. >> yeah. >> whoa. >> impressive in itself. >> that's very impressive. >> yeah. >> i can see why he would record himself doing this. not many people can do it. >> yeah. but what goes up must come down, right? >> oh! smash. >> just as he's about to complete this thing you see what
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happens. that's when he went to kind of leave one arm released and the other side -- >> yeah. and this video we'll need to activate all of our blurring capabilities on "right this minute." this video from barstool sports. >> grab! >> oh! why naked? >> and all he can really get out is just that little hmm. >> can we make an effort to try to find a couple of videos of women doing stupid things just to kind of even that out. >> good luck with that. >> there are some out there, there just aren't that many. >> the grab! >> ha ha. little giuliana gets a sweet surprise. and she is mesmerized by the twirling ballerina, by the
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mirrors and the music. see how it truly sings to her. if you thought a white deer was rare, wait until you see what happens next. i never even imagined this. i can't believe we're seeing this actually. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ]
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i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ] finding you discounts since back in the day. call or click today. i like her.
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welcome back to the show, everybody! and don't forget to check out, great videos all darn day long. enjoy! you don't see this very often but it's pretty amazing to
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see. that is a mule deer buck and watch what happens. you're about to see something pretty cool go down. as it runs away, oop -- >> what? >> -- it lost half its set of antlers. >> oh, man, that's a shame because that's what you call a giant rack. >> yeah, it's a nice rack, you know what i'm saying? >> how in the world does that happen? >> they shed their antlers and they grow back. >> it's a natural thing and sometimes te fall off or sometimes they'll rut them up against trees or whatnot or in fights. >> it's in the middle of nowhere. >> normally you don't see it happens, but it happens. >> there's the other one. >> and this guy has a handy dandy pair of antlers. >> imagine having them on your head. >> all of a sudden he wasn't carrying it out on his neck and he probably didn't want to grow any more of them. look at this rare white deer. it's standing there. watch. and they both fall off and it scares him and he runs away. >> got scared by its own antlers. >> maybe it was the first time the antlers fell off and they
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didn't know what to expect. >> it's wild. i've never seen this. i've never seen a white deer before, it's crazy. >> i never ever imagined this, i can't believe we're seeing this. it's so bizarre. cat playing chess. >> yes. ♪ >> dropping a piece. ladies, prepare to just go ahh. this is a little 15-month-old julianna and this is the first time she's experiencing a music box. >> ahh. >> look at her little face. she can't look away. >> it's mesmerizing, how does it happen, you know? there's a cute little ballerina and she's twirling to music and
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there's a mirror, there's two of them. >> and, look, does mommy invite dad to watch, it looks like dad has an apron on and he says i think there's cuteness going on here. >> i think dad is into this, too, bus it ecause it is so dar adorable. she caulocks her head to figuret what's going on. judy released a video a few months ago saying she's now -- >> whoo! >> oh, she's really going to have her hands full right now. >> she's got 15-month-old julianna and now she's got two more on the way. >> julianna looks like a good kid and if she's mesmerized by the jewelry box, she has a trick, whenever she needs time for the twins, open the music box. >> watch this. the twins that shot to internet fame when they discovered they were separated at birth. >> they decided to fund a kick-starter campaign to help
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fund their
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the snowball fight association. well, they do. and they schedule events. this is their snowball fight just a couple days ago at dupont circle in washington, d.c. more than 200 people showed up. middle of the blizzard. yes. just make some snowballs and toss them around. and people do get smashed on the head when they're least suspecting it. this is an instagram video from the crowd. did you see this guy, boom. >> this is out in the open, too, there aren't many barricades you can get behind. every man for himself. >> yeah. >> i think if you were to walk through that crowd with, like, a helmet on, you'd become primary target number one. get the girl in the helmet. >> a threat.
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>> she can't feel a thing. >> attack! cat in a box. ♪ last year i introduced you to sam fudderman, sam fudderman had an interesting experience when she got home after an acting audition. >> so i just got home from an audition. and i am about to go online to facebook and then skype and skype my twin sister which is really crazy. >> that's right, she was in a video but a girl who was french but studying in london saw the video and tracked her down, i think we're sisters. we were born on the same day in
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south korea. and so these two girls started up a friendship to get to know each other and if you look at their pictures they look like identical twins. this decided to start a kick-starter campaign to film their journey, meeting each each other in london and visiting in north korea. they were able to raise more than $40,000 to do it. but now they've started a new kick-starter campaign to get the film made. they need $80,000 because they have over 42,000 clips of this whole journey. >> oh. >> so, there's no more questions. they are sisters, that's what we've discovered? >> well, they believe they're sisters. they do go to south korea to a convention for south korean adoptees where they find out, they don't say anything, because this is a trailer. >> are you ready for this information?
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because you know it's a life-changing thing, whether you are twins or not. but you're both ready? okay. >> i want to see the film. >> yeah. >> they got me. i'm hooked. >> well, in order to see the film they need $80,000 on their new kick-starter campaign and they hope to have this released by 2015. >> do you think we're identical twins? >> yeah. >> so upset about it. that's our show, everybody. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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