tv Right This Minute FOX January 23, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. there's no need to search the web for great videos, because we have the best ones right here, "right this minute." a dangerous situation as cops try to pull a wanted man from a car with -- >> a driver and five children. >> see what happens when threats and tasers don't work. >> get on the ground! a horse being rescued from icy water sends a clear message. >> everybody stay away from the pond >> why it looks
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get the memo. ever go on vacation and end up -- >> taking a really crappy touristy photo. >> find the two young women with an ingenious solution. and see where it's popular for women to have -- >> large ear bags. >> how to pull off a crazy new beauty trend. >> why do you want to look where you're about to cry? most people were ringing in the new year celebrating the beginning of 2014 this was the ugly scene in south ogden, utah. police dash cam from sergeant trent olson and officer scott brown they noticed 30-year-old scott sanders in the back seat of this vehicle. scott sanders has quite a rap sheet. he's a known gang member. has a history of violence, known to be armed at all times with multiple felony warrants out for his arrest. so, obviously when they noticed him in the car they go to pull him over. now you see sergeant trent olson walking up to the vehicle, of course, with his hand on his
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weapon within just a few seconds you see sergeant trent olson reach for his firearm, aim it into the car. >> turn it off! >> police say sanders kept reaching under the seat in this vehicle, again, he was in the back seat. you might think you hear other people in the car. >> yeah. >> there are. a driver and five children. between the ages of 2 and 8. eventually you hear sanders telling the driver go, go, go. >> go! go! >> right then's when the officer puts his gun back in his holster and tries using the taser but the prongs don't stick. now's when things get really crazy. >> get on the ground! >> sanders then gets out of the vehicle on his own and begins fighting these two officers. the altercation spilled into a nearby driveway off camera. it took more than three minutes of struggle between multiple officers and sanders to get him under control. listen to some of the things
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that these officers are saying to sanders. >> seriously? >> guess what, we're going to charge you with child abuse, too, child endangerment, felony three. >> all throughout the struggle they say he was reaching for his waistband. then you hear the officers say. >> always armed. >> and they did find a gun under the seat where, in fact, sablders was reaching and they found a syringe and meth pipe and on him they found meth and heroin so, of course, you can imagine sanders facing possession of drugs, assault of an officer, endangerment of a child, a whole slew of others. the driver also charged with harboring a wanted fugitive. two officers were hurt in this altercation. olson will be off duty for a couple weeks because of a knee injury from all of this. >> that was tense and i'm so glad it didn't go down a whole different way. a good thing that cameras are rolling when good behavior is caught on camera so you can
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go up and pat somebody on the back for job well done. in this case it's the rescue of a horse. she is stuck in a half frozen pond. evidently walked out on the ice. the ice wasn't able to hold her weight, so farmer comes to the rescue with a simple horse harness. but i have to say a very brave guy because he walked out on the ice not in protective gear. looks like he's got rain boots on and that's about it. but he checks a little bet and makes sure it's sturdy and he places the harness safely over the horse's snout. once he gets the harness on, takes the rope to the edge of the pond and tosses the rope to his buddy and his buddy is safely able to pull the horse out of the ice. unfortunately as the horse is being rescued from the ice, curious puppy gets stuck in the ice. >> are you kidding me, dog? >> now they have to go in and they have to perform a rescue on the dog. >> the dog's a little easier, right? because he's so small. they scoop him up out of there. >> that's what they do. the same guy that was on the ice
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before walk up to the dog and grabs him by the collar and pulls him up to shore. >> memo to the entire barnyard, everybody stay away from the pond. these folks deserve a pat on the back, this video picks up a whole team of animal rescuers in washington state and they are there for this little lady. this is charlotte. charlotte was out hiking with her owner and happened to fall 150 feet down a cliff to this poor little dog had to stay on a cliff ledge overnight. because rescuers couldn't get to her until the next day. more than a dozen rescuers showed up on scene. most of these from the dog rescue team. they lowered a rescuer down on the cliffside. they put the dog in a duffle bag, lifted the dog up to safety, and unfortunately the dog seemed to be having a little problem with her back legs. she was having trouble breathing and they think she may have gotten injured during the fall down the 150-foot cliff so they immediately took her to a vet's
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office where she is being treated and we all hope charlotte's going to be okay. i think some people should just walk. leave the scooters, cars at home. first video from china. this is a bit of an argument between the woman in the yellow who is riding the scooter and the mother and child standing in front of them. what i've been able to gather there was a run-in. it looked like the scooter may have bumped into the mother and child as they tried to cross the road. at one point they demonstrate how the mother and child ran out into this crosswalk. >> but it doesn't look like anybody's hurt. no damage, knock it off. >> i would agree with you. but they don't. in fact, it gets even worse. the scooter driver puts up the kickstand and it looks like she'll leave the scene but the guy in the blue coat fingered her face. well, now that really ticks her off. she grabs her helmet and tries to brain this guy. watch? >> yikes! she is one violent lady. >> i'm with her, though, he put
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his finger in her face and also pushed her face. >> tough call here. >> you're right. no real damage here. maybe this is one you call to move on. this guy is chilling out in a lobby in a hotel in brazil minding his own business when suddenly -- >> oh, boy. >> whoa. >> whoa. >> luckily he stood back up. >> that guy narrowly missed getting crushed by that car that comes crashing through the front of the hotel. reports coming out about this incident say that the driver and passenger had been drinking. the passenger a man, you see right there, reportedly gave his keys to the woman. she mistook the brake for the gas. and turned this hotel into a drive-through. >> if they wanted t check into the hotel, this was not e way comes to who did it, it's always who you least suspect. this time granny did it. burlington, massachusetts, police are on the lookout for this woman, the lady with the
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platter in her hand she's about to lift something that doesn't long to her. i want you to watch to the left, you see there, right there next to the window? that is a tablet pc, that woman takes it and puts it on the chair next to her and then she casually pulls and puts it in the bag that she's got with her. the sits down to enjoy her lunch after she swipes her tablet. >> was that somebody forgot it? >> somebody did. a previous customer had left it behind. you are charging it, it is against the wall and the person left it behind. her conscience didn't get her at all, she acted like it was hers. >> you can't trust anybody nowadays if grandmas are stealing ipads. a popular attraction gets a little off track. >> look at that thing.
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>> why those involved won't be tooting their own horns after this train wreck. and it is the latest beauty trend in japan. now venus breaks it down so you can look like you're tearing up. >> i'd be hot in japan. l new fresh mex bowls wiwithth c chihipopote or margarita chicken. alall l seservrveded w witith , like our new southwest chicken. chchilili'i's s luluncnco starting at 6 bucks. momorere l lifife e hahapp.
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on the tracks, but that's what happened in herman park in houston, texas. this is a miniature train, popular attraction, been around since 1957. you can see it's just like a fun little train and goes around for two miles, right? what kind of damage can it do to a parked car? you are about to find out because someone has a camera rolling outside of the train and watch. look at that thing. hits into this honda sedan and lifts it off the ground. you can see two of the tires wedged up against the curb. the other two tires a good two feet in the air. >> it looked like somebody was in the driver's seat of the car. why didn't the car move as it saw the train coming? >> hang on. >> the person went like this. >> no! >> funny, that gate's on the wrong side of the tracks. >> the gate's coming down as the car is parked on the tracks. that's probably why the car stopped because the gate started coming down and then the driver got confused, like, where do i
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go now? >> it's very, very weird. nobody was hurt in this crash. and the train was up and running the next day. aprc one of our stations in texas has some images that people posted on twitter of this incident. you can see there. it looks like a little toy train. >> yeah. yeah, it does. >> the car is bigger than the train. >> right. >> does your insurance pick that up when you get slammed by a miniature train? this is the tale of two kitties but i'm only going to focus on one. two cats won a competition to be in "cat" magazine. the cat on the left is lazarus and the one on the right is aristotle. let me tell you about lazarus, he has a cleft palate. he does look a little like a vampire cat. when he was found, he was infested with fleas. he also had no top lip. he had a bone exposed on the
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roof of his mouth and he has no upper lip or nose, so basically he's only got the bottom palate and he's got a cleft lip. so, his owner cynthia chambers has taken him in, nursed him, that was two years ago. >> oh, little guy. look at him. >> obviously the medical bills were very expensive so she started a facebook page so people could possibly help out and care for lazarus. as you can see here, he has more than 15,000 people who have liked this page. the donations went to lazarus, but theyis otr pets in need. lazarus actually goes out into the community and speaks to kids and encourages them about their differences. >> the cat talks? >> that's awesome. >> i know. >> i would donate to that cat, too. >> the cat talks through its owner, though, but it does talk. some people have asked can they just correct it and she says at this point doctors say it's better for him to be like he is as opposed to having corrective
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surgery. well, we spend time, energy and lots of money trying to get rid of the saggy eyes. >> the tear bag is the inflation and? [ speaking japanese ] puffiness below your eyes and look at cute baby animals who often look like they're about to cry. >> it's highlighting the area right under the eyelash. the lash line. make it look puffy. >> i'd be hot in japan. i got luggage under here. why do you want to look like you're about to cry? someone comes in and asks if you are all right. >> get attention? i don't get this as a trend. >> it's a trend. it's happening and everybody seems to be doing it in japan.
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>> first you don't need to squint your eyes to find your natural tear bag line with the shading color that is about two tones darker than your skin. follow that line. make it look as natural as possible by letting the end of the line fade away. >> i got to say, our little friend venus here is quite the da vinci of makeup. she's good. >> that's what it looks like. innocent and cute. >> imagine if they were a trend here, you see that girl across the bar, biggest tear bags. she looks so tired like she's been partying all night. >> you think she's going to cry? i think she looks like she's going to cry. >> she looks so strung out and tired, mm. it's the old switcheroo. >> it's really good. >> did anybody not notice? >> wait. >> see it work, next. "right this minute." and still to come -- >> x-rated animal kingdom. >> a baboon bares it all on the car hood so --
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>> give him some cookies. >> find out if the sweet treats are enough to make this monkey move on. plus -- >> what is he trying to do? >> see how a pheasant plays the tough guy. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance.
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school decided to take this problem and change it. i can't say what their hash tag is but it's no [ bleep ] photos. what they did was traveled to san francisco and to new york city, two very popular tourist destinations, and they went to the very popular spots where people might take photos, figured out the best place for people to take an effective, really good photo. took a little stencil, and then they spray painted their logo and those feet on the sidewalk so that people could stand in that location and then take a great photo. >> exactly, yeah. >> clever. >> i hope this works because people can still screw it up by shooting too high or too low or the worst the vertical picture. >> they should turn this into an app because they just spray painted on public property. >> it has been a problem and people have gone through especially in new york and they've erased the stencil painted on the ground but it's catching on, and if you check
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out their blogs, you can see that people are using their hash tag and taking pictures in new york city and san francisco using their fantastic footprint. to find out more about the project we have the two ladies behind it via skype "right this minute." welcome to the show, ladies. this is a fantastic idea. it's a really fun idea. what ultimately made you do this? >> we kept traveling and took really common photos from the same locations and decided to have a little fun so that's how we went around and started looking for angles and locations. y
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[tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit.
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then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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he tries again. >> how many people you have to kiss? >> one. >> i haven't kissed anybody. >> you have one. >> i was thinking make two? >> no, i think i will pass on that one for now. >> really? what about you? >> there you go. >> this girl here with the scarf on the beach, he found her but she might have been looking for him, too, because it works on
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her and then it continues to work. >> i think i just found my soul mate. >> i think i do. >> i love you, too, man. >> three kisses and an i love you. they fall hard when they fall. >> cats and dogs afraid of waves. there are certain things in our daily routine as adults that we rol really don't give much thought to but there are some things that are a little more difficult. >> what? >> ah. >> he just keeps going. >> yeah. he's on repeat. >> yeah, that's michael. he's about 3 years old and, of course, he's potty training, but when he gets to that one step of
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cleaning up, he's not so god atw through the halls until comes to his aid. i talked to his dad, rich, he's an old friend of mine. rich says he can do it. not so good and he'll just get louder and louder until somebody comes to the rescue. rich isn't leaving his little boy hanging. michael here is the youngest of five so he know what he's doing. >> somebody wipe my butt! >> how long does this go on for? >> i guess until somebody comes and wipes his butt. >> somebody wipe my butt! that's it for us here "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, we have all the great video that you've been looking for "right this minute." a skier starts out on a double black diamond run, but soon -- >> he's going headfirst. this is more like a waterslide. >> now meet the 12-year-old who barreled to the bottom in one piece. >> i just felt -- i thought it would stop. but it didn't stop. a car
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