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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 24, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman and it's time for the best videos of the day "right this minute." a volcano starts to rumble as a photographer starts to shoot. >> he caught it from the very, very moment of eruption. >> the amazing video from being at the right place at the right time. open your eyes. >> uh-huh, uh-huh. >> during brain surgery doctors have to track a patient's motor functions. >> they are doing that with these numbers. >> the story behind something
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you've probably never seen before. southern california's hot rod culture is at the heart of a -- >> a new show called "rods and wheels." >> check it out! >> now meet a member of the team that brings classic cars back to life. >> we turn them into jewels. he was hiding from mom but -- >> wally has actually fallen asleep. >> see when wally finally hits the wall. this is pretty spectacular footage. that was caught of an eruption in japan and it was captured on a red scarlet-x camera and you can see how beautiful this eruption is. >> it looks like he caught it from the very, very moment of eruption, the very beginning of the eruption. you never see this. >> you'd be waiting there for years. >> he must have been! >> well, you know, right before an eruption there are a series of earthquakes so that is
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probably what tipped him off that there was a big explosion coming. >> pretty awesome. >> but you see this plume ofable go so high up and covering the entire area that it is in. and you see it in slow-motion. this volcano has been erupting since 1955. it had one of its bigger explosions exactly 100 years ago in 1914. now, the area around it, because they do anticipate these eruptions do practice evacuation drills, so should a big, massive eruption happen, they have a plan of evacuation for the people that live in the area and the hundreds of thousands. >> erupts occasionally. why put hundreds of thousands of people nearby? >> every 100 years, you know, that's the last time, so just get geared up for 2114. >> it doesn't mean that this is it.
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some bad driving caught on a sheriff's deputy dash cam and you won't believe who's responsible for this problem. you are looking at footage from the diridon, he's responding to a call and heading through the neighborhood at pretty normal speeds, but watch what happens at this intersection. oh. >> was he hit? >> he was hit. he was hit by a vehicle carrying four teenage cheerleaders who were on their way to a christmas party. and if you go back and watch this video again, you'll notice that there is a stop sign in front of this sheriff's deputy's vehicle. as he approaches that intersection, he does not slow down nor yield nor does he have his lights and sirens on at the time of the crash. but that begs the question, did the girls have a stop sign they needed to stop at, too. >> no, there was not a stop sign in the direction that the other vehicle was coming.
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in fact, this is a pretty busy intersection. it's considered one of this area's main intersections. >> yeah. ladies, who's hurt? who's hurt? who is? okay. >> luckily no one was seriously injured in this crash. but one of the young girls did have to be transported to a local hospital to deal with some lacerations on her head. utah highway patrol did respond to this accident but no one was ticketed at the time of the incident. so now the sheriff's department is conducting its own investigation, and they do expect that the sheriff's deputy will receive a citation, but that is going to have to come from the county attorney's office at this point. sandra cruz had a slow-growing brain tumor and when she had a seizure, doctors said she had to have it removed. she went to baptist hospital south florida where she had to undergo an awake cranotomy,
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we've seen it on the show before. but what was interesting what they did during the surgery. here is sandra about to go in, once she's in, they marke marke places on her head. her skull is open and they have her talking. >> open your eyes. i know you are sleepy. >> they have her move her extremities hands and feet. doctors say that's to mark the parts of her brain that control motor function. they are doing it with the numbers, they place it on the brain to make sure they don't touch those so when they remove the tumor they don't affect her motor functions. >> that's, like, marking out evidence at a crime scene. >> yes! but watch. during the surgery she calls her husband. >> i am moving my hand and fingers, everything's good. >> that is bizarre. that is bizarre! >> and the doctor said after the surgery, she should be able to go home in two to three days and would be back in school because she's working on her mba in about a month. >> just the fact that they're
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inside her skull, inside her head and she's on the phone with her husband moving her hands and talking, what the heck? group of motorcyclists out for a ride in tijuana, mexico, and they are going pretty fast here. but it's not their speed that's making this video note worthy. it's this altercation here because there's something going on back here with a few of the bikers and a cabdriver. i got to say, this scene sort of reminiscent of the now infamous moment in new york city with that group of bikers and the guy in the range rover. but you can see here this time the altercation is with a can cabdriver. and this dude, remember this guy in the vest in the orange shirt. because you see him throwing rocks or something at this guy. eventually throws a rock at the guy's cab. but what makes it even weirder,
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this is a police officer right here. watch what happens next. >> oh. >> right in front of the cops! >> and he punched where that guy could have fallen in the street and been run over. >> it's the same guy in the orange vest and shirt that's throwing the rocks earlier. i don't know if the police officer is overmatched here or what. there's still people it looks like threatening the cabdriver and it looks like eventually he gets back in his van and the situation dissipates but gang mentality it looks like here, of course, from speculation, of course, but probably was some minor infraction out there on the road. a bystander catches a robber in the act. >> runs over. tackles the guy. >> why you could call this a quick reflex to take the dude down. and a new line of men's products is drawing lots of attention. >> the first luxury cologne with real protein in it. >> we'll reveal the sexy secret behind the ads.
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have two videos, very disheartening event. this left one happens at a clothing store. you see a guy entering what is covered up that's because his intentions are to walk over to the jewelry case, smash a rock through it and proceed to take the jewelry that is in that case. while that is going on, notice at the bottom of the screen a man starts walking up, and just as he's walking up the thief goes to run out the door.
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that's when this guy runs over, tackles the guy, manages to take the thief's sweater, his mask falls off and he ends up dropping the bag that contained $26,000 worth of goods. >> wow. >> he does end up getting away. the police are still looking for that guy. but that guy that tackled him down, air force officer. >> oh. >> when he saw the guy take off, he just went on autopilot and he took the guy down. >> it looks like high also played a little football in his day. >> no flag on that tackle. this other video is very unfortunate because it could put the future of a star high schohl quarterback in jeopardy. there's some sort of confrontation going on. one of the people involved takes the security officer and straight-up body slams him to the ground. the guy that does the body slamming is believed to be that star quarterback. >> he's not supposed to tackle people. that's why you have offensive linemen. what he is doing? >> he's a quarterback in
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detroit, and since august had verbally committed to go to michigan state. this could put that in danger, because of this incident campbell has been arrested. no charges filed when the video was first released. but apparently this is the second incident that campbell has been involved in. previously he apparently punched an opposing team member after they lost the game to them. >> i feel bad for him. the dude's go to be smarter than that. >> he has to pay for his crime. got a couple of websites to show you guys of new products, and i want you guys to tell me what you think of these, like, the first luxury cologne with real protein in it. >> what? >> freaking me out. i don't like seeing a big piece of sirloin steak on it. >> or what do you think of this black leather sheets that are 98% -- you are a dude, what do you think of those? >> no. >> you would sweat your junk off. the push-up muscle shirt and the before and after picture.
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>> like spanx for a dude. >> gives him a six-pack. actually, not a real ad. this is an old spice ad. the old spice guy is back, and nine websites in all and, of course, they are crazy, and if you click on any of them, you will get him doing an internet intervention. >> you inquired about a push-up muscle shirt and ask yourself do girls like artificially placed muscle shirts. >> what's an illegal neck machine. >> let me show you that. >> you just tried to buy an illegal network-out machine. >> i would like to point out my neck machines are certified. >> if your mom could say you she'd say i raised you better than this. >> occasionally guys are tempted to buy things that are not quite good for them. >> cologne with protein is an abomination. i drew a picture of a girl because this is the last time you'll see one if you make dumb
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decisions. >> start using old spice and we'll figure it out together. >> it is making old spice making it palatable to young people. >> i am not saying i would wear men's cologne but i would wear him. cars make great television. >> southern california is the heart of hot rod culture. it all started here in the 1940s and '50s since our sunny weather and warm climate keeps cars better preserved than just about any other place on the planet, but it still takes a ton of work to keep a 50, 60, or even 90-year-old piece of machinery looking good and running smooth. >> the discovery channel knows that, too. they're putting together a new show called "rods and wheels" it's all focussed on the southern california hot rod shop called da rod shop. has nothing to do with fishing poles. these guys are in the business of refurbishing these old vintage cars and hot rods. billy darian and steve rex they've been buddies for years
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and they are the main guys behind this whole operation and it's just fun to see what they can do with an old crappy rough bucket. that billy joining us "right this minute" is billy jr., and his son is just getting into the hot rod business. thanks for joining us. are you afraid of getting your hands greasy and dirty. >> nobody is going to afraid to getting their hands dirty is shane, steve's son. he's literally ocd and he can't put his hand on a car without freaking out about getting grease on there. i like getting my hands dirty. if you can't get your hands dirty, you won't be a great mechanic. >> there are so many car shows out there, what makes "rods and wheels different"? >> there's a lot of car shows out there and it's not just about the cars i think it's really about the family and the friend dynamic in the shop and we really have that. we've literally all been friends and basically family for, gosh, the past ten years, it's great having the guys by your side and working on cars together and it's a lot of fun and i think it
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comes through on the camera. >> one of the cars was just a carcass. >> 63 ford falcon. >> wow, really? >> you take it and make something beautiful out of it. >> you start with a carcass, there's nothing left and we have to take it and do the power train. we have to do the engine, everything it takes to put it together and, yeah, we do it. we take carcasses and turn them into jewels. >> do you have a favorite car that you worked on. >> i definitely have to say the camaro. chevys rock. >> you can catch the series premiere on the discovery channel. they just bought a winnebago, but on the way home, it went up in flames and as you can hear they are distressed. why this purchase was one big bust. >> oh, [ bleep ]. [ bleep. at mom, so he's hiding out behind blinds. >> but as you'll notice, wally has actually fallen asleep. >> see the sleach ieping disgui.
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[ sports announcer ] here's another one, alyson dudek.
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hales corners, wisconsin. nice pass by alyson dudek. can she hang on to that spot? and she does! [ male announcer ] with the u-verse wireless receiver, your tv goes where you take it, allowing inspiration to follow. ♪ [ dad ] looks pretty good, right? [ girl ] yeah. [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. ♪ [ male announcer ] add a u-verse wireless receiver today. you're history.cscalalp, memeet selsun science. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry. gegetsts t to o ththe e rorootod hydrates the scalp. seselslsunun e ititchchy y dry.
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when you buy a 1984 winnebago, you don't want this to happen on the way home. >> they just bought that? >> they just bought it. >> it was on the ride home? >> they said we were on the way home. this is a 1984 winnebago, went up in flames and as can hear they are distressed. >> i just dropped 60 bucks on gas, too. >> you will not believe what happens next. what could be worse than just a winnebago on fire? how about a winnebago on fire moving down the road? >> oh, no. >> oh, that thing is moving. >> oh, [ bleep ], oh, [bleep], oh, [ bleep ], oh, [ bleep ], oh, [ bleep ]. >> but you will not believe what it runs into. >> oh, [ bleep ], oh, [ bleep ]. oh! >> oh, no! >> smash. hit this. there was no saving this thing really by the point where these firefighters are fighting.
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but this video was posted on march 17th of 2012. but it is going viral because just the other day this person posted this video from another fire truck. same incident. this is a different angle of what happened. the good thing is, it wasn't the flaming side that hit the fire truck. it was the back. >> winnebago would be a good band name. if you were going to start a family band, you have a name. >> i like that idea, but sadly, though, the winnebago didn't make it. the band could, though. >> the band could, absolutely, yeah. >> oh, [ bleep ]. oh, [ bleep ]. oh! jumping for attention. ♪
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this could possibly be one of the cutest, most adorable moments ever caught on camera. this 2-year-old little wally and wally is hiding behind the blinds. >> oh, so he's doing the old if i can't see them, they can't see me thing. >> he is kind of doing that. but as you'll notice as the camera creeps in closer, wally has actually fallen asleep. >> still hanging on to the blinds. still keeping his disguise which is good commitment. >> i can't get enough of this little kid. apparently mom, crystal, who is behind the camera told wally that he couldn't go outside to play. she had a good reason, though, it was dark outside. so, wally was mad, so wally went to his hiding place to hide from mom where mom couldn't find him. he was just going to pretend he was gone and even though his little legs are sticking all the way out and he's just sitting there he believes that he is perfectly hidden. >> do you know what i would like to see happen? i would like to see wally become
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a meme, i would like them to do their wally in their snow pants and shirt and blinds, i would like to see people do their own re-creation. >> wally needs to do a meme, everybody needs do a wally. watch how wally gets out of his wally. he just lays down. he nods off and falls over. this is your call to action, we want to see your best wally. head over to our facebook, facebook.c and post your wally. a pro skier is about to attempt a twisty stunt. >> the double full fold. >> see how he practices to make
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they're talking about science. >> get down on your knees. meep [ bleep ]
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this video was recorded off the coast of turkey, and at first glance you're thinking just a big boat out there in the water going somewhere. but as you notice, as the boat keeps moving closer and closer and doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. >> why? what is this captain doing? >> the camera pans over and mortified by this. >> it seems like they knew it was coming and they were ready for it. >> yep, this is actually intentional, they beached that boat because they're going to dismantle it. >> whoa. whoa! >> it would be more fun, though, if these guys, like, made a funny video out of it. >> you are going the wrong way! >> da! dog goes for the balloon.
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>> how much are, like, the balloons? they're only a dollar at the dollar store, right? >> oh, my gosh! >> let him outside like this. if you're sick of counting down the days to the 2014 sochi winter games, here's some video for you to cure you. for the time being. the first from the lake placid world cup 2014 this is 18-year-old lloyd wallace a freestyle aerial skier pulling off the double full fold. >> yay! >> i got to say this is double fold full of awesome. >> yeah. how does a guy like this train, though? i always think that's interesting because it's not like you can just do that nonstop because you're going to hurt yourself, right? they practice this thing into swimming pools. >> that's cool. >> yeah, it's always interesting to see him. ♪ lloyd right now is a reserve. he didn't qualify for the olympics, so unless something
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crazy happens, he actually won't get the chance, but he's only 18. one guy you will see at the winter games is this fella here 24-year-old austrian marcel hersher. this is put together by red bull, he's an alpine skier specializing in the slalom, and he participated last time in vancouver. he's considered a gold medal favorite this year in sochi. he has a couple world cup titles under his belt. >> it is amazing that his legs are able to do this and his knees don't buckle under the constant churning. it is incredible. he's offering almost. that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute."
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>> a dr. oz investigation. dr. oz: today's show is going to change the way you shop for your family's food. >> the dangerous ingredients. ar -- care medical coloring. dr. oz: it increases cancer. >> are food manufacturers sacrificing your health? dr. oz: why do we allow this? >> a dr. oz investigation, next. dr. oz: today's show is going to change the way you shop for your family's food. america's most trusted consumer advocate, consumer reports is here to


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